The Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-02-10, Page 6 Specialized Medication Works Fast Right Where Trouble 1s! • Soothing relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute catarrh comes fast as Va-tro-nol spreads through the nose, reduces swollen membranes—soothes irritation, relieves trupwriff congestion, Mips gush Out. cold-clogged nasal w passages. Makes breathing easier— VA110411011 try it! Follow directions in package. Up Each Nostril Quickly Relieve' tuffiness of Catarrh A Few Drops tables in raw salads, fish dishes. • the bottle should be held under tire' To Loosen Stopper hot water faucet, allowing the hot When it seems nigh impossible to water to pour over it for a few' remove a glass stopper from a :bottle, moments, Maple Sauce 2 egg yolks 2,4 c, ha maple syrup c, whipped cream Pinch salt Beat yolks of eggs well and pour hot syrup over them. 'Cook in a double boiler until•the consistency of thin custard. When cold add salt and whipped cream and serve. Hints On Fashions The two-tone trend has extended to coats and a most attractive fashion it is, nice for those whO want new and interesting details for that all-import- ant 'Spring model, This useful coat, built on trench coat lines, has a beige top and a honey-tan skirt, and has other clever ideas such as stitched pocket flaps built'. up over the leather belt. It is singleTbreasted below long revers, and is 'slit in back from a centre seam that extends from-neck to hem. INSULATE FOR WARMTH Insulate for warmth, and' it you can's insulate your hi:fine take a tip from the past and insulate yourself. A visit to the RoYal Ontario Museum shoWs that padded clothes were worn in many parts of the world. In Eur- ope our ancestors made great use of this practical idea. The ladies used to wear quilted petticoats to guard against the cold of their drafty, under- heated houses. An 18th century ex- ample made of bright pink silk, elab- orately embroidered, is now on euchi- bition in the costume gallery. At this time men also used quilting, particu- larly for their waistcoats and dressing gowns. The Museum has recently been given an 18th century man's white satin dressing gown which is exquisitely and very finely quilted by hand, CONSERATION CLIPS No More Treats for Sparrows What to do with net-so-fresh cake and cookies is always- a problem. What about cutting the cake fingers, adding fruit and uncooked custard mixture, Set in a pan of hot water and oven-poach until set, Ever tried stuffing baked apples with stale cookie or cake crumbs? Good, but don't forget the spices! Dishpan Dialect Ilow's your dish washing assembly line? Here's how the routine should go for nileinntrn efforts and maximum results, 1, Wash cooking utensils as they are Used, 2. Tidy the kitchen 'before serving the meal, if possible, 3, Stink last minute utensils during meal, 4. have lots of hot water ready. 5, Wash pots and pans that have been left. es Itr cicah tin* water do glass, NaZlitliTH 7.2;21GUS YOU'RE CLEVER TO MAKE SUCH MARVELOUS BREAD Made in Canada I'M CLEVER TO USE SUCH MARVELOUS YEAST/ These Volcanoes Are Edible ili.itettYra Vou'LL find it easy to follow the instructions below and make a company dessert that will surprise and delight; if you can't get cinnamon red-hots at your store, use some other strongly flavored candies or spice up your apple sauce in your favorite way. As for the whipping cream, well, if that is not available, beat one cup of chilled light cream with two tablespoons powdered 'sugar until frothy. Add one teaspoon lemon Mee and beat until stiff. it's best to have the bowl and beater thor- nughly chilled for this process. Cream from the top of a bottle of rich, fresh milk, width has stood in the refrigerator for 48 hours, may also .be used in this same Manner. blow try your edible volcanoes. Volcano RehnetsCustard Apple Sallee: 1 cup stiff apple sauce 2 tablespoons cinnamon rod-bots Whites of 2 eggs Whipping Oream Set out 4 or 5 nappies or dessert glasses. Heat apple sauce with cinnamon redlots until dissolved (5 minutes). Cool, Beat the whites of eggs until stiff anti dry. Add apple samba mixture, 2 tablespoons at a time to egg Whites. seat until stiff, Heap apple Sauce whip in dessert glaSsies In the shape of Volcano With cone in top (1). Rave the top slightly MO r than top et dish, lour rennet-custard around (2), 19otell To matte a good stiff apple AO . 01100se tart Cooking tiPtilea such as Jonathatis. Five good-sized apples make about 1 quart when peeled, cored and sliced. Add to there 1/2 cup water, cover closely, and cook about 20 minutes. After the first 6 minutes, shake the pan vigorously rather than stir it, to prevent sticking. When apples are soft, add 1/2 cup sugar and whip with a spoon to produce a Sauce. If the sauce is not stiff enough to remain slightly heaped up even while hot place it, in a shallow pan hi a very slow oven, and cook until sufficiently dried out, stirring occasionally. Itennet•Custard: 1 package vanilla rennet powder 1 pint milk, not canned lifeasure 1 pint (2 tuns) cold milk, (not canned) Into saueepan. Warm slowly, stirring'constantly. Test a drop on inside of wrist frequently, When COMFORTABLV Warm (110° 1,) hot hot, remove at Mies from stove, Stir. Contents of peck. age into milk briskly until tilts, salved — not Over one .Minute, Pour at once, while stil Ifouldt around apple sauce Volcano. Do trot move Until firm about 10 min, utes., Chill. Just before terVing, drop a puff of whipped cream into the. "crater" of each vultano (3), and Serve itriniediateiY (4), ..111•MMIIIIN.II*.••••1•••1 rolli.1•60•••111••••••••••=•••m/..1.M1011==ft. 0 world war people paid for your mone4 worth more than the dollar of 1914-18. You get more money wisely You protect your dollar's worth eves time you buy a bond For instance, during the last fora pound of butter..while gou pay around today. It is the same with shoes and the other necessities of life. In 1917, they paid and you now pay for the sdine quality. This means your dollar is 1919 1944 —because price ceilings and'other anti-inflationary measures have kept the value of or dollar HIGH ! And you will keep your dollar high in value by using ..Pass up seine needless luxury"' . Pay off a debt _. ..Refuse.fo hoard .11•••••• ail,, goods vi„,„, . And refuse to frequent black markets. *That's how to make money with sour present dollars! Remember, dollars ore worth less if they buy less. • e- 1 49 Para Pare 44. rwAdiodr tamr,„-_,-, I promise to give my support to keeping the cost 0. of living down. I will buy only what need. I 0 will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell. d ing goods or services. I will pay off old debts, p" save for the future, invest in Victory bonds and War Savings CertiAcates. And I will support / taxes which help lower the cost °Hiving. Puttithed by 131tINVING INDtitsitY rONTARIO) to help it eel the Oninttet thAt inflation reptesentt tee ati the pebble blithe Nr41611, dollar is worth as muck as if can buy WINGFIAM ADVANMTIMS Thursday, Fghtuary 1.94 1944 ximitoygeteeoll STAMPS .2 5 fserfROCEN$ gether and serve over lettuce or other greens, Serves 4, Canned Tomato Allayomaise 1. cup real mayonnaise 11/2 c, Canned tomatoes c, soft bread crumbs Mix ingredients together thorough- ly, Makes Psi cups. Cottage Pudding c. flour 2 t.sps, baking powder tsp, salt % or 14 e, sugar 1 egg 2 thsps, melted shortening ), c. milk Sift together flour, .Salt and baking• pow.der, add sugar and mix. to a stiff batter. with egg, shortening and milk. Bake• in shallow, greased dish about % hour. THE MIXING BOWL * Me* 448AN *de* 1400* ikeseasaka VITAMINS ARE FACTS :Homemakers! Within recent years the word "vitamin" has assumed a new and vital significance in the Jives of people who had previously ;given it little, if any, thought. To-day, the great majority of active and intelli- gent homemakers do realize that is associated with both "a sound mind" and "a sound body," 'While vitamins cannot be seen, tasted or measured by weight, they 'can be measured chemically. They are primarily food substances which, in small quantities, are essential to a -regular and healthy way of life—a way -of life we are now seeking to maintain. Scientific research has unfolded a very enlightening story in the matter of vitamins. To-day, we know that people who take the foods which do not _supply adequate amounts, even of one vitamin, may find that they are not up to par when on the job, and that there is a lowering of resistance to disease, In the case of children vitamin deficiency will also cause their growth to be retarded, Official food rules have been care- fully planned in such a way as to as- sure a balanced diet. By observing these simple rules 'every day, people can enjoy a variety of food which will provide all the vitamins that build and maintain strong, healthy bodies. Ignor- ing these basic foods means ignoring the laws of nature. To renew acquaintances with the various members of the vitamin famiy we point out the prominence given by the air force 'in their diet to prevent night blindness or "dimout." This 'vitamin A is found in lezi•fy, green and yellow vegetables (carrots), liver, fish liver oils and butter. Vitamin B-1, which assists in pre- venting such distresses as pink eye and indigestion and, at the same time, gives the appetite a lift is known as the "morale" vitamin. It is found in whole-grain cereals such as wheat germ, cracked wheat, rye, buckwheat, oatmeal and flue Done which has beep enriched by these grains, Dried Peas and beans and lean meat are not so rich in vitamin 13,-1. It is highly important to recognize the value of wheat germ which can be served id the morning cup of coffee, On top of 'cereals Or in quick bread mixtures. In the next Mixing Bowl article, vitamins C and D will be discussed, Rgcipg$ Chocolate Cereal Pudding 2 cups cooked cereal, ilk cup wheat germ, 3 tbsp, sugar, 2 tbsp, corn sYrtiP, % cup milk, 14 cup cherries (candied), 3 tbsp, cocfaa. Mix ingredients and cook in a greased baking pan set in a pan with a little hot water in it. Bake until mixture is set, in electric oven at 30°, Rice Muffins % cup cooked rice, % cup flour, %tap, salt, 3 tsp. baking powder, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. fat, % cup milk, Mix- and sift the dry ingredients; beat eggs and add cooked rice which has been well drained and mashed. Add melted shortening and milk. Fold in dry ingredients. The batter is stiffer than ordinary muffins and may be dropped from a spoon on a greased sheet, Bake in electric oven 25-30 mins. Note; Any thick left-over cereal may be used. Economical Johnny Care 11/2 cups flour, 13/2 cups corn- meal, 4 tsp, baking powder, % cup milk, 11 tbsp. sugar, 3 tbsp, fat, melted, % teaspoon salt, % cup water. Mix and sift dry ingredients. Com- bine milk, water and fat. Combine the liquid with the dry ingredients. Pour into a shallow pan and bake in electric oven 20 minutes (425°). ' Applesauce Cake 1, cup sugar, % cup ,fat, 1 cup applesauce, 2 cups flour, % cup raisins, 1 tsp. soda, % tsp. cinna- mon, % tsp. cloves, 1/2 tsp. salt, % tsp. nutmeg, Sift• together soda, spices, salt and flour, Cream the fat, add sugar, applesauce, dry ingredients and rais- ins. Bake in moderate electric oven. This may be cooked in muffin tins or cup cake tins. Take a Tip 1. Make flour paste to use in fasten- ing down a piece of oil-cloth instead of tacking it on. When this is dons it cannot wrinkle or crack when being washed. Waxing the cloth will add to its wear too . . but do not spread bread on it to butter or you may have wax-flavoured sandwiches. ' 2. Open your home canned products carefully, not to damage the jar tops or rubber rings. Wash the jars and rubbers thoroug,hly-in soapy water and rinse twice in hot water When thor- oughly dry, put the rubber rings in the jars and put on the tops, then place on the cool storage shelf again, • * * * SUGGESTION BOX Mrs. C. A. says: Make a bottle brush using a stiff wire about 10 inch- es long; bend it about half an inch from the end. Cut pieces of soft string 6 inches long and tie in bunches of 6 strands to the wire, •about half an inch apart. You will find it con- venient to clean (Vases, electric toasters and other things. Mrs, J. D. says; Sew old rubber rings, which cannot be used again, on the under side of floor mats to keep them from slipping. • Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o the Advance-Times. Send in your duestions on homemaking prob- lems and watch this column for re- plies. Household Hints By MRS. MARY MORTON wrog!, To vary the meatless day menu when fish is often served, make a fish salad for a main couese. Today's Menu Tomato Consomme Toast Fish Salad with Canned , Tomato Mayonnaise Creamed Potatoes Cauliflower Cottage Pudding Maple Sauce Coffee Tomato Consomme 1 qt, caw tomatoes 1 c. water 2 stalks celery 1 small carrot 2 tbsps, chopped green pepper 1/2 onion, sliced 2 cloves or 4 peppercorns Small blade mace le tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. pepper Combine ingredieta in a . aucepan, heat to simmering point and simmer 15 minutes. Strain, season to taste and Serve piping hot.,,,ServeS 6, PiSh Salad 1 t, flaked, fish e. telery 2 tbsps, green pepper Make fish, cut in up celery and greed pepper in short strips, Oat to- silver and china, in that order, rinse,, and set in dish drainer only silverware need be. dried. 1.. Cover dishes with clean cloth, Double Duty Even the weatherman has been help- ing Canadians conserve Nei, in ninny parts of the country the winter has been mild compared with other years,. But ,,even so, there are times when a cold breeze sneaks in over the window sill. To keep the cold where it be-. longs . outside , try putting a folded newspaper between the storm window and the inside window. Catch- es dust and dirt too • , and helps. keep your curtains clean, Parsley Preview There's no charge or priority de- manded for the extra ration of iron in tangy flavoured parsley, • Its fresh dark. green -colour has became utility bettledress this year, and when it goes "active" it adds iron and vitamins A and C to our diets. Chop it up fine and float it on soup • . at the last minute of course. Or use it on vege- NEW VALUES FOR OLD A startling and challenging piece of information has been drawn to our at- tention by the DepartMent' of Nutri- tion Services, at 'Ottawa. In survey- ing and computing nutrition values on the fool available for civilian consturm- Won in Canada last year it was found that potatoes are the source of 35% of the Vitamin C that is available to Canadians in the present market. Moreover, one average potato con- tains enough Vitamin C to supply % of our daily requirement, Do you see the tremendous significance of these statements? Vitamin C is essential to our health and it is particularly diffi- cult to obtain the amounts that we need in Wintertinie. Yet the humble , potato is willing to come to our res- cue, if we will only take the trouble necessary- to avail ourselves of the value that is there, This means that we must cook our potatoes. properly. A mild deficiency of Vitamin C re- sults in defective teeth and bone for- mation, tender joints, headaches, low use of your furnace and save heating. the oven. Scrub the potatoes thor- oughly, grease the skins with a bit: of dripping so they will be tender en- ough to eat, and put them on the wide' ledge inside your furnace door, and they will bake in about one hour. Be sure your family eats the skin so they, get,the benefit of all the minerals, that lie close to it. Steamed potatoes are preferable to- boiled ones 'because this elusive Vita- min C. though 'easily destroyed by cooking in • water, is not as quickly destroyed by cooking in steam. If yaw have no steamer, suspend a colander over a pot of boiling water, put the potatoes in it and put a cover on,. Done in this way' they will take about fifteen minutes longer to cook but will have a very fine flavor. • If you must boil your potatoes, do so with the skins on! Don't peel them first. Scrub them well instead and; boil them in a covered kettle. Their nutritive value will be much higher.. Will following these measures mean. a drastic ,change in your kitChen rou- tine, and in family habits of long standing? Well consider the benefit it will be to the family health, the foolishness of throwing away half of the values for which you have spent your money, the wisdom of exchang- ing a good habit for a bad one — then take theplunge! Begin educating your family now! With the women of Canada rests the responsibility fa ,making every ounce of food that we eat count for the -very most in nutritive value. resistance to infection, digestive dis- turbances and general weakness and 'restlessness. This same Vitamin C is destroyed by overcooking, especially in rapidly boiling water in an open kettle, . Potatoes contain enough Vitamin C to supply. one-third to one-half of our daily requirement — if we do not bail it away in preparing those potatoes for the table. Boiled pared potatoes have become a staple daily dish in vast numbers of Canadian homes; With the result that Canadians are deriving great benefit from the energy-giving value of the potato, but are losing the Vitamin values which could so easily be included. The solution is simple enough:- 1. Bake your potatoes, or 2, Steam your potatoes, or 3. Boil potatoes in their jacekts with a cover on the pot. Baked potatoes are the most nutri- tious form in which you can eat them. Very little of _the value of the potato is lost if it.is baked. Why not make •••11.1•01/