The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-08-12, Page 1Subseriptions $2.00 Per Year a
With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrle Vidette LLnd Wrozeter News. ,
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, TI4URSDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1943 Single Copies Five Cents
Mrs, Frank collar has received
word that ler husband, Sig. F. H. Col-
lar, .has undergone an operation for
the removal of ,his appendix. Friends
will be glad to know that he is making
a satisfactosry recovery.
Frank has been rather unfortunate
since he arrived overseas in England
as he spent two months in a hospital
the early part of the year having
sprained his shoulder very badly.
Contracted Mumps
Miss Jessie Pearson, who recently
resigned as manager of the Chainway
here, is confined to her home at Ethel
with an attack of the mumps.
Liberals fost 4 Seats
With the election last night of Fred
Rose, Labor Progressive, in Montreal
Cartier; Armand Choquette, Bloc Pop-
Waite, in Stanstead, Que., William
Brice, C. C. F,, in Selkirk, ,Man,, and
Joseph W. Burton, C, C. Fe in Hum-
boldt, Sask., the overwhelming majs
ority of the Liberal party in the House
of Commons was decreased ;by four
seats, All four tidings were former-
ly held by members of the Liberal
party. The reshuffle of the 245-seat
Commons following Monday's bye-
elections will mean that the Liberal
party's former representation of 174
in the 1942 session will go down to
Mrs, Thomas Coultes of Toronto, is
spending a short holiday at her home
iii Illitevaie. On Sunday, Mrs. Coul-
tes 6elebrated her 92nd, birthday and
enjoyed a family party, including Mr.
and Mrs, sack McIntosh, Molesworth;
Mr. and Mrs. C. li. Coultes, Listowel;
Dr, J, F, Cotiltes, Philadelphia and
Miss Mabel Coultes, Toronto; Mt. and
Mrs. Fullerton, Molesworth; Mr. and
Mrs. German and son of Clinton,
. Corbin 'Gold Trophy
The beautiful gold Trophy above ' The rink had top score of three wins
J. A. Johnston of Mildmay Made -Of-
ficial Count On Tuesday
The official count ,vas made for
Huron-Bruce at the Town Hall here,
on Tuesday afternoon, by J. A. John-
ston, returning officer,
The official count gave Hanna the
majority over Hill of 156 and 1535-
over Lantz, The total vote was 12136
of which 64 were rejected or spoiled
ballots, This vote on Wednesday last
Week was 2033 less than 'that .polled
in 1937 which was 14169,
Frank Collar Making Satisfactory
Please Examine Label On Your Paper
Subscribers attention is drawn to
'the fact that the, mailing list has been
corrected up to and including Satur-
day last week, August 7th, Please
examine your label and if there are
any mistakes notify this office at once.
If you find that your label reads in
arrears, July a, or further back, an
early settlement is necessary to -keep
bur lists up-to-`date.
With rationing of newsprint and
other regulations it is important that
all papers be paid in advance. Your
co-operation in this regard will be
greatly appreciated.
Over the week-end four officers of
the loCal reserve battery wrote exams
at Guelph. They were A, M: Peebles
-of town, Cecil McAlpine pf Lucknow,
Howard Wylie of Wroxeter, all mem-
bers of the 99th (res.) Battery and J.
,Harley Crawford of the 21st. (res.)
'Field Regiment`r,s'R. C. A,
Mrs. Thomas Irwin received word
that her son, Gordon, of the Ordin-
ance Corps, had arrived overseas.
With the arrival of Gordon overseas
Mrs. Irwin now has three sons serv-
ing in England, The other two boys
Howard and William are with an ack
ack battery over there.
Raised Money For Chinese Relief
A very successful social was held at
the home of Mrs, Norman Baker in aid
of Chinese Relief, July 23rd, The
sum of $12.20 was received. The next
social to be held at the home of Mrs,
Stuart Henry on Aug. 20th,
Gave Address On Cemetery Penna.
tient Care
An effort is being made to have
permanent care at Brandon cemetery,
telgrave, and a meeting was held le
Belgrave on' Thursday evening to
make arrangements to contact all in-
terested parties. Mr. W, A. Galbraith
Wingham Town Clerk, was the guest
speaker and he explained the system
used by Winghatn Cemetery for the
past twenty years.
Elttevale Cemetery is also thinking
up the idea.,of having permanent care
In connection with their cetnetery and
have sent out earls to lot holders,
When Yon Finish With Your New
Magazines Donate Them
The public are reminded that the lo-
cal branch of the Navy League is very
anxious to procure: as many as pos-
sible current magazines for use of our
sailors and -merchant marine, As
soon as you are through with your
magazines please drop them in the
bOx at anyone of the following places,
Omar Haselgrove's Smoke Shop; Hy-
dro Shop; McKibbon'S Drug Store;
J, Mason and Son's Store,.-
'Vont. co-operation in. 'the past has
.been very fine -but -this is 'a j'ib for the
duration so please dropp-yotir magaz-
ines in one of the boxes every week,
35.000 C. W A. Cs.
Also Required Are A Number of B1
B2, and Cl Men
An effort is being made to enlist
throng-hold the Dominion 35,000 C. W.
A. C.s. Military district No, 1., with
headquarters at London has a quota
of 2450, Any girl or woman who de-
sires information regarding this branch
of the service can obtain it from the
mobile recruiting unit which will be
at the armouries' here every Friday.
An urgent call has also been sent
out in 'this military district for 700
category Bl, 132, and Cl men, Info';
nation may be had at the armouries
or from the mobile recruiting unit,
Boys 17 years of age are being re-
cruited for trades training.
Mr. and Mrs. Noirnan Rintoul spent
a week at Port Elgin.
Pte. Kenneth Stapleton of London,
was home for the week-end,
A.C.1 Royal McArthur of Toronto,
spent the week-end at home.
Mrs, C. B. Armitage and son, John,
were TOronto visitors for a few days.
Mrs, L. Cs Young has returned to
Toronto, after visiting friends' in town.
Mr. James Moore of Chatham, is
visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Pullen.
Mrs, Arthur Sainsbury of Toronto,
is visiting with Dr. George' and Mrs.
Calvin McIntyre of Teeswater left
last week to assume his duties in Lab-
Master 'Donald Wilson of Walton,
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ,Mc-
Mrs. W. W. Armstrong is spending
a vacation at Port Elgin and South-
L. A. C; Dell Ewing of Deseronto,
is spending a furlough with his,
Mrs. C. G. Gammage and sons, Geo.
and Robert are spending a holiday in
Lieut. A. D. MacWilliam of Win-
nipeg, is spending a furlough at his
home here.
Mrs, T, Fells was a visitor over the
week-end with her daughter, Wren
Doris Fells,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison of
Montreal, visited with his mother, Mrs.
Robert Bell.
Mrs. Harry Myers of Banff, was a
visitor with her sister-in-law, Mrs. T.
L, Torrance,
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Bain and son,
of Newmarket, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Zurbrigg.
Mrs. W. Scroggie of Guelph, has
been visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Alex. Forsythe,
Floying Officer W. T. Booth of Fort
St. John, B. C., is spending two week
furlough at his home here.
Mrs. F. A. Stark and daughter, Bet-
ty of Detroit; have returned to their
lime after spending ), their vacation
with the fornier's sisters.
The office of Dr, George Ross Will
be closed August 14th to 29th while
he is attending summer military camp.
Purchased Belgrave Property
Mr. C. R. ,Coultes has purchased
the* house and store property of the
late R, McKenzie at Belgrave.
Patriotic flange
At Glenamtan School, Aug. 11, with
orchestra. Draw for quilt And
two door prices, Proceeds for boxes
for total boys in the service,
Closing Office For Two Weeks
Dr. George W. nowson's dental
office will be closed from August 14th
to 29th, while he is attending Reserve
Army Military Camp at Fetawawa,
with a plus of 39. There were 48 en-
tries from all parts of the province.
Th e cup was donated by the Corbin
Lock Company. It will be on display
in W,ingham.shortly,
No One Was Much Injured Although
Six Were In Car
A group of young local people had
a very bad fright anda very lucky es-
cap e on Thursday evening when the
car in which they were riding turned
completely over into the ditch near
the 10th bridge, East Wawanosh. The
car driven by Clayton Coates had five
other passengers and they all escaped
with a shaking up except the driver,
who injured his leg5 but was able to
carry on his duties at the Bank of
Commerce the following morning,
The car was a complete wreck.
Underwent Operation
Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon received word
on Friday that her daughter, Mary
was operated on for appendicitis in the
Kitchener Waterloo Hospital, Thurs-
day evening last, •
Fractured Bone In Elbow
Six-year-old Gerry Storey had the
misfortune to fall off a neighbour's
porch railing last week and fracture
a bone in his right elbow. His par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Storey re-
cently moved from Teeswater to oc-
cupy the former Groves house yin
Lower Wingham. •
A unit that arrived overseas recently
included a number from this commun-
ity as follows: Major R. S. Hether-
intgon, Capt. Eimer D. ,Bell, Capt.
R. M. Spittal, Lieut. Richard Roberts,
Lieut. James McKagtte, B. 5, M. Bert
Mitchell, 33. S, M., Alex Corrigan, B.
S. M. Earl. Gray, Sgt, Stewart Jeffrey,
Sgt. Ted Elliott, Sgt. George TerVit,
Sgt. Fred Howson, Sgt. Joe King,
Sgt. Frank Hopper, tdr, Jim Lee,
L/Bdr. Win, Hogg, Gnrs, Bert King,
Jahn Walters, Lloyd Elliott, Dave
Besides a couple of other items in
this issue mentioned new arrivals over-
seas there is yet another from here
that went on the same convoy, Jim
Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Cameron, They received word Friday
that Jim had arrived and it was the
first message to be received here from
any on this convoy;
Mr. and Mrs. John R, Clark also re-
tented a cablegram last week that
their soh, Cpl. John t, Clark had at.-
rived safely overseas.
seas there is yet others from here
Mr. arid. Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin re-
ceived word on Monday of the safe at-
'feat overseas of their son, Ken,
Mrs. K. 5. Knnington of Goderith,
has- received word that her husband,
Ken is now overseas. Ken was mana-
ger of the Dominion store here.
Leave Ors the 1,15 Train Saturday
The 99th (Reserve) Field Battery,
R. C, A., under the command of Maj-
or Walter VanWyck will entrain for
Petawawa at the C. N, R. station at
noon on' Saturday, The battery will
return on Sunday, August 29th, It is
expected that five officers and about
60 other ranks will attend the camp.
The 21st (Reserv0 Field Regiment
of which the 99th is a unit, under the
command of Lt. Col, George W. How-
son, will be at the camp for the two
weeks. The other units of the regi-
ment are Kincardine and Listowel
batteries. The regiment staff which
will attend camp from here comprises
six' officers and a few other ranks.
Cadi Tacks Fine Onto Delinquent
Members of the 99th. (Res.) Battery
For failing to attend parades Magis-
trate Walker, in police court here on
Monday morning, fined five members
of the 99th. (Res.) Battery. Four of
the lads were from Wingham and one
from Lttcknow. The fine was $3.00
costs for each man and each re-
ceived suspended sentence on ten other
charges of not attending parades, They
also received a very severe lecture as
to their responsibilities as members of
the reserve force and as citizens.
Stationed In Africa
Mr. and Mrs. D. Lediet have receiv-
ed a letter from their son, Preston,
from North Africa. The letter was
received last week and he states that
he is well.
Presented With Shower
The P. H. A. M. Club entertained
Miss Jessie Pearson at the home of
Mrs. Stewart Jeffray one evening last
week and presented her with a cup
and saucer shower.
Third. At Lucknow , . . • .
In the trebles tournament held at
Lucknow on Friday night a local rink
of 0. Haselgrove, 13. Porter and W.
Miller, skip, won third prize with three
wins and a plus of ten:
Underwent Operation
Mr. Eldon Peterman underwent an
operation on Friday last in Wingham
General Hospital. Mr, Peterman is
employed with the Central Aircraft
Co., London, His many friends in this
community wish him a speedy recov-
ery. •
Tournament Postponed
The doubles bowling tournament
billed for Monday night was postpon-
ed until Tuesday evening on account
of rain but the greens were so wet
that the games were further postponed
until Monday next week. •
Honored At Dinner Party and. Shower
Al dinner party was held at Will-
iam's restaurant on Tuesday evening
last week when the employees of Gur-
ney's Glove Works had for their guest,
Miss Marion Fry, bride of Saturday.
Miss Fry was presented with a beauti-
ful wool chenille bed spread.
Later the same evening, Mrs. Carl
McKay, at the home of her :mother,
Mrs. S. Bateson, was -hostess at a mis-
cellaneous shower held in Miss Fty's
honour and which was attended by a
large number of her friends. She re-
ceived many lovely and useful timings.
Fractured Bones In Hand
Mrs. M. (Dr.) Kennedy fractured
two bones in her hand at Kincardine
last week. Mrs. Kennedy was spend-
ing a vacation at her cottage and was
in Kincardine with her granddaughter
doing some shopping when she-tripped
on the curb and in the resulting fall
fractured the bones in her hand. Mrs,
Kennedy and her daughter, Mrs, Ham-
bidge were in town on Saturday on
their way through to Aylmer- West,
where Mrs, Kennedy will visit for a
Lions E xpect Frolic To Be Beat Yet
The Annual Labor Day Frolic on
Labor Day evening 'should be about
tops as already the committee have
arrangements just about complete.
There will be fun for alt and the pro-
ceeds are for a most worthy cause,
under privileged children.
Plan to attend this gala event in
Wingham, Labor Day -evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lane of New
Westminieter Celebrated Diamond
Wedding Anniversary
Recently at their home, 1333 Fifth
street, New Westminister, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Lane celebrated their
sixtieth anniversary of their marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Lane were both born
at Belmore and were married on July
4th., 1883. For 36 years of their mar-
ried life they have lived in New West-
minister. Prior to retirement Mr,
Lane wal for many years engaged as
a building contractor, Mr. anti Mrs.
Lane have all their lives been closely
associated with church work. Mr.
Lane was a manager of the Presbyter-
ian church and is now senior elder of
the United church,
Both, Mr. and Mrs. Lane are in good
health, and are very much interested
in world events. Mr. Lane has a Vic-
tory garden in which he spends many
hours each week.
Mr. and Mrs, Lane have four sons
and two daughters: Miln 'Lane, Santa
Cruz, Cal; Eldon Lane, Victoria; Wal-
lace Lane, Vancouver; Clair Lane,
South Westminister; Mrs. J. A. Mc-
Donald and Miss Laura Lane, New
Westminister, A son, 'William Stan-
ley Lane was killed at St. Eloi during
the First World War and another son,
Dr. Walter Ross Lane, died in Los.
Angeles recently. There are 12 grand-
children and four great-grandchildren,
Mr. Lane is an uncle of Mrs. Isaac
Stokes, Glenannan; Mrs. James Stok-
es, Wroxeter and Mr. George Lane,
Clinic Will. Be Held In The Council
Chambers, Wednesday Morning,
August 18th.
If you have not donated blood at one
of the Red Cross Mobile Blood Clinics
which has been held here you will have
an opportunity to do so on Wednesday
morning of next week as the 6th. such
clinic is being held here at that time,
Leave your name at McKibbon's Drug
Store as more donors are required.
Any who are notified to attend this
this clinic and find it impossible to do
so please notify Mrs. W. J. Greer so
that the schedule may be re-arranged.
The :kation Board for this District,
No 31 will hold a meeting on Thurs-
day this week here to make arrange-
ments for the distribution of the Rat-
ion book No. 3. It is, expected that
the Wooks will be issued on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, August 26, 27,
28. Full information will appear in
next week's paper.
Stationed In .Manitoba
Jim Sanderson, who recently joined
the R. C. A. F., has been stationed in
Presented With Chair
Miss Jean Cruickshank whose wed-
ding took place on Saturday was pres-
ented by the girls of the P. IC A. M.
Club with a beautiful walnut chair.
Now Warrant Officer
Congratulations to Flight Sgt. Rus-
sel Barnard of Summerside, P. E. I,,
who has been promoted to the ,rank of
warrant officer. W. 0, Barnard has
over 1000 hours flying time on con-
voy and patrol duty to his credit.
Waste Of Coal, Heat A Crime
Munitions Minister Howe said that
art order-in-council will be passed
which will make it an offence to waste
coal or heat, and that the order will
apply to everyone—householders as
well as commercial and industrial us-
ers. To achieve the purpose of the
order a nation-wide conservation pro-
gram will be launched, with the ob-
ject of saving at least 20 per cent of
the -coal which was burned. last year-.
F. D. R. Vacationed In Cattada
Tanned by a week of Ontario sun-
shine, President Roosevelt plunged
immediately into the affairs of state
and of war which apparently were also
his vacation -companions. First an-
nouncement that the president had
taken 'a short vacation in Canada,"
came on Monday front Presidential
Secretary Stephen Early at the White.
House. Mr. Roosevelt, the statement
from a short vacation on the north
shore of Like Huron near McGregor
and Whitefish Bays"
Action -On -Cream .,coNstipp, boat,.
ported Until October 1st.
Plans were made by the gover4nent
to zone the collections of cream. These •
zones were drawn out and only one
creamery could go on .a 'certain ione,
The farmer could if -he desitesLtaka
his cream wherever he wished but'-cmnly
certain creameries could' gather 'pane,.
on certain "designated routes. --"
There has been a protest made about
this system by the creameries effected.
and a meeting was held in • MitChell
and in Toronto after which the goiern-
mem officials -were notified that the
arrangements as laid down at present,,
which were to take effect - som&irne
next week, were not satisfactory: and
they ask that no change be made`
no rhaege will be made • it -was an,
nounned Tuesday, until after Ottaber,
Mrs, Malcolm AleCatnnion, of Port
Credit, spent the week-end with her
father, Mr. Alf. Lockridge,
Mrs. Percy W. Gray and Patsy and
Alfred of Toronto, are spending a few
days with Mrs, R, McArthur,
,Mrs. Vic. Laughlean of Southamp-
ton, spent the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Orvis.
Misses Marjorie Sinnamon and Iso-
bel McLean spent a holiday in Kitch-
ener with Miss Mary Sinnamon.
Rev. C. and Mrs. Berry and family
have returned to Manitoulin Island af-
ter visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C.Bhip-
pen. • : , 4 Ik.r
Rev, Jack Roberts of Vancouver Is-
land, nad his bride, are visiting with' -
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles As
Mrs, C. T. Taylor and daughter,
Marilyn of Vancouver, B, C., are vis-
iting with her parents, Mr. and MrS.
Geo. Orvis.
Misses Peg Fuller, Verne Walker,.
Edythe Mundy, Beryl and Hilda
Brown, are spending a vacation at,
Grand Bend.
Mr!and Mrs. Leonard Bennett and
little son of Chatham, spent a clay last
week with the former's mother, Mrs.
T. Bennett.
Mrs. John Garniss and son, Frank,
of Morris, and Miss Lillian Garniss of
Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs, Martin
Garniss recently. • • :s
Misses Margaret Connell and Louise
Lloyd, of the St. Michael's Hospital
staff Toronto, are spending a holiday
at their homes here. • 1,
Mrs. H. Goertz:en of London, has
returned home after spending a few
days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. 0. Haselgrove.
Mrs, W. F. Burgman and Ruth,
Mrs. Fenn of Parkhill and ,Marion
Grant of Windsor, are holidaying at
the llurgman cottage, Bruce Beach.
Mrs, C, V. O'Connor has returned
to Fort William after visiting for the
past three weeks with her mother, Mrs
W. Reid and sister, Mabelle of town,
Mrs. Herbert Kelloway left here last
Wednesday for Valley Field, Que.,.
where she will join her husband for a
short time. Mrs, Kelloway has spent
the past two months at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Clark
of Wingham.
Kummer - Cartwright Wedding
At the United Church Parsonage,
Wingham, on Tuesday, August 3rd.,
by Rev, F. G. Fowler of Bluevale, the
marriags was solemnized of Olive
Mae, daughter of the late Mr, and
Mrs. George Cartwright of Wingham,
to Mr. H. A. Kummer, of Preston,
Prime Minister Winston Churchill
arrived secretly and unobserved by
the public in Quebec on Tuesday and
shortly will engage in his sixth and
possibly most portentous war confer-
ence with President Roosevelt of the
United States.
A brief official communique was re.
leased after Mr. Churchill mut his
party—including his wife and 'daugh-
ter, Mary—had been received by
Prime Minister King at The Citadel,
summer residence of the Governor-
It was announced there will be
"discussions" between the British and
Canadian Prime Ministers before
starting the larger conference with
President Roosevelt, and the combin-
ed chiefs of staff,
was won at Belleville on Civic Holi-
day by a rink composed of Omar Has-
elgrove, Art. Wilson, Mel Donahue,
Alex. Crawford, skip. This is the first
time the Trophy had been up for com-
Rey, W. A, Beecroft ilreache,d At
Both Services. Services Next Sun-
. day Also In the United Church
Large eongregations were present at
the United church Sremday morning
and evening for the combined services
of the Presbyterian, Anglican and, the
United churches. Rev, W. A, Bee-
croft conducted the services and he
preached at both morning and evening
' The services on Sunday next will also
be in the United Church.
At the morning service Mr. Bee-
croft snake pf `R. moral interpretation'
'of History". God acts through his-
torical events. God acts through men
whom he calls to follow in the path of
duty. Dunkirk, Stalingrad, Tunisia,
and now Sicily represent the mighty
cats of God, mighty acts of deliver-
ance, mighty acts of judgment. Thank
God for His mighty acts. Thank God
for the men through which He brings
mighty acts to pass.
For his evening address Mr. Bee-
croft compared many things of nature
that is impossible for us as human
beings to produce. It is beyond the
power of the artist to paint the picture
- of the sunset. Its glory is inexpress-
ionable. It is beyoed the, power of
the poet to put into words the love of
a mother, the heroism of a soldier.
Here too there is a nobility inex-
pressionable. So with our religious
conception; our conceptions of heaven,
of God, of Jesus. The half has never,
been told. Now we know in part,
some day we shall know if even as also
we are known.
TA anthems were "What of These"
and "De'ar Land of Home." The
-flowers on the altar, Roses and Glad-
ioaia, were from Miss Cora Beckwith
in memory of her mother.
Floor Show, Dante, Gaines Lions Frolic, Wingham, Labor Day Evening, Monday, Sep 6th
- • .-