The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-07-08, Page 1With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette aid Wroxeter News. Single Copies Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 8th., 1943 Subscriptions $2,00 Per rear ANOTHER WINGHAM FLIER MISSING Fit, Sgt. William Harold Fria Missing Overseas Monday evening Mr, and Mrs: Har- old Victor Pym received word that their son, Flight Sergeant William Harold Pym is reported missing after air operations overseas on July 4th, To them and to their daughter, Mrs. R. G, Rae (Marion) and their son, jack, we extend sincere sympathy from the, people of this community and the wish that they receive very soon bet- ter news, Bill enlisted in July 1941 and in Ap- ril last year graduated as a Sgt. Air Gunner at Fingal. He arrived in En- gland in May and has been operational flying since last August. He is attach- -ed to the R.A,F. He is 21 years of age was born at Exeter coining here with the family from Listowel in 1939. He attended Wingham High School and was an apprentice in the under- taking business prior to enlistment. s POTATOES REPLACE FLORAL GARDENS Floiyer Beds At C. N. R. Station Are Now Victory Gardens Mr. W. F. Burgman, C., N. R. Sta- tion master, will have a partial supply of potatoes this winter at least as he has changed the flower beds at the Station in Victory Gardens and the potatoes that are growing there look line and healthy and not unsightly. Many about town have planted ex- tra gardens this year and the Victory garden idea has taken a real hold in this community but the most novel idea is probably the changing of the -flower beds at the station into Victory gardens. Now Lance Sergeant Bdr, Joe King, son of Mrs. George King of Culross, had been promoted to the rank of a lance sergeant. howled At Walkerton And .Goderich On Dominion Day two pairs repre- sented the local Bowling Clttb at the doubles tournament at Goderich. They both won two and lost two. Four mixed rinks attended the trebles tourney at Walkerton the same day. One rink Mrs. S. N. Hare, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Mason won fourth prize, BAPTISMAL FONT WAS DEDICATED SUNDAY Font Was Presented To The United :Church by Mrs. Greer In Memory Of Her Late Husband, W. J. Greer At the regular Sunday morning ser- vice in Wingham United Church, five infants were baptized. A beautiful baptismal font was presented to the church by Mrs. Ethel Greer in mem- ory of her late husband, Mr. W. J. Greer. Rev, W. A. 13eerocit accepted the. gift on behalf of the congregation and before the dedication of the font, Mr. Beecroft reminded the congrega- tion that Mr. Greer had been a faith- ful member of the church and had tak- -en a leading part in all the activities, He had been Secretary of the Board of Stewards from 1900 to 1942. The font is -built of oak in a shade and style similiar to the other wood work of the pulpit furniture and a silver memorial plate is attached. Following the dedication, the bap- Aismal Service was carried out when five infants were presented: Ethel Greer Dunlop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dunlop; Peter Graham Carmichael, son et Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carmichae4 Robert John Newcombe, son of Mr, and Mrs. Aubrey New- combe; *John Byron Adams, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alton Adams' and Way- ne Albert Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Johnson. Rev. Beecroft welcoined Miss Caro- line Wellwood, who has just returned from the Mission field in China and asked her to address a few words to the congregation. Miss Wellwood spoke briefly remarking that she had spent thirty-seven years in China, as a Missionary and expressed -her regret at being forced by the'war to vacate her post and return. home leaving so much Still to be accomplished, The ,journey home required eight months and there were 120 missionaries in the party, She noted the absence of many old friends in the 'pews since she had been here Seven years ago but was pleased to tee so many young people filling the vacancies. She hoped later to become better acquainted with eVerydtie. 70 LODGES WILL CELEBRATE HERE Largest Crowd In History Expected On Monday next, the County of North Huron Loyal Orange Lodges will -celebrate the Glorious Twelfth in Wingham, Wingham Lodge No, 794, will be the hosts and the local lodge has, made careful preparations for a splendid commendration day, Lodges from the counties of West Bruce, Cen- .tre Bruce, South Huron, North Perth and South Perth will be present. Close to 70 visiting lodges will register. On Sunday morning next, the Coun- ty of, North Huron will attend Divine Service at St, Paul's. Church, at 11 a. m. Monday morning L. 0. L. No. 794, will meet in the Lodge rooms at 8 o'clock, in annual session and to com- plete all details for the day. At 10 o'clock the brethren will march to the Cenotaph accompanied by the Citizen's Band, and in brief ceremony will de- posit a memorial wreath. At 12 noon, a meeting of the visiting lodges will be held in the Lodge room. Line Of March The. Lodges parading will assemble at the grounds of the Central School, corner of John and Frances. Streets, at 1 o'clock led by the County Master and Past County Master, both on horseback and the Wingham Citizen's Band, the parade will move off. Pro- ceeding down John Street to Josephine then south to. Victoria street, then turning west again to Minnie street; the parade will move along, to Patrick, turning right at that corner proceed- ing to Josephine again, and will" turn north along the main street to the Wingham Town. Park. From the platform in the Park, his worship, Mayor Crawford will wel- come the visitors, and Rev. E. 0. Gal- lagher will be chairman of proceed- ings, Addresses will be given by M. L. E. Cardiff, M. P.. for North Huron. Mr. J. W. Carson, Past Grand Mas- ter of Ontario West, Rev. Geo. W. Moore of Listowel, and Rev. S. M. Scott, Past County Master of Victoria, Following the address the Foundry and Lloyds will compete in a softball game. Carnival Afternoon and' Evening From two o'clock on, the Lion's Club will conduCt a monster, carnival on the main street with all types of games and booths for the entertain- ment of the crowd, The Lucknow Kittle Band and the Wingham Band will, supply music at the Park during the afternoon, The Lions Club has also arranged for street dancing be- ginning at 2.30 p. m. The Fife and Drum Band Competi- tion will take place on the -platform, following the addresses, Mr. H. V. Pyin . will judge the entries. The people of Wingham are looking for- ward to a great occasion on the 253rd. commemoration of the -Battle of the Boyne. Attending Embalming School Mr/Jaek Heal, assistant to Mr. A. J. Walker, is attending a two week's course at the Embalming School, To- ronto. Dancing Friday and Monday at Royal-T. Friday evening McDowell's Orches- tra. Modern and old time. Monday, July 12th,, Carruthers' ,Orchestra. Modern and old time. Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fear, Morris Township, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Bell, to Mr. Joseph Alexander Higgins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Higgins, Turnberry Township. The marriage to take place the latter part of July. Raised Funds For Chinese Relief A very enjoyable evening under the huspices of the R, S. W. A„ in aid of the Chinese Relief Fund was held at the home of Mrs. A. Finlay, John Street. The amount received was $11,56. The next social evening will be held -at the home of Mrs. Norman Baker, July 28rd. Arthur Man Named D. D. G. At the Lions Zone meeting for the district which comprises Wingham, Rarriston, Palmerston, Mount li`-orest, and Arthur held at Palmerston, S. B. Stothers,, B. S. A., of Arthur, was named Deputy District Governor. An- other Club will shortly joint this dist- rict as men from Wroxeter, Gorrie and vicinity have formed a club which will have its -installation ceremony in Sep- tember. Stothers is no stranger here as he was Agritultural represent- ative for Huron at one time. DOG BY-LAW HELD UP FOR PRESENT" Council Wants Expression Of Opinion From Those Opposed To Dogs Running At Large At a meeting of the council held on Monday evening a petition was pres- ented to council, requesting them not to pass the, proposed' by-law which would prohibit dogs from running at large during the summer months. The petition, was signed by sixty-four cit- izens, At the last meeting of the council a notion was passed giving notice of motion to introduce.a. by-law to have dog's tied up for the months of May, June, July, August and September. The results of this action was the pre- sentation of the above petition to the council. The by-law had been prepared and was read by the clerk. Much discus- sion followed but the general opinion of the council was that the period of time was too long. Finally a motion was introduced by Counc, Johnson and seconded by W. VanWyck that the by-law be tapproved but that the period of -time be changed to June, 'July and August. Some of the members thqught that an expression, of opinion should be're- ceived from those who want dogs tied up during the early summer season and the following amendment by Repve Evans and Counc. Davidson was car- ried, That a petition be presented to council by those who wish dogs to be stopped from running at large, , A number of bills were presented for payment by the finance committee and among them were the final pave- ment debentures for Diagonal Road and Victoria streets. These accounts were ordered paid on motion of Couns. Wilkinson and VanWyck. (Continued on page seven) JOHNSTON FAMILY HELD RE-UNION A very pleasant time was spent at the farm of Mr.' and Mrs. Harvey Johnston, Grey Township, on Satur- day, when the Johnston family re- union picnic was held. Forty-four were present and some were present from as far distant as Haliburton. Games and races were held for the younger folk while the elder ones had a fine time talking and reminissing over old times. The oldest couple present was Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and the youngest Ross Pea- cock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Williazrt Peacock. "' Mr. Harvey Johnston was elected president for the ensuing year and. Jack Wickstead was named secretary. Bride-To-Be Showered Mrs. Robert Hickey entertained on Tuesday evening last for Miss Mar- garet Miller, when a -number of her friends honoured her with a kitchen shower. She received many lovely gifts in black and white enamel ware. Recent Enlistments. Among those who joined the4 active army recently is W. Marvin Brown, son of Mr, and Mrs. Win. Brown of town. Another enlistment of interest here is that of H. T. (Bonny) Foster, of Blyth, Bonny was a member of the hockey club here for a few years and for a time was employed at Fry and Blackball's factory. LETTER' DROPPED BY PLANE WAS FOUND Letter Addressed To Mr. P. R. Biggs Found On The 4th Of Turnberry Darell Biggs, son of Mr, and Mrs. Percy Biggs, Lower Wingham, is at present training at No. 4, A, 0. S., R. C. A. F., at Crumlin, near London. Last week a plane from there was booked to fly over Wingham so -Dar- rell wrote a note to his father to be dropped and as he said to see what happens. Well this is what happened. On Sat- urday afternoon, John McTavish was working in a field on his father's farm, 4th concession of Turnberry and he found the letter. It is not known, when it was dropped as it was not dated, It was brought into the Advanee- Titnes office on Monday and later given to Mr. Biggs, If it was drop- ped over Wingham it drifted quite some distance as the MeTavish farm is about 8 smiles from here. °atoll's note said it would be drop- ped in a paper bag but it was not in a hag when found nor was there one in the vicinity, CAMPAIGN TO STAMP OUT U-BOATS NOW IN FULL SWING Canadians Are Asked. To Purchase iSufficient War Savings Stamps In July To Supply 15,000 Depth Charges During this month the people of Canada have a real war job on their hands, They are asked to supply thrnugh the purchases of War Savings Stamps 15,000 depth charges. The campaign is entitled "Stamp Out The U-Boat" and if the $1,350,000 in War Savings Stamps is purchased -it will have much. to do with stamping out the submarine men-ace. Vigorous and enthusiastic -support for the plan is asked from every work- er, every local unit,. every organiza- tion, large or small, which is a sales outlet for War Savings Stamps. The objective is a high one and it can only be attained if every possible person takes part and considers this their personal business. All of us cannot have the thrill of actual battle experience but we at home -can have the satisfaction of pro- viding the weapons for the men who do the fighting for us. Right now the need is more depth charges. FIFTH BLOOD DONOR HERE WED. JULY 14 More Volunteers Are Required For This Clinic The Red Cross Mobile,,Blood Donor Clinic will hold another clinic here on Wednesday morning, July 14th, in the Red Cross rooms. This will be fifth such clinic to be held. More volunteers are required for this serviec so if you have not as yet entered your name, please do so at once. Both men and women will be accepted as volunteers. Leave your name at the Red Cross rooms -or at McKibbon's Drug Store, Dance Indefinitely Postponed The Mart Kenney Dance at the Royal T has been- postpoed indefinite- ly. Attending Summer Camp Five local boys are attending the United Church Camp at Goderich this week. They are Murray and Maurice Stainton, Jimmie and George Hall and Bill Pollock. SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICER WILL BE IN WINGHAM Date Of His Visit Will Be Listed At Post Office In an effort to serve employers throughout the Province and persons in rural areas, arrangements are being made to send a National Selective officer to visit the small towns throughout the counties of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, Renfrew and Hastings, Grey, Bruce, Huron and Perth. It has not been found prac- tical to maintain a Selective Service office in every town and many people have found the distance to the nearest office a bar to making application for employment. Many have not had an to learn the possibilities of employment in nearby towns and cities and it is with this in mind that these visits arc being arranged. Announcements have been, sent to all local post offices indicating the time and place where interviews can be arranged. These will be close to home and it will be convenient for our people to drive in and talk matters over with this representative. No presstre will be brought to bear on any individual but general information will be provided and opportunities will be described for those who are inter- ested. Ontario is the leading industrial province in Canada and industry these days means war production. Our sons are in the Armed Forces and it is our responsibility to back them tip with the munitions they need. This in- cludes not only the shells, guns, tanks, ships, aeroplanes and other items to be used in combat but also includes clothing, food and a tremendous var- iety of other products. This is'your opportunity to learn where you tan best fit into Canada's war programme, If you are not now engaged in ' essential agriculture be sure and visit the Selective Service Officer whose location- can be deter- mined by reference to' the poster in your post office. GREEK .RELIEF FUND CLOSES SATURDAY. Time Etended. For Donatioar ToThe Greek War Relief Fund To Allow Time For All To Subscribe The subscription list for the Greek War Relief Fund will remain open until Saturday this week so that all will have an opportunity to donate to this most worthy cause if they have not already done so, Leave your donation at either bank or if it is inconvenient for you to be about in banking hours you may leave your donation at the Advance-Times Office. During the past two years that the Greeks have been under the control of the Nazi the condition of the people has ibeccime steadily -worse. Food can be purchased only by those who have plenty of funds and even then- it is not available most of the time. Children die in the streets as do the aged and yet these people have a spirit that can not be crushed by the Nazi invaders. The International Red Cross attends to the proper distribution of the food and it is shipped there under their banner. By these arrangements one is certain that the food sent reach- es its proper destination. The fund closes Saturday night, Donations Previously acknowledged $213.81; Dr. R. C. Redmond, $2.00; Mrs. H. Ross, $1,00; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid, $2.00; Miss Aldyth Graham, $1,00; Mrs. Geo. King, Culross, $5.00; Mrs., Walter Scott, Belgrave, $2.00; Fred- erick Massey, $1.00; 9th. of Turnberry, Red Cross Group, $25.00; Emily 'A. Holloway, $2.00; Bernice Reynolds, $2.00; Jr. Red Cross, Bluevale Public School, .75c; Alice Aitken., $2,00; A. B. Adams $5.00; C. Lloyd & Son $50.00; Rev. W. A. Beecroft $2.00; Speiran Re-union $25.00. Total to date $341.56. SCOTTY ROSS SENT US A PICTURE Last week we had a letter from Scotty Ross, his full title now is. Sgt. Henry Ross. Scotty sent us -a picture that was taken in England and which appeared in a magazine over there. This picture is of a gun crew and one of them is, a Wingham man, J. R. (Jack) -Johnstone. Jack is now on the gun and had his back pretty much to -the camera. This picture is in our window. Scotty says it will not be long now. He requests that we thank all the Wingham people for what they are doing, so we pass this word along. Engagement Announcement Rev, and Mrs. Archer Wallace of Maple, Ontario, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Kathleen, to Mr. William Benson Cruikshank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benson Cruikshank of Wingham. The marriage to take place July 24th., in Toronto. Holiday Was Quiet Here Dominion Day wont off very quietly, here indeed. There was some activity at the tennis courts wtheite a semi tournament was held but other than that there was not' much doing, There were not the usual number of visitors either as the holiday coming on Thursday did not give many sufficient time to jounrey about. The gasoline shortage also may have something to do with travel conditions. RED CROSS DONATIONS RECEIVED IN JUNE The Winghain Branch of the Red Cross wishes to acknowledge the fol- lowing donations for die month of June and to thank the donors for their gifts:—Mrs. Wm, Lott, 2 quilt tops; Mrs, H. Campbell, 1 afghan; Mrs. J. J. Evans, 12 oz, khaki yarn; Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Whitechureh, 1 quilt; Women's Institute, 3 quilts, 2 crib quilts; Witighatu High School, '?pair socks, 1 helmet, 7 pair bootees, 2 doz- en hankies, 3 nighties, 8 pair pyjamas; 13htevale Red Cross Unit, 1 quilt; Whitechurch Unit, 15 quilts, 2 crib quilts, (Among these were donations from Mrs. W. Dawson, Mrs, A. Wil- son, Mrs. A, McPhail, Mrs. J. Nor- man, Mrs. J. Webb, Miss, A. Mato, Mrs. McGee, Mrs, G. Jamieson.) Cash Donationst—Mrs, R. Polloeles Group, Whitechurch, for Comfort tags, $2.85; 9th. of Turnberry, per Miss Jean Wilton-, for Comfort tags, $5.00; Miss McCallum, $1.00; 9th, of Turnberry, proceeds of dance, per Mrs. R. A. Hastings, $25.00. HUGH HILL NAMED LIBERAL CHOICE FOR HURON - BRUCE Hon, Harry Nixon Was Special Speaker At The Huron - Bruce Liberal Convention Hugh Hill, a former reeve of Col- borne --township, was chosen by the Huron-Bruce liberals on Monday night here as their candidate in the Ontario election which will take place August 4th. Mr. Hill is 58 years of age and was born in Colborne, where he operates a 350 acre farm. He is secretary of the Guernsey Cattle Breeders' Association of Ontario and a past president of this association. He is also a past president of the Cana- dian Guernsey Cattle Breeders' As- sociation. In all nine were nominated, Mur- dock Mathieson of Ashfield, Wm. J. McKay of Huron, Hugh Hill of Col- bonne, Raymond Redmond of East Wawanosh, John McNab of Grey, Alex Alexander of Grey, John A. Johnston of Mildmay, Alex Porter- field of East Wawanosh and W. H. Fraser of Wingham. The- first five stayed in the race and on the first ballot John McNab and Raymond Redmond Nere dropped. On the sec- ond ballot Mr. Hill had all but one of a majority over the other two and while' the ballots were being distri- buted to chose either Mr. Hill or Mr. McKay the latter withdrew and Mr. Hill received the nomination. Hon. Harry Nixon in his address stated that the Liberal Administration during the past nine years had given back to the people of Ontario over $70,000,000 by means of the •1 mill subsidy, road grants, etc. The path of the municipalities had been made easier as the Government had taken over the payment of mothers allow- ances and old age pensions. Muni- cipal debts have been reduced by over $200,000,000. I have been called a puppet. and a stooge for the ;Ottawa government, he said, but the government I lead will not be a puppet or a stooge for any other administration and we will make this province a better place in which to live. When we took office, he said, the financial affairs of the province were in a state of chaos. The debt was in- creasing steadily. We at once insti- tuted a sound policy and in two years had a budget surplus and last year had not only a balanced budget but a surplus of $28,000,000 and the net debt was reduced by $11,000,000. I take great pride in the extention of Hydro, he said. Since 1934, 10,- 500 miles of new lines have been built and we have serviced over 72,000 ad- ditional users, and at reduced prices and my intention is to give tins mat- ter my further attention. Ontario can get hydro cheaper than now, he said, and some measure of equalization should be put into effect. We will make hydro available to all the prov- ince at reasonable rates. There are 1ih, million horsepower on the Ottawa and vicinity available and it can be produced cheaply. He predicted the (Continued on page five) Arrived Overseas Me, and Mrs. Roy Adair received word on Tuesday morning that their son, Kenneth Balder, has arrived safely in England, Opened Committee Rooms Time Progressive Conseravtive As- sociation of Huron Bruce, have opened committee rooms in the store former- ly occupied by the Willis Shoe Store. To Instruct At Uplands Pilot Officer Elgin Coutts has just completed a course all Riveres, Man., and is visiting with his parents, Mr, and ,Mrs. R. A. Coutts, prior to join- ing the-instructional staff at Uplands, Party Held For Bride-to-be On Friday night Mrs. Jack Sparks and Mrs. Bill Henderson were host- esses at a party held :at the former's home in honour of Miss Marjorie Hall, Who was married the following day. About twenty of Marjorie's girl friends were present and they presented her with a lovely walnut table, Inspector rot, South Huron Mr. R. Staples of Alexandria, Public Sehool Inspector for Glengarry, has been appointed to a similiar posi- tion for .South Huron, He succeeds Mr. E. H. MeKente, who has been in- spector for South b een for the past year and who ,has been appointed prin- cipal of the Normal Selina at Peter- borough. TREBLES TOURNEY WAS liELD MONDAY Twenty-Two Entries Tool4 Part • The Trebles tournament held by the Bowling Club on Monday night was a very sueesseful one as there were 02 entries, Walkerton 2, Lucknow Teeswater 2, Seaforth 2, Goderich, Clinton 1, Come 1, Clifford 1, local. 9, Outside rinks took four of the five prizes, 1st. J, McDonald, B. Christie, Lorne Dale, Seaforth, skip, three wins plus 20; 2nd. C. Rieman, A. Robb, Ed, Mathieson of Clifford, skip, three wins plus 7; 3rd., B, Good, Ted. Brant; Bill Kerr 'of Walkerton, skip, three wins plus 3; 4th,, J. Gurney, Gordon Mc- Kay, Jack Mason of town, skip, two- wins plus 16; 5th, A. Blair, E. Cox', J. Porter of Teeswater, skip, two wins plus 9. In the last two games played it is believed that Jack Mason's rink set a record in that they scored fifty con- secutive shoots. They blanked their opponents in the second last game and in the last game two shots were chalk- ed up against them in the last end. To Teach At. Stone School S. S. No .7, Morris, have engaged Mrs. Robertson, Parkhill, as teacher. ENTRANCE TO HIGH SCHOOL RESULTS Wingham, Centre Adams, Lenore; Anderson-, Audrey (Hon.); Armitage, John ,(Hon.); Arthur, Helen; Armstrong, Helen; Armstrong, Mary; Beninger, James (Hon.); Burgman„ Ruth (Hon.); Campbell, Colin; Cowan, Pauline; Cook, Gwen (Hon.); Currie, Doreen (Hon.); Cummings, Michael; Deyell Madaline; Ernest, Grant; Finlay Rob- ert; Fitzpatrick, Theresa; Foitton.„ Barbara (Hon.); Gilkinson, Wilfred; Glousher, Edith; Hall, James (Hon.); Harris Florence; Henderson, Iona; Higgins, Mildred; Irwin Audrey; Johnston, James; Johnston, Ross; Kelly, Clifford (Hon.); Kress, Wil- liam; Lloyd, John Reg, 10(5); Lockridge, Donna; McCormick, Eileen; McGuire, Audrey (Hon.); McKague, Peter; McKay, Alan; Mc,- Pherson, Florence; Montgomery,' Vera; Mason, Dorothy; Nethery, Bill; Newman, Barbara (Hon.); Newman, Donald (Hon.); Ohm, Rose; Pocock, Norman; Procter, Mary; Sanderson, Betty; Shiell, Elmer; Shiell, Jack; Simmons, Allister (Hon.); Sturdy, Helen (Hon.); Swanson, Gloria (I-Ion); Stamper, Wendell; Taylor, 11a; Templeman, Edna; Templeman, William; Thompson, Alnia; Town,. George; VanCamp, Donna (Hon.); Walker, Ernest; Wall, Leslie Mae .(Hon.); Young, Marguerite (Hon.), Fordwic,h An kenrn an, Wayne; Braun, Betty; Caudle, Shirley; Denny, Raymond; Dietz, Geraldine; Felkar, Edith Ann (Hon.); Harding, Elsie; Hartung, Marjorie; Johnson, Reta; Lambkin,. William A.; Mann, Donald; McKenzie, Joyce; Rever, Erieen; Ries, Willard H.; Wallace, Maurice (Hon.); Wilson, George D.; Wilson, Kenneth. Wroxeter Campbell, Neil (Hon.); Edgar, Al- lan; Edgar, Donald; Edgar, Eleanor; Harper, Clara; Iiill, Murray; Howes, Gilberta; King, Lorene; King, Lorne; Neill, Raymond; Renwick-, Walter; Sawtell, Helen (Hon.); Stewart, Jam- es; Stewart, Mary Isobel; Taman, James. Brussels Centre Aicock, Jean; Dell, Wallace; Camp- bell, Margaret; Cardiff, Vera; Coutts, Doreen; Hodges, Eleanor (H); Knight Kenneth; Lemmex, Dorothy (H); Lawrie, Shirley; McFarlane, Mary; Oakley, Carrie; Querengesser, Clif- ford; Quinn, Betty; Sanderson, Ed- ward; Sellers, Marie; Shaw, Frances; Shaw, Nora; Sholdice, Elva; Sullivan, Phyllis (H); Watson, Leona (H); Wilton, Jean (H); Work, June (H); Workman, Margaret. A number of these pupils are on "Farm Leave" and will be issued High School Entrance Certificates after the- School Inspector has received state- ments signed by the employers (who may be the parents) to the effect that thirteen weeks agricultural work have been -completed. Blyth Centre Brigham, Enid; Brown, Lois; Camp, bell, Clare; Cowan, Wm.; Craig, Betty; GOW, 'OadyS; Grasby, Mildred; Rosa, Clayton; Howatt, Jim; Marsh, Betty (Non.); ,Marshall, Margaret; Nichol- son, Edwin; Nicholson, Velma; XiVinS, Lillian; Metter, Lawrence, (Hon.); Watt, Donald; Watt, Irma, (I-ton.); Watt, James, (Ron.); Young., Win.