The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-02-11, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
TWO Show* Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 11, 12, 13
In —
"The Wife Takes a Flyer"
For an evening of mirth see this picture
Also "Andy Clyde" "Cartoon" "News"
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 15, 16, 17
— In—
Mary Roberts Rinehart's Lovable spinster.
Also "Short Subjects"
Horne and School Club Meet.
Qn Thursday evening, February 4,
the regular monthly meeting of the
Home and School club was held at
S. S. No. 5, Morris.
The first part of the evening was
spent playing Lost Heir and Euchre.
"Health" was the theme of the pro-
gramme, .which was in charge of the
president, James Michie, The meet-
ing was opened by everyone singing
"There'll Always be an England,"
accompanied on the piano by Donna
VanCamp. The minutes of the last
meeting were read by Mrs. Earl And-
erson in the absence of the secretary,
Earl Anderson. The topic, "Our
Health Programmee" was given by the
teacher, Miss Dorothy Golley. This
was followed by a demonstration of
exercises to music, by the senior girls,
and a choral reading "Playing Out-
side" by the Juniors. A Health Quiz
was conducted by Muriel Anderson
First Class Watch Re-
pairs at Moderate Prices
All work guaranteed and done
on the premises.
Baptist Church
Rev. John Lucas, Pastor
Pastor will speak both morning
and evening.
Services 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m,
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
We invite you to attend church.
Radio Service
Phone 171
Lituunit mricria
Wallpaper Clearance Sale
Roorni Lots as low as $1.00, $1.50 & $2.50 per room
Living Room Papers, reg. 25c, 35c, 40c per
roll at „ — . , 19c
Bedroom Papers, reg 30c per roll • at 19c
10% Discount on all lines of Flo.Glaze and Canada
Wedipaper Shop
timpippopippipipposiipm .
- Ready-made curtains in nets and
frilled styles now on display,
$1.19 to $4.95 pr.
Made to measure for your wind- .
49c, 59c sq. ft.
0 WS.
...111=11•110.411011MIMMIONOVII•••=•••• mormaliamomagsram
FOR SPRING :=4:7•74.-714:tgm.4.7.-
31.a.1-1 your new §pring drapes now.
Make them early, before the hustle and
bustle of housecleaning. We never had P.
bigger stock for you to choose from.
HOMESPUNS -- Striped patterns in Rust, Blue, Green, Wine 79c to 1.25 yd.
CHINTZES — Gay floral patterns . , 79c to $L50 yd.
§HADOW CLOTH — Soft Colours, woven patterns. Shadow cloth is al-
ways in demand
50" RAYONS — Solid colours in self-tone patterns $1.00, $1.25 yd.
50" DRAPERY LINING—Natural colour ,59c yd.
69c yd.
— For
Magazines, Tobacco
Smokers Sundries
Smith's Economy Food Store
TOMATO SOUP tin: 10c PUMPKIN' ..... ..... tin 13t
. Asparagus Tip,s; ... 34c Pkg.
Green Peas ..... 24c pkg.
Cut Wax Beans 24c pkg.
Cut Green Beans 24c pkg.
Whole Kernel Corn ..... 24c pkg.
Lima Beans ' 36c pkg.
Peas and Carrots . , 24c pkg,
Whole Raspberries 32c pkg.
Pie Cherries 28c pkg.
Blueberries 26g pkg.
Sweet Peaches 26.c. pkg.
-1•111.1.1011•0•11••n •••
EXTRACT ,.„..„ 8-oz. bottle 19c SHORTENING 1.-lb. 200
FLOUR ....... 24.1b. bag 83c POWDER 10-oz. tin 25c
Giant Size Palmolive,,Soap 2 cakes 19c
Giant Size Supertuds ....... . . . pkg. 43c
LETTUCE ," head 14c
TOMATOES lb, 27c
TANGARINES dozen. 19e
ORANGES dozen 39c
CELERY HEARTS, buneh 18e
A. W.. Deris McClenaghan, who,,has
'been stationed at Rivers, Man., is
spending a two weeks leave at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben McCienaghata Serge Melvin Mc-
Clenaghaa of Stratford also spent 'the
week-end. at his home here.*
Mr. Jas. Falconer spent a few days
last week with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. John Falconer and, other relatives
at Caledon.
Mrs. W. R.. Farrier spent the week-
end with her daughter„ Miss Winnifred
Farrier at Toroato,
Mrs. Lorne Durnin and son, Ross,
of St. Helens,. spent Friday with her
mother, Mrs. David Kennedy.
Trooper .Robert Ross of Stratford,
spent the weelsaend with his. parents,
Mr. and. Mrs.. R. 5, Ross.
Miss Teresa. Caskenette, who has
spent the past few weeks with rel-.
.atives at Kitchener,. returned home on
Friday and Mr.. Bill Smith, who was
been working, at Prestora also. returned
to his hdme, here on Friday.
Mrs. Robt. Pardon visited on Fri-
day at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
jas. Curraa of St. Helens,
The Young People of the United
Church held. their postponed social on
Friday evening with a splendid attend-
aece, enjoyed crekinole, with
Russel Purdon, and Haeold Gaunt win-
ning the prizes. for the most games;
and Raymond Laidla,w the consol-
ation_ prize. During, the evening
splendid, coloured. slidea of the mia-
sionary, work in Labrador were very
intere,siting. These showed the sum-
mer work of Rev. j. Burry with the
mission boat, Glad Tidings, and his
whater 4work, with dogs and sled, and
the blessings of radio in that lonely
band. Lunch was served and a social'
half hour enjoyed by all.
Tthe service in .the United Church
here was withdrawn on Sunday as Mr,
Ward was not able to come over the
drifted roads. Brick Church . service
was also withdrawn.
Mr. john McGee has been nursing
a sore hand, which be cut with an.
Mr. Harold Foxton of Wingham has
taken over the delivering of the mail
on Route 3 and Mr, Wm. Finley, after
twelve years ion this route, intends to
engage in other War work, His faith-
ful efforts to get the mail delivered
over all kinds of roads, has been. very
much appreCiated by all on the route
and all hope lie will have a well.earn-
ed rat,
The hay.VeSSet'S are busy Pressing
hay foe 1Vfiss Emerson these days,
The E, Wawanosh farm forum met
611 YfoAday mnitig at the home of
and Donna. VanCamp, with Gordon
Walsh and Bill Grasby as captains.
Gordon Walsh's team won. The
lasers were given raw carrots and the
winners candy. Audrey Anderson. and
Amy Smith were in charge of a
"Dorothy Dix" contest which proved
great fun, Lyon Findlater and Mrs.
Roily Marks were the winners.
Candy was served and the meeting
was brought to a close with "God
Save the King."
W. M. S. Had Fine Meeting
The United Church Women's ;Mis-
sionary Society and Women's Assoc-
iation held their February meeting in
the church basement with a good at-
tendance, The missionary .meeting
opened with prayer followed by the
business period which was conducted,
by the president, Mrs. J. Wheeler.
The and financial report were
read by Mrs. G. Martin and Mrs. J.
Miller. The quilting which was to
have been held at Mrs. T. B. John-
ston's home was postponed on account
of . the storm. Mrs. R. Nicholson' and
Mrs. H. Campbell were named a
committee to set up and mark a quilt
and arrange for quilting.
Mrs. H. Wheeler and Mrs. N. Keat-
ing were appointed to conduct the
worship service and the study period
at the March meeting. Mrs., J. Wheel-
er and Mrs. R. Chaniney were appoint-
ed to meet with committees from the
other local churches to arrange for
Day of Prayer. Mrs. J.' Miller was
appointed to represent the auxiliary
on the board of. stewards,
Visits to the sick were reported,
Letters of thanks were read from ones
who had been sent letters of sympathy.
The allocation for the June bale was
.received and is to consist of one quilt
or blanket and a quantity of second
hand clothing. Mrs. J. Miller con-
ducted the worship service which was
based on the theme "Providing Whole-
some Recreation for All." The call
to worship and scripture reading were
taken by the leader. Mrs. 5, iMichie
sang the hymn-"For the Beauty of the
Earth," with the entire ',group joining
in the last two lines of each stanza.
Mrs. J. Wheeler led in prayer, The
Cradle Song by Brahms was sung by
Mrs. G. Johnston and Mrs. N. Keat-
ing, accompanied by Mrs. C. Wheeler.
Mrs, R. Nicholson gave the 'chapter
from the study book. i'he monthly
Offering was received and the meet-
ing' closed with a hymn.
Woman's Association Made. Donation
The Women's Association took .
charge with Mrs, S. Procter in the
chair. A hymn was sung and the
Lord's Prayer repeated in unison., Mrs.
C. Procter read the minutes of the
last meeting and Mrs. J. Anderson
gave,,the financial report. Ten dollars
was donated to the Canadian Aid to
Russia Fund. Holiday bells are to be
used again and are about ready for
distribution.. Miss E. Procter brought
thanks from the Sunday School for
donation of $25 , received. Mrs. J.
Anderson was appointed to !represent
the Women's Association on the board
of stewards, Three members paid
their fees in response to the roll call,
making a total of 20. The monthly
collection was taken, The meeting
closed with a hymn and benedietion
by the president,
6th Line Group Met
The Farm Forum Group of the 6th
line of East Wawanosh met Monday
night at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Stanley Cook. On account of bad
roads the attendance was somewhat
smaller than usual, The next meeting
will 'be held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Melvin Taylor,
Missionary Group Held Meeting
The Presbyterian Church Women's
Missionary Society held their Feb-
ruary meeting in thee church. Mrs. R.
J, Scott presided and opened the meet-
ing with the hymn "0 God Our Help
in Ages Past." Mrs. A. Porterfield
read the Scripture Lesson from Philip-
pians in which, Paul testifies "that be-
lieving in Christ, he could rejoice over
anxiety," Mrs. Scott led in prayer.
Minutes were read by the secretary
and Mrs. J. Dunbar gave the financial
repOrt. The members regretted their
inability to attend the annual Presby-
terial meeting held in Clinton and it
is hoped a report will be had for the
next meeting, The president remind-
ed the members of the shower of baby
clothes and other gifts for the bale
to be brought to the March meeting.
Mrs. James Leitch and Mrs„ A,
Porterfield were appointed to meet
with committees from the other
churches to arrange for the world day
of prayer on. March -. The Roll Call
was responded to by naming a favour-
iet hymns Visits to the sick were
Mrs. A. Young gave a paper entitled
"Making Friends with Life" based on
the text, "I have learned in whatso-
ever State I find myself therin to be
Mrs. Wa J. Geddes invited the Aux-
iliary to her home for the Marcie
meeting. The Lord's Prayer was re-
peated. in closing,
"Unity" Subject Of Address
The regular meeting of the Belgrave
Farmers' Club was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs.•Stewart Procter, 3rd
line Morris.
The usual social period was enjoyed
as the group gathered, when cards
were played.
G. Johnston; Demonstration -'-- Mrs.
Wheeler; Questionnaire — Mrs.
Wheeler; Reading—Mrs. S. Procter;
Lunch—Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs, T, P.
Johnston, Mrs, A, Manning. It is ex-
pected there will be a short address
by a representative of the National
War Finance Committee,
Ladies' Guild Plan Programs
Mrs, H. Perdue was the hostess to
the Ladies' Guild a Trinity Anglican
Church when the February meeting
WAS held at her home. The new presi-
dent, Mrs, R. 'Mecrea, conducted the
meeting. The minutes of the annual
meeting were read by Mrs. R, Procter.
The members decided to make a quilt
in the near future.
Programs for' the year were made
out, Donations were made to the
Birthday Copper contest. Making
Talent Money is to be a new feature
of the years' activities and for three
months each meariber will strive to add
AS much as she can. to the treasury.
The roll call Was responded to by
payment of fees.
Mrs. R. McCrea and Mrs. Streeter
were appointed to 'meet with commit-
tees from the' Presbyterian and Unit-
ed Churches to arrange for World's
Day of Prayer, The meeting closed
with prayer by Mr, Streeter, Lunch
was served by the hostess.
Brick Church Annual '
Brick United. Church held its an-
nual congregational meeting on Thurs-
day, February 4th. The minister, Rev.
G. H. Dunlop was in the chair. Stew-
art McBurney acted as secretary.
Satisfactory reports were read and
adopted from the different depart-
ments of the churches activities. The
membership 'report showed, new mem-
bers 1; deaths 5, Mrs. Thomas Taylor,
Mrs. James Dow, W. E. Dow, A.
Shiell, J. Shiell; removed by certificate
1. Total membership 73. Members
of Session: chairman, Rev. G. H. Dun-
lop; Clerk, Robert Coultes, John Bee-
croft, William Wightman, Alex Leav-
er, James Dow,. The election of offic-
ers resulted as follows: Retiring
Stewards, John. Mason, Stanley ,Snell,
replaced by John Mason, re-elected,
Herson Irwin. Other members are:
John Taylor, Gilbert Beccroft, Stewart
McBurney; Leslie Wightman, Mason
Robinson. Trustees, John Beecroft,
Robert Coultes. Treasurer, Gilbert
Beecroft. Organist, Miss Beatrice
Two new teachers were appointed in
the Sunday School, Mrs; L. Wight-
man, Mrs. Charles Shiell. Report of
the General Fund showed, receipts of
$406.06. Missions, $78.83. Women's
Missionary Society report as prepared
by Mrs. S. Shiell showed receipts of
L. Wightman. Receipts $73.01, Baby
Band report by Mrs. Frank Thompson
showed that $4.40. had been sent to
Presbyterial treasurer, Mission Band
by Ada Dow. Receipts $9.05. Sent to
Presbyterial treasurer $8.81.
Appointed Church Treasurer
George Johnston has been engaged
as Treasurer of the United Church,
succeeding Mrs. Clifford Logan..
Presbyterian ChurCh Showed Progress
The annual meeting of Knox Pres-
byterian Church was held in the
Church. On account of weather and
road conditiona the attendance was
not as large as usual, with Alex Port-
erfield: as chairman. and Alex Young
as. Secretary, the meeting opened with
devotional .exereises, The different re-
ports in connection with the work of
the church during the past year were
presented each showing a slight in-
crease in givings over previous year.,
No. change waa made, in the officers,
the three retiring managers being re-
As the ,four point charge is about
to be disbanded the Presbytery is con-
sidering connecting 13elgrave congre-
gation, with either Brussels ot Blue-
vale.- The decision of which will be
given. at ne,:t meeting of the Preshya
Chureh Donated To Russian Vaud
Members af the United Church
iiii I 1 1 I a I MISEMTMe
meetings and social times.
Sergt. Melvin McClenaghan is laid
up at his home here with an attack
of measles. Addis Eileen McClenaghatt
arrived home from Hamilton on Mon-
day to spend a few days with her sis-
ter, A. W. Doris MeClenaghan.
Mrs. Jack Gillespie of Sarnia Spent
the week-end with her sister, Miss
Winnifted Farrier in Toronto.
Mrs. Win. Scott of Langside, spent
a few days last week with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Neil McCallum of
Miss Grace Richardson left on MOil
Thurstlay, Februaii 11, 1943.
day to, take a position with Thompson
Bros. Creamery in TeesWater,
A Red Cross social was held at the
home df Mr. and Mrs. Fred'Tiffin on
Friday eventng with an attendance of
63. All played games and then all
joined in. 25 ,g.aines of bingo with cor-
ner bingo and tfill:the-card bingo for
variation, The special prize of the
evening,. donated by..-Jim Richarson,
brought in. $2.60, while the collection
for Russian Relief amounted to $11.25.
Lunch was served. and the social time
enjoyed by all.
was held at
the ,home of Mrs. Victor Emerson on
Thursday last.
Mrs. Jos. Tiffin: was able to return
home from Wingharn. Hospital' on
Monday and is muelt improved'.
aximinswisairms ims
donated $60.90 to the Aid to Russia
Fund. Included in this amount was
$10 from the Women's Association.
Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson of
East WaWanosh, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Powel of Blyth, visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. A. Porterfield.
Mrs. John Coultes ,Sr., is spending a
few weeks with Mrs. James Leaver
of Wingharn.
Office Manager:* I dislike a yes
man. I want you to tell me exactly
what you think, even if it costs you
your job."
A special feature of the program was $04.67, sent to Presbyterial treasurer,
$83.50. SUnday School report by W. an address on "National Unity" by
Rev. .G, H. Dunlop of the Belgrave
United Church.
The president, Lyle Hopper, conduc-
ted the business. In the absence of
the secretary, C. R. Coultes, Stewart
Procter acted as secretary of the meet-
ing and read the minutes,
Several items of business dealing
with club activities were discussed.
A donation of $10 was made to the
Aid to Russia Fund. The group join-
ed in a sing-song. Lunch was served
at the close. The next meeting will
be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Wickstead, 3rd line.
Honoured On 82nd Birthday
To relatives and friends of Mrs.
Hugh ;MacLean, a former resident of
this locality, the following item will
be of much interest, In December on.
Mrs. MacLean's 82nd birthday,, the
Bennett School Mother's Club of
Hamilton, where Mrs, MacLean. resid-
es, and which club sends ,quantities,
of supplies to' the bomb victims of
Britain, paid tribute to Mrs. MacLean
as one of the greatest workers in con-
nection with their organization,. by
holding a birthday party in her hon-
our, At this party 'they expressed
their appreciatkm not only in glowing,
words„ but also in gifts,.. In thank-
ing the chtb Mrs. MacLean said', I
am simply doing my bit in my own
way and I love to do it. I'm only
sorry I cannot do more:, Besides at-
tending some of their regular meetings,
Mrs. MacLean has completed over
two ithedred hared-trade quilt• tops
during the past two years, a record
that ought to be a challenge to all
other Canadian women. Mrs. Mac-
Lean also has a son with 'the R.C.g,F,
in Australia and is a native of Grand
Valley, Ontario. She lives alone at
her home in, Hamilton, does most of
her own Work, bttt occasionally she
turns out with her unselfish fello-
workers whose one desire to to help
others in the cOMeton cause of hum.'
Institute Meets February 16
The Home Ecariothies meeting of
the Belgrave Women's Institute will
lie held at the }Mae of Mrs. Herbert
Wheeler On Tuesday, February
at g.8P
Convenors—Mrs, H. Wheeler, Mrs.
Loll Call—Name the most useful
article in your kitelten and why, Ad..
dreaSat/VIt'S. N. Keating; Music,-Mrs.`
r Complete Eye t..otnrort
Awaits yon by wearing Reid's
Glasses. Banish headacho, 'see
clearly any distance and read or
seW With satisfaCtion. Cotitalt—
R. A. Reid,
Stratford's Leading Optometrist
for over 24 years.
At Winghatit ()Mee, Williams
jewelry Store every Wednesday
morning 9.30 to 1,2.00 noon,
Phone 5W for appOintment.
Mr., and Mrs. John Pardon with an
attendance of 31, and with Mr. Jas.'
Falconer as convenor. The atudy
groups dsicussed improvements , in.
farm homes and surroundings".. After
hearing the broadcast which had been
prepared by,Harry J. Boyle, a former
boardcaster here. Lack of electricity
.on farms, lack of adequate funds,. lack
of help seemed to forbid much invest-
ment for home improvement and
beautification. Miss Keith had charge
of the paper on how school areas were
formed, and how governed by a trus-
tee board of five elected members A Red Cross quilting The recreation period was in charge
of Mrs. .Jas. Falconer. Lunch was
aerved and a social time enjoyed by
all. The next meeting will be held
at the home of Jas. Falconer, with
Chas. Leaver as convenor. All are in-
vited to come and enjoy these forum