The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-02-11, Page 3TH IS YEAR
Start your chicks
It's good business, this
year, to start your Chicks
earlier than ever. For
good BRAY chicks, see
Wingham, or
To Build Wooden Ships •
Saint John,- — Walter A,
Harrison, executive assistant to Mun-
itions Minister Howe, announced at
a dinner in his honor that $2,000,000
worth of contracts for the 'building of
wooden,. ships have just beeit placed
in New Brunswick.
Liberals To Have Meeting
Ottawa, — Arthur Roebuck, Liber-
al member of Parliament for Toronto
Trinity, said a meeting of manage-
cause. A sick liver gave her dizzy spells,
sleepless nights-made her always tired and
constipated. Fruit-a-tives quickly made her
strong and healthy again. Just try them.
Fruit-a-fives are Canada's Largest Selling
Liver Tablets.
For the convenience of the public and to ensure speedy
distribution, New Ration Book No. 2 will be issued
locally at the following distribution centres.
Memorial Hall, Blyth
Library, Brussels
Church Hall, Fordwich
Clerk's Office, Gorrie
Willis Shoe Store, Wingham
Red Cross Rooms, Wroxeter
2 to 6 p.m.
1.30 to 6 p.m.
10 'to 12 a.m., 1 to 5 p.m.
10 to 12 a.m., 1 to 5 p.m.
incl.) 9.30 to 12, 1.30 to 5
10 to 12 a.m., 1 to 5 p.m.
. 20, 24, 27, Mar. 3
. 20, 23, 27 •
. 22, 23, 24
. 25, 26, 27
. 19 to Mar. 1
..19, 20
The new Ration Book will NOT be mailed to you. It must be called for. Before you can
secure the new Ration Book you must fill in and surrender the application card in
the, back of your present Ration Book No. 1. This card should be left in the Ration
Book for the distributiOn officer to tear out. If already detached, it should be brought
along With your present'Ration Book, so the name and serial number may be checked.
You do not surrender your ,present Ration Book as it contains COuponS yet to be used.
Your name and present place
of residence (in the case of
children, the residence of the
parents) must be printed
clearly in Block letters. *
*Ike sure that your serial
number, including letters
and figures as shown on
the front cover of Ration
Book No. .4 is clearly
written on-the application
card. This serial number,
including the two letters
before the number, is your
ration boOk identification
for the 'duration.
Residents of Rural Areas may apply on behalf of their neighbours, providing Ration
Book No. 1, and properly filled in 'application cards, are presented.
In the case of residents of a town or city, any senior or responsible member of a house.
hold may apply for new Ration Books on behalf of other members of the household,
providing Ration Book No. 1 and properly, filled in application cards, are presented.
Children under sixteen will not be allowed to apply for new Ration Books, either
for themselves or other members of the family.
tor ttos AbvtatistmENt
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Patois lavoklitIdert •
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Our 25 Point Scientific Examin-
ation enables us to give you
Clear, Comfortable Vision
Phone 118 Harriston
a very nice "mock horseback ride." It
is uncomfortable trying to sleep in
that way.
Mrs, Phil was busy baking so I
volunteered to • do the breakfast dish-
es. She didn't look exactly pleased
as she planned on washing the bake.-
dishes along with 'the breakfast ones.
1 discovered- that later. In trying to
get the water for the dishes I spilled
part of a tea-kettle full on the kitchen
floor which had been scrubbed on the
day before. The water turned very:
greasy after a little while so I had to
get more and then Patricia Ann cluck-
ed the clean dish-towel into the water
and we had to get a new one. I broke.
a cup and Patricia Ann finished the-
matching saucer and we were chase&
out of there,
I tried sweeping and got along fam-
ously. There didn't seem to be any.-
point in gathering up the dust when
it could be neatly swept down tI'iroug'
a crack in the floor into the cellar, I
(lid that until Mrs. Mrs. Phil caught
me at it and she chased both Patricia.
Ann and myself upstairs. We made
the beds.
It seems there is a certain knack
in making beds. I never knew about
it before. We got the sheets mixed
up with the blankets and landed ulr .
with a gaudy blanket on top. Then
I tried dusting out the front parlor
and upset the vase her mother gave
us one Christmas. Because 1 never-
liked that vase there were grave
doubts about it being an accident.
Finally 1 bundled up and decided
to go down to the barn. On the way
down I slipped on the ice and the
doctor tells me'that I'll have to star
inside for a week. Mrs. Phil doesn't:
relish the idea and Patricia Ann thinks.•
that it's wonderful. Now I'll be able
to read stories every day.
To Pay Part Shipping Cost
Ottawa, — The Prices Board an-
nounced that it, will temporarily sub-
sidize part of the transportation cost
involved in shipping beef from West-
ern to Eastern Canada, The, board
said the subsidy will be provided to
Facilitate the movement of beef from
areas of surplus • production in the
West to those of heavier consumption
In Eastern Canada.
Duce Shakes Up Cabinet
New York, — Premier Mussolini, of
Italy, in a shakeup of his cabinet has
taken over the foreign ministry, dis-
placing his son-in-law, Count Galeazzo
Ciano, who,bad held the office since .
1936, a Rome broadcast recorded by
The Associated Press said,
War Has Cost Four
Hundred Billions
Washington, — Hitler's lust for
conquest has cost the world more than
$400,000,000,000, the United States
COmmerce Department estimated, The
cost may exceed $500,000,000,000 if he
is not .brought to his knees for an-
other year,
How to cut the cost of
Heating Your Home
Thursday, February 11, 1943 PAGE TI-i WING N. ADVANCE -TIMES
With a warm handclasp, President Roosevelt welcomes President
Edwin Barclay of Liberia to a seat in an American seep as they begin
s review of American Negro troops stationed in the strategic African
Roasevar wars LIBERIA
•141Wovw-loCIPPV1.911.0.1•PWIWIVI,WWVIMOVIIWewleaavvvfewe vwe
World Wide News In 'Btief Fortni.
0,01,44•Pfalaolwesesfaaa.ewa. iwwmeisPoworalemwsoiweemiesi•Pwilawaiswfawakaaaw9sm-au.
Hockey President Pies
Montreal, Frank Calder, president
of the National Hockey League, died
in hospital here. He was O.
Calder, who bad been stricken with
a ;heart attack while attending an N.
ILL, meeting in Toronto a few days
ago, was brought • to hospital here
from Toronto.
Bomb Turin
London, — The R.A.F. and R.C.A.
F. bombed the. Turin royal arsenals
and the Spezia naval base in ataly,
German industries in the Ruhr and
Nazi submarine pens at Lorient on
the French coast and bomber and
fighter squadrons roared across the
Channel again to keep the continent
under aerial assault.
Russians May Erase 1942 Losses
Washington, — The great surge of
the Russian army across. the snow-
blanketed southern front gives every
indication of the Russians recapturhig
all' Soviet territory overrun by the
Germans in 1942, and perhaps a lot
more. It soon will be clear whether
long hammering by Red army columns
will be pushed back to the line they
held last summer, before their general
offensive in June.
Churchill In Tripoli
— Prime Minister Church-
ill came to Tripoli to thank the, British
Stih Army and Allied air forces per-
sonally for their magnificent feat in
driving Marshal Erwin Rommel's .Axis
army from Egypt and Libya, Cairo
dispatches said Mr, Churchill made a
triumphal entry into the city,
Went and executive .committees of the
Ontario Liberal Association has been
called by himself and other members
of the association, to be held at To-
ronto February lb, Mr, Roebuck said
there is "little doubt" but that the
management committee will discuss
plans for a convention,.
Communists Freed In North Africa
Allied Headquarters; North Africa,
—Gen, Henri Giraud, governor-gen-
eral of French North Africa, announc-
ed he has freed 27 Communist depu-
ties of the last French Parliament, and
the, Allied commission on political
prisoners said that 903 additional
prisoners have been released since the
landing of Allied troops in the French
Conant Worried Over Province's Fate
Toronto, — Premier Gordon'Conant,
declaring that the Dominion "gets all
the bouquets and we get all the brick-
bats" when new Federal 'Government
regulations are enacted ,said the'Pro-
vincial Government is trying to find
"some way to avoid being the suicide
squad' in these situations." "We of the
Provincial Government are not going
to act .as shock troops for the Dom-
inion any longer," he said in an ad-
dress prepared for delivery before the
Rehoboam Lodge, A.F. & A.M.
Subs Bagged Ten Vessels
London, — New successes in the
Allied campaign of attrition against
Axis sea communications — the des-
truction of 14 and perhaps 16 ships
in the Mediterranean by submarine
and bomber action over a period of
several days — were announced.
Committee On Economic Policy
Ottawa,—Appointment of a 14-man
advisory committee on economic pol-
icy to assist the Government on mat-
ters involving economic and financial
policy and organization arising from
the war and to make recommendations
in regard to measures for meeting
post-war problems was announced of-
Statement On Gas Ration Soon
Ottawa, — Munitions Minister told
the House of Commons he will make
a statement "as soon, as possible" on
the gasoline rationing system to be
adopted for the next year.
Report Finland May Ask Peace
London, — A Reuter's News Agen-
cy dispatch from Ankara, Turkey
quoted a Berlin report that the Fin-
nish minister had told the Germans
that unless Finland gets urgently-
needed food supplies she will be oblig-
ed to consider the possibility of mak-
ing a separate peace with Russia,
New Head Of Labor Board
Ottawa, — Appointment of Justice
Charles McTague, of Toronto, as
chairman of the National War Labor
Board was announced in the House
of Commons by Prime Minister King.
Justice ,McTague, of the Supreme
Court. of Ontario, succeeds Labor
Minister Mitchell as board chairman.
Oa Drilling Planned In North West
Edmonton,,— The Edmonton jour-
nal quoted reports that an oil drilling
and road building program on a vast
scale, representing an outlay of several
hundred thousand dollars, is projected
for the Northwest Territories this
Call For More Aid To Russia
London, — Real aid for Russia in-
stead of the present assistance which
he called "parsimonious" in relation
to the help Britain gave Prance for
the war conducted there on a limited
Seale, was demanded in the Nouse of
Lords by Lord Beaverbrook, Canad-
ian-born London publisher and form-
er minister of produttion,
By Harry J. Boyle
A woman has a lot to contend with
around a house. That's especially
true in the case of the average farm
house where• she hasn't got the con.-
Venierices of the average city home.
The cistern pump freezes tip. The
man of the house forgets to split en-
ough wood out in the back woodshed
and the woman finds herself eonfront-
-ed with a real problem,
About the biggest problem she can
have however is when. the treats of the
house gets 'sick. Mrs, Phil is looking
over my shoulder as I write this 'so
I simply can't tell anything else but
the truth. I sprained my back last
week when we were out in the bush
looking over the trees. and planning
what we would cut down for fuel,
There was a lot of snow and I slipped
on some ice and fell on a log that
was partly covered by loose snow. My
feet went from under me when I was
getting up and by chore time I could
hardly stand up straight without
"cricking" my back something terrible.
Next morning I could scarcely move
around at all. Higgins, my neighbour,
said that he would look after the
chores. All day long I sat pinned to
the one rocking chair. Patricia Ann
brought all her story books so as to
not miss an opportunity. I had the
Three Little Pigs and the Godilocks
story and all the other tales going
around in my head so badly by night
that I could scarcely think straight at
all. It was quite an experience but
the*little girl took a terrific delight in
it. This was the best opportunity she
had ever had.
By next morning my back had eas-
ed up somewhat. It wasn't nearly as
acute but I still couldn't navigate out
to the barn for the chores. There
was sun that day so that every time
I sat by the window the thought of
the first sunny day in months and the
amount of work to be done drove me
frantic. The idea of having a sleep
didn't work very well because Patricia
Ann simply climbed up on my stom-
ach and grasping both of my ears had
Stalin Expresses Victory View
London, -- Premier Joseph Stalin
has sent a message to President
Roosevelt expressing his conviction
that "joint military operations of the
armed forces of the United States of
America, Great Britain and the U.S.
in the near future will bring
about victory over our common en-
emy," a Moscow dispatch said.
May Force Shorter Liquor Hours
Ottawa,, — The Ottawa. Evening
Journal said it was "reliably informed"
that ,"if the Ontario Liquor Commis-
sion continued refusing to conform
with other provinces in limiting the
hours of beer sales, Ottawa was pre-
pared to invoke the War Measures
Axis armies, staggering from-a winter- Act."
Minister 'Of Food Talked
Ottawa, For the creation of a
food ministry with a fobd board oper-
ating under it, the agitation is quite,
strong and evidently gathering Some .
momentum. It started on the outside,
where it has enlisted the support of
several bodies, and it was reflected
in the House, Mr. Graydon, at the
outset, wanted to know what was like-
ly to be ,done about it, the prime min-
ister answering that "any matter of
policy would be announced in due...
course," That is a stock answer to,
such queries.
Ashpit and Radiation Loss
ashpit loss is meant the heat
loss due to unburned or parn
tially burned coal that falls
through the grates into the ash-
This is usually caused by vig-
orous and too frequent shaking
of the grates. This waste can be
entirely dinninat-
ed by shaking the
grates gently and
only up to the
time that the first
red glow appears
in the ashpit. It is
net necessary to
shake the grates
every time a fresh
charge of coal is
placed in the fur.
nate, The number
of times a day
that grates should be shaken de-
eiulg upon outside weather on.
ditlona. Burned out or warped grates will also permit unburned
coal to fall into the ashpit.
Radiation loss means loss of '
heat that is thrown into the base-
ment by uncovered boilers, warm
air ducts, hot water lines or
steam lines. In this respect they
as radiators. If it is necessary'
to heat a basement room, do so
by means of
equipment where-
by the heat out-
put can be con-
According to,'
heating specifica-
tions, all boilers ,
should be covered
with 236 inehes of
asbestos cement.
Or its equivalent.
ver-heated base,-
Montt may Mean+ chilled rooms Upstairs. Mike ore that your heating plant ita properly Notated,