The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-01-28, Page 5LOCAL AND PERSONAL ,Miss Emma Hardie is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mrs. W. J. Greer is visiting for a few days with friends in Toronto., Mrs. W. A. McKibbon is visiting with friends in Ottawa and Toronto. Pte, Russel Holmes of the Ordnance Corps, Kingston, was home for the week-end. • L.A.C. George Robertson; Montreal, spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. Robertson returned with him. Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Kelloway of Toronto, spent the week-end with the latters parents, Mr.'and Mrs. John R. Clark. • Mr. J. W. McKibbon is spending a few days in Toronto with his daughter and attending some meetings of the United Drug Company. Mrs. Wm, Burchill returned home after spending a week with her daughters, Mrs. James McGladery and Miss Margaret Burchill and other friends in Guelph. Mrs. R..S. Hetherington and chil- dren are visiting with her mother. Mrs. 0. Thompson of Listowel. Flight Lieut. James Thompson, her brother, .and Mrs: Thompson, who are station- ed on the West Coast, are home on leave. OBITUARY David A. Floody With the death of David A. Floody is removed from Myth one of our most highly respected citizens. He had been in indifferent health for some time, but until the past few weeks was able to be about. The late Mr. Floody was born in Hullett town- ship and spent practically his entire life in this neighborhood, For a num- ber e of years he wag the senior member of Blyth Planing Mills, He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd VelloWs and a devout elder to the United Church. He is survived by his widow and one son, Norman, who is an employee of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Windsor. The funeral took take place this afternoon (Wednesday) from his late residence. • Andtew M. Adams Following an illness of some months duration Andrew N. Adams di Mel- ville, passed on in 'Wingharn General Hospital, Sunday, lit his /1st year, After receiving treatment in a Torort- 11P to Hospital, Mr. Adams Was bought to Wingham early this month. Ile Was born Peel County and Spent his whole life in that vicinity carrying Ott the business of building.cmitrattor. He was a inontbet of Harris Lodge AS, & A.M. of Orangeville and WO a Past Deputy •Grand Master of the . -411111.11.101•1111111.1111.11.1010111101.11l Mid-Winter Clearance.„ eciats, Dresses,Milliner COATS. DRESSES Special Rack 1/3 Off Regular Selling $34.95 for $23.30 $29.95 for 19.97 $24.95 for 16.63 1 Only Black Coat Size 14 - 1/2 Price - $24.95 for $12.48 Special Racks , All Neat Styles $4.95 for $3.94 $3.94 for,. 2.98 $2.98 for 1.98 Special Rack $4.95 and 3.94 Values Clearing. at $2.49 MILLINERY Special Table Values up to $3.50 Clearing at $1.19 CLEARANCE Special Table Values up to. $2.50 Clearing at 98c CHILDREN'S COATS - 2 ONLY Regular $9,95 and $10.95 for $4.95 ALKER STORES, kIMITED Telephone 36. Wingham, Ont. 4,11=11011 1111•AMMINE, PAGE. FT ...„, , . • -„, „„ „ 1.111.1111010001010111101101101110410111 ASK NM 1:0ALY GRAMM TEA, COFFEE and COCOA had been. made for boxes for boys ov- erseas and that 17 had been sent, The receipts were $316.77. The Choir reported that they had an active membership of 37 and that on Good Friday they had presented Stainer's Crucifixion. The Women's Missionary Society report presented by Mrs. W. Van- Wyck showed a membership of 22 life members and 53 annual, with an aver- age attendance of 30. Receipts were $610.77, and a bale was packed valued at $43,50. W. B. McCool presented the treas- urer's statement. Receipts during the year amounted to over $9000.00. inclu- ding nearly $1000 for Mortgage Fund, $888,00 in War Savings and slightly under $2000.00 for missions, Messrs. F. W. French and E. Wilk- inson were appointed auditors. Mr. Beecroft reported that'. there were 91 names on the Honour Roll, 'and since its completion 2 ore boys had enlisted. 90 Bibles hadeen sent and the other three would be forward- ed at once. The meeting closed with the bene- diction by Mr. Beecroft. GENERAL HOSPITAY ANNUAL MEETING (Continued front page '1) Membership 'Fees ... . .... ........ 105.00 $15750.77 Expenditures Food Supplies $ 2279.99 Spirit and Alcohol 477.20 Drugs 524,91 Surgical Supplies 10'74.41 X-Ray Supplies 184,55 Linens, Bedding, etc 267,08, Cleaning Supplies ..... 23.55 Laundry Supplies . 94.08 Light & Power ................ .. 382.75 Water . .. ... ..... . ......... ...... 52.00 Taxes . .„ 10,60 Itisitranee 133.41 Laboratory & Pathology ,...., 50.15 Interest & Exehange 10.77 Repairs and Equipment ... 2024,53 Statioitery, postage & office Supplies...... ..... . ... ..„ .............. Telephone & Express Audit Fees ......... ...... ...... Miscellaneous -' Salaries 6090,38 234,71 128.55 15,00 6.05 Save Money . By Prepaying „404:1".1 ;,N WINMIAM • dg."0 \S., 187 :!..,C.76AtC Town of Wingham 1943 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on n,ccount of 1943 taxes tip to 90 per cent, of 1942 taxes. Interest at the rate of Aisne per cent, per an num will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall, ViL..A, GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wing/taut horsda January 28, 194 WING( AM ADVANCE-TIMES Order. The funeral was held from the Orangeville Funeral Service on Wednesday. afternoori* and was under the auspices of the members of Harris Masonic Lodge. Burial in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Orangeville. He is survived by two brothers, Capt. W. J. Adams of town and J. E. Adams, of Alton, Ont. W. H. .Burgman The death of W. H. Burgman, brother of Mr. W. F. Burgman of town, occurred in the General Marine Hospital, Collingwood, Ont., on Thurs- day, January 21st. He was in his 79th year. His wife Matilda Stone of Collingwood predeceased him. In his earlier years he travelled for a jewel- lery firm and later was engaged in the electrical business. He was a life-long resident of Collingwood and passed away after a lengthy illness. Inter- ment was made in the fainily plot at Milverton. BORN CARTER - In Detroit, on Saturday. January 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carter, Detroit, a daughter, Nancy Lynn. UNITED CHURCH REPORTS SHOW SUCCESSFUL YEAR (Continued from ()page 1) The Sunday School presented by C. Machan, showed a membership of 165 with an average attendance of 102; receipts were.$583.31, including $200 to missions. Wilbur Tiffin reported for the Lib- rary that there were 700 books. in the library and that during the year 1004 books were loaned. Mrs. C, W. Lloyd presented the re- port of the Junior Congregation. An aggregate attendance of 973 had atten- ded service on 50 Sundays with an av- erage of 19.46, The ,largest attend- ance being on Mothers Day when 45 were present. The collections amoun- ted to $19,01, The Baby Band report given try Mrs. Biseler showed 61 regular mem- bets and 2 life members, an inetease of 9. The receipts $13.58. Mrs, Hiseler also presented the re- port of the Mission Band, showing a Membership of 22 with an average at- tendance of .14, Receipts $18.00. The Evening Auxiliary report givee by Miss M. Barber showed 30 mem., bets and an averate attendance of 24.5 Betides cash receipts of $304.02„ tributions bad been made to a bale and Ditty Bags, ,Mrs, S. S. Campbell for the WoM-. alt's Auxiliary reported' that a canvas Bal, on hand Dec. 81, 1942 .„ 46278,, $15'750.17 The report of the Management and the Finance Committees was glyeil\hy W. W. Armstrong, He eXpressed the appreciation of the board „for the splendid work being tarried on by the superintendent and the staff and the Wonderful assistance toward the Sue- cessfel operation of the hospital 'by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Hospital. He told of the change in superintend- ents during the year as Miss Douglas bad resigned. The beard, lie said, felt that they were indeed fortunate to have secured the services of 1111rs, 1. Morrey for this position. Recent changes in the staff included Miss Isabelle Hablcirk and Miss L. He told of the forsight of Mrs, Morrey in suggesting to the board the training of Ward Aids. The Property Committee report was given by Mr, Fred L. Davidson, chair- man of this committee. He said the work carried on throughout the year bad kept the hospital in good couch- tion, The roof had been repaired and the operating room painted and a new surgical lamp installed. A water soft- ener had been' installed. This was not as large as he would have liked to have had but it was the only one available. new operating table will be installed shortly. This will be modern in every way. The boiler that was installed two years ago is saving a great amount of coal, he said. New furniture had been installed in the waiting room and some new equip- Mem in the nurses' quarters had been installed also. Inventory of contents had been taken. Superintendent's' Report Mrs. Morrey, the superintendent, gave a detailed report of the activities 'of the hospital since she commenced her term of office and also gave the figures of operation for the year. Number of patients 447, birth 102, deaths 27, 91 out patients mostly X-Ray patients, 132 surgical patients. She told of the change in staff recent- ly, Miss Miller and Miss Habkirk both resigning to get married. She told of the training of Ward Aids at the hospital. This is a ten- months course and after the success- ful completion of the course a candi- date is a trained practical nurse. These girls receive' ectures and dem- onstrations. The staff at present is composed of three graduates, one practical nurse and five Ward Aids. Mrs. Morrey expressed her apprec- iation to the directors, ladies auxiliary, ladies sewing committee and others for their kindness and co-operation. Mrs. W. M. Connell, president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the hospital, read a report of that society. She said that despite the splendid response of the local community to the various wartime appeals and activities, the auxiliary had had a highly successful year. As in recent years the money making events Were reduced .to the annual rummage sale and the Mara- thon Bridge and Euchre Parties, Both had been most successful. She made special mention of the gift of.100 tick- ets to the Lyceum Theatre 'by Capt. Adams, and the donation from the Ministerial Association of the collec- tion from the Week of Piayer. Be- sides the purchase of linens and bed- ding there had been replacement of patients trays, curtains and other equipment including a Batch bed and springs. All in all, she said, the splendid co-operation existing between the hospital board, the hOspital staff, and the Ladies Auxiliary had .made the past year one of the most success- ful in its history. The secretary was instructed to write a letter of sympathy to (Mrs. A. Cosens in the loss of her husband, who had been for some years treasurer of the board, ciety has a balance cerried over into 1943 of .m..7a after spending $1.02:92 for Xmas Cheer for the soldiers as well as carrying .out their usual aetiv,,. Ries, The report of the Sunday School by the Secretary-treasurer, Mr, H. Mc- Gee, and showed progress during time year, The attendance was good and the financial standing is .excellent as the balance in the treasury is $26.08 after meeting all obligations, Miss M. Graham said that Cradel Roll had a membership of 30. which is the same as a year ago, Despite the fact that many of the Young , People of the church are away the Westminster Guild held meetings throughout the year except during the summer months, Rev, Me, MacLean reported, The work of carry- ing on Xoung People's work is be- coming increasingly difficult as so /natty are an service or otherwise en- gaged away from home, The treasurer's report was given by Mr. W. H, Haney and as stated above showed progress in thefinancial activ- ities of the church. His statement gave a comprehensive account of the receipts and expenditures. EVENING AUXILIARY The Evening Auxiliary met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson, with a good attendance. Mrs. 'W. A. Galbraith was in charge of the meeting and was assisted in the worship period by Miss Marion Simp- .son, Mrs. Geo. Howson., Mrs. Cliff. Machan, Mrs. E. Webster, Mrs. C. Lloyd and Miss Blanche Bennett, all taking parts in support of the topic- "Christian Education," Mrs. F. A, Parker gave a splendid talk on a chapter from the study book-"The Church in the City Streets." Miss Betty Lewis sang a very pleasing solo, The president, Mrs. W. S. Hall con- ducted the business meeting, Reports were given covering last years work and the financial objectiVe was ex- ceeded, Plans were considered for work of the present yeart. The meet- ing was brought to a„close by sing- ing a hymn and all repeating the Mizpah Benediction, after which a social hour was spent. BRIDGE CLUB Six and a half tables took part in the play at the weekly meeting of the Wingham Bridge Club; on Thursday evening. The results were: North and South-1st., Mrs. D. B. Porter and W. H. French; 2nd., Mrs. Art Wilson and Gordon MacKay; 3rd., Mrs. H. C. MacLean and Art Wilson; 4th., Mrs. C. H. Magee and Mrs. Herbert Campbell. East and West-1st,, Mr. and MrS. J, H. Crawford; 2nd., Miss M. McCallum and Mrs. W. H. French; 3rd., Miss Margaret MacLean and Mrs, A. E. VanStone; 4th., Mrs. 0. Colborne and Jack Mason. WESTFIELD Master Roy Buchanan returned home from Goderich Hospital on Sun- day, making ,the trip from Goderich to Auburn by car and from there home by horse and cutter, and although it was rough riding through the pitch- holes, Roy iS none the worse for his ride, and we hope he will soon be able to be about as usual. The people of the vicinity enjoyed ? the weather of last week: There was no mail for four days; and in some cases food was becoming scarce, ow- jug to the fact the bread man could not make\hiS rounds. There was only School for two.days and there was no church on Sunday, oil account of the weather arid 'read conditions.' Miss Elsie cools of Belgrave, is spending a week or two with Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Campbell, This community was shocked to bear of the sudden death of Me, Win. Diable. The sympathy of the vicinity is extended to Mrs; Dobie ,and .,.,„ "Why, you know, the one the'papers have been full of for a month . . . " '!Why bomb Tokyo?" persisted the other. "There's a war on, Didn't you know that?" The attendant shifted his chewing tobacco, "Can't say I did, Stranger." "Yoe tlide't know Lookl never mind the 'gasoline, rust roll me out four new tires!" Convenient • The proceedings of a police court case had been rather noisy, and the ELMORE January's come and go, Like foot prints in the snow,• OnPloYOtIlipa ryillTta llgoot -SQbuf tasstnow storms last- See those drifts hear that blast. Those on. the sick liSt, Mrs. Gordon .Mulvey and Mrs. Fred Tuck, Mr. Wm., EdA7t ri.vdisties--A Red Cross quilting .at, Mrs, Newan's Sr. Six brayed the storm and had a very pleasant time. There was no school, Miss King being snow-bound .sornewhere. Mr. Harry Press having an over- stock of wood, set his chimney on fire Friday evening as the wind was very high, It caused some excitement for Some time, but they got it under con- trol, GORRIE Church Meeting Postponed The annual meeting of the Gorrie United Church has been postponed until February 9 owing to the Farm Mechanics Course being held here on February 2, Will the members please keep the change of date in mind, Sup- per will be served at 8 p.m. and a full attendance is expected. Mr, and Mrs, R. G. Newton have received a cablegram from their son,. Sgt. Jack Newton, informing them of his promotion to Flight Sgt.. We offer our congratulations. Mr. Joe Higgins of the Fordwich School staff, spent the week-end with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher. Bdr, K. 0. Gallaway, Hamilton, spent the week-end with his wife and twin sons here, Mrs. W, G. Strong is visiting her daughter, Mrs, T. .Montgornery in Kitchener. Mr. J. W. Hyndman and sons, Har- old and Allen were stranded in Tor- onto and enroute with their trucks last week. So far they have them at Har- Aston, until the highway is opened up. Born - On Friday, January 22 to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Brown, a daughter. The Woman's Institute at Gorrie are planning on holding their dance on Friday night in the towship hall here, the proceeds to be given to Can- adian Aid to Russia, Gorrie orchestra will be in attendance. Of course this will be held unless road annd weather conditions make it impossible. Mr. C. G. Cooke left on Monday to assist on the C.P,R, at Orangeville. Red Cross Annual The Annual Meeting of Gorrie and Dist. Branch of Red Cross Society was held in Gorrie Twp. Hall on Jan. 18th, at 2.30 p.m, with a good attend- ance despite the wintry day. The president, Mr. H. Snarling, presided, and in his opening remarks expressed his appreciation to the members of the society, for the assistance they had given in the past year, and to the ladies in general, stressing the fact that the ladies carried the heavier share of the work. 8 groups were formed in the coun- try with convenors in charge. The president then calling for reports front these various groups. These and other reports will be published next week. The treasurer gave the following report: Receipts Cash Bal. Jan, .1, 1942 $ 213.15 Cash donations 238,00 Campaigit 1340.25 Branch Fund - raising events 518,11 Salvage 13.50 Miscellaneous ....... 78.79 Russian Appeal. ....... -„- 13.50 Blanket Fund ........ ....... 81.00 --- $ 2505.30 Quality At Qpiinary Prices YOU .4A1i NOW BUY YOUR FAVOR/TE BEVERAGE' AT - • GEORGE .Q.LVER.. -Winghank RED FRONT GROCERY • . ;STORE ..... Wingh44. T. y,SMITH Wingham W, VAN VELS•R' Wroxeter R. H..STEPHENS & SON 0cmcie. R, GRAINGER. ........ .... Oorrie. J. ROGE RS F90114110b JOS. CHILVERS Lalxglet H. 0, PRESS .... ..... Balmoral, ROY „BONHAM' ....,_...,_,.......:» , Clifford H, BRICKER Clifford I. M..DODD ... . ...... Clifford D. ENNIS _ . ........ Walton J. F. IVIcLEAN Whitechurch RHYS A. POLLOCK _ Whitechurett HOLLYMAN Lucknow W .W, HILL - .. ..... Lucknow A. M. McKERCHER Jamestown E. S. ROBINSON FRANK HOLLYMAN .... Blyth C. H. WADE Belgrave A. M, CREWAR . „ .. Brussels S. B, ELLIOTT .,.,...,,..Brussels GEORGE MICHEL .Cranbrook ALTONS SUPERIOR - STORE......_Dungannon MILLER & CO, .. St. Helens JAMES SHIELDS • Amberley W. J. McDONALD R. N. ALEXANDER Londesboro R, D. MUNRO_ ... Auburn LONG & ALLIN Benmiller Insist on Daly Grange Blends There is no substitute for Quality . . 8$ Years Importing and Blending. Daly Grange Teas Ltd 64 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. Listen to CFPL, London - 1.00 P.M. Tues. and Fri. CFCO, Chatham - 9,30 A.M, Thursdays CKNX, Wingham - 1.15 P.M. Wednesdays Expenditures Paid to Div. for war work $ 950.00 Russian Appeal 6.00 Blanket Fund ..... .............. 88.00 Wool and material purchas- ed from Division 1031.76 Wool and material purchas- ed locally ..... ................ 225,39 Workromit expenses 3,75 General Administration 4.39 Soldiers comforts 8.60 Cash Bal, Dec. 31, 1942 187.42 $ 2505.30 The officers elected were as follows: -President, Mr. H. Spading, re-elected; vice-president, Mr. H, Strong, re-elec- ted; secretary, Mrs. A. Taylor; treas- urer, W. E. Whitfield, re-elected; cam- paign and fund raising committee, N. Wade, convenor, H. Strong. T. Earl, J. Dinsmore, If. Ferguson, W. Mc- Cracken; 'Women's work committee, Mrs. H. V. Holmes, convenor, Mrs. R. N. Carson, Mrs. C. Lawrence, Mrs. A. Toner, Mrs. P. Kaine; convenor of buying, Mrs. H. Strong, Mrs. R, H. Carson, Mrs. G. Underwood; sec- retary of work committee, Mrs. E, W. Carson; convenor of cutting, Mrs, C. Black; executive committee, A. B. Toner, IF, W, Carson, G. A. Dane. Norman Wade, K, Hueston, IG. Mc- Kee, H. V, Holmes, E. ,McCallum, Mesdames G. Mundell, V. Shera, McCracken; auditors, H. V. Holines, G. Mundell, delegate to Prov. Annual, Pres. Vice-Pres. or Sec. They to ap- point their own alternative; Ladies in charge of District Room, afternoons- Mrs. G. Underwood, Mrs. W: Gallo- way; evenings-Mrs. R. H, Carson, Mrs. L. Neilson. ST. ANDREW'S-CHURCH HAD A Y4R.OF GREAT PROGRESS (Continued .from :page• 1) The repOrt of the Seision was given by the Rev. Kenneth 'MacLean which showed the membership of the church at 427 only one less than the year previous. Eighteen members and ad- herents Iliad passed on during the year. The ,church .has a fine record in the Artned Services as 30 are over- seas and 40 are serving in Canada. The Budget report was given by the treasurer of this fond, ,Mr', H. F, McGee. It showed that $966.00 had been remitted.to the church, offices, That the Women's. Missionary So- ciety had Chad. a' successful year was told by the.' President, Mrs, Donald Rae. A total of $378,00 had been for- warded to the Presbyterial. Treasurer. The receipts totaled $430.46 for the year. Miss Agnes Williamson gave the re- port of the Goforth Auxiliary of which she is treasurer.. This group raised $194.87 during the year of which $186.50 was sent to 'the Presbyterial Treasurer. They also assisted with Ditty flags for sailors, Christmas gifts for children, hi church homes, The Marion Williamson Auxiliary contributed $45.82 to the Presbyterial Treasurer the total proceeds for the year, Mrs. W. a Gurney, one of the leaders of this group reported, The Happy- Gleaners Mission Band hid' a• fine. year. They 'lied '8. 'study and. 7 , work -Meetings. They, raised magistrate determined to restore order. ,and*ent. tcl th' rriebytetial Terasurer ' "The next per,sait ° who interrupts $4648. •!' the court," he -said sternly, "will be Ladies Aid Society report Was put outside," given by Miss l# .Graham. This so- "Ittetrayr shouted the prisoetri IGNORANCE IS BLISS A motorist stopped at a crossroads garage :in the Pennsylvania hills arid asked the attendant for gasoline: "How'd you like the bombing of Tokyo?" the motorist asked. • ."What hoMbing?" inquired the hills- man.