The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-01-07, Page 8First Class Watch Re-
pairs at Moderate Prices
All work guaranteed and done
on the premises,
School, section 7 of Morris township,
with Lyle Hopper acting as chair-
man, Stewart Procter was appointed
secretary of the meeting and gave the
auditors' report. The retiring trustee
was George Coulter. Robert McMur-
ray Nfas appointed to • the board of
trustees with Milo Casemore and Har-
old Procter. -Stewart Procter was ap-
pointed as ratepayers auditor for 1943,
Church Services Well Attended
Sunday School and Church attend-
ance was ,better on Sunday owing to
more favourable weather and roads
than the previous few - Sundays. In
the United Church Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was conducted by the
ministdr, Rev. G. H. Dimlop, who took
as the theme for his sermon; The Life
of Andrew, the Diciple of Jesus. The
annual meeting of the Sunday School
will beheld on Wednesday eveningain
the. basement of the church.
Holy Communion was also observed
in Trinity Anglican Church with the
rector, Rev. P. H. Streeter preaching
a Communion Sermon.
In the Presbyterian Church Gordon
Brett of Western University, London,.
was the. guest speaker, taking as his
text, The Wages of Sin is Death, but
the Gift of God is Eternal Life.
. . •
• Now Overseas . •
Mrs. George Jones has received a
cable from her husband L/Cpl. George
Jones, R.C.O.C. of his safe arrival
Mrs. John Coultes Sr., with Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Fasken 'of Elora. •
A.C.2 Mel. Keating of Toronto and
Mrs. Keating of London, with relativ-
es. ,
Miss Agatha Coultes, R. N., of St.
Thomas,. with Mr. and Mrs,; J. M.
Mr. and WS, A. Manning. and farn
ily, with Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wright
of Auburn. .
Berry Wilkinson, 87 years of age,.
who has spent the past .few mouths•
with his brother, C. Wilkinson, has
gone to spend the winter with his son,.
Rev. Chester and Mrs. Wilkinson of
Charles Scott of Windsor, spent the•
holidays with his . parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. William C. Scott, East Wawan-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brydges and.
granddaughter Joan, Mrs, William
Dunbar and sons Ross. and Kenneth,.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shoebottoma
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunbar.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young and.
family, with Mr. and. Mrs. Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. J. Coultes, with
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Leaver:.
Mr. and Mrs. James Coultes, East.
Wawanosh, with Mr. and. Mrs, J,.
Leaver, Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keating and,
Catherine, with Mr. and Mrs. 1-tar'
mon Mitchell of Rothaay.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Armstrong and
Mary Alice of Wingham, Mr. and'
Mrs. Abraham Procter;. Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Procter and Margaret, with
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Procter.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler and.
Mary Noreen „Kilpatrick of Lucknow,.
Mrs. Andrew Taylor ofi Wingham),
with Mr. and ,Mrs. Herbert Wheeler.
Miss Edith Wallace of Seaforth,.
with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell and
Beth, Mr. and Mrs,. George Powell
and baby of Myth,. with Mr. and. Mrs..
Alex Porterfield,
Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler re-
turned to London after spending the,
holidays with their parents,
Miss Louise .McKettaiie returned to
her position as teacher in Sudbury,
Baptist Church
Rev. John Lucas, Pastor
Saturday, Jan. 9th — 10,30 A.M.
CKNX Program.
SUNDAY, JAN. 10th.
11 A.M.--‘,"The Second Coming
of elitist."
7.30 P,11/1.—;`A Victory of Faith"
Sunday School 10 AM.
We invite you to attend church.
Save Money
By Prepaying
Town of 'Wingham
1943 Taxes
Taxpayers may make payments on account
of 1943' taxes up to 90 per cent, of 1942 taxes.
. interest at the rate of i'iire per cent, per an-
nurn will be allowed on such prepayments.
Prepayments of taxes must be made at the
Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall,
W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer,
Town of Wingham.
rent Event, pertaining to Home Econ-
omics. A paper on "The History of
Quilt Making" by Mrs: j. H. Smith,
An exhibit of buttons, old and new.
Mission Band Elects
The following officers, were elected
at the annual, meeting of the Mission
Band of the United. Church: Superin-
tendent,. Mrs., C. Tavener; assist supt.,
Miss Margaret Curtis; past president;
Shirley Sieling; president, Muriel
Smith; vice-pros„ June Shiell; secre-
tary, Mary Darling; treasurer; Kath-
arine Sidling; pianist, Mrs. W. J.
Johnston; world friends sec., Delores
Hamilton; temperance sec., 'Helen
Bat ckenridgea peace sec., June Shiell;
good cheer 'sec.,. Shirley Sidling.
Rev. Gallagher Spoke to Y.P.U.
The annual 'supper of the Young
People's Union. was held in the school.
room of the United. Church on New
Year's Eve. Games and contests were
conducted, then refreshments were'
served at a candle-lighted table,. pret-'
lily decorated in holiday colors. The-
president, Fleming Johnston). acted, as•
toast master and proposed. the toast
to the King, Earl, Hamilton. proposed
a toast to the Church, to which Rev.
C. Tavener replied. A jolly sing-soag;
conducted by Mrs. Carl Johnston and'
Mrs. George Hetherington was much
enjoyed, The guest speaker, Rev, E.
0. Gallagher, of Wingharn Anglican
Church, spoke on "Hopes for 1943;"
and gave an inspiring message' to the
young people. On the stroke of mid-
night, Miss Helen Thomson proposed
a toast to the New Year, to which
Mrs. George Hetherington replied-,
Then all joined in New Year's greet-
ings and the singing of "Auld Lang
New Year visitors:
Mr. J. Taylor and Mrs. George Dale
— AT' —
Smith'sEconomy Food Store
SHORTENING. .. lb, 20c FLOUR . . . 24-111 bag 83e
POWDER 1-11:L tin 25c COCOA. .... 1,-lb. tini 290•
TOILET SOAPS 4 cakes 19c
CASTILE SOAP bar 15c. CASTILE SOAP 3 cartes: 10c
FLAKES large pkg. 65c SUPERSUDS „......... ..... pkg., 22c
Aunt Jemima Pea or Bean Soup Mix 2 pkg. 25c
Velveeta or Chateau Cheese — , . 1/2-1b.., pkg. 2Ic
Ewing's Lernon. Pie Filler . — . tin 15'c
DOG FOOD ... 2 pkgs. 29c CHOICE PEAS 2 tins 25e
TOMATO SOUP .„.,„„„, tin 10c TOILET TISSUES, 4 rolls 25'c
— Fresh Fruits and Vegetables —
CHOICE LEMONS, 4 for 150 GRAPEFRUIT.....,.-., 4 for
CELERY STALKS .„2 for 25t MAD LETTUCE —, head 15t
Thursday, January 7th, 1943
Two Shows Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday January 7, .8, 9
— Double Bill
"Stick To Your Guns"
— And —
"Dr. Broadway"
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 11, 12, 13
— In —
The Gay Sisters"
A stirring drama from a. best-sellMg novel.
Also "Cartoon".
Mr. F. McK. Paterson, who spent
the holiday week with his sons, Frank
and Scott, in Detroit, returned home
this week-end, also Scott, and many
were pleased to hear him singing
again over CKNX on Saturday night,
L,A.C. Elroy Laidlaw, who spent a
few days last week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. jas. Laidlaw, returned
to Winnipeg on Saturday.
Mr. Donald Parsons, who spent the
holidays with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Mac Ross, returned to his
home in Toronto on Saturday. '
Rev. Robt, Barbour of Toronto, has
been visiting at the home of his broth-
er, Mr. Wm. Barbour during the past
Mr. Beth Gaunt is very ill with
pneumonia at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson of Auburn.
Mr. Robt. Laidlaw, who has been
working at Galt for the past few
months, spent the week-end with his
wife and family here.
Miss Olive Terriff, Reg. N., is
spending this week with her sister,
Mrs. G. '0. Cox of Toronto and with
other relativeS- there.
Congratulations are extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Thos, Moore, who celebrated
the fortieth anniversary of their wed-
ding on Friday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Milian Moore. Among
others who attended the party were,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson and
family of Lucknow and Mrs. Spading
and Douglas and Marie of Wingham.
Mr. Relisson Falconer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, left on Sun-
day to register as a private at London
Barracks on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie left on
Thursday for their home at Sarnia.
The Laidlaw families met for New
Years celebration at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. -Jas. Falconer with thirty-
one in attendance.
Miss Mildred jMcClenaghan return-
ed to Fordwich on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. I. H. Pollock, who had spent
Starting Jan, 11th, we will observe the following
store hours:
8.30 A.M. to' 6.30 P.M: DAILY except
Wednesday and Saturday.
Wednesday--Stores dose at 12:30 noon,
Saturday.-Open nights as WW1
Mclabbon's Drug Store.
MeAvoy's Drug Store.
I City, Mrs. Edna 'Forsythe and Jerry,
Mrs. Albert Taylor and Eleanor, and
Mrs. Jas. Morrison, Jr., spent the
week-end with their parents, Mr, and,
Mrs, J. B, Morrison.
Mr .and. Mrs. Will Conn returned
home from Wingham on Friday last.
Mr and Mrs, jas, St. Marie, also.
her sister, Mrs, Rewan of Neastadt,
were in Kitchener during the week-
end attending the Professional for
their sister, Sister Mary Lticille, who
is doing Laboratory work in St. Marys
Hospital, there. This was the twenty-
fifth anniversary of her profession,
Miss Cecelia St. Marie and Miss Ver,
onica St Marie, Reg. N., left on Wed-
neaday for Toronto and Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Robinson and son Freddie, who
had been visiting there,. left on Thurs-
day for Toronto.
Mr. and 'Mrs, Jas, Curran .and son
Richard, of St. Helens, spent New
Year's with her parents, Mr. and •Mrs..
Robt. Purdon.
Y.P.U, To Elect
The young people of the Untied
Church held a Christmas social in the
basment of the church with a good
crowd in attendance, A program of
group games and singing was enjoyed.
Lunch of sandwiches and cookies was
served. The annual meeting of the
union will be held on Friday evening,
January 8th in the churCh.-
Held Euchre For Smokes
A successful euchre and dance in
aid of the Overseas Cigarette Fund
u as held in the Foresters Hall, spon-
sored by local young men. Eight
games of euchre were played and War
Saving Stamps were given 'as prizes.
Winners, for high score were, Mrs. C,
R. Coultes and Jesse Wheeler. A
door prize was won by Alex Young,
Arthur's Orchestra supplied music for
dancing and a booth set up in the hall
provided hot dogs and soft drinks.
Section 5 Morris, Name Trustees
The ratepayers of school section No.
5, Morris township, held their annual
meeting Wednesday afternoon. James
Michie acted as chairman. George
Michie was appointed secretary of the
meeting. ,Minutes of last annual meet-
ing and meetings during the year were
read by Richard Procter.
The auditors' report was given by
Howard Wilkinson. George Michie
was appointed section auditor for 1943.
Richard Procter secretary. Gordon
Walsh who was appointed as trustee
during the year, was re-appointed.
Other trustees are Joseph Holmes and
Richard Procter. Sympathy was ex-
tended to Joseph Holmes whose moth-
er died recently. Earl Anderson was
appointed caretaker for 1943.
Miss Maureen Morritt of Blyth, and
student of Stratford Normal school,
will do practice teaching in the school
the first week in. January.
Belgrave School Annual'
.The ratepayers of the Belgrave
School met in annual session with C.
H. Wade in the chair. A Nethery was
appointed secretary of the meeting.
'The trustees report was given by Alex
Young. A. Nethery gave the auditors'
report. C. H. Wade was appointed
ratepayers auditor for 1943. William
Kelly retired after three years as trus-
tee And A. Nethery was appointed to
fill the vacancy. William Brydges and
A. Young complete the trustee board
for 1943. A large number of books
for the library and other necessary
school equipment was purchased dur-
ing the year.,
Red' Cross Annual January 12
The Red Cross Society held their
monthly business meeting in the work
rooms with an attendance of 15 mem-
bers. The president, C. R. Coultes
conducted, the meeting and opened
with a hymn and the Red Cross
Prayer. Minutes of the last meeting,
were read by the secretary, Rev. G.
H, Dunlop, Letters of thanks for
boxes received were read from sever-
al local boys in Canada and one froM
overseas, Those in Canada made
special mention 'of home baking and
overseas, canned meats and Canada
appear to be very welcome.
Plans were made to hold the annual
meeting of the society on Tuesday,
January 12th at 2 p.m. in the work
room. The meeting closed with God
Save the King.
S. S. No. '13, East Wawanosh Elect'
The annual meeting of ehool section
No, 18, East Wawanosh, was held
with Cyrus Scott in the chair. 'George
Wightman was secretary for the meet-
ing and gave the auditors' report, Nero
books were added to the school lib.
tary twice during the year.
Joseph Dunbar was the retiring
trustee and Melbourne Bradburn ask.
ed to be relieved of the office. Clarence
Rath mid Lewis Cook were appointed
as trustees and with Mrs. Cyrus SOU
AS Chairntall of the bodrd will have
charge of the affairs of the school for
Stone School Held Annual
The animal meeting of the Stony
Complete Eye Comfort
Awaits you by wearing Reid's
Glasses. 13anish headaches, see
Clearly any' distance and read
sew with satisfaction,,, Consult—,
Al Reid kb 9
EYESIOIIT sratciAtrist
8tratford's Leading Optometrist
for over 24 years.
At Wingham Office, Williams
jewelty Store every Wednesday
mottling 9,30 to 12,00 t00%
Phone 5W tot appointment
after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
R. E.. McKenzie..
Miss Mary Yuiil returned to Fer-
gus where she is employed at Beatty
Bros; and Miss Myrtle Vuill to her
school at Harriston, after spending
Christmas vacation with their parents,
Mr., and Mrs. J,
Miss Ferrol Higgins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. N, Higgins, returned to
her school in Galt.-
Harold Hamilton of Fordwich, Mr,
and Mrs, Harmon Nethery and Alex,
with Mr. and Mrs. C, I-I, Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller, with
Mr. and Mrs. E, Jenkins of Wingham,
Mr, and Mrs, Frank McDonald and
family of Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs,
A. Young.
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Geddes and
Mary of Seaforth, with Mr, and Mrs,
A. Porterfield and other friends.
A meeting of the Sixth Line Forum
Farm Group will be held at the home
of Lewis Cook on Monday, January
lab. All people of the community are
invited to attend,
Lance Bornbadier Gordon Miller is
home from Debert, N,S., for a 21-day
The weekly meeting of the Y.P.U.
was held on Sunday evening with Rev,.
J. A. Ward presiding. Mrs. E. W.
Rice had charge of the 'topic on "The
Open poor of the New Year." The,
slate of officers for the NeW Year
was brought in by Earl Durnin. These
were accepted and will be installed at
the morning service on Sunday next.
President, Earl amain; Vice-Pres.,
Dick Weathethead; Secretary, Isobel
Miller; Treasurer, Mrs. MCKenzie
Webb; Pianist, Mrs. Rice; Conveners:
Citizenship, Stanley Todd; Assistant,
Mrs, G. McPherson; Christian Fel-
lowship, Mrs. S. Todd; Assistant,
Mrs. L. Woods; Christian Culture,
Mrs. Earl- Durnin; Assistant, Wallace
Miller; Missionary, Mrs. Tom Todd;
Assistant, Mrs. Gordon; Recreation,
Mrs. W. 'Miller; Assistant, Mrs. D.
Phillips. The next meeting will be
held at Earl Durnin's on , Monday
United Church S. S. Annual Meeting,
The United Church Sunday School
held its annual meeting on December
31st. Rev, C. Tavener presiding.
After a devotional period, reports were
received. The report of the secretary,
Fleming Johnston, showed an average
attendance. of 47 for the year 1942.
The treasurers' report, presented by
,Miss Margaret Curtis, gave total re-
ceipts of $181. Included in this was
$33 in War Savings Stamps sent to
headquarters for missionary work. The
balance on hand is $30. Reports were
also, given by: the superintendent, W:
J. Johnston, the temperance secretary,
Earl Hamilton and the missionary
secretary, Mrs. W, J. Johnston. Mr.
Tavener commended the work of the
Sunday'School and the faithful service
of the superintendent.
Officers elected were: Superinten-
dent,. W. J. Johnston; assistant; Mrs.
M. L. Aitken; secretary, Fleming
Johnston; assist. sec., Miss Helen
Thomson; treasurer, Miss Margaret
Curtla; Librarian, Raba Shaw; organ-
ist,. Miss Margaret Curtis; assistant,
Mrs, W. J. Johnston; missionary sec„
Mrs, M. L. Aitken; temperance sec.,
Earl Hamilton.
Teachers 'appointed were: Mrs. W.
J. Johnston, Mrs: Geo. Thomson, Earl
Hamilton, Ed. Johnston, Miss Emma
Johnston, Mrs, Ed. Johnston, Robert
Shaw; assistant teachers: Mrs. SparT;
ing Johnston,..,Mrs. Jas. Johnston, Geo,
Hetherington, Chas. Johnston, Mrs,
Stanley Gallaher; Mrs. •Robt. Mac-
Lennan; cradle roll superintendent.,
Mrs.. S. Gallaher.
The. Sunday School had an attend-
ance of 50 on the first Sunday of 1943.
Spoke On Prayer
At the morning service at Knox
Presbyterian Church, Rev. F. G.
Fowler spoke front the text "Lord
teach us to pray as John also taught
his disciples" an introduction to the
Universal 'week of prayer, pointing out
the need for and the power of praYer.
Special Prayer Service )
Service of special prayer was held
in Knox Presbyterian Church on
Tuesday evening with Rev. C. Taven-
er giving the address and on Friday
evening Rev. F. G. Fowler will ad-
dress a prayer service in the -United
the holidays with relatives at Ripley.
Miss Eileen McClnaghan returned
to hamilton on Saturday, where she
is employed in Ridley Boys College,
Miss Winnifred Farrier left on Sat-
urday for Toronto to resume her
school duties.
'Mr, and Mrs. Neil MacCalluni and
family of Lucknow, spent New Years
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mr. Clarence MeClenaghan was in
Sarnia over the week-end where he
was speaking on Young People's work
at Rev. Anderson's Church.
Miss Florence Beecroft left on Mon-
day to resume her studies at Canada
Business College, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Shiell and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. James Hardie and
son, of Turnberry, Mrs. Samuel Mc-
Burney and Mr. and Mrs'. 'Gordon Mc-
Burney, spent New Yeear's with Mr,
and Mrs. Ed. McBurney.
The marriage of Florence Mildred,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Ayers, and John Andrew Inglis,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Inglis of West Wawanosh, was sol-
emnized on Wednesday, December 30,
in Stayner United Church. This com-
munity extends best wishes to the hap-
py couple. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis
attended the wedding and visited with
their family at Toronto for a few days
last week.
Mrs. Wm. Robinson spent last week
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
John Kilpatrick of Lucknow.
Pte. Alfred Mason, who spent last
week with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs.
John Mason, left on Saturday for
Camp Borden, and Trooper Kenneth
Mason left on Friday. Miss Mavis
Newell of Wingham spent last week
at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. Mason.,
Miss Flora Coulter left on Monday
to resume her teaching at Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw of
Fingal, spent a few days here last
week with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Laidlaw.
Sgt. Norman Davis of the Medical
Corps, at Manning Pool,' and Mrs.
Davis, 'and his brother, Mr. Peter
Davis of Toronto, spent a few days
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, and Pte. Gor-
don Symon, from Sask., and now front
Camp Borden, visited there recently.
Mr. and Mrs. jack Kerr and baby
Anne of Bluevale, spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Miss June Irwin of Toronto, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Herson
Miss Clara Johnston of Inwood, and
Pte. Jack Graham, training at London,
spent the week-end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Leask McGee,
Mrs. Donald Cameron of New York
Hr ea Communion Service
l'eay. C. Tavener occupied the pulpit
in the United Churelt on Sunday morn-
ing, when Communion SerViCe WAS
observed, Rey, G. Tavener presided
at the monthly meeting of the Mitrisy
terial <Association at Wingitam on
Institute Meets January
The regular meeting' of the Wo.
trian'A Institute Will be held on Tito,
day, 1"utruaryi2th at the home of Mrs.
dward Johnston, Roll Call, a Cur-
of Walton, with Miss Florence Fow-
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, Mr. and
Mrs, James F. Scott, Seaforth,. with.
Mr. and Mrs. George Love.
Margaret Procter, Morris, with her
grandmother, Mrs. J. Curtis.
L.A,C, John M. Lillow, R.C.A,F.,
Moncton, N.)3„ L,A.C. Arnold Lillow,
R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, 'at their
home here.
Thomas Jacklin and son of Star
City, Sask., with Mr .and Mrs. Alex
McCracken, This is Mr. Jacklins first
visit to Ontario since he went West
31 years ago.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex McCrackin, their
'daughter Beth' and son Lorne,. of Sea-
forth, spent the holiday with Mr. and.
Mrs. Percy McCrackin at Listowel.
James McHardy, With Mr. and Mrs.'
William Abram in Morris.
Mrs. Archie :Messer and daughter
Margaret, 'with Miss Josephine Mc-
Allister and her brother 'at Dungan-
Miss Ruth Lucas at her home near
Miis Florence Fowler,. visiting her
friend,. Mrs. Dale at Walton.
Mr. and. Mrs. Clene Yeo and daugh-
ter . Marie, of Paisley, with Mn and.
Mrs. Jr, H. Smith.
Smith .Robertson of the- office staff
of the Dbininion Rubber Co.,. Kitch-
ener, spent Sundhy with his parents;.
Mr. and, Mrs, William Robertson,
Mr. and Mrs, Marshall and, baby
Dianna of EiSthweli with Mrs. A, L.
Mr. C: Hetheringrona spent the New-
Year holiday with his son;. Dr. Heth-
erington at Brampton;
D'onal'd' Darling who, his been a
„patient- in the Wingham, General Hos,
pital' for an appendik operation; is ex-
pected' home this week:
James j, Elliott; 4th concession of
TurnberrY:, -had' a. bone. lila, hand
gbirhoek,ent while cranking his. gasoline. en-