The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-31, Page 8Thursday, Dec. Gist, 194Z
Brick Church Xmas Tree and Concert
Brick. Church Sunday School held
their annual Christmas tree and con-
cert in the church. Rev, G. H. Dun-
lap acted as chairman and there was
a good attendance of parents and other
members of the congregation. The
church was tastefully decorated in
Chrietireas colours. The programme
opened with a song by the school en-
titled. Christmas Time, followed by. a
dialogue, Christmas Breakfast; recite-
- floc, Sidney Thompson; flag drill;
recitation, Wilford McBurney; selec-
tion by the church choir; recitation,
Billie Irwin; solo, Eleanor Wightman;
recitation,. Jimmie Irwin; drill, Dear
Old Santa by Barbara Irwin, Eleanor
Wightman and Alice Marks; a choral
reading; one act play entitled, The
Catalogue, by members of Belgrave
Thaited Church; recitation, Doris
Shiell; solo, Anne Charnney; recita-
tions, Bobby Mason and Dorothy Ma-
son. God Save the King. The tree
was well laden with presents for the
children and Santa. Claus arrived just
in time to help distribute them and
to have a jolly time with the children.
Home From Hospital
George Higgins, son of Mr. and
lira. Gordon Higgins, 3rd line Morris,
returned home from Victoria Hospital,
London, where he spent the past eight
weeks being treated for an injured
knee, received when kicked by a-horse
.while working on his father's farm.
He is progressing favourably.
United Church S. S. Enterainment
The United Church Sunday School
held their annual Christmas Tree and
Entertainment in the Forester's Hall,
and his Sunday School class. of girls
who visited the homes of the shut-ins
in our village siriging carols, which
were very nefich enjoyed by those un-
able to go about. It is hoped it will
be an annual custom.
Special. Prayer Sunday
Sunday morning next in the United
Church there be special service
of prayer for guidance during the
coming year. Holy Communion Serva
ice will also be conducted by the pas_
tor, Rev. J. L. Foster.
Red Cross. Workers
The Red Cress work rooms will re-
open, on January 6th. A full attend-:
ance is requested.
Visitors Put On Degree
At the meeting of Forest Lodge,
A.F. & A,,M, on Monday evening of
last week, members. of Fordwich
Lodge were present and took charge
of the degree work in an excellent
manner. At the close a social hour
with refreshments was enjoyed,
Women's Institute
The January meeting of the W. L
will be held on Thursday, January 7th,
3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. J. N. Al-
len. Motto—Learn .from your mis-
takes but don't cry over them; we best
redeem the past forgetting it, Current
Events—Mrs. Burke. • Roll Call—
Household economy for war-time,
Topic—Chine and its leaders, by Mrs,
G, Howe. Mrs. Wearring will have
charge of the musk period, •
;Thurs., Fri., Sat.,
Dec. 31, Jan. 1, Z
Also "Cartoon I
and "News"
Matinee. Saturday af•
ternoon at 2.30 p.m.
There will be no Mat-,
inee New Years Day.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 4, 5, 6
"The Mayor of 44th Street"
A rough and ready comedy.
Also "Canada Carries On" and "Picture People"
We've got a job' to do
in 1943 — everyone of
us I, So let's salute our
country's ' alms and
stand ready to do any-
thing we can to make
this a really successful
New Year.
Margaret Messer, Shirley Dietitian,
Ruth Lucas, Floyde, Norma and
Etville Moffatt, Billy and Bruce Rob-
ertson and Bobbie McMurray had re-
peated their scripture memory verses
and would receive certificates,
Mrs. F, G, Fowler outlined the work
of the Mission Band and 'Mrs. J. 5,
Elliott, the president of the Woman's
Missionary Society presented Marg-
aret Messer, Ruth ,UcKercher and
Frances Shaw with Junior Member-
ship certificates.
Santa Claus was present at the
Christmas trees and distributed pres-
U. C. Bible Society Collections
The collectors for the Bluevale
Branch of the Upper Canada Bible
Society have completed their work for
thiS yekr with the following results:
Bluevale $7.78; Boundary W. and part
of Bluevale $7.60; Boundary East
$4.88; 2nd concession Morrie $4.90;
1st concession Morris $4.00; 4th con-
cession Turnberry $2.65; 2nd conces-
sion Turnberry and B,. Line $4.40;
Total. amount collected and forwarded
to The Upper Canada Bible Society,
Toronto. $36.00. Postage and commis-
Mrs. R. F. Garniss, Sec'y.-Treas.
Christmas Day closed very happily
for Rev, and Mrs, F. G. Fowler by
receiving word form their son, Mas-
ter-Sergeant John J. Fowler of the
Eng•inedr Battalion, that he had arriv-
ed safely in Africa.
There will he a meeting of the men
of the community in Knox Presbyter-
ian Church. on Thursday evening, Jan-
uary 7th at 9 o'clock to consider the
question of orgapizing- a Men's club,
and if deemed advisable to proceed
with the- organization. All the men
of the community are invited.
Holiday Visitors: •
Stewart Watson, R.C.A.F., Wood-
stock, with his aunt, Mrs. W. J. John-
ston. Ur. Watson's home is at Glad-
stone, Man., and is a•son of Mr. and
Mrs. James. Watson, formerly Miss
Annie Stewart.
Miss Ruby. Duff, Reg. N. and Diet-
tan, at the Woman's College Hospital,
Toronto; Miss Dorothy Aitken, of the
Western University; London, with
Miss Duff and Mrs. M. L. Aitken.
Miss Lucy Casens, Toronto, with
her sister; Mess' C. Tavener and Mr.
Tavener: :
Mrs. Harold Harris and two sons of
Mount Forest, with Mr, Edward John-
Mt and Mrs. Teed Hollenbeck and
son Harold, of Stratford, with Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Mann,
Miss Lois Elliott, Nurse-in-training
at the Womairs.College Hospital, To.
lento, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Reymond Elliott.
Complete Eye Ccintfott
Awaits you by wearing Reicl'a
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Stratford's Leading Optometrist
for over 24 years.
At WIngliarn, Office, Williams
jewelry Store, every Wednesday
Morning 1,36 to 12,00 tooli,
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,E.Yarc ATRE
Charles Messer, Toronto, with his r'zctprs;k-iTd-Xrg-- father, jail MCSSer•
Alfred Aga; Wingham, With Mr,
and Mrs. Peter S. MacEwan,
David, Patton and Miss Louie Pat-
ton, Richmond Hill, with Mr, and
Mrs, WM, Balfour.
Christmas Day visitors. with Mr.
and Mrs. George Thornton: Mr. and
Mrs. ;, Wickstead, Morris; Mr; and
Mrs. Neil MacLean and two sons of
Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, A, D. Smith
and Eleanor, Bleevale; Mr. and Mrs.
Hilliard Jefferson and family, Auburn;
Mr. and Mrs. 5, 'Marshall and baby
daughter, Lietowel; Rev. C. Tavener,
Bluevale; Miss . Dorothy Golley of
Mr, and Mrs. G, A. Love spent
Christmas with Mrs. Love's parents,
Mr. and 'Mrs. A. D. Scott at Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McKinney and
two daughters with relatives at liar-
Mr. and Mrs. 5. C, Higgins with
their brother and sister, Mr, and Mrs.
Vernon Higgins in Toronto.
Andrew Holmes attended the fun-
eral of his brother at Dundas this
Mrs. Edward Johnston is. with her
daughter, Mrs. Robert Turnbull and
family at Byron.
Boom! Boom! Boom! It's _'43 in a big
way. We hope it's a big year for -you one that
will go proudly down in history' as a year that
brought .happiness - and, success to you and Yours.
We are grateful for this opportunity to wish
you a Happy New Year. And we hope the New
Year will bring you saceess and happiness.
Men's Store Ladies' Store
Hanna & Co. Limited
Baptist Church
Rev. John Lucas, Pastor
Watehnight Service Thursday
11 p.m.
11 am.--"Lord's Supper".
7.30 part.—"Special New Yeat•
.11ilessage". -
Sunday School 10 eat.
Everybody Welcome.
which was well filled for the event.
Rev. G. H. Dunlop acted as chairman
for the following program: Welcome
recitation, Billy Coultes; duet, Ken-
neth Dunbar and Lloyd Anderson;
recitation, Marlene MacKenzie; chor-
us by the school entitled, A Christ-
mas Song; star drill by pupils of S.
No. 5, Morris; solo, Ross Procter;
song, Ruth and George Procter; reci-
tations, Jimmie and Keith Anderson;
dutch dance, Audrey McGuire and
Marguerite Young; dance, The Irish
Lilt, by pupils of S, S. No. 5; recita-
tions, Ross Higgins and Eileen Holm-
es; carols by the school, Good Christ-
ian Men Rejoice, and Gentle Mary
Laid Her Child; one act play entitled;
The Catalogue; God Save The King
completed the musical part of the pro-
gram after which great excitement
arose with the arrival of Santa Claus
who, in his jolly fashion greeted the
children and distributed gifts from the
Christmas tree.,
Ancient Custom Revived
On Christmas Eve the ancient Cus-
tom of carol singing in the streets was
revived, when a group of children and
young people under the leadership. of
Miss Velma Wheeler went about the
village singing the beautiful old carols
which each year seem to grow more
Church Services
In the United Church on Sunday
morning Rev. G. H. Dunlop gave, an
appropriate message for the season
when we look back on a year almost
completed and forward into a year
about to begin. Taking as his text
"Therefore let us run with patience
the race that is set before us, looking
unto Jesus." The choir sang a Christ-
mas song.
Service was withdrawn in the Angli-
can Church owing to the illness of the
rector, Rev. P. H, Streeter,
In the Presbyterian Church Rev.
Hugh Jack conducted the service and
delivered a fine address from the text,
"And when the burnt offering began
the song of the Lord began also."
Pte. James Perdue of Petawawa and
Mrs. Perdue, Mr, and Mrs. Murray
Johnston and family of Wingham with
Mrs. H. Perdue.
Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Wade and fam-
ily, with his parents at Fordwich.
Miss Beatrice Wade returned with
Mr. and Mrs. R Stonehottee, Mr.
and Mrs, IL McGuire and family of
ileigrave, Mr. and ' Mrs. Norman and family of London,
M; and Mrs. R. Walker and family
of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. 'Lewis
Stonehous.e, East Wawanosh, Mrs,
Ellen Wilkinson, with Mr,. and Mrs.
Robert Coultes, 3rd. line Morris,.
Mr, and' Mrs, Cecil. Armstrong .cif
Tnorndete, Jack and Gibson Arid-
strong, with Mr, and Mrs, D. Arm-
James McCrea, Toronto, with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs R, McCrea,
Mr, and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler, of
London, Kenneth Wheeler, 124C,A.F.,
Montreal, Wilfred Pickell,
Clinton, Mrs, Andrew Taylor, Miss
Mabel Coultes, Wingham, with. Mr,
and Mrs. H. Wheeler.
Mrs, William Dunbar and sons,
Ross and Kenneth, with Mr, and Mrs,
Jobe IVIeCallum.
A,C2 Maitland Johnston of St.
Thomas, with his 'parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Johnston. •
Mr, and Mrs, J. Wightman ancl
family, Listowel, Mr, and Mrs, C, •
Black and son Charles, Molesworth,
Mr. and Mrs, J. Elliott and family,
Bittevale„ Mr. and Mrs, J. Walsh and
family, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Mr. and Mrs. John McBurney and
family, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Young.
Mr and Mrs. R. Laidlaw and fam-
ily, Wingham, Mrs. Laidlaw of Blyth,
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Geddes and
daughter of Seaforth, and son Stewart
of Petawawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Dorothy, Alvin and Glen Gallagher
of Kitchener and James of Galt, with
the Nethery
Jack McKenzie of Windsor,. with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Crellin, Miss-
Ruth Wheeler of London, with Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler.
Mr. and 'Mrs. C. Logan and Patsy,
with Mr. and Mrs. F. Logan. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston, Mrs.
Joshua Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Johnston, with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunbar and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shoe-
bottom, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomai
Miss Mary Yuill • of Fergus, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs., A. Vincent, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy MacSween, Harvey Black,
Mr. and Mrs. ,William Black, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Logan and Patsy, 'Harold
Vincent, Stanley Black, Miss Leona
White and Miss, Edith Wallace, with
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent.
Miss Agatha Coultes, R. N., of Al-
ma College, St. Thomas, with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coultes,
East Wawanosh.
Miss Ferrol Higgins of Galt, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Hig-
Mr, and Mrs. J. Leaver of 'Wing-
ham, Mr. and Mrs, 5. M. Coultes, with
Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes, East
Miss Fairy Fells of Glen Allan and
Elliott Fells of Smooth' Rock Falls,
with Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Jenkins and Mur-
ray, Miss Christena Isbister and Miss
Kathleen Pringle of Wingham, with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller.
Charles Wilkinson of Belgrave, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson of Wing-
ham, with Mr. „and Mrs. Howard
Wilkinson, 4th line Morris. e •
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Procter, Miss
Eliza. Procter, Robert Procter, 4th line
Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Armstrong
and daughter, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs,
Stewart Procter and family, with Mr,
and Mrs. Abraham Procter and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Procter, 3rd line of
•Moreis. •
Mr. and Mrs. John McGill, with Mr,
and Mrs, Walter McGill of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alcock and
baby Joyce of Brussels, Mr, and Mee,
Harry Hopper, Wingham, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Garniss, with Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Hopper.
Bride and Groom Honoured
On Saturday evening friends and
neighbours gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper, 3rd line
Morris, in honour of their daughter,
Muriel and Pte. Toni Garness, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Garness, 3rd line,
whose Marriage was kb event of last
week, and presented them with ii purse
of money.
The groom•respooded awl thanked
all present for their kindness and
good wishes. The evening was spent
playing cards., after Which lunch was
Xmas Tree Entertainments
'file Christmas. Tree Entertainment
hi the village were well attended' and
good,,progratnrnes were presented by
the children. Parents and friends
gathered,at the public school on Tues-
day afternoon and enjoyed a pleasant
The Sunday School sponsored good'
entertainments. A special feature at
the Preihyterian Church was the an
rtr~uricen2ent by Am G. rewler that
Holiday visitors:
Miss Eve Willits of Kincardine and
Miss Kathleen Willits of Brussels,
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
vin Willits, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hat-
fieldeand Miss Laura Bennett of To-
ronto, with Mrs. Edwin Bennett. Mr,
and Mrs. Eldred Cathers and Miss
Evelyn Cathers of Weston, with. Mr.
and Mrs, Charlie Cathers. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Weir and family of Lon-
don, with Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Weir.
Miss Edythe Weir of Oshawa and Mr.
Lloyd Weir. of Toronto, with Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Weir. Misses Hazel and
Minnie Weir of Toronto, with their
parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir.
The commueity was• saddened once
again last Thursday when Mrs. A. E.
Gallaher was called to the greats be-
yond after a lingering illness.
Mr. and • Mrs. B. Martin. and Miss
Edith Martin, RN., of Hamilton, Also
Bill Martin, who was on holiday leave,
spent Christmas and the weekend at
their Wroxeter home,
Miss Lillian Neil of Tormito,iwas a
holiday guest of her sister, Mrs. W.
A. Sawtell and Mr. Sawtell.
Mr. John Adams spent the holiday
in Toronto and visited Mrs. Adams
who is a patient in St. aefichaels- Hos-
' Mr. Milvert Sellers joined. Mrs.
Sellers in Toronto for Christmas
where they visited Mr. and Mrs, Les-
lie Hetherington,
. Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Timm and Mr.
Bill Tinim of Listowel, Spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Them.
Dr. George Brown of Selby and
Mrs. Lloyd Heipel and on John, of
Milverton, are spending this week
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thbs. B
Mrs. Eli Bolt and her brother, Mr.
John Gemmill of Pilot Mound, Man.,
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Sandy Fraser at Ridgetowin
Mr. and Mrs. 1/ S. MacNaughton
and John, spent Christmas Day with
Mrs. W. E. Hainstock at Fordwich.
Miss M. MacDonald and Miss K.
Irwin are spending the holidays at
their homes at Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Penny,. Toronto,
Mr. and 'Mrs. N. A. Edgar, Fordwich
and Mr. Laurie Stewart also of Tor-
onto, spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Denny, .
Mrs. Mary McKennitt returned last
week aftef a short holiday in Tor-
Rev. B, S. and Mrs. Jacques of
Caledonia, visited friends here and at-
tended the funeral of the former's
sister; Mrs. Albert Gallagher.
Miss Rona VanVelsor of the Public
School staff at Weston, is holidaynig
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W, E.
Mrs. ;KN., Allen also Mrs. J. .3% Al-
len, Jimmy and Marjorie, are spend-
ing the holidays with friends at Ot-
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Bowker and
little laugher of Toronto, also Mr.
Jim Wylie of Turnherry, 'spent Xmas
Day with Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Wylie.
Miss Viola Thacker is spending her
holidays at her home near Teeswater.
Eleanor. Sandersori spent the
holiday 'week-end with "her mother,
Mrs. P. Sanderson.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilford Travis, of
COmith, were holiday guests of the
tatters parents, Rev, j, and Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. George Allen are
spending the holidays with members
of their family in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gallagher, .To.
total:), Mrs. Alelia Atchesoft and sons,
London, are spending d feW days with
their father, Mr.. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cartet of
Wingham were holiday guests of Mr.
end Mrs. Win. 1Vitindell, 2itd
, Deepest sympathy of the 'common.
ity is extended to Mr. Albert Gallaher
and family in the loss of their ,wife
and mother who died on Thursday
following a lingering illness,
W. A. Annual_ Meetings.
The -December meeting of the Wo-
mettle Association United Church, was
held on Monday last in the church
school room with a good attendance.
M,rs. Harvey Meltitthaet •and Mrs,,
Win. Hart were in charge and quilting
was. carried on. The .business period
was conducted by the president, Mrs.
Charles McCutcheon, who opened the
'meeting with the Christmas Carole
"Holy Night, Silent Night," Scrip-
ture lesson was chosen from Peke,.
chapter 1, "verses 1-11. Rev. 5. L.
Foster led in prayer, all repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison.. Rev,. J. L.
Foster took the chalr for the election
of officers for 1943, as follows:
President, Mrs. Chas. McCtttcheon;
Vice-Pres,, Mrs. Wmt Hart; Treas.,
Mrs, 5. N. Allen; Assist, Mrs. J.
Douglas; Sec'y., 'Mrs. 5. Adams; As-
sist., Ars. F. Hambly; Press Reporter,
Mrs. V. MacDonald. Miss M. Jardine
was appointed to take care of church
Supper was served et the close and
a social hour enjoyed.
Christmas Eve 'Carols
Christmas Eve was a perfect night
for Carol Singing and thanks and ap-
preciation are due Rev. 5. L. Foster
Two Shows Saturday Night
Comes New Year's . domes the chance to
start all over again, and that's a sure guarantee of
happiness ahead. We wish you the best of oppor-
tunities h 1943 — and the just rewards of all-out
efforts and achievements.
MAKreggiEr4,41-AgfittaAttor ea'a6.e.
Dunlop's Shoe Store