The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-31, Page 3Food is an important weapon of war. More
bacon is wanted in Great Britain and Canada in
1943. Huron is one of the important swine pro-
ducing counties as proved by the following figures:
Number of hogs marketed in 1941 . 125,000
Number of hogs marketed Jan, 1st to
Oct, 31st, 1942 ... • — ......... 102,000
( N ote-1 moritlis only)
Objective for 1943 — — .. 150,000
The increase can be brought about by
(a) Reducing the mortality in young pigs.
(b) By breeding an extra sow on each feral.
Your co-operation is solicited, or infor.
mation on swine diseases, feeding practices, sources
of breeding stock, write to the Ontario Department
of Agriculture, Clinton.
Hon, P. M. C. Shearer,
Minister 61 Agriculture, Agricultural
•7,71:7-••,;,;!•174"7!!••,-- •
Thursday, Dec, 31st, 1.942 WINGUAM ADVAN.,a-TIMES 1),AGt( THREX
At a recent meeting of the Execu-
tive Coinmittee of the Huron County
junior Association Of Toronto, Ger-
ald Stewart •was elected President for
the coming year. Other officers el-
ected were as follows:
',1st Vice-President, Mike Cook; 2nd
. Vice-President, Vera Elliott; Secre-
tary, Mary MacGregor; Assistant
Secretary, Margaret Cooper; Treasur-
er, Bill Patrick; Publicity Committee,.
GraCe Stirling, Kenneth C. Stanbury,
Gordon Fowler.
At -the annual meeting of .the As-
sociation, which took the form of a
Bowling Party, the following commit-
. te was elected to manage, the As-
sociation's affairs for the year 1943.
Goderich, Grace Stirling, Mrs. Clare
Parton (Doris Hillj, Mrs. Ken Haz-
lett (Norman Hill); Brussels, - Mrs.
' Lloyd Grose (Margaret Strachan)„
Wesley McCuteheon; Clinton, Mrs.
Fred Elliott (Vera Dodds), T.' G. N.
(Mike) -Cook, Ernest W. Hunter;
Huron County Farmers
ti lout docaet co
nnet 5001 lou viidA lout toUovite ttelisoes
C,Vot,e1cite Sot lits because kte eiso totioned cola
IsociAtm scitisil everybody usith tteiisenbots tbey *sit tot.
dieese ony et tbe
Scit°5---tbel'te cdi toode et
Ole Vow° ingteaients ond contain enettly buiNding noudskr
Oen% so necessoty in tbese. days ot
stress ond sttoin.
car of $7.20 be sent to Road Ins. Co.,
for adjustment. Carried.
, Moved by Moffat and Porter that
we print a list of the names of men
on Active Service who have received
pen and pencil sets and also others
ordered and on their way. Anyone
unavoidably —missed from the list, the
next of kin advise any member of
council giving full name and service
address. Carried
Moved by Wilton and Porter that
we the council of Twp. of Turnberry
wish to' thank the members of the
council of the Town of Wingham for
the courtesy of the use of their
Council, Chamber, Carried.
Moved by Moffat and Porter that
we extend the time for Collector to
return Roll of 1942 to January 4th,
1943. Carried..
The following accounts were paid:
RoLls $412,13; Sundry $908.8,1;
Brussels Telephone $129,49.
VV: R. Cruikshank, Clerk.
R. Grain, Reeve.
Miss Copts .To'ronto„ spent a
fewdays and. Xmas With Rev, and Mrs.
Tav erte r,
Mr. Andrew Holmes attended the
funeral 9f his mother on Saturday at
Sgt, Melvin McClenaghan Strat-
ford and Mr, and Mrs, Harry Moss
iGlencoe, spent Christmas with their
parents, Mr. an'd Mrs. Ben McClen-
Mr. Albert Perdue was able to re-
turn home from Wingham Hospital on
Thursday last, • ..
Mr. and s,a\frs. Milian Moore, and
L.A.c. Bob -Watt and L.A,d, George
Watt, spent a \few days this week
with. their parents, Rev, and ,Mrs. W.
J. Watt Of Grimsby.
Mr, Russel Ross of London, George
Ross of Owen Sound, and Pte. Don-
ald•Ross of Stratford; spent the week-
end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Ross,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Robinson and
son Freddie of Toronto, Miss Celelia
St. Marie, Toronto, Miss Veronica St.
Marie, Reg. N„ Brampton, Pte. Ray-
mond St, Marie of Camp Borden, and
Mylis and Joseph St. Marie of St.
Catherines, spent , the week-end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. St.
Mrs. Mac Ross received word4that
her daughter, Mrs. G. 0. Cox, Toron-
to, had fallen and broken her wrist
on Thursday last.
Mr. F. McK. Paterson is spendina
the week-end with his sans, Frank and
Scott in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs Bert Thomnson and
Mr. James Martin spent the Christ-
mas holiday with Mrs, A. Fallahay
and other relatives in ToronCo.
Miss Bertha MacKay of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her parents,
and L.A.C. Claire MacKay, and L.A.C.
Jack Taylor, who comes from Sask,,
and have been training at St. Thomas,
spent the week-end leave of five days
with the formers grand parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hector MacKay and other
relatives in this community.
Mrs. Harry Tichbourne of Goderich
spent a few days last week with her
mother,'Mrs. David lennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw of
Jarvis are spending this week with his
relatives here and with her people in
Mr. and Mrs. Beecroft of
Otterville, Mrs, Robert McGee, Tor-
onto, Miss Nellie McGee and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy McGee, Toronto, and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack McGee and daughters
of Dungannon, were among the guests
at the liome of Mr. and Mrs. Leask
McGee on Friday.
.A.C.1 Clifford Purdon of Centralia
airport, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr.. and Mrs. .John Purdon.
Mr, James Wilson motored to To-
ronto on Wednesday last to meet his
brother, Tom. Wilson, who came home
ifrloamne.Portage La Prairie that day by
„Pte. and Mrs. Athol Purdon and
daughter, and Mrs'. Hector Purdon of
Wingham, spent Friday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Purdon.
Invitations are out for the Gillespie-
Farrier reception in the Institute Hall
here on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Connelly and
family spent Christmas with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Barnett of Dur-
ham. Mrs. Connelly and the children
stayed •for the holiday season.
• Wedding bells are ringing.
• Mr, and Mrs. Mason Robinson spent
Christmas with her parents; Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Cameron,
• Mr. Harry 111cClenaghan and Edith
and Bill of Belgrave, spent Christmas
with Mr, and Mrs. Robt, MeClenaglian -
and Miss Edith spent the week-end
with Miss .Mildred McClenaghan,
Mr, John Gaunt of London, spent
the week-end with his wife and family
A wedding of interest to this com-
munity was solemnized on Christmas
Eve. December 24th, at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace E. Miller, of
East Wawanosh, when their only
daughter Lattrene Elizabeth, became
the bride of P.O. Thomas F. Wilson,
son of .Mrs, Wilson of Whitechurch
and the late James Wilson, with Rev.
G. H. Ward of St, Helens Church
officiating., Their attendants wore
Miss Jean- Thom ,and Jolm A,
Norman of Toronto University.. The
happy couple left On Saturday for
Portage La Prairie, where the groom
is ati instructor for the R.C,A,r, The
best wishes of this community follow
them • for a long and happy wedded
Mrs. Johnston of Hamilton, spent
the week-end at the home of her sister,
Mrs, Chas. Sanburn,
Mr. and Mrs, Russel Farrier' and
baby Matiait of Galt attended the .
Gillespie-Farrier wedding here on Sat-
Mr. Jas. .4Zobinson, Mr, and Mrs,
Wm, Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. John.
Kilpatrick. and family, Lueltupw, and
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Robinson and
family of Walkerton, spent Christmas
with Mr, and Mit. CePil Wheeler., of
Ur. ahd Itre, Rosa Rehitstia told
too and ahtt .GeOtge ,RObitt4
First Party of the New Year Planned
Exeter, Mrs. Wiliam Patrick (Dor-
othy Snell), Gordon Fowler, Kw-meth
C. Stanbury; Hensall, Margaret Coop-
er; Seaforth, Gerald Stewart, William
Patiick; Wingham, Mary MaeGregor;
tondesboro-Blyth, Bob LeiPer.
The Association is planning to hold
a Bridge and Euchre Party on Mon-
day evening January 11th at ,Haddon
Hall, 310 Bloor St, W. Toronto. There
will be a number of novelty prizes and
lunch will be served.
Tlie minutes, of council meeting held
in Bluevale, Ont., December 15, 1942.
Members all present,
Moved by Wilton and Breckenridge
that the minutes of last meeting he
adopted as read. Carried,
The following letters were received
and read: City of Tbronto, Toronto;
Trade Board, Ottawa; Tvvp. Kinloss,
I-Iolyrood; Dept. Public Welfare, To-
ronto. Letters from Members on act-
ive service: Cpl. Cameren and Jno. L.
Campbell, .
Moved by Porter and Moffat that
the bill for repairing Miss V. Orvis's
A Wonderful
Energy Food
Mr, and Mts. VVni, Dobie spent
Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jim john-
ston, 1St line.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Johnston, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Johnston and her nephews,
Mr, and Mrs. Snarling Johnston and
boys and Mrs. Harold Hariss and
sons spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs, Melville Afathers and
Arnold and Evelyn, spent Xmas with
Mr. Henry Mathers and sisters and
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Johnston and
sonS, Mr, and Mrs. Cooper Nethery'
and daughter, Mrs. Arthur Shaw spent
Xmas with Mr, and Mrs, Richard
Johnston and Emma.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Jones and baby
of Auburn, sPent Xmas with Mt. and
Mrs, Robt, McClennan and. filthily.
Mr,. and Mrs. George Wheeler and
Mr, Robt. For6st spent Xmas with
Mr. and Mrs, Lee Breckenridge and
Me, and Mts. Harry' Gull and daugh-
ter spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Melt, McCracken and family at Mite-
vale, t
Miss Viola gathers spent a few
days With, Mr. and MrS. Jas. Moses
and also spent Xmas with Mr, and
MrS, MoseS afid family,
Mr, Spettee Meitimitin and Miss
Isabel McKinnon spent Xmas- with
Mr, and Mrs. Robt, McKinnon at
Mr, Smith t Aortson and Miss
Rhoda, spent Xttiass With Mr, and Mrs,
RobertSon and Wilden.
We Wee sorry t6 hear Mr Will
Iobuston was laid up for a cottPle of
days TaSt weelt, Mad te hear he is
.Gunner Lloyd Mason of CannY
Borden and his friend Mr, Joe Brown-
of the Ordnance Corps, London, spent'
last week with the form6.s n'arents,
Mr, and Mrs. „John! Mason, Mr.
Brown, who had been in the navy And
went • through the bombing of Ply-
mouth is now taking the course at
London. Trooper Kenneth Mason,
from Halifax And Pte, Alfred Mason
of Camp Borden are spending this
week with their parents, Mr. And Mrs.
Mason. s •
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston of Kin-
loss and Mr. and Mrs, Elliott John-
ston and daughter of Windsor, spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Ger-•
shorn Johnston,'
Mr, and Mrs. Russel Moore of • Galbraith,
Preston, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. .and Mrs, Arthur .Moore,'
Corp. Harold Snarling of jarvis, and.
Mrs. Snarling and Douglas and Marie
of Wingham, spent Christmas with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Moore, Mr. jas, MacGregor and Mr.
and Mrs. jack Henderson and family
of Lucknow, also spent Christmas
Mr, and Mrs, jack Norman of Tor-'
onto, spent the week-end with relatives •
here and in Cuirass.
„Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson held a
family reception at their home on
Christmas night in honour of Mr. and
Mrs, Thos. Wilson,
:\fiss June Irwin, Toronto, spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr. and
14.A.C. Elroy Laidlaw, who is sta.
tinned at Winnipeg, is tb spend a few
days this week with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. jas. Laidlaw.
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Kerr and .lbalsty
daughter of Bluevale, joined the Laid-
law family gathering at the home of
Mr. Joe Laidlaw on Friday.
Pte. John Walters of Petawawa
Camp is spending a few days this
week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs„
Albert Walters of Culross.
Little Richard Pollock, son of Mts.
and Mrs. Rhys Pollock, is laid ottp:
with an attack of pneumonia. •
Mr. and Mrs. jas. Harkness. and.
children of Kinloss, have ,moved into
the house owned by Mrs. Walter
Mason this week,
Mrs. Iferspn Irwin,
Miss Helen Thompson, unrse..34..
training Victoria Hospital, LondON
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs, Earle McLean of Liss!
towel, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and
family of St, Thomas, Mr, and MrS,
S. H. Cross and family of Walkerton,
And Mr, and Mrs, W, A. Gibson aml,
children of Niagara Falls, sPent Xmai
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. j.
McLean, and Mrs. Cross and her chit.
dren and Mrs, Gibson and her chit.
dren stayed for the. holiday week,
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Elliott and
family, spent Christmas in Wingbaln
at the home of her sister, Mrs, &W.,
Once you took this man for granted. He
sold you tires, he checked your air pressures, and
he gave you the kind of service you liked to have.
For almost a year he has had no tires to sell
except to those engaged in essential civilian
services, but he is still in business. Now he's more
important to you than ever. He is your Goodyear
dealer ... the guardian of your tire miles.
Perhaps you haven't realized that your tires
are now middle-aged. In fact, if times were
normal, you might even be discarding them.
Your Goodyear dealer knows this. He knows,
too, that you're in for some kind of tire trouble
if you don't get the right advice and service ..
the kind he, has for you in the Goodyear
Tire-Life Exteriiion Plan. It's the only complete
systematic plan of tire tare • . . needed more
than ever today.
Even you can't say to your old friend the
Goodyear dealer "put on -four new ones,
buddy," go in and see him anyway. He's well
aware that a big responsibility rests .on him . t
the job of seeing your tires through this
Youe Goodyear dealer is not alone in this
crusade to get evely last mile out of tires on
Canadidn cars. Goodyear is right behind him
all the way . . helping him to render even
bettee service as Canada enters its second
rubbeeless year.
son and daughter'of Port Burwell and.
Mr, and Mrs, Calvin. Robinson and
Miss and Mr,. Roy Robinson ot
Windsor, spent the week-end-with E.
and W. Wawanosh relatives,
This community extends congratu-
lations to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Chalfont
Gillespie, whose marriage Was solem-
nized on Saturday at noon at the home
of her parents, .and Mrs. W..
Farrier of West Wawanosh, with Rev.
G. 'EL Ward of St. Helens officiating,
Their attendants were the bride's sis-
ter, Miss Wthnifred and her brother;
Mr. Carman Farrier.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Eyenon and three
children of London, spent Christmas
at the hame of Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Harold Johnston of Lueknow,
formerly Laura Conn of Kinloss, slip-
ped on the doorstep on Thursday last
at her home,:and x-rays showed two
splinters broken from -her backbone.
Mrs. Wm. Taylor and son Charlie
spent Christmas at the home of her
brother, Mr. Alfred Ross of Tees-
water. .
Mr, and IVIrs. Eddie Waddell and
family spent Christmas with her par-
ents, Mr, annd Mrs. Ralph Caskenette
of Kinloss,
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Caslick and
Culress, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Conn and baby daughter, and Mr. and
Mrs: Gordon Scott of Ripley, spent
Christmas with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Hill of Kinloss.