The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-24, Page 4CHRISTMAS JOY
May you all enjoy the holiday season to the
fullest. May you receive all the blessings of Christ-
mas time. May you all live long- in wisdom and in
* True, outside of our homes there is less
artificial glitter than of old, but because of
that,. the lights in our war industries shine
brighter and there is more power available
to make tools that will the sooner diffuse
the light of liberty "over there".
* And so, though our Christmas may be
a little less bright to the eye, within our
hearts and our hOmeS the light of a great
purpose is aflame, The comparatively small
sacrifices we make to conserve electricity will
make more ships, guns, planes and tanks to
speed the' coming of Peace and Good Will
to all the world.
r / / /
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if ' : / 0 • • 1 1
t7rT"tZ7'14,-.• •
fR WIN Ala:VANCE -TIMES Thursti;ty, Dec Z4th, 1$4Z
then have notice.
DATED this tenth day of D ember
A. D., 1942,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
Goderich with his parents,. Mr, and
Mrs. Michael.
Mr, Donald Copeland, Dental Col-
lege, Toronto, is spending his Christ-
mas vacation with his parents, Rev.
and Mrs. R. C. Copeland,,
Flight Lieut. and Mrs, Bruce Pal-
mer, Crisholm, Alta., v ere guests of
Mrs, John Wylie on Wednesday.
In the matter of the Estate of
Andrew Gernmill, late Of the Town-
ship of Turnberry, County of Huron,
Gentleman, deceased,
Notice is hereby given purSuaet to
the Trustee Act that all creditors and
others having claims against the Es-
tate of the late Andrew Gemmill, are
required to send particulars of their
claims, duly verified to A. H. Mc-
Tavish, solicitor for the Executors of
the said estate, on or before the second
day of January, A, D„ 1942, and after
s sh date the Executors will proceed
to distribute the said estate, having
regard only to • claims of which they
shall then have notice.
Dated at Teeswater, Ontario, this
4th day of December, A. D., 1942,
Solicitor for the Executors,
Acid a little extra merriness to every Merry
Christmas and maybe you'll get some idea of the
wish we'd like to be able to expres,s to you all this
holiday season.
CARD OF THANKS Stainton Hardware
47,0go g ec,4 H. E. Isard & Co.
• . • v, ;.:41414KW4e7`
Mrs, Cosens and Mary wish to
thank the kind friends and neighbours
for the many acts of thoughtfulness
and expressions of sympathy, also the
pallbearers, and all those who assisted
in any way at the time of their recent
loss of a dear husband and father, a-AV .-;41-14M0.14tAV,7,4407
United Church, W„M.S. Elect
Mrs, Edward Johnston presided for
the meeting of the W.M.S. of the,
United Church on Thursday afternoon
and carried out .the Christmas pro-
gramme as outlined in the Missionary
Monthly. Following the opening de--
votional period and prayer, Christmas
carols were sung. Special prayers for
different countries were offered by
Mrs. C. Tavener, Mrs, Laura Kirton,
Mrs, Mary Robertson, Mrs, j. Curtis,
Mrs. George Thornton, Mrs, W, J.
Johnston and Mrs. Arthur Shaw.
The following officers were elected
for 1943: President, Mrs, W. 5,
Johnston; Vice-President, Mrs. Laura
Kirton; Corresponding Sec's's, Mrs,
Edward Johnston; Recording Sec'y„
Mts, J. Curtis; Treasurer, Mrs, Arthur
Shaw; Associate :Member Scey., Mys,
G. 0, Thornton; Christian Steward-
ship and Finance Sec'y,, Mrs, C. Tav-
ener; Missionary Monthly and Liters
attire, Mrs. Mary Robertson; Com-
munity Friendship Sec'y„ Mrs. Ed-
ward Johnston; Supply Sec'y., Mrs.
Robertson;, Temperance and Christian
.Citizenship Sec'y„ Mrs. Stanley Darl-
ing; Press Seey., Mrs,. Robert Shaw;
Pianist, Mrs, Edward Johnston;• Mis-
sion Band Leader, Mrs, Tavener; As-
sistant Leader, Miss Margaret Curtis,
FOR RENT—Duplex with hot water
heating, completely modern. Apply
Win. Field. Phone 394,
BLUEVALE FOR SALE — One Campbell Cutter,
Alex Rintoul, John Street.
FOR SALE—Sparton Electric radio,
short and long wave bands, only
used a short time, Apply Advances
FOR SALE — Man's Overcoat, size
40-42, good as new. Apply Ad-
Y.P.U. Meeting
The Young People's Union of the
United Church met Sunday evening
with the president, Fleming Johnston
in the chair,and offering prayer, Miss
Helen Thomson read the scripture
lesson and Mrs. George Hetherington
read a paper on "The Origin and His-
tory of the Christmas Tree' and many
Carols were sung„
J. H. Kinkead, inspector of Public
Schools, visited the school in the vil-
lage this week.
Miss Velma Wheeler, supervisor of
music, visited the school this week
and proceeded to Kirton's School and
assisted at the annual school concert.
after the said date the Executrix will
proceed to distribute the estate among
the parties entitled thereto having re-
gard only to such claims of which she
shall then have had notice,
DATED at Clifford this 14th day
of December, A.D. 1942.
Clifford, Ont.
Solicitor for the Executrix.
Fordwich, Ont.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Eliza Marshall late of
the Town of Wingham in the County
of Huron, Spinster,, who died on or
about the 30th day of October, A. D.
1942, are notified to send to j. H.
Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or
before the second day of January,
1943, full particulars of their claims in
writing, Immediately after the said
second day of January, the assets of
the said intestate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled there °,
having regard only to claims of which
the administratrix shall then have
DATED this tenth day of Decem-
ber, A. D. 1942„
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administratrix.
FOR SALE — Good used cutter.
Apply George Glousher, Lower
business deal, which all went to show
just how Foxy Santa can be.
Santa in reality came at the close
of the concert to speak a word of
cheer to the children and unloaded the
well laden tree giving many his prom-
ise to return on Christmas Eve.
Evening Auxiliary Elect Officers
On Monday evening last the Decem-
ber meeting of the Evening Auxiliary
was held at the home of ,Mrs. Victor
Shera, despite the weather, eighteen
members. and visitors were present to
enjoy a most impressive Christmas
programme, which was in charge of
Mrs. Arthur! Stephens. and who chose
the Christmas Candelight service, with
the theme being "The,Christian World
at One in Prayer." A Globe with 7
candles placed around about, played a
definite part in impressing the service
in the minds of those present. Seven
members, as they light the candle
opposite that part of the world for
which she offered a prayer and while
the lights from the candles shone,
lighting up the whole world. Christ-
mas carols and the. Christmas Message
played a part as well.
The business of the meeting was in
charge of the president, Mrs. E. W.
Whitfield, who outlined new work for
LOST---Large Tan Hound with piece
out of one ear, toe off hind foot.
Walter Scott, Phone Brussels No. 1.
the coining year.
The nominating committee present-
ed their report for the election of ofa
ficers' and Mrs. R. H, Carson conduc-
ted the election, which resulted in the
Hon, Pres.,- Mrs. -Copeland; Pres.,
Mrs, E. W. Whitfield; 1st Vice Pres.,
Mrs. V. Shera; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs.
Taylor; Rec, Sec':y., Mrs. E. W. Car,
son; Treas., Mrs, C. Black; Correa.
Sec'y., Mrs. A. L. Stephens; Envelope •
Sec'y., Mrs, B, Grainger; Christian
Stewardship Sec'y., Miss Margaret .
Dane; Temperance Sec'y,, Mrs, E,
Sparling; Press Sec'y., Mrs. E. J.
Parrish; Pianist, Miss Fear; Assistant,
Mrs. K. Hastie; Associate Helpers,,
Mrs. Newton; Auditors, Miss Jean,
SPari ing. Theg closed with prayer by
Mrs. Stephens, and during a social
half hour refreshments were served.
The evening service at the United..
Church on Sunday, took the form of
-Service with members.
.G.I.T. and Y.P.U. taking
Saturday slight we here in Gorrie
thought we were in Eskimo Land
when the thermometer registered 30°
KEEP HEALTHY — Take up skiing
this winter. Full line of equipment
at Campbell's Garage, Canadian Tire
Corp. Store, Wingham.
Santa Visited Gorrie
Santa Claus made his viait•to Gorrie
on Saturday afternoon despite the cold
day, being on hand to welcome boys
and 'girls at the township hall, and
accept their donations for the Queen's
Canadian Fund, which *amounted to
$10.52. The afternoon's entertainment
consisted of slides on the Christmas
Story, which was told to the children
by Rev. E, ISL. Caldwell, rector of St,
Stephens Anglican Church; the mem-
bers of the C.G4.T. taking charge of
the singing and music.
At the conclusion of these slides two
Christmas carols were sung before Mr.
Neil showed four educational pictures
on Canada, its sports, play grounds
and wild life, These moving pictures
proved very interesting, but the fol-
lowing two "Mickey Mouse" pictures
caught the eye of the children whose
merry peal of laughter was very evi-
dent of the pleasure they received.
Closing the program, the president
for the Gorrie Woman's Institute
sponsoring the entertainment, thanked
those who assisted in making the
afternoon a success, and closed with
the National Anthem.
Sympathy is extended to Mr. Cloyne
Michael, whose father passed away in
Goderich hospital on Sunday evening.
Funeral will be held from Ethel
where the deceased spent many years
engaged in farming.
Students Presented Cantata
The pupils and teachers also Mrs.
Sawalla, music teacher, are to ;be con-
gratulated on the • success of their
Christmas Concert which was held in
the township hall on Thursday night,
taking the form of a Cantata bearing
the name "Foxy Santa,"
The setting, taken in an orphanage
where no Christmas was evident until
a group of children undertook the task,
these in turn were aided greatly by
Jack Frost and his three brothers,
whose attire made them appear really
Jack Frosts. His' band, the nurses,
and fairies too, waving their wands all
played a part in the Chritsmas cheer
while Santa and the postman have a
WANTED — Flocks all ;breeds to
supply us with hatching eggs for
the 1943 hatching season. Flocks
culled and bloodtested under Gov-
ernment Supervision free of charge.
Guaranteed bonus over Grade A
large price with additional hatching
premiums. Your chance to make
up to 25c per dozen premium over
the price of Grade A large. Also
turkey flocks wanted for hatching.
Also wanted pullets all breeds and
ages, yearling hens, cockerels suit-
able for breeding. Write for full
particulars. Tweddle Chick Hatch-
eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario,
Kicked In Eye By Horse
While Allan Ramsay was working
in the stable at his farm on the 1St
concession of ;Morris, he was kicked
by a horse, receiving a nasty cut above
the eye, which required a number of
Y. P. S. Officers Elected
At the meeting of the Young
People's Society of Knox Presbyterian
Church held on Monday night the fol-
lowing were elected officers for 1943:
Pres., Bill Adams; vice-Pres., Hai•old
Elliott; Treas,, Ben McKercher; See„
Evelyn McIntosh; Pianist, Ruth Luc-
as; Representative to Presbytery, jean
Elliott and Ross Gray.
AND OTHERS twommimmt ..m0111••••••...m.•••••••••••••nis••••••••••••Ire •
Soldier Honoured By Friends
A large number of relatives and
friends gathered at the home of Mrs.
Alexander Mustard, 2nd concession, of
Morris, to honour her son, Stanley,
who has enlisted in the Navy. An ad-
dress was read by Fleming Johnston
and he was presented with a wrist
watch. Mrs, Mustard and daughter,
Miss Lena were each presented with
a leather hand bag. The presentations
were Made by Alex Shaw, Roy Sellars
and Campbell Robertson. The even-
ing was spent playing progressive
euchre. Miss Marie Sellars carried off
the high prize for the women and the
gents honours were won by Charley
Shaw. Rrefreshinents were served by
the ladies.
Mrs. Mustard and Lena intend mov-
ing to Lucknow very soon, Stanley
reports at London on February 1st.
The Mustai-d farm has been rented
to Jim Turvey of the same concession.
Sunday Services.
At the morning service in the Unit-
ed Church, Rev. C .Tavener chose for
his subject, "No Room in the Inn."
Christmas Carols were sung through-
out the service.
The service at Knox Presbyterian
Church was eondtleted by the pastor,
Rev. F. G. Fowler, who based his
Christmas Message on the text "The
Word was made flesh and dwelt
among us." A duet was rendered by
Miss Ruth Lucas and Mrs. Stanley
Moffatt. The hymns sung were in
keeping with the 'Christmas season.
The attendance at both the churches
was small due to the extreme cold
All' persons having claims against
the estates of Martha Forgie late of
the Township of Turnberry in the
County of Huron, Widow, who died on
or about the 29th day of June, .1939,
and of Lancelot Forgie late of the
said Township of Turnberry, farmer,
who died on or about the 13th day of
October, 1942, are notified to send to
J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on
or before the second day of January,
1943, full particulars of their claims
in writing.
Immediately after the said second
day of January, the assets of the said
Martha Forgie and Lancelot Forgie
will be distributed amongst the part-
ies entitled thereto, having regard only
to claims of which the executors shall
• Notice is hereby given that all. per-
sons having claims against the estate
the Village of Fordwich, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Retired . Merchant, who
-died on or about the 27th day of Nov.
ember, 1942 are requested to forward
their claims, duly proven, to the un-
dersigned on or before the 30th day
of January, 1943.
AND notice is further given that
Awards Presented 4 St. Paul's Sunday School held their
annual Christmas Service Sunday
afternoon. Carols were sung and
numbers were contributed to the pro-
gram by Miss Towne's, Miss Fells and
Mrs. Gallagher's classes. Duets were
sung by Pauline Swanson and Nancy
Spittal, Patsy Gallagher and Shirley
Templeman and Barbara Templeman
and Gloria Swanson each sang solos.
!Awards far attendance and lessons
!were awarded as follows: Barbara I MacKay, Iris Newell, Patsy Gallag-
her, George Porter, 'Lionel Gallagher,
Allen MacKay, John Armitage, Gerry
Williams, Bill Templeman. Gifts Of
books were received by the beginners
class and -a gift of candy and oranges
to All the members of the Sunday
ease •
* In the hearts of men, women and children
in this Canada of ours gleams a light that
will never be dimmed. Its flame is fed by
an inward spirit of determination to put
down tyranny at the cost of any sacrifice;
to enthrone freeedom everywhere.
* One by one, in countries all over the world,
the light of liberty has "gone out", but here,
it is Christmas.
it's the
&meow. cocoa ! 1r
Rich, smooth, delicious to
drink and matchless for
cakes, icings, desserts and
sauces ... always ask for
Neilson's for complete
to' r
lb, Tin
1 lb. Tin
Russet Richmond, a life long resi-
dent of this community passed away
at the Sanitoriurn, London, on Sunday.
The remains were brought to Blyth
and interment took place in Union
Cemetery on Tuesday, The late de-
ceased, who was '73 years of age, had
farmed on the ninth of Morris all his
life. He is survived by his widoW,
one daughter, Mrs. Bolges, Grey
Township, and one son, Marvin, of
Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Harris, of
Brockville, are spending a few days
with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H.
A cup at bedtime is good for you.
For each cup of cocoa desired, use 1
teaspoon Cocoa and 1 teaspoon sugar;
add 3 teaspoons cold water and stir to
form a smooth paste. Then add this
mixture to warm milk, stirring con-
stantly until brought to the boiling
point—but do not boil!
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong, son
Stuart and Jim Tomin, spent Saturday
with friends in Fordwich.
Mr. Robt. Wade, London, is spent]-
frig his Christnia8 Vacation with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. it W. l' Wader
Mrs McMillan, of Listowel, spent
Thursday it the village.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and
Miss Perkins, spent Friday' with
friends in Wingharn.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and little
daug'h'ter Karen, spent Sunday in