The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-11-19, Page 2zeAcm TWO
Thursday, Nov, 19th., 1942
4, • t
. .
With their destination satet natanownt them,. Untied States.
aee shown boarding large. transport latantel tor North Aftlaa
- -borne divetborebers„ and A heavy circle protecting wo.rabite
stidad the boldiano .1,$. toeindoxg the. French. Attie= Yeast, at
40,144 a%,,Nouwiwtto 140,tt WOPPlat larttlintr atetztee erzett them asatere
Winetain Advance—Times
• published at
sci Rte — One Year $2.00
$ix Months, $1,00,1u. advance
To, U. $t A., V.50 per trea•r
Foreign rate. 13.00 per Year..
Advertistna rates on application,
lino. Lest Week Mr, j. Stanfield, who
acts as caretaker for several summer
hoines north of the river reported that
entrance had been hewed int e the cot-
tage of ehlr, C j. Burma of Londett
and .further investigation. retreated ttza
etnether vintage in that area had beet
entereds—Southampton Beacon
$till Cattio W
Hunters. in est•afr
Geraea ac-
cidentalts or otherwise, couthsue to
shoot eattle. A. temple of weeks tatea
neer aterettwo a, tcalves wsh
ere ot,
one belonging to W. L. Ham t
Fergus and the other by Roy Blatt,
Last week 3,100 -pound :am belong:-
ing to WiLson cattiweu was seat awl
Lilted tenth of Fergus. Whea Mr.
Caldwell fottud the animal it vas deed,
but not yet cold. The sate tan
tlently brought it de owwithout a
struggle, Provincial Officer Morley
Nt-rielzt was celled and it. investigatiu
the unel crime. ---Aur rthVaterprise
e -*
Car Damaged
While travelling toward Winghatu
Gibson Bellamw
y a too dad We ca
banged up a bit awl one tire damned.
A car driven•by Mike Schiestle of
•Culross. collided with (tile's machine
on the highwae, and the Settiestle ante
al*? Cattle OW he Qi. tXIIIX-IT With a
bomped fender and ruined tire. —
Tees water NeWS.
itStIt Wedding Anetereary,
Congratulations end hest wishes are
extended by a host of friends to Ur.
mad Mrs. John M. Govenlock, of Sea-
, forth, -who celebrated the 58th auniver-
sary of their marriage ata their home
on East Willieut Street. Both ltfr. a4'
Mrs. Govenlocla ere. in excellent health
and enjoy life quite as much as theyt
did mane year e ago. Seaforth Hut -
Ott Exp,psitor,
CNC 24 Point Scientifle AttaMitt-
atlan enablas u; to Oat you
Cicero Corntortahle Vio
Phone 118 s lianistou
Earns Post
Brucefielci Girl Gets Gov't. Post
The appointmentMi
of ss Beth Mur-
dock, Reg, Ne of Hamilton, to the
staff of the British Inspection and.
• Supply Board, as Chief Supervisor of
Inspectors for the Hatailteu and Nia-
t gaga kens area, han haat been COtt
d. Murdock is a, graduate
oE nilton General Hospital, aad
a former Brucefield girl. the daughter
c Mr. and Mrs. j. R. Murdock.
—eSeaforth Huron Expositor.
Hunted Beaver,, ed
Cecil Williamson, of Euparasia
ameetteeeeneeneetenttetnetnenteeee ,
e township was finer $20 and .easts for
NEWS- a •
of the
mating beaver out of season, when
appeared in Owen Sound police
court. Magistrate F. \V. Walker of
Welke:ten presided, in the abeence o
Magitrate E. C. Speremate who is
away deer hunting.-- Hanover Post.
e Tara. Boy Dies In Germany
This week, Mr. ;Ind Mrs. Calvin.
..Xteliet Found In Sheriffs °filet Crawford, of Tara, received official
word through the International Red
Cross, of the death on operational
nights over Germany, lost June, ea
then, .on, Flight ah'eageant Orville Ea -
'Same my ser y sorrountls a bte
Rus d on the floor ef his Office
Sheriff Nelatta Hill at Gedericie
had evtalently penetrated the watt
window, and pa..ssed throno the 310be, ereCrawford,Crawierd, The letter WaS ad -
of the fight and straek the door. The dressed t' his wift't rt'-"Mi"g at 'Ilea-
an-J.—Tara Leader.
Voliae are bwestinating.
Huntsraert Spare That Fawn
zenfinton Airman 'Killed.
, Now that the open seatora far deer
Xtr• cud U'r"- Fl:ede'iett liuts:t2 :ere the citizen:: taf the village of
,Ceeetta, irate •received a cable etiamit. the deeply en-ate:rued reeard-
their! Y‘ntt'get` 1;!EghI Se'-t'eant iug tae welfare of a etpholm which
eat, reamed the streets of that amulet
led In • Mar." S'hlt azaaine, the past summer and hae be -
a Fainter p.itot attaehed to a setanron chnne a eontanunitz„, pet. me fawn*
of the R.C.A.F., I been in Matta waitat ar:were te the name of "Peter-
si2ee :4s1: Inn was! Vete.""a'a Qi kin'. watt picked up twit a little -travel-
led -'ad by Mr. A. A. Greer, in the
early :tering and the kind treatment
many fiehting sweeps.
Married 50. Yate naltawn tairt animal has utade it as
Fifty yearn et wetidea hilie were ; a aouseizold dog. It has had
an'arlted he Mr and Xata a;ettatta -1, the Z'Zin Of the tall:tee streets, a play -
&neaten az tizeia Nunez Tawnsaat r 4:ale at nee riting generatiort, and the
Intatte with naembers eti the farnita in entire pepz,Zace are at preeettt
anerntanet Ftatates Maateanneta and !in -.tea- ana tretnbling, as. it were. lent
George Enterstan mere uttitat‘t n117. S•_',:ite •ZjitY sticket siteedd take a bead
lege by the 'Rev. A. atenalabon, t`'.- an tater pet an,1 cad its careen --
Bet:act'. rver 'anz;ZY -YE ',-•,1;r• 'Walkerton Neraln-Timen
Lucknow Reeve Presented
During the November • sent -ion of
Bruce County Council, Reeve N. E.
Bushell was presented with a lovely
mantle clock tie honor of his xuarriage.
Reeve Logie made the present-
ation aadrese with Reeve Joseph Mo.
Innes of Culross making the present-
atione—Lucknow Sentinel.
B. lat CotteretlerecentlY appointed
Getteral Manage.r,Easternianenpane
aslian Pacific, Itailwey, with 1hris,
diction from Fort...William to lfae.
Mr. 'Cotterelna appointment was anh
nooneed. ley D. 0, Colevaan, President
of tae Company end Ina headquarters
Will be, itt, tTerento, eviera lie will
report to lautophrey„. Vice
president of the !Company'e Ettetera.
Linea hfr. Cotterell has he,d wide
amt. notable reareati. experience the
-United States .aucl re. Canada and
come?, to his present position front
the General Superintendency of the
tkiberta, District.
contended that defective marking at
this curve by county authorities had
been the real, ca,use. His lordship
/Quad, however,. that the defendant's
car watt not under central and. award-
ed Baker judgement for himself and
sons in the sum of a2,0642,15. Edward
Gilks, a, farmer of Proton. Township.
vho was also a plaintiff, and passen-
ger ia the car, and who also received
njuries of severe cuts on the face,
vas awarded the sunt of $:i54.
Starts Fax Beason _
For the past couple of years a $5,000 Fire At Clinton
number of local nimeads have vied for
first puree in the bagging of fox. during
the winter months. Herb. Duffy has
reeved his mettle by eorning out as
top scorer before, and this season he
is off to a good start again, getting in
the first kill of the hunt. -- Teeswater
Charch Gets 1,egacy
St. Janie Church of St. Marye has
be a bequeathed a legacy amounting
to about $84,442. The late Miss .1.Fan-
int- Kinn/. Blanaltard Tower:hip,
whose death occurred last spring, in a
will signed in 1939, left her entire es -
'tate to the Anglican Church.
Blyth Store Closes
Miss Ethel Tactor anaeuncee this
weet: that she is disecattintting her 5c
to $1.00 Store business here, and the
hattre has already eateeti i's doors
Miss. Taylor ar; sed her entire etack.
and it wilt be moving eut this week..
—Dana Staadard.
pig, about to be experimented ou
rations ways.
He is taken to this department and
that department as he gent through
• the various stages toWarda final en-
listment, The Medietti Officer, the
X-ray department, the Personnel De-
partment, the Equipment Department-,
the Atteetation etc., each puts the re.
cruit through hi a paces as he marehes
along the wet^ to ultitnete total en-
• listment.
Like! a sheep in a strange fold, one
youth will approach another youth in
the same enlistment group to exchange
views on the enlistment "ordeal",
Then, they wilt tell one another of
what they heard of the fearful things
which were to come—but which never
do come,
• The final stip= moment comes
when, with a Bible in hand, the re -
emit takes the oath of allegiance to
faithfully- serve His Majesty, 1m-
• mediatela after this ceremony, the re-
cruit b informed that he is "in the
array now." Here he experiences for
a short time the strange felling that he
is no longer a civilian bet a member
oE hfajesty's Farces
This feeling disappears like a mist
• in the morning sun. Shoulder to
shoulder with other youths who have
enlisted there is rapidly developed a
sense of comradeship and fellowship
that dispels any former feeling of
• The recr• uit, now a full fledged
soldier, doe e come to know fell well
that every man is alike in "This Maras
Army." Bunke.i on one side, of hint
might .he :hap who once held a
highly responsible position with cor-
responding remuneration in civilian
lifet On the other side might be a
youth who was not so successful in
obtaining a portion of this world's
goods or a, position of high estate.
Yet, in the army, all this is forgotten.
Each and every lama is there, to do
his duty' in the new life—in. the real-
•raentation of men for the fight to save
the world for Dermacracy—that Peace
and justice aaight once again smile
down on the fate of an earth that is
today witunesing horrors of the first
After a period of waiting at the
Barracks, he is finally sent out with a
group ef soldiere commence his
baste training in one of the various
camps for this purpose throughont the t
Province. As he goes; he makes room'
at Wolseley Barracgs for the constant
stream. of recruits coming in. And he
smiles as he watches the expressions
on the teems of the youths just coneing
A fire of undetermined origin broke in and wondering what the "ordear
will be like.
A5 he marches on through the vari-
ous stages af soldiering he final* that
damage of fire, sznolee and. water of 'the "ordeals' he /tad heard. so mach
approximately MOM The stock vatatabant before are really not as they-
aect at aitt,000 is truly partially cover-'! had previeusly .been painted verbally.
'eel by insurance. The rim Was first Time utaretes on—and the new
noticed by night conetable, Bert ; elder g,rows to accestone himself to
Frienlin, who detected the, emelt of the ways of the a.rray, finding in the
I! d 1 1`
out Saturday morning at 4:30 o'clock
in the Davis and Herman Tailoring
and Men's Furnishing store causing
smoke as e patro t ze business armee an exhilarating egperience which
section of the own. The lataze was is, ta his sznapria, rather iikaabte.
soon discovered as snzeke seeped
tbrough to the outside,. Both the fire
bell and the fire siren were soundedi
to call. the fire brigade, The fire had NcminaEans To Be iifeld Dec. 2S
evidently been smoultierin far seine Itteeras Catenen met on efooday last
tizne as when the doer was opened the,- wens:. in tee township hall with all the
draught caused the blaze to sweep the =elan:lees The Reeve pre -
entire store. Among the ;teacake dee—',.sttiect.
riveted were a number cf cautpleteit The minutes of' elm last meeting
suite and cants.; a large etnah aft weee. read and adapted Ott motion of
leather and rubber coats and- a number '„ Harvey klintstdm and Cecil Wbeeler.
of windlareahers. .k regrentrhie fen- t Moved by Cecil Wheeler, seconded'
nese of the fire is that it wilt dif- by C. R. Coultes„ that the Township
ficult to replenittr the stack unalet-1,:advaece $/50000 to ' .S No S for
• . .
ittreent War cent/teens,. payment to tentracter. Carried. entitted to enter any house and de -
teats and two- de-eta:eters, al,: waena
were pnetent thr de -
:z atzeitetsaa, at
vete the heatteantaial ana eattextentan,
!its, Inane Tatee„ Ittantit, ani
Josetaa Etc:erten, taataantine,
Clear telephone /km for
Your telephone is part of a vast interlocking sys.
tem now carrying an abnormal wartime load. DonN
let needless delays hold up messages on which pro+
duction !fficiency may (Upend.
0 BE SURE yon have dm right
number ... consult the directory.
et• ANSWER promptly when the
bell rings.
0 BE l3RIEF. Clear your lino for
the next ealL
0 USE OFF-PEAK home for your
Long Distance Calls.
There tbings rnay look trifling, irstl.
on 6,500,000 daily stlepkorro
calls, tbey are very important.
be held. Dec. 2Sth. Carried.
Moved by Jas. Ifichie, seconded by
Harvey Johnston, that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on December
15th, 1942. Carried.
The following accounts were paid:
Ontario Hospital, Woodstock (J. 33.
Phelan), $46.00; Ad.vance-Times,
Wiegham (advertising), $7,75; Muni-
cipal World (supplies), a1,00; Post
Publishing House (advertising and
supplies), $4.5O; S. S. No, (work
on contract) $1500.00; F. Duncan
(selecting jurors) $4.00; E. Anderson
(selecting jurors) $4.0,0; G. Martin
(selecting jurors) $4.00; Richard Ai -
cock (Lamont Drain)! $150O; A. H.
Erskine (taxes).$127.96; Fred Logan
(aftercare) a7.00; Mrs. Gross (relief)
$15.00; Roy Turvey (Lamont and
Mustard Drain) $86.50; Dr. Crawford,
lat..0. $20.00; R Duncan, B.0.1-1.
$8.00; F. McNale R.O.H. $3,00; G.
'Martin, B.O.H. $3,00.
Geo, C. Martin, Clerk,
A recent letter from, the London
correspondent of the journal of the
Antericatz Medical Associatiort to that
publication states that precautions are
now being taken in Great Britain
against the possibilit3r of an attack
upon the civilian population with
"blister gas (mustard gas,, or tewis-
ite). A leaflet on the subject has teen,
distributed; says this Mfornutra, mut
persons splashed with such gas are
eotta4,4 lar Into
etc; tittze era:
rilas, bcen • zz t7tat Sout7tann.h.
ten Benet at ranee, teen. been baeken
'Holstein Man Awarded Damages c
A t: lac, Harvey 'Johnston, that By-law No, poiaon,
7' for holding nominations and election Citizens are told that there is no
(By A New Recruit) rtecsa.r.te be passed, nomination to need for alarm if they know what to
Shot. Three Foxes alantages have ,been awarded to
ate reeerted tet be finite reent titistatet ilaker. Heiateht,, in a suit ,
eraca in tint. part id eat etuntey thie anainst Mrs, Ruta M. Walks Data and
fan. att Taaraine, %a. C. n Ranke" Tter husband. John MCI. el7 Owen
,ag:1 !tls, fazk,.. went out far a tete te tend. heard at Supreme Cettrt
attate, and ettutned Mcrae with a bag held before Jae:tee ttleNtatt, The
Two, iteeee Fel to C. j'a ection wet the :tuna:a-meta of n motor
and jaek eiatent eft' the aecinent, %%Yet eecurred, accar-ling
!eat Gat -tete ; ofttenee- r"n n carve and t"..te ciefethle
eyed b ^ uttes. eo d d
o n e tnattd soap and
p water to wash off the
raeantatrazt Ci men in carilian clette-4
: ea aave, since the gnat of the present
war, walked tareuga the gates et
Wolseley Barna:kn. Landon, ta event. t!
"txatte mareut :a the Rings unifernat
yet few if any 4 the Men kaew bee
fiare:tand the vatitus teats they wend
k go threneth beittre betng accepted tato
Frequently and with weird tales of
tthe not...rata" and attattealt' they!!
would hav-e t ass etrau0 before'
rthey were tiny attatved to den the
ttank. atauy en este reeraite faced en- t
1 tistarent with 4 &meant fear.
Fear that is net entike that esperienet
ed by settee men abeat ta be initiated •enne se-zret inter:1,74 ovIer by
Otr-avge enat
ate Vaasa al.:het:le the entatt
Itut wit.en
=lent ie aetteatteen, when
9 -is, 43 ovzr, tite et,sttelite eitn r.txtv
rta Eyes% nnidarm Stajesly's
Ferea.s feels! teat unlike true
autaar„ Mark Twain. Tae„
.fautette La:mortar ogee said he teazel',
iaattany feers tana teeabtet :a tile, but tZe
er&:!bie Ix, ever faev.1 was bt-
wit the rezruit. far the',:
cattny. rale, nee, l7ftldS gnat etc 4-10.,`-:'
GrZtat"t-F, 11.v.v,
eettg was tnt s...•?h at4 Ite
!;a1 arglz13acd.
Ptertrti ete etry rnonitlit !xis enttri
Brit4bi Etato'ire Fighth 411,7,..ny .1031tttlay. arraite ratite. rat! eattaver •ot ii.k,Traian tatruk% The reerniq
Is Aft* perwmieg A,16$ forces , t,itiscrstsph, ?vitotql Airett to 'Sew Donk Sattrir4(71 024 VI [I -Est iniOttry. fee15., centrest to the men in uniform
Ottar riewar*im fortdieil %ale iegal ; Pra44 items C. taypt, sisowtt the Many AA:1$. tATY;:S Ltc-41roytd, livlioet inte% lisamost wives I
do. The gas mask will protect such
vital parts as the eyes and lungs and
so should always be kept handy, even
•when in bed. An anti gas ointment
(bleach cream) is prepared by all
pharmacists, who are ordered to have
a pail of it outside their shops if gas
attacks take place. Persotis splashed
on skin or clothing should. take- off the
splashed garments, apply the anti -gas
• ointment immediately to the affected
part, dab it off with a rag (not wipe
• it off,. which might spread the Poison),
and rub the anti gas ointment ainto
the place. The rag should be burned.
The letter gees on to say that if the
person, is within five minutes walk of
a house they shattld go there, discard
the remaining outer clothing before
entering and. have a wash down and a
change of clothing. If no such plate
is available they are advised to go to
the nearest publie gas cleansing centre
or first aid post with a gas cleansing
section. Those who !admit splashed
persons to their houses are instructed
to see that they take. off their shoes
and outer clothing before entering and
that they. do hot touch anything with
hands or clothing laefore they reach
the washing ptace. t the eyes are
splashed! they shouts/ be thoroughly
flushed out With learnt water immed-
iately, If the hair is splashed it
shout& be cttt off and anti gas oint-
ment rubbed into the scarp Discard
clothing should be sent to the local
decontaminating centre.
Pik.)e rohlezcea
OptiAmiLk0,0;,, 514 KE
.••• :\41,14i.'•
4...1t • ,
VIVir `4.••
Itagisatill tit* 412intehill*,* hetvityliptiett Said: ProtittetIOW teolt•la Unit
• .•::
itottntant veto teeentay Oen* titra! *Wait tat tint tertkat litantehltnt Okla* ths:slistattssa.sortw."
tracst litattenta Until Ott tatattetaltath *MI that t Itiatend Matta , eat,. tea!
• irk* leso lassgsticatt, issossi ARA** kat*