The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-05-21, Page 2• Ytsu won't if your' tires fail. The heft
Way to stop that froth happerdnit h by
signing up for our Goatiyoar TIRE LIFE
-EXTENSION PLAN teclayl les the only
systematic, skilful, low-cost method of
tritscira tire cote. COMO in for details
flaw . „ clelayl
Murray Johnson
Wingharn Ontario
Clear leirephope tot
Tont VdePhOtc is 41021 nf 'Mat intoriarkirig ieaaftetti
tqttilitig 1th ilititior Mal W4feriesse" Wad. Tian's. let tteeilleat delta%
Uldtqltfitessage8 oh which ornate:Lion eilleienty natty depona.,
1-11/E sharp and thickly embedded quills of a
porcupine are sturdy protection against his natural
Frame houses have their natural adversaries, too.
They must contend with the unfriendly elements of
rain, snow, sun, smoke and soot. Repainting is
necessary to protect the wood. This need for painting
is removed by using Brantford Insulated Siding on
the walls of your home.
. Brantford Insulated Siding is the modern wall-
surfacing . . . Easy to apply over old siding or on
neiv work. It is Waterproof, weatherproof, fire-
resistant and has a beautiful brick-like appearance.
Your fuel costs will be lower because Brantford
Insulated Siding has 16 times the insulation value of
brick. Your home will be warmer in winter-cooler
in summer. The selling or rental value -will be in-
creased by the smart appearance of Brantford Insulated
Ask your local dealer for information and ptic.m.
Asphalt Slates-insulated Siding-Roll Roofings,
insulated Siding
WING AM A NCR-TIM Thursday, 21st, 194Z
sciiption Rate. One Year :$2 0
.el'SfEtt Montlta, $1.00 Advance
V.POrciat rate., :.$50) per yoat.
Ikavcrtisirxg rates on aPpIleatio
Ingham. itc'611tris
tOr eartips.
-Grey-Br-dee BritaItt
Capt, W, E. Harris, of Markdale,
era., said just heft:rat sailing for Brit-
4ito-2".1-ust- put me down as a small
tam 'lawyer' -Liberal member of
04.1-liamnt for the riding ot
raruce, Nailed with latest movernent of
Canadian troops to reach Britain. 'I'm
just going over tor a course," he said,
45,st-p lain g th'it 'war, alated for tank
tananocuares Britain and later would
velum C.anada att as an iliStfilt.
lees birthday.
"I'O Pave Pbriori of 131aewater
An aaphalt surface will be applied
to the Blue Water Higliva ay
atttetch between Goderkh and llayfirld,
aecordiftg to information eouncil re-
teived froth the Department of 'High-
ways. The orighial request was for
oiling only, and this news Mrtle As a
welcome surprise.
Ass:ault 'Charges Dismissed
'Charges of assault causing artua
bodily harm against Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh MeKenzie, proprietors of the
'raicKenr.k Hotel, -Clinton, and 'which
were preferred by Charlie Chow,
Chinese chef, were dismissed by Mag-
istrate j, A. Makirts after an extended
-st-vt 1,6 t ,7-ibe viol=
titimbox.,...Nolailt *0, zittatity,
•00, -StittM direttly 'bite
-the mantitlipitee.
ItlInt% 'Mtn- rim. line. Ur
the rteit call,
Vrit alz:IstAR" 'Wm 'fat 1.60
Tronmee beftat P31)
15..015, adtde '0 pan.
TM* ogop wity 14-ok ot.)6,10a,006;4A, tempo* vilis,rnometioryhottoslotOt.
, hearing in eounty poliec court. -Chow,
displaying a `iti.itir) ‘1011M1, Aid that 0
tbe Wilting of May 11, at 0.45', he
was amtektal by Mr, MeNeneie with
a an I Mira. atelernale w all
map in the laitudry room of the hote
follow ine; an wake:mem 'Owl. the cook-
mg In an order t5f bacon atid vf,,gs.
Rom Is Kind While Discing
NVe aie sore): to risport .-,1 the al:,
i 6&111 I'M with+ Wm. Swartr. 'lost one
; 01 11P4' . thlt1.0. IIV 14aS, diSCirtg. anti
licit Maluske uas. waking in the
same field with the tractor. The hors- •
- es suddenly became frightened, and
. made a bait altetid, at which time the
tongue fell out of the neek-oke, the •
!iliac npeended• falling on top of ih
hotae rota ttIttiug it so basity that it
bad 0 be destroy< it. it-- Chesley Enter-
Trees Pot -Seafortb . Course ,
la number of Scaforth boys received
II:Attica! instruetion refotestation •
on Saturday alien they platzle,a. C),000
treea at the Seafeath Golf and •Country
Club. Waded by E. C. no:;wetl, head
of the Club's reforestation pregrant,
the boys nzak• short work of the big
jab and had the trees in by dark.
Ineludine this yeat'a platting, there
are now 24000 trees rlanted on "Sca:,,-t-C
land at the golf clab property.--aSea-
forth Exposhor,
1 To Be 'Ordained
Rev. Gordon T. Dill, si.rn of Mr, am
Mrs. Peter Dill, of Dublin, will be or
dained to the pri•esthood St, reter's
Cathedral, Louden, by His Excellency,
Bishop Kia on Saturday, May ;30,
and will eclebrate his first Solemn
nigh Yta•ss the following day at St.
la • ' .Chureh, Dublin, which he at-
d -during his earlier years.---Sea-
.1 3) Expositor,
• Threshed Buckwheat Last Week
Threshing operations have begun
earlier than nanal this year. George
Looker ean vouch for that, Out neat
Gadshill last Wednesday on the Con
Schneider 'farm in Ellice he saw them Seen In 'Carrick
The boar story publishea in our last
isane apepars to be quite genuine, and
the presence of rhe big furry visitor
is eansing some real (lantern in that
part •Carriek. It was first seen .near
Albert Sehumaehet's bnsh, Where it
slaShed his dog so badly that it died
eouple of days later. A•nother dog
the aame neighborhood also passed
out -fed/owing an encounter with the
big intruder. We learn that it has
attnally been seen by two persona,
one of whom .kedgerl •it would weigh
Plrout 40.0 lbs. Mildmay Gat'tth.
Secend C ,Giverx
e:;econcl. mobile :canteen unit within
year, eonsisting -canteen and setv-
wagon is being git•eti by Tt.ntree
,ounty Cottheil to the Salvation AIMS*.
rinormeement was made by Major M.
„ . Flannigan, officer in eharge of pill,-
• lit relations for the Saltation Army in
t London-Windaor division. The
irst unit, which went overseas injurte,
1041, .brouglit so many letters of air-
preeiation from Tither, County troops
s mewhere in England to the rnembta's,
c County Council, that the secon'
treliaae zyi the .4,001) outfit was vot-
this 'year. - Ifildmay Gazette.
'Rev. Wm, l'Ierult,..son. appointed last
year ao the Hillsdale charge a tite.
•missiou .Rotird •of the Preislayte•rian
'''.hureh, has accepted a call to this .
three-point eharge and was indnoted
last Pri day zetning. 1.4icknow
-Queen's Award PO .194th
Annou cement of seholarships
The faculty arts was made a
Queen's 1.1nitTrsity. Athong the
ners was M. H. rarnell of Ripley who
rded the Arts :Research Fel-
e; ip S500.
io7 sturu aurba tetion
aicknow's neuly eata fished gar-
ilertion system went into ef-
this weak, Tnauy (Tharsrltry)
I was winde on the North aide.
1 village mid tomorrow (Friday).
the collection will he Made on the
&AWL tad:now Sentinel,
LucknOre thittainatt Vined
,Clinrhe Lucktiow
mtor, WhO had sentence deferrr
previous court vits fincd
teeping ratuittPniavIiinns
in I . Out btsitosi; th
" oby* irnwt.
DEPARTMENT TORts • usueotsts
Drunk river aced
Adam Lippert, of Greenock 'Amu-
ship., drew a seven-slay term for being
in the care of a Alt while under the
• luence, v,len Night ,Clificer Harold
enderson picked hint up on one of
'aikerton's main selects. Nis -
will be impounded for three months,
a his driver's license also auspended.
Following are the types ot vehicles
included in each a the three classes
eligible to buy tires and tubes under
the new tire iationing order announc-
ea by Munitions Minister Howe: .
Class "A"
(12pott proof of necessity, and
under authority of a ration permit ob-
tainable from a tire rationing repre-
sentative in any office of the Wartime
Prices and Trade Board, new tires,
new retreaded tiros, and retreading
services may be bought for vehieles,
of this class. Used. tires and uSed
tubes may also be bought for sneh
?ebieles under anthority of a purchase .
eertificate which can filled out by
antborized vire dealer,)
1. A vehicle at /east 75 per tent
mileage for the professional Use of a
physieian, surgeon, visiting nurse, .or
2. A vehicle operated by any regular-
practising clergyman who serves
two Or more congregations more than
htee miles apart, or veho serves a
-parsely ,settled area_
t. An ambulance, or a hearse Or
any VtbitiC 4.1sod. •oteltsively for fun-
•eral purposes.
4. Veldeles used exeluaively for fire-
fighting., -paliet services, garbage dis-
posal, mail and railway ex:press ser-
5. A private vehicle operated by an
employee ,of a fire or pelice service
and 'used 75 per cent in mileage for.
such set-trice, a
t. A private vehicle operated by an ,
employee of a public utility and used
75 per eent or more in mileage for
ronstructian ar maintenance work.
.ApPlies To Buses
7. A hus or other conveyance licen-
41 and used exclusively for :public
espartation, for tranaportation of'
. animas and teachers to or from
g establishment or construction'
for ttansportation of mem-
armed services on author-
teed movements which cannot be per.
flamed ;n1equately by otiWr transport-
' m
S. A truck operated exeluaively fo
tranaportation of ice and fuel,
9. A truek "yr large trailer lista! ex-
;siva), for the transportation of
materials and equipmem for meow:-
ical, stria:meal, or highway mainten-
ance and rOnir, and for eorstracti.n.
of factories, houses, buildings, road t:
highways, dams. and other facilities,
ir for maintenance and repaw vle,z-
ieal, plumbing and heating equip-.
tent and of raaeltines, but not for the
ir electrical anti other house-
hold appliances.
10. A truek for trausipurting Watit
serap roateriais.
11. A truck or large trailer for.,
allotting raw inaorials, semi-
manufaetured goods, anti finished pro- ,
n et a including farm product s and
oas, not l'or delivery to the home,
12. Farm tractors and harvester.
ombines, other than automobiles and
eks, for the operation. of which
res and tubes are ;essential.
15. Inftstrial, mining _and construe-
on equipment, for the operation of
tires and tubes- are essential.
(Used tires and tubes, or retreadea
tires, must be uaed if possible in this
(Upon proof of •necessity, and un-
der authority of a ration permit, re-
treaded tires and retreading services
may be purchased for vehicles in ibis
class, Used tires and tubes may also
be bought with a purchase certificate
filled .ont .in co-operation with any
authorized tire &aim Category "B"
-vehicles are not generally eligible for
new tires.)
1. A vehicle used 75 per eent or
more in mileage to tranaport five or
more employees, including the driver,
to and from a war plant, or
to and from work 'in any other essent-
ial industry, but only where other.
transportation facilities are not avail-
able, For certain war industries Sup,
plies Controller Alan H. Williamson
may authorize new fires and new tubes
for such' vehicles.)
2. A vehicle owned by .a person
manufaeturing munitians, or in some
essential industry and nsed exclusively
for transportine; engineers, technical-is,
and other emPloyets between or with-
in plants where other transportation
facilities ate not available,
A prh-ate 'vehicle used 75 per.
ent. or more in mileage by federal' or
Vineial government employees' for
transporting equipment too heavy to
earry •otherwise, Ot for health, sani-
tation,. or- ,essential war work.
25, A prh-ate vehicle used 75 p
tent: or mote in Mileage by a full-time
officer, field secretary or nurse of the
Red Cross,
.0. A pri,mte vehicle used by a fun-
time emPloyee Of the National Wax
Finance Committee, headed by a W..
Spinney of Montreal,
7. A private vehicle used 75 per
eent. mileage for the professional
dutti •of an inspector of the Inspee-
tints Board of the United Kinp.-,dbm
and Canada.
vebiele owned by a eompany
onerating a flying schoeii under the
British .Courrnorwealth Air Training
'Neje, Sisters Eath Bear
Son .011. 'Same Day
were admitted to :Grove thrt'Sbing 1)11ZWICat .0'0 Of the StOOli,
rt...„0„s („atah Being Out all NVinttl- the outside. was
g,ave. birth to a baby boy on the same "ot good but inside was loaded wit
day. The sons weighed identically the buekwheat. „Beat that if •-aaou can. -
same. 443 pounds 2 -eitiftiNe$. The twin Nlilehell Advoente.
mothers are Mrs. 'William ,), Taylor,
.R. No. 2, Orton, and Mts.:, Perey A 'Large Egg
alaenanaaa R s laergie mi Mr. Anslael,' of Arthur Patkers, aa,,,,aaaaaaaaaaanatamaan, - • . • • • .• , • ..
our a,re repo:tee! as doing well. The brought into the EntetTrise-News of-
, babies were bora on their grandmoth- a big egg be had just receivea,
which he thinks is a. bit tit:usual.
neastred nine inches by seven and
weighed five ounees. Three spelt •eggs
would make elosc. to a pomad. - Ar-
Due 15 ;Point Zeientifin
Atkin ',enables 1st to give 3,13r1
Clear, Cr.outfor4ble,
mane narriston
, Per person
fie ,
fit .1111 ,0, wit
esersh "tot' faotird z:rfarterat5Pbratantyi° atrtelLIeTdtliAteid;
tl principally ior the ttwnsportMion
produce and supplies to ant/ from
faam by a person whose principal
acupation is farming, and whO OWns
o trnek.
uck not otherwise provided for,
or more in naaltage for the professional
duties of .z federal or provincial tun-
S. A vehicle operated '75 per cent
or more mileage for the duties of
.1T/CrOberS Of the diplomatic carps,
members of ahe High 'Commissioner's
offices, c.orrsuls-general of career, can-
sOls of career, vice-consuls of career.
trade commission.ers, members of the
international staff of the International
Labor •Office, a land surveyor, -.or a
rm or fond products inspeetor,
incapacitated individual, a newspapei
reporter, a press photographer, a den-
tist or optometrist who serves more
than one -community, a bond or life
insurance salesman, a salvage or scran
buyer or eollector, jndge a,,thea
judicial officer, a sherriff or other law
enforcement tiffite a service man for
There is no doubt abont it . . •fartn conditions have changed a great deal in the paq number of yean.
Until .of it lik8 been for -the better.
However There are sortie things which it the opinicm of a man born and
-ised O'n a farm shotild considerea
al, sacred and above the meadling
hands ;of people !alio do tot appreeiate
Take -fot the fan Stable., The Dominion Depattmem
culture has just announced abont c3t-petituents which they alV •eottkaitg for the pu most, of malting!. farta Aabl(A less smelly. They vilant ittstaTh• -me sort of gadget aaNeh
halve the atmosphere oTut -stablks., machine weruhl blow Att V,•&
to1;1 imslt aiT ttikt its place. 'Can you iiiviaAire .VANt 'Possibly 000ld f.t.O even father he lint of fiefCtitiii?.! ,k1MIODU‘tht
Ave 'Agar ,isf Uwe some .staa
Brantford Roofing Company, Limited
For Sale 11'
stainton iiar ware
„ragrance ;dry hay us the harses
nuzzle- into Their bins. A hen seratah-
lug above yan sends a pyramid of
dusty bay leavs
itiat your nostrils into a sneeze. Sit
Timothy blasts •out jets of i:telnlitig
breath ,at you as .you
I like a warm day in Spring 101en
yon can leave the tOp stable cl,.1rs
'OPC11. The air is -uf..t ituan:r,ist z,.tt
-setths to almost caress yam' -ceelz.
rite t attic ate. warm and
freely. Even tilt turnips being aa'oun4.
, 'Narver have a special smell
their own.
'GO ittO rt stable on day in sitrataer
n'hen "Pot4sibiy the on stork in three
malV the •talves, tit ,cireasiena: het
with ati urge wande 'May Pri'm
lbe top of TIC stalls .and;t5ir
eitnotity, d'Irissiblv brochv cbir
ntay .c doing punishment. The !,`,12tt
•cj.rsid tath 4ilmag .417 atth
These arc little items but prerIbil,
UrnItro -do tbt t4:
'.,ktgth %tii anything su preei:Als 14:
'Ott ,thogt. furry /fge-Itts:
,deollOritting *he •flact,
perfunte strewn fragrantly throtal-
out the stable.
I sbudder to 'Chink what Sir Tim-
othy, our red bull would think if some
sweet perfume n-ould come in through
a special deodorizing ontfit in the
stable here ai Lazy Meadows. Jessie,
Calr brindle cow would react ta it in
a favorable way_ How-ever, she is a
fussy, feraine• sort of animal anyhow
and g:reia to preen at the sliehtest
chance- 'Grunter, .our discontented
Beekshire t-.-ralt1 be counted upon to
be extremely unhappy in such Le
An action .ta.f this nature -wed z•nly
be the beginning. Next thing you
know there vaald be, a law cumpelling
us to have equipment installed
in our .stabl; ,and snooping itspecters
wz,uld arorrnd to sniff up fi:e air
and the Ieaat 'hint .of natural atinos•
plitte would mean a fine or a leTM in .:
Have you ever noticed the guns-
-12, A passenger rehitile or trailer healer, a drugless bealer, or A rar,al 1)11 "e 'stable.
inclined It) itrril am their noses at it
hut on the .whole it is etimpased of
1.1.e most natural sort of odors. Take
instance a ,crisp, frosty zlay in win-
Yon stamp into the stable. swing- .
13. A gara7ze 'tow truck, or *any .ing the doors shut, as :quickly pos-
1-1, ale. There is 'that musky, hay-mear
Chits "C" -
(I:3"ton proof of nereasity, and -with- IsItam TAtttS
tuft the need of applying -to a tire
ning representative, owners of
vel s in this class or ba a higher
.mtty 'buy used -tires and Used
direct from •TitY authorized deal-
Before the salt is made, a Olt-
chase certificate -must hr rot-mimed.
between the bnyet anti -the dealer, and
any false Statement -Made in the certif.-
-will be atihject to aevere penal-
. Vehicles in :this class arc riot
eligible -frit new titea or tubes, retread-
.es or retreading serVices.)
1..A bors.ed-rniam vellitle or farm
implement for the operation of whiith
tires are essential.
2. Industrial, mining and eonstrnt
equipment 'for the operation :o
which tires ate easeittial 'but int *Well
'Med 'tires ate adequate.
A foreign tar which has been 1
• Catada for Mit than week, and lot
which a tire or •tuhe is .essetitialIo its
itimied operation.
41. A vehicle .opetrated 'V5 ter •Crtt
-Force NEMO; Or Eillpir_e Iinson rnis-
10. A vehicle operated by a minister
of a foreign country, a high eommis-
sioner, ineluding the accredited repre-
sentative of South Afrita, or.a director
sr acting dir4...rtor of the. International
Labor Office.
who repairs office and factory 11. .A vehiele operated exclusively 'emciannipment and mathinery, a s rural but not a "drive-,yottrself•
teacher, a Christian Scienee ehiele."
repairs or farm machinery, a .seivice