The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-02-05, Page 8Thursday, Friday, Saturday, ORD —.. I n .— , February 5, 6,'l ANN RUTHERF RED SKELTON Show Starts at 8.00 p.m., Except Saturday Two Shows Saturday Night "Whistling In the Dark" A thrilling Mystery picture. Also "Leon Errol Comedy" and "News". Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 9, 10, 11 LEW AYRES , LIONEL BARRYMORE LARAINE DAY — In — `Dr. Kildares Wedding Day' Another in the popular "Kildare Series". Also "March of Time" and "Disney Cartoon" Thurs. - Sat, Feb. 12 - 14 Paulette Goddard, Chas. Boyer — In— Bold Back The Dawn Mon, Wed., Feb. 16 - 18 Double Bill The Gay Falcon and Henry Aldrich For President Thurs. - Sat,, Feb. 19 - 21 Pat O'Brien Constance Bennett — In — , Submarine Zone Mon. - Wed., Feb. 23 - 25 Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth — In — You'll Never Get Rich 2,1•Ammemnlosim.10.1.•••• - •••••••rimmr I FEBRUARY SALE CONTINUED I For 10 Days - February 14th I New Arrival of Coats, Suits Makes Our Stock Complete For This Great Selling Event WINTER OVERCOATS 30 Young Men's Over- coats Airforce Blues and Light and. Dark Tweeds. , Sizes 33 to 3/ 13.50 "xl 15,7,5 Suits Men's and Young Men's Suits, Free Trousers for this week with purchase of any snit up to 19.50 Sizes 35 to 42. Men's Overcoats Sizes 35 to 46 Dark and Light Shades, Reg, $30,00 For 19.50 Woollen Scarves Overstocked pure wool tnnfilers -4 ark Greens, Airforce Blue and Wines Shades, This Week 69c Free Hats • A New Spring Hat will be Given this week value up to $3,95 with all purchases of Overcoats over $19.50. Windbreaker and Sport Jackets With f till .Zipper,in all the New- est Shades, Fancy Leather Trimmed including Wool Lin- ings'and All Wool Jackets. Reg. tip to $7.50 Special 4 HANNA & CO.,LIMITED. Girdle Sale 'Very opportune is this week-end' special of dis: continued lines of girdles and brassieres, Broken lines from. Gossard and Nebo brands will give you a reasonably priced gar- ment'at a real saving. All Elastic Girdles Reg. $1.50 . . 98c Other lines, including styles with zipper fast- enings $1.98 up Brassieres . . 25c, 59c KING'S Curtain Sale It's time for our An- nual Curtain Sale — the biggest value in curtains you'll see, Many pairs of odd lin- es of curtains are offer- ed each year at exactly half their regular price. Nets, Marquisettes and Frilled Styles are includ- ed. You can't afford to disregard a 50% discount on merchandise of this quality—but you'll have to see it to appreciate it, Remember the price is Half Price Hanna's Ladies Store Announcement of Misses and Women's New Tailor-Made Suits. Samples have arrived and Lad- ies Suits .on the rack especially tailored in the smart- est tailored styles. Look over these samples and buy early. F6nna & Company PHONE 161 'PROMPT DELIVERY SHOP AT Smith's Economy Food Store ' GOLDEN NET RED AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS ' COHOE SALMON tall tin 32c RAISINS ... ., ....... ...........2 lbs. 27c LYNN VALLEY BLUE ROSE" TOMATOES ..... —.......0 2 tina 27c Ma RICE . .... _ ..... ..-_._ ......... - 10c • Peter Part No. 3 Peas 2 tins 25c Tumbler Free ! ! Kellogg's Corn Flakes 4. 3 for 27c READY-CUT :_.PANCY DRIED, MACARONI 5 lbs. 25c APRICOTS . .. .. lb. 43 I Maple Leaf Soap Flakes, family size• ... 69e Palmolive Toilet Soap , . .. 3 cakes 21c GLENGROVE LOAD' CHEESE .. lb. 39c TB6MD*ASTigrrKliETCPIIUURPEht. 18e PICANE VEGET-ABLE YORIt ASST SAND- SHORTENING lb. 18c WICH SPREADS „ tin 10e York Good Quality Bologna ,„ lb. 21c Maple Leaf Choice Head Cheese , • • 0 1 4 lb. 21e Maple Leaf Skinless Weiners . , . , , .. lb. 29e PRESET ICEDERG HEAD LETTUCE head 10e' C, DELICIOUS-EAT, IWO APPLES - 6 for I9e TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPE-FRUIT , 5 for 25c NO, 1 LARGE COOlaNG ONIONS..„.....,....... 4 lbs, 25e SWEET JUICY NAVEL ORANGES ....-. . . . . .... .. .... . dozen. 25c LARGE WAXED TURNIPS -.....—......... each /e MADE-RITE PASTRY PLOXIIkEIIVASAIt )314.tAti PLO 'R QUALITV GUARANTEED opened with a sing song of hymns, The scripture lesson was read respon- sively, and Mitchell Elliott led in Prey- en Miss Merle Wilson was ilk charge of the Bible Study period, and Mrs. Dawson Craig had charge of the topic from the parable, the Wiae and Fool- ish Virgins, stressing the necessity of Christian young. people of always be- ing on their guard. The meeting was closed 'with the iltliapah -Benediction. BLUEVALE Presbyterian Church Held Annual The annual congregational meeting of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the Sunday School room on Times- day afternoon with a good percentage of the families represented. Rev. F. G. 'Fowler opened the meet- ing and expressed his appreciation of • the fine feeling of friendship and co- operation that existed and the consid- eration given him during his weeks of ill health when be was granted two Sundays' rest, The session 'report presented by Ar- chie Messer showed the loss of Mrs. Anne Forrest, Mrs, John Fowler and Thomas Warwick by death, Ther • were four baptisms, Elizabeth Anne McKinney, John Keith Moffatt, Jam- es Hugh Shaw and Mary Louise Har- mon, The treasurer, Miss Olive Scott, gave the financial statement showing that all ciblig,ations had been met, in- cluding the missions allOcation. Mrs. Archie Messer reported a good aver- age attendance at the regular mission- ary meetings when interesting pro- grams were given, The Ladies' Aid held teas at the regular meetings, quilt- ed and sponsored the garden party. The society financed the Hydro ac- count, also their Share of laying a hardwood floor in the manse and clos- ed the year with a cash balance. Mrs: F. G. Fowler reported the newly organized Mission Band had ae membershipw of 21. Avergae attend- ance was 18. A Mission Band certifi- cate was presented to Eva Fraser. The band made an autograph quilt which realized $9.50. Miss Jean Elliott reported for the Sunday School. Total attendance was 567, with average for 25 Sundays of 22. During the year Billy Robertson was presented with a scripture mem-. ore award. The Young People's So- ciety was small in numbers, but dur- ing the year prepared and presented a play. They supplied the program for the garden party and assisted the Mis- sion Fund, The slate of officers was .elected with very few changes, Duncan Mac Dougall, J. C. Higgins and J. J. Elliott were re-elected to the board of man- agement for a three year term. J. C. Higgins acted as chairman for the meeting and Olive Scott as secretary. At the close of the meeting refresh- ments were served by the ladies and a social hour was enjoyed. • Church Services At the morning service in the Unit- ed Church, Rev. 'C. Tavener spoke from the text, "What seekest thou" showing that often the humble per- son in an unknown way helps by being a guide. Awards were presented for scripture memory work by W. J. Johnston, the Sunday Sehool superintendent, to Billy and Berva Gallaher, Jean and Scott McLennan, Shirley and Cassie Selling and Jim Shiell, At the Presbyterian Church Rev. F. G, Fowler spoke on "The doctrine of The Forgiveness of Sin" taking as his text Luke 5;23, and speaking of the sins of the flesh and the sins of temp- erment, pointed cut the difficulties of Forgiveness and showed Christ as an 11111111111MBEIMPOINVITIVIMMEMINlina SPECIAL I SERVICES Salvation Army Citadel Wingham Corps 6SUNDAY, FEB. 8th 11 a.m. - 2.30 and 7 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER Adjutant Elizabeth Watt, of Toronto MONDAY, FEB. 8th 8 p.m, Motion. Pictures and Presentation of Awards Silver • Collection. 111121MOININICIMMIlr • example .of Forgiveness. Communion Service will be obserevd next Sunday at n. o'clock. Preparitory Service at 2.30 on, Friday afternoon, ••••••••••••1•04 Honored Bride and Groom A large number of relatives, friends and neighbors assembled recently at the home of Mrs. Fred Churchill to honor Mr. and Mrs. Graham Chamney, Mrs. Churchill's daughter formerly Loreena Hamilton. Rev, C. Tavener acted as chairman for the following program: Recitations by Murray Johnston, Delores Hamilton, Ida and Betty Craig; Vocal solos by Ross Smith and selections by the Waddel orchestra assisted by Wallace Carr. An address was read by Flem- ing Johnston and a miscellaneous shower was presented to which the bridegroom made reply. Refreshments were enjoyed and the remainder of the 'evening spent in dancing. itistittad IVIeets Pebrttary 10th The regular meeting of the Wont- alt's institute will be: held run Tues- day afternoon, February 10th at 2,30 o'clock sharp at the home of Olive Scott. Mrs. G. A, Love and Miss Florence Fowler have charge of the program out Canadian Industries, loll Call, Name a Canadian Industry. A paper on Cash and Powdered milk by Mrs, Love and Current Events will be taken by Mrs, C. Tevener, Mrs, J. H. Smith Will conduct her first lesson on "Renovation of Cloth, big," a good attendance will be appre- ciated, Mrs, John Hackeridge has don- ated .a hooked rug, with an autumn, maple leaf design, Tickets will be sold .on the rug and the net proceeds will go to the War Work Fund, •1••••••••, Y, P. V. Meeting George Thomson presided at the regular meeting- of the Y, P. V. of the United 'Church on, Friday evening when there was a good attendance,: The main feature was paper given . by ,Mrs, Stanley Gallaher on the Law Customs and Rationing of an ancient world. All repeated the Mizpalt Bene- diction in closing, Mrs. Jane C. Falconer of Listowel end formely of Bluevale has accepted Et position at Willard Hall, Toronto, Jack Lillow, 'R.C.A.F. has returned to Moncton, N. Ti. after a two weeks leave, spent at his home here, before leaving he Spent a day with his grandparents at Stratford, accompans i ed by his mother, Bert Mann has accepted a position at the Creamery at Fordwich and in., tends moving his family and house- hold effects this week. A, D, Smith, R.C.A.F. of Brantford, ,spent the week-end at his home here. BLYTH Miss Jean Fairservice has graduata ed from the Secretarial Deparment of Canada Business College, Toronto, and has been placed in the office of the Canadian Illinois Tool Co. Ltd. Two of our local young men, Mr. Borden Cook and Walter Bowen, have enlisted and reported at London on Monday for military training. Mr. Deloss Taman underwent a ser- ious surgical operation in London Hospital, is 'tot improving as fast as his friends had hoped for. • Mrs. Christina Smith is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Smith, Omar, Mich, Mrs. Edith Wright returned from Wingham Hospital on Saturday after an appendix operation. Miss Kathleen Logan of GOderich Hospital is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Logan. The annual meeting of the Presby- terian congregation was held on Sat- urday, January 31st, with a splendid attendance. Encouraging reports from the departments of the church activit- ies were received. At the close of the meeting a hot supper was provided by the ladies. Annual Meeting of Blyth United Church The annual congregational meeting of the United Church, Blyth, was held in the church on Friday, January 30. After the devotional exercises conduc- ted by the minister, Miss Jessie Rich- mond was appointed secretary. The reports of the different organ- izations were very satisfactory. The Board of Stewards showed a substan- tial lAlance after all expenses had been met, The M. Sz M. Committee reported that the. objective of $800 had been sent to Toronto. The Trustees. had the church shingled at a cost of $260, The W.M.S, raised $321 amid the Mission Band $141. The W. A, $240, the Sun- day School $324 and the Y.P.U. $70, Up to date $272 had been paid for War Savings Certificates. The total amount raised .for all purposes' was $5,185. The following officers were elected: Elders, Albert Skelton, Moses Holtz hatter; Fnank Marshall arid George Willows; Auditors, Stanley Chellen and R. D. Philip. A resolution of appreciation and thanks was unanimously adopted for time services of Rev. H. and Mrs. Sin- clair. After the business was finished the Woman's Association served lunch, and a social time was spent. BELMORE Activities in the village—A skating party Monday evening; Red Cross ladies served lunch in the basement of the Presbyterian church, this prov- ed a most enjoyable affair, Rev, and Mrs. Wilkie of Teeswater sat down to lunch with some of their parehion- ers. The Missionary meeting was held at Mrs. Newatts Sr„ Wednesday after- noon, A beautiful quilt was also quilt- ed, Lunch was served. The Red Cross quilting will be held at: time home of 'Minnie Jeffray, Thurs- day of this week, The Institute meet- ing next Wednesday afternoon, We regret to hear of the serious ill- ness of Ivirs, Lore Evans in a Tor- onto Hospital, Mrs, Clark Renwick is getting along nicety in Walkerton Hospital after her operation. Mr. ja.ck Holland and Joe Tiffin of Winghatt, paid the village a flying visit, Thursday evening, then away to parts unknown. The curlers were wielding the broom in. Gerrie Thursday, The death of Mr. Mathew Willie took place Sabbath morning at his home itt Culross. Mr. and Mrs, ,Slatrter, Orville, Mr, Press, ,Mr. Hutwkiir our local merch- ants, Mn Carl Douglas ' tob, Watson, Mt, Sack Holland and „toe Tiffin of Wingham took in the anniversary in.• the Catholic Church, Formosa, Thurs- day evening and pronounced it a gala Affair. ' The :funeral of Mr, Walter John- son of Gerrie, passed through the vil- lage on Thursday, The remains were laid to rest in McIntosh Cemetery. ST. HELENS (Intended for last week) "The weekly meeting of the V. I', U. was held, At Mr. W, I, Miller's on Mon- day evening with a large attendance Present. Stanley Todd, Christian Cit- izenship convenor, presided, The scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. Gordon McPherson and the comments by Mrs, Chas, McDonald. The topic, "The Plight of the Industrial Worker" was taken by Miss Tiffin. and the discus- sion was led by Mr, Todd, Next Mon- day evening the meeting will be held at Stanley Tog ids, The annual meeting of Calvin Unit- ed Church was held when encouraging reports were presented from all, bran- ches of the church, A,C.2. Frank McQuillan of Manning Pool, Toronto, was home for the week end, • Mr, and Mrs. Carl Johnston and Mr, Charlie Mathers of Bluevale were re- cent visitors with Mr. John iMeQuillin, It is requested that all completed Red Cross work be handed in before Saturday. Miss Louise Windsor of Lucknow was a week-end visitor at the Manse. The. regular meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held in the com- munity hall on Thursday, February 5th at 2.30. Roll call, A Valentine Verse. Subject, Education, in charge of Mrs. Stanley Todd. Program, Mrs. Lorne Woods, Mrs. W. A. Miller. Hostesses, Mrs. Wm. Ringler, Mrs, Gordon, Mrs, W., I. Miner, WESTFIELD Miss Phoebe Densmore of Wing- ham, who had been taking care of, Mrs. Thbs. Gear, who has been ill, is visiting Some of her friends in this vicinity. Mrs, R. Vincent, visited last week with Mrs. A. Barr, of Blyth. Mrs, W .A. Campbell, visited Sat- urday with Mrs. J. Gallagher of God- erich. Mrs, J. McBrien of Goderich, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Gordon Snell. Mrs. Walter Cook had a few of the neighbors in last week to quilt a quilt, which is to go for Red Cross pur- poses. About twenty-four ladies met at the church on Friday and quilted four a* 4411.1111111111111111111111M. (milts for the Red Cross. A pot luck dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor visited On Saturday at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. R, Stonehouse of •Goderich. Mrs. A. E. Walsh visited recently with her mother, Mrs. Phoebe Taylor of Blyth, Communion service was held on Sunday. About •50 partaking of the Sacrament. Rev. H. C. Wilson, spoke on "What the Sacrament means to me" taking his text from Exodus 12:26-27. a selgrove's London Style Special' Pipe Still the, Old Price 75c I .4111..-0119.111$0 WINGHAM, ADVANCE-TINS Thursday, February 5, 1942 WHITECHURCH Mr. Clifford Purdon left on ,Monday to start an eighteen week course in mechanics at school at Galt. The neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon spent a social evening at their home on Friday night, before Clifford left this community. The best wishes of all will accompany him. Mr. Relisson Falconer of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mr, Kenneth Laidlaw of Grand Bend, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Duffy was at Gorrie on Fri- day attending the funeral of the late Walter Johnston. Pte. Robert C. Scott of Wolsley Barracks, London, spent the week-end at the home of his mother, Mrs. Robt, Scott, East Wawanosh. Mrs. Thos. Moore spent a few days last week in Wingham, on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Har- old: Spading. Mrs. John McIntyre is spending a few days this week with relatives in Toronto' and Hamilton, Miss Mary Simpson of Culross, -spent the week-end with Miss Merle Wireless Air Gunner McKenzie Mowbray is rriving home this week from Mossbanlc, • Sask., where he has graduated from the Western Schools, McKenzie left here on January 15 last year, and. this will be the first time he has been able to be home. He will be here until February 23. This community welcomes him home and congratulates him on his success at the various schools he has attended. His father, Mr, Robt. Mowbray, met him at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintotil and son of Lueknew and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curran' and son, spet Suday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon. This community extends sympathy to Mrs. Thos, Wallace and her family in Turnberry. Mr. Wallace was very ill for many months prior to his death on Sunday night. From/ the beginning of December the ladies of the local Red Cross So- ciety have shipped 39 quilts, 2 crib quilts, 7 women's night gowns, 45 prs. mens sox, 4 turnale-neck sweaters, 3 helmets, 2 sleeveless sweaters, 2 pairs mitts, 1 sea.mans scarf, 1 soldiers scarf. Quite a number of hockey fans from here attended the Owen Sound-Wing- ha,m game at Kincardine on Monday night. Mrs. John Richardsbn spent a few clays last week in Teeswater at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Arm- strong, and attended tide funeral of her uncle, Mr. Win. Armstrong. Mrs. Stewart Scott and Helen of Teeswater spent Thursday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and family of lucknow visited there on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBurney of Teeswater, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill. Mr. Blake Gaunt of Langside spent a last week etnthe home of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Aitcheson in West Wa- wanosh. The regular weekly meeting of the young people of the Presbyterian church was in charge of the president, Mr. James Wilson and the meeting 41111111 ARENA Activities SKATING Thursday Evenings Also Saturday Afternoons Saturday Evenings HOCKEY Friday, February 6th OWEN SOUND at WINGHAM o.