The Brussels Post, 1978-09-27, Page 23CL ASSIR 4 Help Wanted - 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales STOCKER SALE 1200 HEAD at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. Sat. October 7;1978 Consisting of: Steers ,Heifers and Calves VICTOR BARGIREAVES [5191 482.7511 Mites BARRY MILLER [5191 23.5.Z7 Exeter or 2294206 Matsu AUCTIONEERS LARRY GARDINER AND RICHARD LOBB 20-52-2 21 Tenders Wanted 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In 'the estate of SARAH ELIZABETH FISCHER' late of Brussels, Ontario, widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the .above estate are required to send full partic- ulars of same to the under- signed on 'or before the 11th' day of October, 1978, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that haVe them been received Crawford, Mill & Davies ' •• Brussels, Ontario' Solicitors for the executors 22-51-3 25 In Memoriam In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father, Clifford Cardiff, who passed 'away four years ago Sept.', 28th, 1974. He would not ask for:tears or fuss ) But just to be remembered by each of us. No need for words, but just to say, Still loved, still missed in every way. Sadly missed, and always remembered by wife Helen and family. 25-52-1 WELCOME TO PLOUGHING MATCH • COUNTRY while they last Drop in Our store and see our many other Specials 0 Attention Farmers! Corn Season is Here We are ready now for your 1978 CORN CROP Honest weights - Faster Drying More Storage Available with our new accommodations We Buy - Sell - Store RYAN DRYING LTD. VVALTON:ONT. We now have a phone at the mill for your .convenience 887-9261 THE BRUSSELS POST SEPTEMBER 27, 1978 — 23 September 26 - 30, 1978 HURON COUNTY SET of front end weights to fit a Leyland Tractor. Phone 887-9578 after 6 p.m. 12-52x2 PERSON FOR purebred hog farm must be mature and responsible with the desire to " learn and advance. House available. Call Bob Robinson RR#4 Walton 345-2317 4-52-2 7 Situations Wanted Students in fair' parade were led .by alsanner. ,14.014itt **, I HURON '78 12 Wanted To Buy 1 Tenders Wanted Morris Township Snow Plow Tenders Sealed tenders plainly marked and in hands of the undersigned .by ,12. noon . OCTOBER 2, 1978 for". 78-79 snowplowing season.. Tinder forms are available. Lowest or any tender , • not 'neceslarily accepted. Wm MeArter RR No. 4 • Brussels, Out. 21-51-2 22 Legal Notices. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of HATTIE MAY DOWNING, late of Brussels, Ontario, retired school teacher, deCeased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full partic- ulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 11th day of October, 1978, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received Crawford, Mill & Davies /Brussels, Ontario Solicitors,, for the. Executors 22-51-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ETHEL G,ORSELITZ, late of Ethel, Ontario, widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti- culars of ,same to the under- signed on or before the 11th day of October, 1978, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regarsi only to claims that have then been received CRAWFORD. "MILL AND DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-51-3 It's Not Easy To Raise. Children Today There area. lot of pressures on parents right now that make it very difficult to do the lob they'd like to do In providing for their children. It's never been easy to do it. well and probably never will be, but it is possible, by spending a little time, to help children lead a better life and to increase your own satisfaction as a parent. The normal stresses and problems of growing up can become extremely upsetting problems for the whole family when the relationships of family members to each other are not satisfying. When children become upset and disturbing, or aren't getting along as well as parents want them to, and they have already done the things that worked well enough with other children, it's hard to krfow what' to do next. That's the time to meet a trained and exper[enced counsellor who can share with you a wider experience than any family would get in a lifetime. The Huron Centre for Childre'n and. Youth has provided this service for hundreds of families from all walks of life and all over Huron County and beyond, since its in- corporation as a Children's Mental Health Centre in 1977. The Centre is governed by an Independent Board of Directors elected by, the citizens of Huron County at a public meeting held each year. i The Annual Meeting of THE HURON CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND-YOUTH Wednesday, October 4, 1978 7:30 p.m. at the HURON CENTRE OFFICES 140 HUron‘St. Clinton '. (corner of Huron end North St.) GUEST SPEAKER Or. M. Hardy , Assistant Suponritior of Spocitil Sorvitoe. 110onl of Education, 'City if London. •AltrAMWNFr.:•.••••••We etMAryA•M CUSTOM combining, bean and corn. R. Badley. Phone 523-9467. 7-35-3 8 Farm Stock PUREBRED YORKSHIRE boars, serviceable age, ROP Tested and commercial., Bob Robinson RR#4. Walton 345-2317 8-52-2 Arthritis needs help Campaign Chairman of the local Arthritis Society Branch is Mrs. Lois McCall who says, "It is our responsibility as citizens to help provide the. money required to keep Canada in its, present position of having one of the best . arthritis control pro- grams in the world." The focal points for Canada's arthritis control program are ,the Rheumatic Disease Units located at university medical schools. These Units provide ex- emplary patient care,high standards of graduate and undergraduate teaching, and excellent opportunities for clinical research. "We have come a long way in the treatment of arthritis in just a few years", says Mrs. McCall. "At one time most patients with arthritis could look forward only to a life of pain and disability. Now, disability can be prevented in most, cases and pain can be controlled." Mrs. McCall added.