The Brussels Post, 1978-09-27, Page 3Western Star Lodge float promoted its good works Sheri Huether at the fair THE BRUSSELS POST, SEPTEMBER 27, 1978 3 44,....444,,444,44.444 ► ACCurRo 0.144Eaylk G Pick . our own . .Fancy McIntosh Apples OR BUY THEM PICKED BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS ALSO Fresh Hopey - Cider, Potatoes 'OPEN/ DAYS A WEEK Brussels Ontario 887-6883 J & K SHOES IN JEANS It's ploughing.Matc4 Tim e • Get your RUBBER BOOTS here DON'T GET STUCK AGENTS F Olt DEARRISTON DRY CLEANERS .00en. Friday- Nights Until. 9 *. BrattelS Member BoBak: .Phorie.$07-9497 „ .„. Three injured in 2 car crash Pt°41 C4.• IngZON:78 SepteTbp,r'q,6.:'...,.30,-; .1978 -Roord'otdoiv TY During the week September 18 -24 offieersat Wingham detach mein con- ducted 42 investigations. Nine charges were laid under the highway traffic act and, thirty one warnings wer e issued; tk ones eet • Auto0* Seven charges were: laid under the liquor licence act. During the 'week, there were five motor vehicle ac- cidents which caused an estimated $5,700.00 in pro- perty damage and injuries to pprsons, On Sunday, September '24, Kenneth ^ D. Biichanan of Atwo'od i,and , Roger. K. Dil- worth ,wre' involved in a collision on concession 11-12`, at sideroad 5 •(N. Grey Town- ship:;.hijkirjes.),i a reyllt of, foil' lowing-:Kenjiecth ' 447 • ;=•'..• 1; F of :Atwood, .ind.. uhf rlcy Buiclianan: also of At' oOd, Roger K. Dilworth of R.R.3, Brussels. .4.,ZOZWf.,1* Back to work — back to school -- start the fall season with the things yob need! Get a personal loan — planned to fit your problems and your purse. Get it from the people who make it easy for you at Victoria and Grey Trust. VG Hallrice had an vudder" exhibit QfFICE HOURS The office of the 'Brussels Post will be open until.further notice during the followirig hours: Monday 1 Ocim to 12 noon 1 to 4 pm Tuesday 9cim to 12 noon 1 to .4 pm Wednesday 1-4 pm Thursday 1-4 pm Friday 1-4 pm Saturday 10 am -12 noon t iWa mESTAOLONIO 1972 OBrussels Post Phone 887-6641 BruOels or call Evelyn KetioOdy 887-9373 or Pat Leilliksit .88 .7 .-6727 or 527-0240 Sec forth collect VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY D.N. Lefebvre, Manager Listowel, Ont. It44t.fla ,41V4 te1t11t4d 4../4141,EV V.44'4A7 49461:V