The Brussels Post, 1978-02-22, Page 4Eleven
in plc'
at Ethel
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Open Every Weekday
Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of
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Before, Its Too Late.
Belgrave ice carnival is .succes$ful,
Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse
A large crowd gathered at the
13elgrave arena on Saturday
evening for the Ice Carnival
sponsored by the Hi-C. The
judges for the evening were Mrs.
Janisa Coultes, Mrs. Kenneth
Wheeler and Lorne Campbell.
Winners for the Costume
catagories were:
T.V.Characters - Paul and
Steven Coultes; Robert Gordon;
Karen Dunbar.
Nursery Rhyme - Chris and
Steven Michie; Randy Nixon,
Timmy Coultes.
Cartoon Characters - Michael
Fraser, Murray Taylor, Steven
Holiday Theme - Angela
Nethery, Bradley Shiell.
Science Fiction - Scott Evans.
Best dressed couple - Doreen
Taylor and Donelda Lamont;
Joanne Coulteg and Kitty
Hartleib; Cathy Shiell and
Meribeth Scott; David. McKee
and Mark Coultes.
Nationality - Sheila Anderson,
Ruth Higgins. - Tie - Jennifer
Procter Donna Higgins.
Miscellaneous - Lorna Boyle;
Katherine Procter; Julie `and
Jeffery Leitch.
The largest family - Norman
Cook's family.
Youngest Skater - CarolYn
Elston; • Oldest Skater - Sam
Fear "
RaOs - Girls and , Boys
Pre' School - Delan Vincent;
Debbie Taylor.
. Girls - Sepaiate
' The February meeting of the
W.I. was held at the home of Mrs.
Cliff. Bray.
A euchre party was held at the
Ethel" Community Hall on
Monday evening Feb. 13th,
eleven tables were in play. High
Lady - Isobel Bremner; high gent;
BilBiernes; Lucky card for Lady =
Mrs. Clilff Biernes; Lucky' card
for 'Gent - Stan Alexander.
Birthday nearest Valentine Mr.-
$ and undier - Alison Coultes;
rleather .McIntosh; Shona
12 and under Andrea Coultes;
Carol Rintoul; Tie - Susan Cook,
Dianne Nethery.
16 and Under Andrea. Coultes,
Lori Cameron, Elizabeth
Brydges. •
Boys Races - Separate
8 and under -Carey McKee,
Steven Coultes, Michael Fraser.
12 and under - Darren Evans,
Bradley Shobbrook, Ronnie
16 and under - Robbie
Nicholson, Travis Koehler, Bruce
17 and over - Marvin Cook,
Larry Robinson, Wayne Cook.
Tug of War - Morris Township.
The Hockey game was a, tie
with Kinsmen 4 and Midgets 4.
Messrs Robert Hibberd and
Raymond Neill of L.O.L. 642 and
R.B.P. 335 Fordwich ,
W.'N'.Nethery. Clare' Van Caimp,
H. Jacklin, E. Mitchell, A. Bruce
Afternoon UCW
Mrs. Cecil Coultes welcomed
15 ladies on February 13 when -the
Afternoon Unit of the U.C.W.
met in her home. As leader Mrs.
Coultes opened the meeting with
several, Valentine mei'Sages
'including the one "Happiness
adds and Multiplies as we divide
Mrs. Leslie Bolt, in charge of
the worship service led in prayer.
Mrs. Robert Hibberd read the
story of St. Valentine, then Mrs.
Bolt continued with a scripture
:reading on "Love" chosen froth
Corinthians. -
She asked the question, What I
is Love? and read a poem What
Love Can Do" also gave a reading
"A Valentine Wish". The hymn
"Come Let Us 'Sing of a
Wonderful Love" was followed
with prayer.
Mrs. Willard Armstrong-
continued the Bible study from
the book' Jesus Christ for today"
by William Barclay with the topic
"Missions of the King".
Jesus demands the missioner
must heal, drive out demons and
preach the Kingdom, she said.
personally he will convey
humility, total commitment and
disregard for risk of failure with
one aim to prepare men •to receive
,iandalmer Bruce of Belgrave, Milo
Ca,semore L.O.L. 462 and Blyth.
R.B. P. 1226, Leonard James, 794
attended the Memorial service for
the late Brother and Sir Knight of
Bert Alton in Lucknow Funeral
Home last. Wednesday evening.
Lunch was served at the Log
Cabin Restaurant following the
service. •
• Mrs. Nelson. Higgins visited
last week with. Mr. and Mrs. ,
Carman Farrier and Brian, Miss
Winnifred FArrier of Long
Branch and Mr. and Mrs. Rod
McLeod and family of Etobicoke.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Nahrgang of Rostock visited last-
Sunday with his uncle_ and aunt
Mr. and Mrs. William Gow.
Mrs. Leonard Brindley and
Ronnie of Dungannon had her
father William Gow to London
last Monday to see the eye
specialist Dr. Bruce.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ladd and
Kim of, Goderich visited last
Saturday with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. William Gow.
Mr. and Mrs.,Les Shaw and
The study on the Caribbean
was given by ,Mrs. Lawrence
Taylor ' with the subjects,
"Tourism" and "Society - with
its tension". A short discussion
followed on how tourism affects
an area.
The Minutes were read, visits
to sick and shut-ins recorded, and
collection was received and
4-H Clubs meet
The "Belgrave Busy Bees 4-H
Group on February 13
discussed qUilting and diffetunt
quilted articles. They cut out
materials for quilting samples
and worked on them.
Belgrave II 4-H
Belgrave II 4-H Club met
February 13 with leaders Mrs.
Richard Moore and Mrs. Bryan
Black. 20 members answered the
roll call "What 4-H means to
Elected officers were:
„ President - Debbie Foxton; Vice
President - Bonnie Walker;
Secretary - Marilyn Maclntyre;
Press Reporter - Lisa Thompson;
Mrs. Lynda Lentz, guest speaker,
spoke on 'Emotional Health and
Family Life".
Pamela of London visited on.
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross.
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Vin ;and
Mrs. Grace Cook were SUnday
visitors with Mrs. 'Telford Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch ,
Julie and Jeffery of London spent
the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby.
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston
and Tara of Ilderton spent the
weekend with their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Grasby and Mrs.
Laura Johnston. Mrs. Johnston
and Tara remained for a couple of
Mrs. Earl Anderson visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
William Schreiber of Milton 'and
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Anderson of
Mrs. Dorothy Pelfer of Weston-
is spending a few days wtih Mrs.
,,Earl Anderson.
Mrs. Robert Procter, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Procter and Karen
visited on Sunday with Rev.
Chailes and Mrs. Speakman of
Mrs. Dennis Ensom of Sarnia,
Mr. and. Mrs. Larry Mayberry,
Marilyn, Kimberely and Darryl ,Of
Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Procter, Karen and Kevin
enjoyed a birthday party at the
home of Mrs. Robert Procter and
in honour of her daugher Maxine.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bieman
andPaul of Fergus visited, last
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Roger
,,,Bieman also visiting at the same'
home were Mrs. Agnes Rieman
and Evelyn.
Hold euchre
2nd. Line
The second line euchre was
held last Monday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Craig
with five tables in play.
High Lady - Joanne Edgar;
High Man - Ed Stewart; Low Lady
- Mrs. Larry Elston; Low Man -
Glen Sellers; Most lone hands
lady - Mrs. Tom Miller; Most lone
hands man - Tom Barnes.
Nine Tables
Nine tables were played at the
Belgrave Weekly euchre last
Wednesday. evening in W.I. Hall
with winners.
High Lady - Mrs. Rena Bone;
High' Man - Victor Youngblut;
Low Lady - Mrs. Herb Clayton;
LOw Man - John Anderson;
Novelty Lady - Mrs. Willard
Armstrong; Novelty Man
George Michie.
At an exhibition game, layed in
Ripley on February 17, Ripley
defeated the Belgrave Senior
Tykes 8-1.
Hockey teams play
On February 13 in a 'Midget
Hockey game played in Belgrave,
Clifford and Belgrave were tied
On February 16, two Tyke
Exhibition games were played in
Belgrave with the Belgrave At the Blyth Tournament on
Saturday, ' Junior Tykes losing to Monkton, ' February 25, the
,4-0: The Senior Tykes-won their Belgrave Senior Tykes will be
ganie against Monkton by a score participating, playing a game at 9
of 8-4. -` a.m. against Ripley. .