The Brussels Post, 1978-02-01, Page 12Established 1876 McKILLOP MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: 10 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec. Treas., Ph. 627-0400. FULL COVERAGE Farm and Urbdn Properties Fire," Winditorm; Liability, Theft Various Floater Coverages • Homeowner's,' Tenant's Package,Composite Dwelling Directors and Adjusters itebt.AreltIbild,R.R.4, Seater* Ken Carnahan, R. R.4, Seaford) Lavern Gedldn, R.R.01, Wakes Ram Leonbardt, R.R:1, Bembelts Jebn Manias, R.R.1, Blytb Seugey bleDivain,11.11.2, &Merl& Donald McKereher, R.R.1, Dublin Wm. Pepper, Brumfield J.N.Ttewartha,Bits 661, CUsten AGENTS James Keys, 'R.R.1, Seater* Wm. Lelpm, R.11.1, Lendesbore Steve J. Money, \R.R.5, Seaforth 527-1817 527-1545 5274177 345.3234 523.9390 524-7051 S27-1637 462-7534 462-7593 5274467 523-4257 345.2172 CALL AN AGENT OR THE OFFICE 12 THE BRUSSELS POST, FEBRUARY 1 1970 UC women meet. in Mitchell The theme "J-low Firm a Foundation" formed the setting fox the 11th ,annital meeting of Huron. Perth Presbyterial United Church Women held in Main St, United Church, Mitchell on Jan, 24. Nearly 400 members attended the Annual who were welcomed by the president, Mrs. L. Strong, Egmondyille and greetings from Mrs. Ruth Beard, Mitchell after an opening worshop by Thamesview U.C,W. with an informative kit. Mrs. Marion Anderson, 2nd. Vice President of London Conference U.C.W. brought greetings remarking that if there is a need in the community the U.C.W. is there helping whether a sad or happy occasion. Witness and fellowship unite women of the Congregation to unite in Jesus Christ to "Serve in Faith".. A Book 'Commercial was presented by Mrs. M. Pridhim. L. Tilley of Canec United Church .Publishing House, Toronto, had 'an excellent supply of books ' related to programmes and worship to be purchased. Also the Resource Centre, Mitchell, gave their assistance. Mrs'. M. Wilkins, Lucknow, used to have a h ouse built of flannelgraph as each report was read of the past year's work of Stewardship, Christian Develop- ment,' Leadership Development, Church in society, • World Outreach. Communications and In-Church Services. They reported many activities from Bible and MissiOn study, Worship, Dedication and Service to others. Sharing of Talents, Social duties in.. the Church and Community. During the October Regional Rallies,,workshops were h eld and mueh enthitslastit was expressed. in receiving a Spiritual renew.al and also knowledge of the revised. Guidelines. Youth Concerns were prese nted by Don Smythe of London. It is, a vital Christian concern to know about Alcohol and drugs that present problems to. Youth.. He stressed prevention by studying the problems, Toc Alpha held one of its most successful • years. A motto. for pre-teeners is to get along but don't go along. ReV. M. Boulger, Monkton ; had question and answer period on "Indian concerns of Today", The discussion was intensely interesting with . up-to-date knowledge of latest developments in the Northern Regions and their changing lifestyles and problems due to modern advancements in restructuring in certain areas with Hydro and .Gas lines. How -Firm. a Foundation, was the theme used by the of .ternoon speaker, Mrs. Jean Eaton, Staffa. She and her husband had b ecn on a mission in India and Bangladesh and spoke of many incidents- whilethere. If we teach about Jesus, read the Bible daily in our hotnes,werealize the role of Jesus in our daily lives, then we also have Christ as the -foundation. of each of our lives, she said. • They found people in other countries to be very courteous. No man, no church God, she said. We here in Canada should be joyful as we arc surrounded with all types of conveniences, Mrs. Eaton stressed. In other countries they do not have so many conveniences but seem to be happy. A solo "God hath not Promised" was sung by Mrs. Luella Nash of St. Marys. Gratitude was expressed by President, Mrs, Strong for the excellent work of her executive and all the United Church Women during the past two years. Closing comments were made by Mrs. Doris Zurbrigg, President for 1978. who gave this thought "God thinks of you each as a pearl of great price". Mrs.Roy Galway, gave the nominating report. Officers , for 1978 arc: Past President, Mrs. Leonard Strong, Egmondville; President, Mrs. Franklin Zurbrigg, Listowel; first Vice Pr- esident - Mrs. Eimer Hayter, R.R.1, Varna; second Vise President, Mrs. Robert Walters, .R.R.3, Kippen; corres- ponding secretary - Mrs. Campbell Wey, R ,R.4, Walton. Recording secretary, Mrs. Mervyn Karges, R.R.1, Gowans- town; Treasurer, Mrs. Kernick Goderich; Nominations, Mrs. Leonard Strong, Egmondvillc; Communications Co-ordinator, Mrs. Myrtle Johnstone, Goder- ich, Leader Develop- READ and. USE POST CLASSIFIED DIAL DIRECT 887 6641 ment, Mrs. Howarad. Fjrtn, R. It I , Centralia; Church in society, Mrs, William Coultes, R.RS, brussels; Christian Development, Mrs. James. Axtman, R.R,2, Walton; World Outreach, Mrs. Michael Boulger, Monkton; Archives, Mrs. Robert Walters, R.R,3, Kippen, Huron Regional Presidents; North, Mrs. Edgar Gedecke, Fordwich; Wesi, Mrs. Charles Wilkins, R,R.3, Lucknow; East, Mrs. Ruby Triebner, Brucefield; South, not named. Perth Regional Presidents North, Mrs, Mary Rayeraft, R,R.2, Milverton; North Reg. Vice President, Mrs. G.M.McKay Linwood; West, not named; East, not named; Siiuth, Mrs. Lorne Heim, R.R.1, Woodham, is exclusive of Protect yourself from mail order fraud. This is what Ontario is do to help you get a fair deal. Today you can order alrnoSt anything by thail—seeds, books, department store merchandise, body-building exercises and even "diplomas".. - Most mail order organizations are honest, but a small percentage are not —and give the entire industry a bad name. So before you deal with a mail order business, ask yourself; • What does the offer really promise? • Is the advertising actually informative? • Do I know this company's reputation? • Do I really heed the article? do Could I purchase the same article at a lower price locally? • Can I pay c.o.d. ? (cash on delivery) • Is there a. money-back guarantee? Mail order gimmicks to guard- against, along with a checklist to help you avoid problems when ordering goods, are spelled out in a new Information Bulletin from your Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. The bulletin tells you where and how to check a company's reputation and,outlines your rights under the Ontario Business Practices Act. For further assistance, or a free copy of the Information Bulletin "The Mail Order Business: Protecting Your Dollars."— write to: Consumer Information Centre - Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations 555 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6 Also available is a new Information Bulletin oh Phony Charities: "Avoiding Phony Charities: How 'To Be A Cautious Donor". Larry Grossman, Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario