The Brussels Post, 1977-10-26, Page 2IIMMELS
Serving Brussels and the surrounding community.
Published each Wednesday afternoon at Brussels, Ontario
by McLean Bros. Publishers, Limited.
Evelyn Kennedy - Editor Dave Robb - Advertising
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association and
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association
Subscriptions (in advance) Canada $8,00 a Year, Others
$14.00 a Year, Single Copies 20 cents each.
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13russels Post
What is a-community
Next to the family, the community is the most
important centre of activities that make life human,
civilized and cultured. No other environment
contributes so significantly to nourish the values of
Governments on all levels are learning this by the
failure of their efforts to impose neighbourhood re-
development programs without consulting and
involving the people who live there. Community
work satisfies the desire to contribute to humanity; it
gives a person something, to do that is worth while; it
provides fellowship. The community of individuals,
in hamlet, village, town or city, supports churches,
schools, fraternal societies and centres for recrea-
tional and artistic activities.
If a person is to have dignity, he must make his
contribution to life. It is in the community that than
feels what he is and has a chance to become what he
can be. Through association with others in church,
school, club and. recrea tion the individual gets a
sense of status and a sense of social acceptance and
support. ,
Every improvement in the life of people in the
community is a personal advantage to everyone in it.
But contribution to the good of the community is
more than that, it is an expression of the natural
good qualities people have.
People do not become part of a community merely
by being together, but rather by sharing interests •
and engaging in activities to further the welfare of
the group.. The strongest bond between people is the
.feeling of having common problems:common values
and common hopes.
Community work is self-developing. It is more
than merely sending a cheque. We seek the respect
of the society in which we live. Mutual tolerance and
co-operation will lead to the point when you call your
neighbour "friend" and that means much to both‘of
you. ivlembership in the community comes from a
conscious sense of "belonging".
By belonging, we accept certain responsibilities for
constructive contribution. The good citizen will
shape his community by working with other citizens.
Then problems get solved, wrongs. are righted, the
beauty and spirit of the community is enhanced:
(RidgetWop Dominion)
Milkweed seeds
Behind the scenes
by Keith Roylston
People love to talk, these days, badly I'd needed them and
about the good old days. For nie rediscovered the miracle of clear
that means time dated BG: before vision. I realized just what I'd
glasses. 4 been missing. And for five years
Eye glasses are one of the most since then, I've frequently,
important and overlooked realized what I was
inventions of man but they are missing: my glasses. If there is
also a bane of my existence. I ever a divorce in the family,
suppose the problem is that 'I glasses may be listed as one of
'spent the first 25 years of my life the causes. I'm forever setting
without glasses and find it hard to the darned things down because
get, used to living with them. for normal things like reading, I
' I'd always had perfect eyesight don't need them. It's only when
in those days BG and took a quiet I'm driving or watching
pride in it. It made things a lot television that I need them So I
easier playing sports and such as take them off and set them down -
a youngster than it was for my and of course when I need them
fellows who had to wear glasses. I again, I forget where I put them.
suppose I was evena little smug And since I can only see things'
about it, as if it was some kind of close up, 'I can't see the glasses if
personal achievement not to have they're lying on a table across
to wear glasses. But pride goeth the room, only if I'm right beside
before the fall and my fall came the table. To make things worse,
about five years back. The my memory cells have aged to the
newspaper business has driven point of 'a 12.5-year-old so I can't
Some people to • drink, some to even narrow the search area
habitual smoking and caused down. At such, times a scream
some to get ulcers (or all three). goes the wife to come to the
Me it drove to glasses. It was a rescue and she-has to drop what
particularly tough time during my she's.doing and join in the search.
newspaper Career when the days I used to try to solve the
began early and carried on to the problem by sticking the glasses in
w,ee hours of the morning. All of my breast pocket when h wasn't
the work invovled reading fine using them but the problem was
print and straining eyes. I wasn't I'd bend over to tie a shoe lace
.long, before I . noticed when and they'd fall out on the ground,
-driving that roadside signs were- or more likely a piece of cement
blurry and it was hard to see and the glasses would shatter.
anything very plainly more than One such tumble neatly broke
20feet away. Humbly I realized it off one of the arms of the glasses.
Was` ime to go to an optometrist. It's no great tragedy and for most
As if just having to go wasn't people it would simply mean a
hard'enough on the ego after trip to the optometrist to get them
years of taking pride in good fixed. But with a hectie schedule
eyesight, it was an even bigger to keep, soniehoW I kept putting
blow-when the r . announced: off that trip and it was months
"Sir. you are myopic" Of all the before I finally got the glasses
insults. Newspaper editors are fixed. By that time I had
supposed to have vision, to be far developed a strange kink' in my
sighted. How could I ever admit I neck because I had tilted my head
was short sighted and hold up my to the right for so long to keep the
head at a newspaper convention:? glasses from falling off.
Of course once I got the glaSses In time of desperation, when
and put them• on I realized hoW I've lost the glasses again and
have to be somewhere in two
minutes, I've been known to say
to heck with it (or words to that
effect) and go out without them
....not driving of Course, just
walking. But then the problem
comes in. Now when my wife,
who is a ,city girl, first moved to a
small town she almost hated to
walk down the ,street.Window
shopping in the city had been fun,
but in a small town you had to be
so alert to see people you knew
and say hello that you hardly had
time to look in the window, She
almost got to be a nervous wreck
worrying about missing
I found the' same problem
walking down the street without
glasses. I could hardly even see
the other side of the street, let'
alone recognize faces. So it was
either wave at everything that
moved including ' complete
strangers and large dogs, or risk
being called a snob by friends and
acquaintances who didn't know
my problem. I finally solved the
problem by either looking down at
the cracks in the sidewalk or up at
the birds in the sky at all times as
if I. Was deeply preoccupjted. It
worked fine, as, long as I
remembered where the intersea
tionslvere and didn't step out in
front of a truck.'
Ustally when I do find my
glasses and put them on and run
Out the, 'door, I find it suddenly
seems' to be overcdst when I,
thought it was sunny. That
because ram the world's worst
giasseS cleaner. ,The dust and
grime and finger prints are
usually about a quartet inch thick
before I get around to cleaning
the lenses, .
So dear .Mister Whoever-Y(0
am who invented the eyeglasSet:
I thank you gratefully for helPirig
Me see but sometimes wish piled
invented the electric toothbrush