The Brussels Post, 1977-02-23, Page 7ELECTROTIOLVIE1
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Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse
Rev. John Roberts opened the
nuai meeting of Knox Church
nday School with prayer. Last
ar's minutes were read and
George Procter read the secre-
y's report in the absence of the
rotary George Michie.
Sunday School was held 42
ndays with an average attend-
ee of 47.7. In 1975 Sunday
hool held 44 Sundays with
erage attendance 44,1. The
erage offering was $10.30
mpared to $8.09 for 1975.
Banner attendance Interme-
te boys and girls 4 months,
nior Girls 3 months, Junior
imer 2 months, Junior Boys 1
nth, Adults and Junior Primer
d 1 month. Sunday School was
celled 3 Sundays on account of
Attendance awards go to 15
h six perfect attendance. Last
ar awards went to sixteen with
erfect attendance.
Mrs. James Coultes presented
he Evening Unit of the
.W. entertained at the Brook-
en Nursing Home on Tuesday
ning February 8.
rs. William Coultes led in a
gsong accompanied by Mrs.
orge Johnston who also
ompanied Clarke Johnston
o sang some old favourites.
oanne Coultes played piano
os and accompanied her sisters
drea and Alison as they sang
he Belgrave W.M.S. held
r February meeting of
day afternoon Febsruary 7 at
home of Mrs. Joe Dunbar.
Mac Scott presided and
ned with a poem entitled
rd, help me." The scripture
35 was read by Mrs. Stuart
key. Meditation was read by
Victor Youngblut entitled
inter House Plants."
rs. J,C. McBurney led in
er. Mrs. McBurney read the
etary's report and Mrs.
ngblut read the treasurer's
rt. The offering was received
e topic was given by Mrs.
eef Stabilization claim forms
the year 1976 are now
able at the local saleyards
the Ontario Ministry of
culture and Food Office in
yments to be made on A, B
the sold for slaug .hter are as
t Quarter: January 1st -
ch 31st, 1976 $1.84/ewt live.
d. quarter: April 1st - June
1976. No Payment.
d Quarter: July 1st -
ember 30th, 1976 $3.00/cwt.
the treasurer's report.
A donation of $100. was given
to the church by the Sunday
School. Sunday School holidays
are to coincide with the minister's
holidays, Attendance awards will
follow the current policy of
presenting awards to all with
three or fewer Sundays missed;
pins for perfect attendance,
Sunday School Anniversary. It
was decided to ask those who
looked after the barbecue last
year to do so again this year. The
program committee will be Mrs.
Cliff Logan, Mrs. Lynda Lentz,
George Procter, Clifford Coultes,
Rev. John G. Roberts.
Decoration Committee - Mrs.
Cecil Coultes, Mrs. Lewis Stone-
house, Mrs. James Walsh and
Mrs. James Hunter. Corsages -
Mrs. James Coultes and. Mrs.
Laura Johnston.
The date will be June 19 to
those suitable involved.
Rev. John G. Roberts assumed
the chair for the election .of the
officers as follows:
Superintendent George
two numbers. Mrs. George
Procter played the accordion
followed by Alison Roberts with
her guitar.
. The program came to a close by
Clarke Johnston singing followed
by a singsong.
Following the prograin the
ladies met at the home of Mrs.
Bert Johnston for their regular
George Fear 'entitled "One billion
people in a struggle to survive."
She read of the world's economic
position at the present time,
dividing it into four parts. The
first world, the industrial nations,
second world, the communists
countries, third world, economic,
hardship cases, including one
billion of the world's people. The
roll call was answered by a verse
with the word heart by 7 present.
Twenty-four sick and shut-in calls
were recorded,
Mrs. Mac Scott closed the
meeting with prayer. The hostess
served lunch.
December 31st, 1976 $2.98/cwt
It will be necessary to supply
proof of sale, date, purchaser,
etc., when completing the claim
The program excludes cows,
bulls and veal calves.
Claim forms are to be mailed
direct to the:
Agricultural Stabilization Board,
Subsidy Processing Services,
Room B -152, Sir John Carling
Building, Ottawa, Ontario. K1A
For further inquiries, contact
(613) 994-9752:
Procter; Assist, Super. - Clifford
Coultes; Secretary - George
Michie; Assist. Sec. - Howard
Roberts; Treasurer - Mrs. James
R. Coultes; Auditors - George
Johnston and Mrs. Laura
Johnston; Librarian - Mrs. James.
R. Coultes; Teachers - Bible
Class, Clifford Coultes; Assist-
ants - Mrs, Cliff Logan, Mrs.
John McIntosh.
Intermediate Boys and Girls
Ross Anderson, George Procter,
Murray Scott; Junior Boys and
Girls - Mrs. Laura Johnston, Mrs.
George. Procter, Mrs. John Kerr;
Primary - John Kerr, Mrs. Harold
Vincent and Mrs. Ross. Anderson;
Beginners - Miss. Doreen Ander-
son, Mrs. Murray Vincent, Mrs.
Robert Gordon.
Senior Ross Procter and Glenn
George Procter reported on the
Resource Centre in Mitchell. He
read a letter requesting used
supplies. It was decided to send
ours to Palmerston Regional
Centre for the time being.
Meeting was closed with the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
visited on Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Harding of
Fordwich and Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Zurbrigg of Harriston.
Ross Yuill of Elmira spent
Sunday with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Yuill.
Saturday night, Ross and
Cameron attended the N.H.L.
Hockey Game at the Maple Leaf
Gardens, Toronto. They returned
home to Belgrave on Sunday.
Miss Marjorie Procter of
Vancouver and Dennis Ensome of
Sarnia were last Wednesday
visitors with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Procter.
We are sorry to hear that Mark
Armstrong is a patient in
Wingham and District Hospital.
Mr. arid. Mrs. Robert Coultes
visited on Firday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harman Mitchell of
Roth say .
Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey and
girls of Ingersoll were Saturday
visitors with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Procter.
Ivy Cook.
Celebrates 80 years
A most enjoyable day was Mrs. Cook has a family
of 11
spent on Saturday when the and all were present for this
family of Mrs. Iv y Cook, occasion. Wes, Annie and
Belgrave gathered at the Norman and Charlie of Belgrave,
Women's Institute Hall to honour Mrs. James (Elsie) Walsh of
her on the occasion of her 80th Blyth, Mrs.William (Florence
birthday which is Monday, McAkter of Brussels, Mrs. Ben
February 21st. (Nora) Huskinson, Callander,
Abput fifty-seven members of Mrs. Muriel Bosnian, Sault Ste
her family sat down to a dinner at Marie, Mrs. James (Mildred)
noon. The immediate family and a Patton of Mossley, Mrs. Al
number of her grandchildren (Evelyn) Lechinsky,, Regina,
were present as well as her seven Sask., Mrs. Roy (Lois) Green,
great-grandchildren. She was the Kincardine. Those from a
recipient of many cards, floral distance came from, Regina, Sault
arrangements and gifts as well as Ste Marie, Callander, Orillia,
a decorated birthday cake from Burlington, Mossley, Woodstock,
the grandchildren. Kincardine and Blyth.
ttendance awards given
tend sin
nts, Mr, and
nt Maka
) report
is now 0
ing pia)
ipport y
h Quarter: October 1st
CW entertains
t nursing home
MS calls on shut-ins
of claim foctms available