The Citizen, 1986-04-09, Page 19aymond enovations Ltd. P.O. Box 225, Brussels, Ont. NEW AND RENOVATED Bob BUILDINGS Bruce 887-6703 887-6092 From the Minister's Study Christ has defeated sin BY REV. VIC JAMIESON BELGRAVE-BRUSSELS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Easter is God's on-going invita- tion for everyone to claim victory over sin and death by asking Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice provid- ed by God for all sins of all people, into our lives. When we invite Jesus into our lives to direct them as our Lord, we join in His victory celebration as our Saviour. Baptism is an outward sign to others that we have accepted God's invitation. Truth- fully and inwardly speaking, the Holy Spirit has pursuaded us to die to any thought or action of being able to please God ourselves and has raised us to a new, victorious life in Christ. This new life requires us to surrender continuously to the Holy Spirit, Christ within us. If we do not, we have no hope of defeating sin and death. The new life is one in which our bodily desires and wordly influ- ences are continuously being crucified or, shall we say, that they must not be allowed to control us. The apostle Paul explained this new, victorious life in Colossians 3: 1-5; "You have been raised to life with Christ, so set your hearts on the things that are in heaven, where Christ sits on the throne at the right side of God. Keep your minds fixed on things there, not on things here on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Your real life is Christ and when He appears, then you too will appear with Him and share His glory. You mustput to death, then the earthly desires at work in you, such as sexual immorality, indecency, lust, evil passions, and greed." Our reaction to this may be that we are not able to have this sense of victory. But let us be encouraged by one who lived the new, victorious life in Christ in Philip- pians 3: 12-13: "I donotclaim that I have already succeeded or have already become perfect. I keep striving to win the prize for which Jesus has already won me to himself. Of course, my brothers, I really do not think I have already won it; the one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. Life isnot easy for most of us. But we are part of a losing battle if we try to overcome the things that separate us from God and one another, including the fear of death and what follows, by our own efforts. God invites us to be part of Christ's victory over these two greatest enemies: sin and death. We need to trust in as Paul did in these words in Phlippians 4: 7: "And God's peace which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus." That way of living can be ours. If you have not invited Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Saviour, do it now! If you have, do all you can to help others to trust in the only one •who has defeated sin and death for everyone. Life may still be a battle, maybe more so, but the two greatest enemies will not defeat us if we put our faith in Jesus Christ. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1986. PAGE 19. Blyth Christian Reformed Church HIGHWAY4, BLYTH Rev. RogerGelwicks Worship Services 10:OOa.m. and 2:30p.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. The Church of the"Back to God Hour" and "Faith 20" Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX, Sunday Faith 205:00 a.m. weekdays, Global T.V. ALLVISITORSWELCOME c R ARE O SH Y C .ApD\CtF GTpR pN\ES EXE RMESSAGE S\G � tEg�\M .DRAMA Brussels Menow Wed., April 16 nonite - 7:30Fellp.m.shi p EVERYONE WELCOME BUSINESS DIRECTORY WALTON REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE •Repairs to all domestic appliances. •Commercial refrigeration and heating. •Anything in refrigeration. •24 hour service. CALL 887-9175 Ward & Uptigrove Chartered Accountants Listowel 291-3040 Mitchell 348-8412 R.B. Karcher, C.A. C.D. Newell, C.A. R.E. Uptigrove, C.A. C.W. Brouse, C.A. R.H. Loree, C.A. G.J. Martin. C.A. R. Roswell, C.A. Lyle Youngblut and son Plumbing and Heating BLYTH--523-9585 CLINTON RETIREMENT HOME "Home Away From HOME" •Newly decorated •Large rooms •Semi and private rooms •Reasonable rates •Long or short term accommodations Phone for an appointment 482-5208 108 Ontario St., Clinton Under New Management cc(' HANK'S SMALL ENGINES SALES & SERVICE HWY. NO. 4 LONDESBORO DEALER FOR: CANADIANA, BOLENS, LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP., WEED EATER TRIMMERS, POULAN CHAIN SAWS, BADGER FARM EQUIP. 523-9202 SERVICE TUSED SNOMOBILES O ALL SMALLW LSMALL ENGINES 200 says we won't HOME HEAT SERVICE a o We'll give you 2001 itres of furnace fuel oil FREE if we letyourtank run out. See your CO-OP for details of guarantee!! ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS AT United Co-operativesof Ontario OUR DRIVER SALESMAN WAYNEJEROME BELGRAVE AUBURN 357-2711or523-4454 526-7262 Filter Queen 482-7103 FINE FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES CLINTON, ONT. 482-9505 NOM 1L0 Open 6 days a week Interior Design & Decorating Service LOBBS OF CLINTON Salute The Citizen SALES & SERVICE FOR * Kubota Tractor * Universal Tractor * New Holland Farm Equipment Serving'the farming community for over 30 years Joe Lobb Bayfield Road Fred Lobb 482-3372 482-3409 482-3321 After Hours After Hours r FRANK WORKMAN ELECTRIC farm - home - commercial Member of Huron Chapter R.R. 3 Brussels, Ont. 887-6867 John McKerch er Construction R.R.2, Bl ueval e 887-9061 SAND, GRAVEL, FILL CUSTOM LOADING - HAULING & BACKHOEING SEPTIC TANK PUMPING1 M&E Sanitary Service Call Any Time KEN MILLER 887-6846 GARY EVANS 887-6583 BRUSSELS YOUR ONE STOP REPAIR SHOP Raa'fonl Blyth, For all your Auto, Farm & Industrial Parts call: 523-9681 MANNING'S BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED HAMILTON STREET, BLYTH, 523-9305 Hours: Mon.-Fri.8a.m.to5p.m. Sat.-8a.m.tonoon Come see us for: coal, lumber, plywood, hardware, paint, panelling, cement, and hockey equipment We never stop saving you money David Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 MAIN ST. S., SEAFORTH OPTQKTRISTS AND OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled Promptly HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-5:30; Sat. 9-12 527-1303 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE