The Brussels Post, 1976-12-15, Page 8To Bluevale WI Natives of Europe speak Correspondent Mrs. W.J.Peaeock; Messengers - Offic ial Board, Mrs, Max Mrs. Joe Walker Mrs.A. Campbell, Mrs, Ralph Demarey; Representative to The approach of the Christmas Darlovv, Mrs. Ken Johnston, Board , of Stewards, Mrs. Carla season set the theme for the Joanne Edgar; Representative to. Johnston. worship service at the meeting of the Bruevale U.C.W. Dec. 1. Mrs. Vera Nichols began with a Christmas reading, followed by the singing of "It came upon a Midnight Clear". Mrs, Viola Campbell read the scripture Luke 2 (1-20, Mrs., Florence Johnston introduced three visitors, Mrs. Maria Andersen, a native of Denmark, Mrs. Marie DeVos from Holland and Mrs. M aria Otvos from I Hungary. On a panel led by Mrs. MarY Peacock and• Mrs. Florence Johnston, they told of the celebration of Christmas in their homelands and reminisced on childhood days, the war years and their first impressions of Canada. The panel was very much enjoyed by all those present and "Thank you", gifts were presented to the visitors. Mrs. Jean Mathers closed the worship service with prayer. Mrs. Audrey Johnston led the group in Carol singing before the business meeting. Mrs. Vera Nic Olson conducted the business meeting. Roll call was answered by donations for a bale to be sent to Victor Mission. The Secretary Mrs. Florence Johnston read the minutes and Mrs. Ruth Hastings the financial report., Both the report of the bazaar and annual report were quite satisfaCtory. The Secretaries 'of the 4 units told of an, active year in each group. It was decided to give a donation to the new Resource Centre in Mitchell. Assistance was also voted for Young People in order that they might send representations to Toe Alpha Conference during Christmas Vacation in Niagara. Business completed, Mrs. Sherey Nicholson presented the slate of officers for the U.C.W. for 1977. After its acceptance, Rev. WilenatBrown installed the new officers, Words of praise were given for the retiring President, Mrs. Nicholson who had served the U.C:W. faithfully and efficiently for four years . ,•• The meeting was closed with a few words from the incoming president, Mrs. Evelyn Stamper the hymn "Joy to the World" and closing prayer by Rev. Brown. Tea was served, accompanied by a generous sampling of members' Christmas cookies and squares. The following is the slate of officers for 1977, Bluevale U.C.W. Past President - Mrs. W.J.Nicholson; President - Mrs. Wendell Stamper; 1st Vice President - Mrs Allan Campbell; 2nd. Vice President Mrs. Chas. Mathers; Secretary - Mrs. Bert Garniss; Treasurer - Mrs. Bert Hastings; Pianist - Mrs. Glen Sellers. Committees - Stewardship Finance - Mrs. W.J.Nicholson, Mrs. Mel Craige; Communication Co-cirdinator . - Mrs. Harvey • Edgar, Mrs. J.C.Johnston; Church in Society - Mrs. Max Dentaray , Mrs. Lloyd Warwick; World Outreach - Mrs. Donald Street, Mrs. Robert Fraser; Christian Leadership Developnierit - Mrs. Alan Campbell, Mrss Chas. Mathers, Mrss Harvey Timni, Mts. Keith Johnston; Nominating Committee - Mrs. .Y.k.JohristOn, Mrs. Spading Johnston, i & 2 Vice Presidents; Manse Committee Mrs. Glen Sellers, M rs. Geo,. Fischer, Mrs. Murray McFarlane; In Church Sekvice Committee - Mrs, Ken Johnston, Mrs, Murray Johnston, Mrs. Lillian Elliot, 8-4HE BRUSSELS POST, tiEdEMBER 15, 1916 Aft *: 24 HOUR TOWING * BrUssels 887-9269 CARL'S AUTO BODY Four Licenced Body Men to Serveyou. COMPLETE COLLISION, FRAME AND REFINISHING' SERVICE But until Friday, December 24 you can buy a subscription at the old rate We're Masters of Our Craft! Cost increases have forced The Brussels Post to raise its subscription price to '8 per year Get all the locol news in Y. NOW AND • per year) SAVE • AN D DO YOLJ MURIEL, LISZT WHO IS TIGHT WITH A DOLLAR- 3 Unbeatable ontiails inbudgets. , Quick, responsive, maneuverable, A performance Cat - but costs less than you'd imagine, Less when you buy it, Plus better operating economy than. competitive 340s, Come on in. We'll get you started On a beautiful relationship-with a Jag. Your ONE STOP snowmobile shop for the best in Parts, Service, Accessories. We've got it. NN G SPORTS \* RECREATION LIMITED Varna Ontario • Dial 519-262-