The Brussels Post, 1975-08-27, Page 13no We are' readywith fast unloading facilities to receive your beans, also we have prices on new crop corn contracts. FASTER Than Last Year! ! Our new dryer has a 50 000,000 BTU capacity and will speed up our drying and unloading facilities, making it possible for you, our customers ,to bring in more loads in a shorter time period, thus increasing your eventual profits. We now can dry 60,000 bu. each day. me BRUSSELS Pott, AUdUtt 191S-11 DIAL DIRECT 887 6641 1. rounded fro chtotit hod rPrisod ies, and these Renee( d health disease eve flgat e 19f Are of of thost :titer fd .sked to no Oa, nvinyard V cum ig climb sicians' ause Befa listed h as ificato e begs 'chtoni ." So yienn, were chronk e Tose 1.3 po 1973. were it via this sod 10 3, be major mein and JOHN'S AGRO SERVICE Custom Combining, Swathing, Ploughing, Etc. Phone 887-6542 READ and USE POST CLASSIFIED Action Ads THEY'VE GOT IT IN WRITING — These girls were just presented with Provincial Honors for completing twelve prbjects, The girls are: Debbie Rodges and Jan Ginn , both of R.R.2, Clinton; Marlene Sewers, Londesboro, Karen Whitmore, R.R.4, Seaforth; and Linda Th omson, Kippen. (Photo by Cake) Calf club meets The last meeting of the Brussels 4-H Calf Club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. AdrianVerstoep, R.R.#3, Monkton with 23 members prose .nt. The skit for exam night August 28th at • Blyth Public School was discussed. The secretary is Barbara Verstoep. Brussels Stockyard Report A heavy supply of cattle and pigs at Brussels Stockyards last Friday traded at steady prices. Choice. Steets - 47.00 to 49.00. Good Steers - 45.00 to 47.00.. Twenty-four steers consigned by Oscar Keiffer of R.R.1,„ Bluevale, averaging 1175 lbs. sold for 48.90 with his sales of 101 steers averaging 1131 'lbs. bringing an overall price of 48.55. A steer consigned by Hilray Farms of Holyrood weighthg 1240 lbs. sold for 48.50 with his offering of 9 steers averaging 1161 lbs. bringing 48.00. . A steer consigned by Achie McMillan of Lucknow weighing 1190 lbs. sold for 48.50. Two steers consigned by Hugh Osborne of R.R.2, Monkton averaging 1240 lbs. sold , for 48.25. Thirteen steers consigned by Stuart Strong of GOirie averaging 1200 lbs. sold for 48.20. Thirteen steers consigned by Joe Raynard of Bluevale averaging 1087 lbs. sold for 48,00. Eleven steers consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Dungannon averaging 1124 lbs. sold for 48.00. Two steers consigned by, Philip McMillan of Lucknow averaging 1170 lbs. sold for 48.00. A steer consigned by Clarence .Faust of R.R.2, Port • Elgin , weighing 1260 lbs. sold for 48.00. A steer consigned by Jack Culbert of Dungannon weighing 1120 lbs. sold for 48.00. There *ere too few heifers on offer to establish a firm price: Eighteen h eifers consigned by Orville Hastings of R.It.1 Winghani, averaging 823 lbs. Sold for 41,75. Stocker steers traded' actively. Twentyfeeder steers consigned by l(eir Ziegler of It.R.1, Southampton. averaging 828 lbs. sold for 43.40 with his offering of 40 steers avedraging 815 lbs._ citing for an overall price Of 41,60, ' Choice. Cows 23.00 to 25.00 with sales to 27.0. .600d Cows - 20.00 to 23.'00. 4to 464. pigs traded ahigh of 43,00, i8 4 106 t6 50-lb. pigs to a high of SO to 66.1b. pigs to a 'high of .40,