The Brussels Post, 1975-08-27, Page 8Dance Sponsored by ton Intermediate Softball 'Friday, September 5th Brussels Arena 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. Music by " Lincoln Green 11 Admission $3 per person Restricted to 18 years and over Tickets available from any Player People We Know Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huth of Waterloo and Mrs. Eva McCulley' of St. Thomas visited one day last week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dennis. Mrs. Mary Speir, Brock, Sask., Then the • rains came The Saturday night storm with heavy rains, during which from two to five inches fell in Brussels and surrounding communities, drenched the area. No serious damage has been reported here but low areas throughout the village were under water. The Maitland River on Monday morning had overflowed its banks and flooded lowlands west of the bridge. visited with Mr, and Mrs. Murray Huether and family this pas t week. She also renewed old acquaintances in the area and was present"for the Golden Wedding. Anniversary of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald in Walton on Saturday evening. Miss Colleen. Durst of London was a visitor on Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Nits, . Harold Th omas. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Sholdice and. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Sholdice attended the funeral of Jack Farrow, of Galt-Cambridge, on Wednesday, August 20th at the Cotts and Sons Funeral Home in Galt. Mr. Farrow was a former Brussels resident. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Krauter were weekend visitors in Ottawa where they attended the wedding of their nephew. ••••••#.1 lit At The NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. ******,* ****** Friday and Saturday Night:— The Country. Jesters •••••••••~4#41~~~~00#11; Golden Anniversary. Congratulatory messages and telegrams were received from the Hon. Robert Nixon, Queen's Park; Mr. Murray Gaunt, M.P.P., Huron Bruce; The. Rt. Hon. Robert L. Stanfield; Mr. Wm. G. Davis, Premier of Ontario and the Governor General and Madame Leger of Ottawa. A beautiful plaque from Mr. Wm. Davis, Premier of Ontario wa's also received. Relatives and friends were present from Brock, Sask; Owen Sound, Toronto, Mississauga, Listowel, Goderich, Atwood, Seaforth and the surrounding area. (Continued from Page 1) who create such unfortunate situations. * * *4* Hats off to the young people, boys and girls, who participated in Program 76, (formerly SWEEP) during the summer . months. They worked at a good many clean-up projects, in this and many other areas, when they might have been lazing away the hot summer days doing nothing more than amusing themselves. nstead they kept themselves busy doing something useful and in the process earned some money to further their education. * * * * * How helpelss humans are against the forces of nature. We have no command over the winds, the waves, the deluges of snow or rain, or the lightening bolts. We can only stand in awe and trembling when nature unleashes the mighty power that makes us realize how puny man really is. In spite of all the scientific knowledge man possesses, the partial conquering of outer space, and nuclear bombs, we must still bow in defeat when nature goes on a rampage. Even Saturday's storm was enough to make us realize that man is not all powerful but that there is a power much greater than we. * * * * ** USE POST WANT-ADS DIAL 887-6641 MITCHELL FAIR FRIDAY AUGUST 29 7 :00 p.m. Western Horse Show Free dancing - "Rollin' Smoke" SATURDAY AUGUST30 WImow McDonalds hold 50th anniversary About 200 relatives, friends and neighbours gathered at Walton Community Hall Saturday evening to mark the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McDonald of Walton, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald were married in the United Church ,manse at Walton by the, Rev. H. Chandler and have resided on Lot I. Con. 16 Grey Twp., a Century Farm, ever since. The early part of the evening was spent in offering good wishes and visiting. At 9:00 p.m. the Blenders provided music for dancing with Jim and Edna leading off. Around 10:30 p.m. Harold Bolger acted as emcee for a short program which included a step dance number by Jeanne McDonald; piano accordion, number by Stephen Burke of Wingharn; a vocal trio comprised of Paul Krauter, Listowel, Don McDonald, Walton and Murray Huether, Brussels, rendered some old favourites. Jim and Edna were then called to the front and Harold Bolger with a few well chosen words presented the couple on behalf of everyone present with many beautiful gifts, cards and good wishes for the future. , Don McDonald on behalf of his parents made a fitting reply.. A tasty lunch was then served. Dancing continued. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald have a family of three. They include Mrs. Murray (Mary) Huether of Brussels, Mr. Ken McDonald and Mr. Don McDonald of the Walton area. They also have thirteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs..Stan 'McDonald . of Lathrup Village, Michigan were present for the occasion. They too ere celebrating their Golden Wed r Anniversary. Mr. Les.Oliver of Seaforth who was best man at the wedding fifty years ago, was present at this wonigsWegna'AMIWVinigsiMa4 donce on SEPT. 1 Watch for otir 13 t 3 AT CLINTONtAUSIC LEGION 1.,, ,.:BLENDERS',,, „,tz, ,,,t, Dance Dr. and Mrs. John McCall August 29 Family Paradise Wilhie's Orchestra 1 I I I I I "And I always thought I had a long neck." 4' ****** ***************t . * Enterta inment at THE U EEN r S HOTEL . *- 4( -lc BRUSSELS * Friday, Saturday and Sunday * * * THE TAN , MERO * * * SHOW * SUNDAY NIGHT MENU: — FARMER'S SAUSAGE * * * * * * AC * 4( - August August Program SUNDAY thru THURSDAY SHOWS PLAY ONCE As listed on Program STARTS AT DUSK — Children 12 year's and under'; Admitted Free Except on Special Pictures I Program Is subject to un• avoidable changes I oot sots TOM LAUGHLIN ett'0 — Plus — .°1 I teTt2:1"1 THE BADLANDS Stars MARTIN SHEEN SPECIAL HOLIDAY SHOW SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 ONLY — 5 Features — 1 CUTTHROATS NINE 2 SINGLE GIRLS 3 NUDE VAMPIRE 0(0 4 BLOOD ORGY OF THE SHE I:Nei DEVIL 1 5' BLOOD FINGERS ALL IN COLOR 12:30 Parade led by Mitchell Legion Band Official opening by Hon. Eugene Whelan Livestock judging, Pony Show Talent Show Evening Pony Pull Step Dancing Competition Free dancing - "Skipper's" Orchestra SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 1:30 Tug-O-War Relay Race, Karate Demonstration Sheep Dog Trlah MONDAY, SEPTEMBER -1 10:00 aim, 4-H Competitions & Championships 1:00 p.m. Heavy Horses, Ca.rrittge & Roadster Show Inter-Club Shows Horse Shoe Pitching Competitions on Saturday and Sunday Exhibit buildings open at all times, Midway always in Operation "THE BIGGEST little FAIR IN ONTARIO Ladies please bring lunch :IWAINENEWOREENAMMaittfaa Country Singles Dance SAT SEPT at ATWOOD HALL MUSIC BY "FOUR OF A KIND" Refreshments SERVED Wednesday 27 —:Thursday 28 Friday 29 — Saturday 30 THE TRIAL OF BILLY JACK I I I I I I I I I • 8—THE BRUSSELS POST, AUGUST 27, 1975