The Brussels Post, 1975-08-27, Page 6ADVANCE POLLING FOR PERSONS WHO EXPECT TO BE UNABLE TO VOTE IN THEIR OWN POLLING SUBDIVISION ON THE REGULAR POLLING DAY WILL BE HELD, AT LOCATIONS TO BE PUBLISHED LATER, ON FRIDAY SATURDAY and MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12 SEPTEMBER 13 SEPTEMBER 15 From 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. E.D.S.T. From 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m. E.D.S.T. REGULAR POLLING TO BE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 1975 From 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. E.D.S.T. NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES: Will be held at the Returning Office, Church Street Brussels. September 4, 1975 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. E:D.S.T. REVISION OF LIST OF VOTERS:.THE ADDITION OF QUALIFIED PERSONS MISSED AT ENUMERATION, THE ADDITION OF PROXY (NOTE FINAL DATE ) VOTERS AND THE CERTIFICATION OF PROXY CERTIFICATES. SEPTEMBER 5: Kincardine Town Hall 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. E.D.S.T. SEPTEMBER 6 WingharnTown Hall 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. E.D.S.T. SEPTEMBER 8, 9, 10: Brussels Returning Office, 11:00 a.m.. to 1:00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. E. D. S. T. PROCLAMATION OF WHICH ALL -PERSONS ARE ASKED TO TAKE NOTICE AND. TO GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY AND II OBEDIENCE TO HER MAJESTY'S WRIT OF ELECTION, DIRECTED TO ME FOR THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF HURON BRUCE IF A POLL IS DEMANDED AND GRANTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING:A PERSON TO REPRESENT THE VOTERS IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO; PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF THE FOLLOWING: DEADLINE FOR CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO THE LIST OF VOTERS The Returning. Office Church Street, Brussels, Monday, September 22, 1975, THACKAENPDLIADCAETE;,TTAKN FROM THE STATEMENT OF Th'E POLL OFFICIAL COUNT: TA Hs EF. RAEVAIRT Et 00NAOT EACH T H E POLLING C PLACER ' ST F ol LALC at 10:00 a.m. E.D.S.T., GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AT GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Brutsels this 16th day of August, 1 975. deOrge E MttliiitheOn RETURNING ii00i6tA ; September 10, 1975, Ottitt p.m. E.CioSit DEADLINE FOR PROXY CERPFICA TION BY THE RETURNING OFFICEP 05 ONTARIO ELECTION FORM WEEKLY SALE BRUSSELS STOCKYARDS LTD. EVERY FRIDAY At 12 Noon BI*1188e18, New school bus law requires TraffiC to stop for flashing .lig 4-H learn how their gardens grow GETTING READY FOR THE KIDS — - George Cousins, the new custodian at Brussels Public Schools was surrounded by equipment this week as he gets the building ready for the first day of school. On September 2, there'll* be a sudden invasion of kids up and down the hallWay. (Photo by Langlois) arriveThe fsreohmeeaillhouvs drertihveer cans; stop 'a bus or drop off or pick u school children on a road loading zone. And at the zone, t bus must be as close practicable to the right curb edAgeseohf etehleh ruosaids way. highway opposite a ,designai , uncle , The Highway. Traffic Act, as ab used, for the transportation children to and from school thal bears on the rear the words D NOT PASS WHEN SIGN FLASHING; carries two re; lettthertrim. than N lettering ande a signal lights on the rear and t red signal lights on the front; painted chrome yellow with Nu school b may be painted chrome yellow, No motor vehicle other than school bus may bear the words !`Do not pass when signal flashing" or "School Bus", Skits, exhibits and demon- strations were used by the 96 members of the nine Seaforth area 4-H homemaking clubs to show the spectrum of vegetables that could be used in a menu when they held their achievement day at the Seaforth District High School Friday. ' The members were among the 600 girls across Huron County who were participating this summer in the 4-H, garden club project on the use of vegetables. Each girl planted and cared for a home garden. With the vegetables she grew she practised ways of preparing and serving her garden produce to her family. Fior completing twelve projects three 4-H members received provincial honors 'at the completion of the day-long event. They were: JaCkie VanDoornik and Eleanor Devereaux, both of R.R.4, Seaforth and Anne Watson, R.R.1, Blyth. Miss Jane S. Pengilley, Home Economist for Huron County, who was in charge of the event ';.resented the three members with certificates and 4-H spoons. Receiving county honors for completing six projects were Wendy Dorssers, - R.R.4, Seaforth, 'Mary Jane McGregor, R.R.2, Kippen; Joanne Rock, 'R.R.3, Monkton; and Cheryl Fuss, Hensall. Mrs. Agnes King, Home Economist, Woodstock, commented on the exhibits and Mrs. • Loralee Marshall, Home Economist, Kirkton, addressed remarks to the girls on their demonstrations and skits. The members presented the following: Brussels - "Gossiping, Gardeners" - Demonstration - Variety in Our Vegetable Menu. Participants - All members. Seaforth V "Gardening Green Thumbs" • Skit - Let's Grow a Garden. Kippen IV "Gallant Gar- deners" - Exhibit - Vegetable Salads , Commentator - Gail Horton. McKillop "Goofy Gardeners" - Demonstration -How to Cook Vegetables. Participants - Janet Drager, Mary Jane Visser. Kippen I "Hoe! Hoe Hoers" Skit - Let's Toss a Salad. Hensall "Sweet Peas" Exhibit - ' Aids to Gardening. Commentator - Debbie Reid. Moncrieff "Wild Weeders" - Demonstration - Variety in Our. Vegetable Menu. Participants - Frances Havenga, Barb Osborn. Seaforth II "Little Green Sprouts" - Exhibit - Use of Raw Vegetables. Co mmentator - Joan Sills. • Walton "Weedin' Wonders" - Skit - How to Cook Vegetables. The fall project will be "Let's Bake Bread". Remember! It takes but a moment to place a Huron Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just dial 527-0240. The new school bus stopping law announced in late February wilt go into effect Monday, September 1, Minister of Transportation and. Communications John R. Rhodes has announced. The new law, under Section 120 of The Highway Traffic , Act, requires traffic travelling in both directions to halt when a stopped school bus flashes its alternating red sign0 lights REGARDLESS OF THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT. Traffic may' not proceed until the school bus resumes motion or its red lights -- affixed to both the front and rear of the bus -- stop flashing. Failure to stop for a school bus with its alternating red signal lights flashing carries a penalty of four driver demerit points and a maximum fine of $100. Previously, the stop-in-both- directions rule required drivers to stop only when the maximum speed limit was greater than 35 miles per. hour. The new law applies regardless of the posted speed limit -- on highways, county roads, city, town ,and village streets. The only exception is on highways divided by a median strip. Then, only vehicles behind the school bus must stop upon seeing the flashing red lights. Oncoming traffic on the opposite side of the median may proceed. A median strip is a physical barrier or an unpaved strip of ground separating traffic travelling in one direction from traffic travelling in the opposite direction. With the new September 1st law, each municipality will have the Authority to enact by-laws designating local school bus loading zones. In these loading zones, the school bus driver will not be permitted to, flash the vehicle's alternating red lights. The loading zones will have identifying signs,' and can be located only on the same side of the road as a school or non-school facility often visited by school children and 'teachers -- for • example, the Royal Ontario Museum, where many school bus loads of students and teachers Wingham Memorial Shop QUALITY SERVICE CRAFTIVJANSHIP Open. Every Weekday Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of CEMETERY LETTERING Box 158, WINGHAM JOHN MALLICK BRUSSELS POST,: AUGUST 271i 1975