The Brussels Post, 1975-08-27, Page 11 cal ay, 141, '0}{, an, !lap in ON DISPLAY — These four receivedCounty Honors at the 4-H Achievement Day in $eaforth Friday. Looking over the exhibits are: Wendy 'Dorssers,R.R.4,, Seaforth; Mary Jane McGregor, R.R.2, Kippen; Cheryl Fuss, Hensall and Joanne Rock, R.R.3 , Monkton. (Photo by Oke)' ESTABLISHED 1872 - russels Post BRUSSELS ONTARIO 104th Year - Issue No., 36 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1975. ; • t Storm challenges flood predictions Meeting acclaims Murray Ouant The Saturday night-Sunday arcing downpour with resulting ooding could prove a blessing or curse to some Brussels' sidents. Clerk Bill King said the village d considerable flooding specially in the south-west Quer, on Flora Street. Residents suffered the ustrations and inconvenience of ooded basements, but no one as evacuated from their homes. Mr. King said: "Apparently, Who, locally, has a rain gauge? seemed like the reports of 2", and even 5" of rain in turday night's storm were not g enough for the Cranbroolr cality. Here is one accurate report to ove it. When Bill Elliott finished trading some honey last week, e put the cappings in, an &fashioned wash tub and took tn back to the bee-yard (on Did you know that squirrels are ty fond of corn? Well they are. y hip/6 been seen stealing the. 3 right off the stalks in the doh Then they have the nerve sit lily Salicily on a picnic table and strip the cob of kernels, 'dog traces of their meal Oh the At other times the Alper up a tree with a cob' in it:mouths perch on a limb in sight, and nibble a*aYi vi6t.istY enjoying it. Cheeky altiate they nod i*****• • Ssd s not the only small we. had a lot more rain than in '1954 during Hurricane Hazel". The flood plain mapping, done for the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, MVCA, doesn't seem too accurate, he said. The MVCA presented a map drawn up by experts in Toronto, which predicted the outcome of a Hurricane Hazel-level storm, which,,is defined by the Ontario government as six inches of rain in a 48 hour period on saturated soil. bees, to make sure none of the hives were flooded, and the tub was full and running over. The tub is 10 3/4 inches deep. How much rain ran over? community that has problems With Vandalitni4 rowdyism; excessive noise from screarnine tires, roaring motors; and dangerous driving:—You see, such things reported in every weekly paper you pick up: Not„just in villages like out own that ave no local' police force but even Where they do have their own police force the problems still exist. What the solution is no Ofie seems to kiiew. The root of the trouble intiSt be a sickness in our society that breeds the type of nersens- (COhtitthect on Page 8) If this flood plain map was approved by the province, then, the MVCA would control development in a large portion of the village including Main Street. Mr. King said he believes the village could have received as much as eight to nine inches of rain. A pool owner in Brussels told him, that on Saturday the pool was eight to nine inches from the top, but by Sunday it was overflowing. Margaret McCutcheon said her husband noticed that an empty can that was sitting on the roof, had about nine inches of water in it. A total of 15 letters of objection were received before the deadline for submitting letters in opposition to' the proposed $2.7 million sewer project. Village Clerk Bill King said he expects it to be a good two weeks if not More before he hears whether the Ontario Municipal Board, OMB, will hold a 'hearing. Early last week, he said, he had heard an OMB hearing could mean a four to eight Month delay; before the sewer project can proceed, As of last Thursday, he had received silt letters, but before the Wednesday dealt tie, nine more had been received: Basically the objections were the same at those made in the first letters teceived, he said. BrUsselS 'residents felt the cost Was "exorbitant” and the sewer project should go to a vote of the peeple, He even got is letter after the Murray Gaunt of Winghani was acclaimed as Liberal candidate for Huron Bruce riding at a largely attended nominating convention in Wingham town hall Monday evening. Mr. Gaunt, who i$ 40, said the election will be his fifth since winning in a by-election in 1962. He emphasized the need for an all out effort in order to achieve victory on September 18. The Liberal party's agriculture critic in the legislature rapped the Davis government's failure to bring inflationary spending under control and said the government is "fueling inflation, not fighting, it." He said the Liberals would cut spending drastically and trim the fat in government bureaucracy. "This province cannot afford Bill Davis any longer," he said. Mrs. Janet McKenzie of Kincardine twp. who nominated Mr. Gaunt reminded the meeting that as a result of redistribution the riding was twice as large as when he first was elected. The nomination was seconded by Win. Leiper of Hullett Township. Jack Riddell, Huron MPP who is the Liberal candidate in the new riding of Huron Middlesex , emphasized the extent to which Davis government policies denied William Walden,. 51, of Wingham will represent the Progressive Conservative party in Huron-Bruce in the September 18 provincial election. Mr. Walden won the nomination uncontested at the Kincardine town hall last Thursday night. Only one other man was nominated, Dr. Gary Gurbin, Kincardine, but he withdrew due to "personal obligations." Mr. Walden was raised in Kincardine and after spending some time in the air force, moved to Ripley where he lived for 15 years. Most recently he had operated Walden Brothers Transport in Wingham with his brother. He sold the trucking company and now operates a leasing business and door in- stallation business. He is married and has four children. the ticisting letters would. suffice, The provincial govetiiiiient is paying about /6 "per cent of the cost, with the villagers paying an average of $100 annually for the next folly years. E1 the local level 'decision making and the increased_ costs which flowed from Davis policies concerning education and redistribution . The meeting accepted a report presented by Wm. Elston , 'Morris Township and re-elected president Alex Corrigan for a further term. MURRAY GAUNT In his acceptance speech, he acknowledged the importance of the riding, with the "world's largest nuclear plant," and it's fame for- agriculture and the foremost beef county in. Ontario. He will be working full-time "day and night" on his cam- paigning. When asked what he thought his chances were against his Liberal opponent, incumbent Murray Gaunt, he said, "I hope they're very good." Sam 'MacGregor, of Kin- cardine will be his campaign manager. Headquarters will be set up in Wingham with DeWitt Miller in charge, in Kincardine, with Harvey Palmateer in charge and in Port Elgin, with Harry Clark in charge.. PC president Bruce Keith explained to the large group of party members the importance of contributions in the cam- Continued on Page 9) The scheduled completion date for the project is 1978, and the sewage plant is to be owned and operated by the province. Fire destroys barn, cattle The barn and contents on the farm of Darcy Snyder (formerly occupied by Ross Knight) on the It is suspected that the fire originated in the wiring. Grey Township and the Myth kite Departments tesporided to 1 the Mardi but were Unable to contain the flaides, anbrook tells a rain tale Short Shots by Evelyn Kennedy Conservatives name W. Walden Stewart Stevenson's farm.) He She said it was sitting out in the spread them out on papers for the (Continued on Page 3) from them, but forgot to bring the bees to finish cleaning the honey empty tub home. 7ifteen object to sewer plan On day morning, Bill went to ch Sun eck on the r deadlilne, which he 'received after posting the letters to the Ministry of the Environment, which will, in turn, pass them on to the 0M13. He said the letters indicated a number of people felt "the rest of the town is being, penalized because Main Street doesn't have a proper weeping system," Partially this is true, but lots of others also have contaminated the system, the clerk said. The sewage proposal was first 16th ConcesMon of Grey raised as a result of surveys by Thwhship, were destroyed by fire the Ministry of the Btivitonment about 8:06 a,m, Friday morning, and a citizens group, Save the Lost in the blaze ,were six Maitland, two groups that tried to heifers and three ,rses a stop the pollution of the nearby quantity of hay and sti also a 1973 Mustang that was parked Mr. King said he heard other close to the barn. people say that they should have The loss is partially covered by submitted a letter but 'supposed insurance'.