The Brussels Post, 1975-08-06, Page 11Mechanics. Street John Street Mary Street Flora Street Fishleigh Street Flora Street Jackson Street Fishleigh Street Alexander Street John Street Elizabeth Street Frederick Street Easement Frederick Street Turnberrry Street Maitland River Turnberry Street Approx. 150' N. of Market Street John Street James Street Maples Street and Mill Street John Street Easment Thomas Street Easement Easement Easement King Street Flora Street Market Street Catharine Street Church Street Hawkes Street Ellen Street Ellen Stree Frederick Street Easement Mill Street Mill Street Approx. 250' S. of Ellen Street James Street Mechanics Street Elizabeth Street Mary Street Mary Street Approx. 100' N. of Thomas Street Mill Street James Street Mary Street Turnberry Street Alexander Street Turnberry Street Elizabeth Street Turnberry Street James Street Elizabeth Street if Legal Notices 22. Legal Notices 22. Legal Notices 22. Legal Notices 22. Lekal Notices Notice VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS It en ad let )m es ed ice ulk pit nd. ick ern as. at Tis, nce tarn feat lent at 18.1 85 for arne ton. Vick ; of )reY 5 611 181 it is 0 to ove 'our Ave lent Inle jtf At the request of the Council of the Village of Brussels, the Ministry of the Environment has investigated the possiblity of installing within the Village a sewage works project, to be owned by the Province of Ontario, consisting of a collector system and treatment facilities which will provide a major part of the Village with sewage service. it is now proposed to construct such works at an estimated cost of $2,721,815, of which an estimated $2,041,360 or a rate .of 75 per cent of the estimated gross capital cost, will be provided by the Province of STREET FROM Turnberry Street William Street Anne Street Queen Street Stretton. Street Easement and Maitland River Crossing Princes Street Albert Street Walnut Street Cypress Street Elm Street Queen Street William Street Queensburry Street Alfred Street together with service connections from the main sewers to the lot lines, two sewage pumping stations, forcemains and a sewage treatment plant. It is proposed to raise the necessary annual revenue for the services provided from the Provincial sewage works as follows: a frontage sewage rate of 30 cents per foot per annum for 40 years on all lands which front, or abut on, or connect to the sewers discribed above; a connection charge of $50.62 per annum for 40 years on owners or occupants of lands for which a sewage service connection to the sewers is provided; a 426 per cent surcharge on the water bill of domestic users. of the system, and a surcharge of 426 per cent on the water bill of commercial and industrial users of the system. In instances where there is a connection to the proposed sewage works but there is no connection to the water works, the charge for sewage service normally recovered by the water bill surcharge is to be recovered by the imposition of a foot frontage rate of $127.80 divided by the frontage of such lands. This foot frontage rate does not reduce or eliminate any other frontage rates imposed on properties for sewage or water works. In computing the frontage chaiges, provision shall be made for the exemption or partial exemption-. from a foot frontage rate and for the determination of such exemption or partial exemption in the following manner: a) a reduction in the case of corner lots at the junction or intersection of streets of 100 feet of the flankage and a reduction or increase in the case of triangular or irregularly-shaped lots may be made in the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon, sufficient having regard to the situation, value and superficial area of such lots as compared with other lots, to adjust its frontage charge on a fair and equitable basis. Where a lot is for any reason wholly or in part unfit for building purposes, a reduction may be made in the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient to adjust its frontage charge as compared with that of lots fit for building purposes on a fair and equitable basis. Where a lot, other than a corner lot, has two limits that abut on streets described above and the size and nature of the lot is such that any or all of the works in such streets are not required, a reduction in respect of the works that are not required, so long as they are not required, may also be made in the foot frontage rate that would otherwise be chargeable thereon, sufficient to adjust its frontage charge on a fair and equitable basis. In the case of lots that because of the nature of the terrain or the elevation of the sewer ; do not derive the same benefit as other lands abutting on the sewer, a reduction may be made in the foot frontage rate which otherwise would be chargeable thereon, sufficient having regard to the benefit derived, as compared with other lots, to adjust the foot frontage rate on a fair and equitable basis. The reduction shall be made by deducting from the total frontage of the lot liable to the annual foot frontage rate so much thereof as is sufficient to make the proper reduction, but the whole of the lot shall be charged with the annual foot frontage charge as so reduce& project will consist of the following works initially. installation of sanitary sewers to be constructed as follows: TO' North Village Boundary or West side of Turnberry Street Approx. 300' S. of Queen St. (proposed Main Sewage Pumping Station) Elm Street Mill Street Cypress Street Alfred Street Approx. 350' N. of Queen Street Approx. 250' E. of Princes Street Approx. 200' W. of Turnberry Street Walnut Street Victoria Street (Village Boundary) Victoria Street (Village Boundary) Approx. 400' E. of Albert Street (Village Boundary) Approx. 150' N. of John Street Thomas Street Approx. 300' S. of Flora Street West Village Boundary Catharine Street Mill Street Approx. 150' S. of Frederick Street Mill Street Approx. 450' S. of Thomas S't'. (Village Boundary) Approx. 450' S. of Thomas Street Thomas Street James Street Approx. 400' W. of Mechanics Street Alexander Street Approx. 300' E. and S. Turnberry Street Approx. 150' W. of Mary Street Approx. AV S. of Thomas Street. Approx. 150' S. of King Street Approx. 150' W. of James Street Turnberry Street James Street Turnberry Street James Street Turnberry Street John Street Maple Street Approx. 350' W. of Elizabeth Street On the basis of these levies, a home connected to the water works and having a lot frontage of 66 feet, would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made to the proposed sewage works: 66 ft. lot frontage at 30 cents per foot $ 19.80 Connection charge $ 50.62 426 per cent surcharge on $30. water bill $127.80 TOTAL $ 198.22 A home not connected to the water works and having a lot frontage of 66 feet would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made to the proposed sewage works: 66 ft. lot frontage at 30 cents per foot $ 19.80 Connection charge $ 50.62 66 ft. frontage at $127.80. per foot $127.80 66 TOTAL $198.22 The connection charge may be prepaid in the calendar year in which such sewage service connection is installed at a cost of $495.00. Similarly any owner or occupant who desires to commute the frontage rate on his lands may prepay the frontage charge at a cost of $3.07 per foot of frontage. Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Village of Brussels, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the sewage rates. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the entering into of an agreement between the Village of Brussels and the Crown with respect to the provision of the sewage service and may approve the imposing of the sewage rates, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. Plans and-estimates may be inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours. DATED AT Brussels and first published this 30th day of July 1975 Mr. W, H. King, Clerk-Treasurer, Village of Brussels, P.O. Box 119, BRUSSELS, Ontario 22-V-2 THE BRUSSELS POST, AUGUST 6, '1975 i b) d) e) Ontario as a financial subsidy. For services provided from these works, it is, proposed to impose an estimated service rate of 109.4 cents per 1,000 gallons of sewage accepted from the municipality, together with a frontage rate and connection charge as set out in the third paragraph hereof. The The Queen Street Anne Street (proposed Main Sewage Pumping Station) William Street Cypress Street Queen Street Approx. 150' W. of Princes Street Turnberry Street Anne Street Turnberry Street Albert Street Albert Street