The Brussels Post, 1975-08-06, Page 8Sugar and Spice by Bill Smiley Sitting here writing a column in Grandad's office, a pair of shorts, and nothing else, I would have to work very hard at it to be anything but peaceful, and I'm not about to. Back home, my lawn is burning to a crisp, my roses are dying for lack of water, my cat, with any luck, has left for good, and some junkie has probably broken into the house .&t stolen the colour T.V. I don't care. Out there somewhere, people are hurtling along hot asphalt in the heat, cursing the obstreperous kids in the back seat, and wishing they'd never started this stupid trip. Elsewhere, guys and dolls all over the world are hustling and sweating and trying to impress each other, and pursuing the everdwindling buck with maniacal inten- sity of purpose. Everywhere, politicians are cooking up new clouts for the next session, or thinking up new ways of saying: "Maybe yes, and no, and maybe maybe. Somewhere, Arabs are killing Jews,and Jews are killing Arabs, and Christians, in time-honoured custom, are killing other Christians. Somebody is winning $30,000 in the Something-Or-Other-Open with a 24 foot putt, and somebody else is losing it by missing a four foot putt. People are earnestly taking virtually useless summer courses which will fit them for practically nothing Unexpected and unwelcome visitors are piling in on "old friends." The visitors unload two surly kids, one illmannered dog, and announce heartily: "Can't stay morena coupla days. Thought about gettin' a motel room but knew you'd be hurt 'f we didden stay 'thyou." (Sound of old friends' eyes rolling.) " My son is in Paraguay, South America, swimming a piranha-infested river, or slouching through the jungle, kicking poisonous snakes out of the wasy, or lying in a native hut, wracked with by malaria. My only daughter is trapped in a box on the ninth floor of an appartment building, in the heat, with an 18-month hell-on- wheels boy clutching her sawed-off jeans, and a little sister in the oven, ready to join him just about on his second birthday and oh, dear, isn't it awful. Imagine having two babies in two years in these times. (Sound of Gran, gnashing teeth.( And about all of these things all the hurly and the burly, all the moss and the fuss, all the higgle and piggle, all of the ever-lasting human struggle to prove that god's in His heaven and all's wrong with the world, or the opposite, I don't care. I just don't give a diddley-dam'. Why not? Because, at this time and in this place, I have irrefutable proof that FIe is in His heaven, and there ain't nobody who could improve on the world just as it is, right now. • It's a cool-hot perfect Canadian day. Hot sun, cool breeze. Whatever your thermom- eter says, it's about 83 Fahrenheit here. I raise my head from the typewriter, and roses lean toward me, a big, matronly maple ruffles her bustles in the breeze, like a lady caught in a body-rub parlor. On the top rail of the fence, 10 feet away, two retarded robins are singing; and making, overtures. A denuded lilac bush is whispering: "Yes, but wait 'til next year." Along the back fence, the hollyhocks stand, not row on row, but in little groups, muttering together, tossing their head in the breeze, and looking down their long, cool shoulders at the upstart blue delphiniums, which bear a gleam of miscegenation in their eyes. Just beyond them is a field of uncut, late, late hay, bowing an tossing and rippling and tossing and rippling like a blonde teenager who has just discovered she just might be a beautiful woman. Raise the eyes but one more degree, and there, framed in green foliage, is the deep-blue beauty of the two-mile-wide bay, with the high, rolling shoreline on the other side, and the cottages so tiny that you can't see the squalling, grunting, sweaty humans in and around them. Ah, but it's lovely. And peaceful. And lonely. Not lonesome, but the good kind of lonely, when you don't wnat another human being, even a loved one, to spoil the mood. Maybe that's it. My Loved One is away dc the gravel road, exchanging hyster- ical tales about their children with an old school friend. Grandad, an incorrigible 83-year-old, is out belting around his 40-mile mail route. This morning, I was a hawk. When I say little, the chickens, who were all psyched up, would scuttle, the kids would all scream with delight: "A hawkl A hawk!" and the farmer would run in for his shotgun. Nobody even noticed this guy. He looked like a skinny, ancient kite, peering down for the dead body of a Roman legionnaire, perhaps. No chickens. No legionnaires (I haven't paid my dues). It was kind of sad. Donw in the Bay, there is a big rainbow trout just waiting to show me some tricks. Yesterday, I saw two partidge flush just outside Grandad's "office" window. To- morrow I'll see three deer standing up by the fence, looking curious. Tomorrow I'll care about the world again, and all the bad things and good things happening in it. put right now, at this time, in this place, I don't care. God may be out to lunch, as I frequently suspect. But whoever is filling in for Him at this moment is doing one helluva job, if you'll pardon the expression. BERG Sales — Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES ° Barn Cleaners o Bunk Feeders o Stabling Dottald G Ives RR.#2, Blyth • PhOtiC Betittelt 804024 Il I ‘i I..S 4 1 Fr t. 11 it t. 1 l 1 Brussels Stockyard Report A light offering of cattle, except cows, at Brussels Stockyards yesterday traded lower on a dull market. There were no fancy steers on offer. A good supply of pigs sold higher. Good Steers - 45.00 to 47.60. Medium Steers - 42.00 to 44.00. Fourteen steers consigned by A.B.M. Farms of Ethel averaging 1020 lbs. sold for 47.60 with their 26 steers averaging 981 lbs. selling for 47.30. Seven steers consigned by Leo Deitner of Ethel averaging 1057 lbs. sold for 45.90. A -steer consigned by Cliffor d Adams of Londesboro weighing 970 lbs. sold for 46,00. Good Heifers - 40.00 to 43.00. Medium Heifers - 38.00 to 40.00. Three heifers consigned by Keith Hardy of Belgrave averaging 840 lbs. sold for 43.00. Three heifers consigned by George Blake of Brussels averaging 883 lbs. sold for 43.00. Three heifers consigned by Bill Hardy of Belgrave averaging 880 lbs. sold for 42.75. Choice Cows - 24.00 to 26.00 with sales to 26.75. Good Cows - 21.00 to 23.00. Medium Cows - 17.00 to 20.00. A cow consigned by Mack Cardiff weighing 1170 lbs. sold for 26.75. 30 to 40-lbs. pigs sold to a high of 44.25,8.40 to 50-lb. pigs sold to a high of 51.40i 50 to 60-lb. pigs sold to.55.50. READ and USE POST CLASSIFIED Action Ads 8,,,,THE BRUSSELS POST, AUGUST 6, 1975 Horticultural group plans flower , show Toes were tapping at the Brussels Horticultural Society's meeting last Monday night when members were entertained by step dancers Ted Elliott and Kim Craig. They were accompanied by Mrs. B. Elliott on piano. Ted also played the guitar, accompanied by his mother and. Mrs. Mitchell on violin. Mrs. Miller thanked the entertainers. 23 members attended the meet- ing. President Mrs. Fred Dunk will convene the August 22 turkey supper, assisted • by Mrs. A. McCall, Mrs. N. Reid, Mrs. Wm. Miller, Mrs. W. Kerr and Mrs. John Kelly. The flower show the same day Huronview is in charge of Mrs. Geo, Wheeler, Mrs. N. McLarty,Mts, John Speir, Mrs. D. Hemingway and Mr. A. Knight. Mrs. Dunk said some entries in last month's rose show were removed before closing time at 5 p.m. Mrs. Gwen Frawthrop den. onstrated flower arranging and drying, and corsage making. The guest speaker was introduFed and thanked by Mrs. Bert Heniingway after a 20 minute question and answer session. Mrs. Dale Machan won the door prize. After the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. Geo Wheeler, Mrs. Jas. Mali, Mrs, Doug Machan and Mrs. F. Shaw, 9:0( 9:3( 10;0 10:3 11:0 11:31 12t0I 1:01 1:3( 2:00 3:30 4:30 5:00 6:3( 7:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:20 11:45 9:00 9:30 0:00 0:30 1:30 12:00 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:31 4:30 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 11:00 11:20 1:45 0;00 0;15 10:30 1:00 11:30 2:00 2:30 1 2:45 1 2:30 1 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 Et fat se Residents visit Walkerton Forty-six residents visited Brucelea Haven .at Walkerton on Monday and all reported a very enjoyable afternoon. The group travelled by bus and arrived at the Home at two p.m. The residents were welcomed by Mrs. Evelyn. Husay , Rec. Supervisor and following a short tour of the Home, were entertained with a variety program consisting of accordion numbers, vocal duets, tap dancing, old tyme music with several taking part in some of the dancing and a sing-a-long; Lunch was sery ed in the dining room and the group arrived home at five-thir ty. The Seaforth Brass Band led by Doctor Toll entertained with a concert on Family-night. The band of twenty members consists of musicians from Brodhagen and Dashwood as well as from the Seaforth area.' An added feature of the Tuesday evening concert was guitar and vocal selections by Patty O'Rourke and Tricia Hicknell with accordion numbers by Vicky O'Rourke. Ed Stiles of Goderich played an hour of organ music Thursday afternoon and accompanied Betty Rogers MAINTENANCE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL °CARETAKING ° WINDOW CLEANING o FLOOR CLEANING ° FLOOR TILING o LAWN, MAINTENANCE ° ROTO TILLING o WINDOW GLAZING ° EAVES TROUGHING o PAINTING °SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIR ° OR ANY ODD JOB For Efficient ServiCe No Job Is Too Small R.R.1 Call 527-0898 Seaforth McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Established 1876 HEAD OFFICE: Seaforth, Ontario Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec.-Treas.,Phone 527-0400 It Only Costs A Little To Be Safe 1 Directors and Adjusters C° Robt.Archlbald,R.R.4, Seaforth Stanley ylclitvain,R.R.2, Goderich 527-1545 521-181 7 Ken Carnodhan, R.p.4, Seaforth Wm, Pepper, Brucefield 527-1877 354253:92239340 Lavern Godisini R.R.#1,Walton RoSS Leonhardt, R.R.1, Bornholm John McEwing, R.R.1, Blyth Agents: 5244051 James KOS, R.R.1, genforth, Wm. Leipet, L 4on548d2817e2a1s771b5:to3394 Donald MeKercher, R.R.1, Dublin J.N.Trewartha,Box 661, Clinton, ra Steve .1 Mutrily 4R.It.5, Sestforth, cl.gtueo SettfOrth __...... ' airmowilell."-- Fire, Extended Coverage, Windstorm, Theft Property Damage, Liability, Etc.