The Brussels Post, 1975-04-09, Page 1PVT =r4
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103rd Year — Issue No. 15
A PRETTY DESOLATE MAIN ST. — One lone pedestrian and a few
snow laden parked cars were the only signs of life on turnberry
Street in Brussels on Friday, the second day of .the big. April storm.
For all day Thursday and most of Friday the village was buried in
snow. (Photo by Langlois)
April snow storm
blankets Brussels
A Brussels council meeting
opted into a shouting match.
onday night when a spectator
allenged councillors and was
neatened with expulsion from
e meeting. The interruption
at brought the meeting to the
int of adjournment before
ings calmed down and business
old be concluded.
Ratepayer Herb Stretton who
s observing interrupted the
eeting after a vote on paying the
ount of village auditor
he Streets Committee and
intenance crew are to be
mended for their prompt
on in snow removal from the
ness section of our village,
other streets after the storm.
ey were hard at work Saturday
ruing clearing away the huge
ks of snow pushed back and
d high on sidewalks and,
eels by the snow plows.
he youngsters were the ones
o appeared to thoroughly enjoy
storm and its aftermath,
ny of them were seen
icking in the snow, climbing
and sliding down the huge
ands snowplows had left in
it wake when, they were able to
rate. They did not seem to
d the chilling wind or being
ost engulfed in the huge
s, It was fun for them to be
ng again and really enjOy a
d old fashioned Canadian,
he Peter Dorsch family of
5, Brussels had a bad scate
Wednesday night. A
Olney fire erupted and with the
h winds at the inception Of last
is storm it held terrifying.
gljects. The .Eittis§eig Fire
artment were aniriniondd but
flit was quickly brought
et control and Was OW 'soon r they were called. * * *
Councillor Frank *Stretton voted
against the payment of the
Harper bill of $1475, -for auditing
the 1974 accounts, because he
said he felt the amount was too
high. Councillor Harold Bridge
said he wanted • Councillor
Stretton to explain his vote and
Councillor Stretton said it was his
democratic right to vote against
the motion.
After Reeve Jack McCutcheon
asked for a recorded vote and the
motion passed 3 - 2 with the
Reeve, Councillors Hank TenPas
and Bridge for and Councillors
Stretton and George Jutzi
against, Herb Stretton
(Continued on Page 6)
Beaver is
The fact that the beaver has
just officially been named
Canada's emblem by the House
of Commons must have made it
more valuable in the eyes of
someone in Brussels.
The beaver crest on the front of
the municipal clerk's office in
Brussels has been stolen. Village
Clerk William King said the
beaver sitting on a log, is the
village crest.
"It has only been up on the
(Continued on Page 6)
The wild April storm that swept
across Ontario Thursday and
Friday of last week, whipped by
high winds, gusting to 50 miles an
hour at times, wrapped this
community in an almost
impenetrable blanket of snow
said to be 27 inches in depth.
Traffic was at a standstill.
Snowplows were unable to cope
with the huge drifts and police
cruisers were called off roads and
highways. The only vehicles
moving here were snowmobiles.
Only a very few hardypedestrians
ventured out.
Residents had to dig their way
out of their homes. Schools were
closed. Some business places also
closed for there were few
customers abroad and delivery at
the height of the' storm was
impossible. Scheduled events
were cancelled.
Brussels suffered less than
some areas as there were few
hydro or telephone interruptions.
The condition of the main street
on Friday was unbelievable. The
huge drifts of snow reminded
older residents of the storms of
some years ago when
snowplowing was unknown. Cars
were trapped, buried almost
completely by snow. It took a lot
of hard work to get them out.
Friday afternoon snowplows,
snowblowers and individtials
wielding shovels began the task
of clearing away the huge
accumulation of snow.
If the weather turns warm with
rain and the snow melts too
quiAly there will be a lot of water
around and we can anticipate
flooded basements.
Society plans
July dance
Plans for a dance with Walter
Ostariek were finalized when the
Brussels Agricultural. Society met
Tuesday. Organizational com-
mittees for the dance, to be held
July 18, were set up and members
said tickets will be available
The Agricultural Society
executive decided, Secretary
Treasurer Edwin Martin said, to
hold field crop competitions in
ensilage corn, grain corn, barley
and two and three way mixed
corn. A commercial feature of the
Fall Fair will be forage crops and
a vegetable display.
A new roof will be installed at
the Crystal Palace as soon as the
weather improves, the Society
The 4-H calf club will be
sponsored again this year. The
Society divided the school parade
to the fair into two classes.
• (Continued on Page 6)
'e flout
I core
r date,'
•n into
houting match
nterupts council
Short Shots
by Evelyn Kennedy
A great many people have been
unexpectedly ,engaged in active
physical fitness participation.
(Continued on Page 16)
Village ofgrustels.wprktnen were busy removing the
huge piles of tilOW that lined Turetherry ,8treet,.:Np
one can reltieltbet. a BtitAkt storm bringing'. such .foul
weather .conditions in April ShOW plOW operators
and "sidewalk and drive Way thovehett Who thought
they were through for the'siear; got a rude awaken
Wednetday hitithingi when 1113 to 12" of snow was On.
the ground. .(Photo by .Langipis)•.