The Brussels Post, 1975-02-05, Page 12If you saw this headline in your local newspaper you'd take the time to read it— all of it. So would your friends and neigh- bors. And that's what local newspapers are all about: you and the people in your town. Your local newspaper's prime function is to present the news . . . honestly and fully. Local newspaper reporting includes everything from what's going on at City Council meetings, to the luncheon menu at your local school!. Local newspapers deliver, where other news sources leave off, What's happening in your community is just as important to your local newspaper as an epic journey to the moon. Who wants to know what's going on in , your community? You do! And, your local newspaper is the news medium that reports it—in full. Newspapers deliver the local story. CANADIAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION REPRESENTING THE COMMUNITY PRESS OF CANADA ilifussels 'Pogt News of Walton WI discusses food guide at January meeting Hostesses were Institute Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Achilles of at Duff's United Church the past members Mrs. Laverne Godkin, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Sr. and Mrs. Harold Bolger. There will be another euchre in two weeks, on Valentine's Day. There will be a draw on a door prize. 1I t E I Correspondent Mrs.Allan McCall Fourteen members of the Walton Women's Institute answered the roll call on "One of Canada's Food Guide Rules" at the January meeting on Wednesday held in the Community Hall. The President, Mrs. Allah McCall presided for the meeting and opened with the singing of the "Institute Ode". The "Mary Stewart Collect" was repeated in unison, followed by "0 Canada", accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Harold Bolger. The minutes of the last meeting were .read by Mrs. Ken McDonald Followed by the treasurer's report. In the correspondence no one offered to attend the Senior Training School to take the two - day course on "Baked in a Pie". Committees were chosen for card parties on Friday night. On February 14th will be a Valentine Party with Mrs.Don Achilles, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr., Mrs. Ray Huether and Mrs.George McCall in charge. It was decided to have a draw on a special door prize. Mrs. Bill Humphries reported diat there would be three clubs taking the 4-H Homemaking Flub, "What Shall I Wear". The ieaders to attend the training schools are: Mrs. Gerald Watson, 'Ars. Harold Bolger; Mrs. Laverne Godkin, Miss Jane i.c.'eming; Mrs. Neil McNichol and !Miss Jennie Reinink. Mrs. Harvey Craig, convener Resolutions, stressed resolutions and mentioning nutrition at meetings. Mrs. Craig conducted a panel discussion on "Resolutions - What is a Resolution and how it is made up at branch level and passed on to district and area." We as Institute members are taking our st and, working for a better community, bean. leadership and better people, she said. Mrs. Harold Bolger read the Motto - Thinking well is wise, planning well is wiser, doing well is wisest and best of all. The next meeting will be on February 19th. The Conveners, Mrs. Harold Bolger and Mrs. Mac Sholdice, on Agriculture and Canadian Industries, will have as their speaker, Mrs.W. Hackbart from Brussels, who will show and demonstrate her many crafts. All Institute members are urged to attend and guests are most welcome. Following the Institute Grace, lunch was served by Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. Ken McDonald and Mrs. Allan McCall, during the social half hour. Friday Night Euchre There were eleven tables of euchre in play on Friday evening in the Walton Community Hall. Prize winners were: High Lady - Mrs. Joyce Colyer; Low Lady - Mrs. Sadie McDonald; High man- Wilfred Shortreed ; Low Man Ronald Godkin. Lucky Chair Mrs. Torrence Dundas. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial 527-0240. DEADLINE For CLASSIFIED ADS is 4 p.m. EACH MONDAY we Cannot ensure publication in the current week ,if ads are received at the Brussels Post after 4 P.M. on M'onday. ESTABLISHED 1872 GT BRUSSELS ONTARIO Phone your Classifieds to 8874641 Read each week by nearly 3,000 area pqople - Based on an average of 3 people per family. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gulutzen, Darlene and Billy are holidaying in Florida. Their youngest son •Charles remained with his ' grandmother, Mrs. A. Gulutzen. Mr. and Mrs.Ted Achilles and Hearst spent several days last couple of Sundays as. Mr. and week with Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achilles. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Achilles and Debbie of Fergus spent the weekend at the same home: Mission Band members are reminded of their meeting this. Sunday at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin, Brian, Cathy, Jeffery and Elizabeth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin and family of Thornliury. Mrs.Ray Huether was organist Mrs. Ian Wilb'ee were away on the Beef Producer's Tour to Florida. We are glad to hear that Neil McClure was able to spend the weekend at his home. His many friends hope he keeps improving. Mrs. Gladys Henderson of Welland spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Smalldon. We are pleased to report Mrs. Smalldon is feeling much impioved following her two-week stay in Victoria Hospital, London. EVERYTHIN You EVER WANTED To KNOW ABOUT You. I2,-THE BRUSSELS POST, FEBRUARY Si, 1975