The Brussels Post, 1975-02-05, Page 1Short
hots (By Evelyn Kennedy)
ay '
BIG BLACK HOLE — That's what these kids
investigated on their way home from school Monday
afternoon. The hole, in the pavement of Queen St. or
County Road 16, was caused by a broken water main.
These breaks "as clean as if cut with a hack saw"
seem to happen every year, Clerk Bill King said and
"invariably you'll find a stone underneath the
- broken pipe." Village employees repaired the main,
which was installed in 1948 and County employees
helped them to repair the road.
(Photo by Pat Langlois)
• /11.11.11111411141111\miESTABLISHED
Resident objects to
$15 per meeting pay
Cite irregularities
County could
get increased
rant, MOH
Dr. Frank Mills, medical officer
f health; told county council at
ast Friday's session that-
he Huron County Health Unit
ould qualify for a 25 per cent
ncrease in its provincial grant if it
'ould amalgamate with • other
ounty health units,
Provincial grants now cover 50
er cent of the health u nits
perating budget but the county
calth unit would qualify for a 75
er cent grant if it joined other
Dr. Mills told council that the
uron County health unit is being
escriminated against by the
rovince and agreed with Warden
nson McKinley that it is simply
n unfair arrangement.
Health Minister Frank Miller
ill visit the county Friday, Feb. 7
nd Dr. Mills urged councillors to
ontest the issue with the
Minister as • he makes his way
hrough the municipalities in the
ounty. Health Minister Miller
ill be in Goderich at the board
oom of the assessment office
rom 10 to 11.45 a.m.
Dr. Mills stated that the
acilities offered in Huron County
(Continued on Page 7)
Brussels Council's number 1
by-law, which provides salaries
or all municipal employees and
names municipal representatives
o area boards was defeated in an
inusual move at Monday night's
ouncil meeting.
The matter was raised by
Councillor Harold Bridge who
said he felt he had been misled
and that the number one by-law
contained irregularities. "I'M
going to demand that it be done
all over again and throw it back in
your laps," he said.
Councillor Frank Stretton said
he was concerned about two
irregularities. The January 20th
meeting when the resolutions
contained in the number one
by-law were passed was a joint
meeting of council and the PUC.
Councillor Stretton said that such
a joint meeting was illegal and the
proper procedure ' would have
been for the PUC to give a
recommendation on salaries (they
pay 60% of,. town employee's
salaries) to the council's finance
committee and, for that committee
to bring a recommendation to the
full council.
The other irregularity, he said,,
occurred when council selected an
appointee to the Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority: The new
councillor said that the reeve, as
chairman, had voted on the first
ballot of the MVCA elimination
vote and that he had no right to
vote. Both coUncillots said they
had obtained legal advice on
these two points.
Brussels 'Clerk Treasurer Bill
King, whose official hiring was in
effect held up by the failure to
pass the by-law told the Post
Tuesday morning that according
to Section 196 of the Ontario
Municipal Act, the chairman has
a vote on all motions. If his vote
creates a tie, the motion is
automatically defeated.
"Precedent has been set by
previous councils from year to
year," Reeve McCutcheon said,
when. the two councillors charged
irregularities had occurred.
"Then we've been wrong for
years and I think we should be
right," Councillor Stretton
replied, and the reeve responded
that he was all for it if adruinist
ration would run more smoothly.
"I hope you do 24 months of good
hard administrative work."
Councillor Stretton; seconded
by Councillor Bridge, moved to
table the Number 1 by-law, but he
objected to the wording of the
motion prepared by Clerk King
which provided for passing, not
tabling, the motion. The clerk ,
explained that it was the same
thing, "All you have to de is
defeat it,"
The motion was defeated, with
Councillors Bridge, Stretton and
George Jutzi voting against it.
The reeve questioned conneillorS
on what to do about paying village
Wages. "They have been paid
according to the resolutions
passed at the last meeting,"
(1975 salary rates)," he. said.
Councillor Stretton suggested
going back to the 1974 , pay
schedules until a new number one
by-law is passed and then making
the 1975 schedules retroactive to
January 1 at that time. This
resolution passed but later on in
the meeting (which lasted until 2
a.m.) councillors passed the 1975
rate salaries in the accounts
payable and asked the clerk to
rescind th is resolution.
Reeve . McCiitcheon asked
councillors if they had understood
the voting procedure at the last
.meeting when the number one
by-law resolutions were passed
and all said they had. In a
comment to the Post Tuesday
morning he said "The new
councillors have been influenced
to hold up the procedures due to
some information' which appears
to be incorrect."
He pointed out that councillor
Stretton had seconded the motion
in question which appointed Cal
Krauter to the MVCA.
At the meeting the reeve
expressed concern that , not
allowing the PUC to join in
meetings where salaries are
decided might cause dissensien.
"The PUC have always had a say
in hiring and wages becanse they
pay 60%. If you Split it you might
find different personS working for
the MC and Council," heaid,
The $15 per meeting bonus
which members of Brussels
council voted themselves at their
January 20 meeting was in
contention at Tuesday night's
meeting as Brussels resident
Mick Conaboy appeared to
question council members.
"Why this bonus system? Why
not just a straight raise in
salary?", Mr. Conaboy wanted to
Reeve Jack McCutcheon said
council felt the bonus was an
incentive to attend meetings and
said that he had fold the
pre-election ratepayers meeting
that council salaries would
probably have to be raised.
Mr. Conaboy wondered if
anybody running for public office
should need an incentive to
attend meetings and said he was
A broken water main on Queen
Street, in front of the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Uniac sent a flood
of water pouring over the street
on Monday morning. It is
possible the absence of a- heavy
snow cover combined with
freezing temperatures could be
the cause of the problem.
This is "White Cane" week.
This year it is not a national, but
an international project, spon-
sored by the C.N.I.B. and the
Canada Council for the Blind.
Sixty countries are involved in
The World Wide Council for the
Welfare of the Blind and will push
towards prevention of blindness.
Recently this column em-
it-tented. regarding the reported
damage. to rural mail boxes
caused by snow plowing opera-
tions. We have been informed
that that is not the only cause. of
such &triage. As has happened
befote, there are vandals once
concerned, because the number
of meetings per year were not
spelled out, -that councillors were
getting "a blank cheque."
• The, reeve said• hourly paid,
employees who perhaps could not
afford to give up work to attend
council meetings should not be
discriminated against. He said
attitudes toward public service
are changing. "People feel 'why
leave your job and lose $25 and
work for the village for say $5."
Councillor Hank Ten Pas said
the bonus is for formal meetings
only, not for committee meetings
or "time spent on the street or at
home on the phone.".
Mr. Conaboy said that a raise'
for councillors was a big issue
during the election, and the reeve
repeated that he had not been-
(Continued on Page 4
again on the prowl with rural mail
boxes as their specific target.
If the groundhog saw his
shadow, or not, on Groundhog
Day, would depend on where and
when he shook himself awake and
emerged to make a quick survey
of weather conditions and decide
how much longer he could
continue his winter nap. What do
we care how long he sleeps if only
the wonderful sunshiny days we
have had: are liberally sprinkled
throughout the rest of our winter
-and spring comes bright and
* * * *
Are y ou preparing to take part
in "Polar Daize"? They will be
with us on February 22nd, 23rd,
24th and 25th, If you are thinking
of braving the icy Maitlind
waters in the Polar Dip it might
be a good idea to acclimatize Our
body by filling your Bathtub with
ice and climbing in regularly from
now until then,
* * o
103rd Year,— Issue No. 6
gBrussels Post
New council defeats bylaw