The Brussels Post, 1975-01-22, Page 4palm-mown
News of Ethel
United Church has
annual meeting
Mrs, Cliff Bray
The Ethel United. Church
annual meeting was held in the
church basement, January 19
with sixteen present. The U.C.W.
also, held a brief meeting.
Cliff Bray was host for the
Grey Township Councils
Inaugural meeting dinner.
Misses Betty and Terry Lynn of
Toronto and Mrs. Georgina
Foster of Newmarket visited with
Mrs. Joe Walker
Members of Bluevale Women's
Institute enjoyed a dessert
luncheon to start off their first
meeting of the year on
Wednesday afternoon in the
Community Hall. Mrs. Ken
Chambers was hostess for the
Education meeting and
Mrs, Wendell Stamper, presided.
The 4-H Homemaking Club
project this spring will be "Whal
Thal! I. Wear", and there will be
liree clubs as before. .Any girl
is,,ishing to take this club should
contact an Institute member.
Several thank-you cards were
received,, one of these from
Brookhaven Nursing Home for
the Christmas treats sent there.
A moment of silence was
observed in memory of the late
Mrs. Jack Wickstcad, who was a
faithful Institute member.
Members voted not to take the
Senior Training Course on
"Baked in a Pie", Mrs, Ken
Chambers gave her report on the
Area Convention held at Bingman
Park, Kitchener in November.
The resolution concerning the
uniform size of jars and
containers when they are changed
to the metric system was
The Roll Call was to name all
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lynn and
family on the weekend.
Mrs. Larry who was a patient
in Listowel Hospital has returned
Mr,Clifford Stevens who is a
patient in Toronto General.
Hospital, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bray and
Mr. and Mrs. J.,L.McCutcheort of
brussels spent two days in
Goderich through the week
attending the Inaugural Session
of County Council.
historical or geographical fact
about Northern Ontario. Mrs. J.E
C.Johnston gave the motto "We
have reached the moon, but we
haven't reached each other". The
topic, Women's Institutes • in
Northern Ontario was taken by
Mrs. Mel Craiu.
U.C.W .
Mrs, Graham Campbell was
hostess to Unit One of U.C.W. at
her home Thursday afternoon.
Members enjoyed a New Years'
dinner to start off the New Year.
Visitors attending • the meeting
were Miss Em ma Johnston,
Bluevale and Mrs. J. Graham of
Edmonton who is visiting at the
home of Mr. and MN. WM.
Mrs. Carl Johnston chose a
New Year's message for her
devotions nd Mrs. J.C.Johnston
read the scripture. A card of
thanks was received from the
Sunday School for a donation
given them from the Unit. A Ncw
Year's greeting was read from
Mrs. Jessie Jones of 'Londesboro.
Several quilts arc on hand to be
quilted,which will be started as
soon as possible. Plans were
made for the Central U.C.W.
meeting in the church on Feb. 5.
The ladies spent the afternoon
knitting bazaar items.
Passed ,away in Wingham
and District Hospital, Monday,
January 13th, Claire. Long in his
74th year. He had been in failing
health for some, time.
He was born and raised in
Cranbrook, son of Jacob Long and
Susan Ennis. He had been a
salesman for Confederation Life
and State Farm Mutual
Insurance.At the time of his
passing he had been in the real
estate business. He was a
member of Melville Presbyterian
He is survived by his wife, the
former Ethel Smalldon; one
daughter, Doreen Mrs,
Merton Hackwell of Walton; Two
sons, Murray and Garry of
Brussels and four grandchildren.
One sister, Mrs. Sam Burgess,
He was predeceased by five
brothers and two sisters.
The funeral was held
Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the
M.L.Watts funeral home. The
Rev. Nelson, , Moderator of
Scala tth officiating.
Temporary entombment took
place in the Brussels Cemetery
Chapel. •
Pallbearers were Hugh
Mrs. Mac Engel
The --annual meeting of the
congregation of Knox Church will
be held on Thursday, January 30
in the church basement with a pot
luck dinner at noon with the
meeting following.
Patients in Listowel memorial
Hospital include Mr. Evelyn Hall
and Gerald, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Knight.
Mrs. Thiel of Waterloo visited
for several days with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Conley.
Mrs. Glenn Huether was a
weekend visitor with her son
Gerald and Mrs. Huether and
daughter, Cambridge, Galt.
Mr s. John Schnock received
news of the death of her niece,
Mrs. John Worden of St. Pau's.
She was the former Merle
Abraham of the Wroxeter area.
Mrs, Worden died on Sunday in
the Stratford Hospital following a
lengthy illness. She is survived by
her husband, two daughters and a
Pearson, Herman Whitfield,
Gordon Engel, Ross Bennett,
Mac Sholdice and Ken Bray.
Flowerbearers were
grandchildren, Shelley Long,
Jeffrey, Blaine and Craig
•Mrs, Jean MacDonald of
Brusssels passed away in
Listowel. Memorial Hospital on
Tuesday, January 14th, She was
in her 87th year.
The former Jean Snell, she was
the daughter of the late Samuel
and Janet (Miller) Snell of Grey
Her husband, William W.
MacDonald predeceased her in
April 1973.
She is survived by her sister-in-
law, Mrs. Jelin Snell of Brussels
and nieces and nephews.
She was predeceased by three
sisters and one' brother.
The funeral service was held
from the M.L.Watts Funeral
Home at 2:00 P.M. on thursday,
January 16th with Rev. E.
LeDrew of Brussels United
Church officiating.
Temporary entombment took
place in Brussels Cemetery
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henry,
London, spent the weekend with
Mrs. Stuart McNair.
Miss Holly Elliott and John
McDonald, Toronto visited Mr.
and Mrs.W.G.Elliott and Laurie.
Institute Meets
The January meeting of the
W.I. was held at the home of Mrs.
Jack. Conley. Mrs. N. Lefor
volunteered as assistant leader
for the spring 4-H project "What
Shall I Wear?". Mrs. Jack Cox
and Mrs. Frank Workman are to
be leaders for the short course
"Baked in a pie", to be held in
February. This course is for all
members of the community. Mrs.
Jim. Hart read the treasurer's
report and the regular collection
and pennies for friendship were
collected. Mrs. Cox reported that
the District Annual will be held
May 13 at Ethel United Church.
The 1975-76 programs for each
branch are to be prepared by this
date. Mrs. Conley as convener of
Resolutions chaired the
I . I
Chapel with burial to take plaol
later 41 .Wroxetpr. Cemetery,
Pallbearers were James Rt5e
Glen Snell, Carson Watson! 't
Anson Rattan, Edgar Wightmgit
and Russell Rattan. 1.
Flower Bearers; Russell Rae!.
Robert Rattan.
ars a
e Mrs. John M. Craig passer'`.,
away in Clinton Public Hospitai„.
on Saturday, Jan. 11, 1975 in hee'i
78th year. The former ElleL'i
Marshall Switzer, daughter of the
late Nassau and Maggie . ; (Mhll) Switzer.
She is survived by her fillSball6:1
John M., Morris Twp., one soli::
Carman, Morris Township, one.
daughter, Margaret, Mrs, Harolf:)
Townsend, London. Also
surviving are one sister - Iva
Switzer, -Morris Twp. and three..;
grandchildren. Predeceased by.
one sister, Mrs. Anna Denham..
The funeral service was held at
the Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth,
Tuesday,January 14. Interment in
Blyth Union Cemetery. Pall.
bearers - Ron Denham, Kirkton;'.
Bodie Craig, Don Craig, Peter
Kelly, Earl Kelly, Lloyd Appleby,
Morris Twp.
remainder of the meeting. The
roll call "Name the flowers
carried at your wedding" , was
answered by 10 members and one
guest. Mrs Cox gave a reading
dealing with thoughts of renewal
at the start of a New Year. Mrs.
Workman conducted, a contest
using well known Proverbs. The
balance of the evening was spen
playing cards. Mrs. N. Lefor and
Mrs. Hart assisted by the hostess
served a lunch,
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News of Bluevale
Desert luncheon
starts WI year
News of Cranbrook
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