The Brussels Post, 1974-11-06, Page 7• . • • The Ministry of Transport has stated ••
"that the Ministry intends to enforce i
the year' 1976; the same automobile,...
exhaust emission standards as are being
•.establisned .for1•975."
tie Procter S
:eekend with
er and Maxine
ther Robert P
ni and 1)1
Sunday the pr
orld bi rthday,
'4en a.•197::5
?. consider . •. • ^
1" '
Cars equipped with catalytic converters require
the use of Unleaded gasoline, Unleaded gasoline is
not readily available. /-14ever, all Ford of Canada
carlines have been engifiekredi'vithout catalytic
converters and can run mi;any gasoline — regular,
premium or unleaded, Read the full story:
CO4 eqUiPpeckwith
:; catalytic, converters
require the use of
Unleaded gasoline.
la order to meet the new Canadian exhaust
emission standards, some 1.975 cars are equipped
with a catalytic converter, which is an emission
control device that requires the use of more
expensive unleaded gasoline.
Unleaded gasoline is
not readily available.
Although unleaded gasoline inay be available at up
to 40% of gasoline stations in some major urban:
centres. it will be Substantially less in rural areas.
The Department of Industry, Trade and Commerde
survey, dated June, 1974, states that on a national.
basis, unleaded gasoline will not beavailableitt 8'
out of 10 stations it-iCartacla. as of October 1, 197.4.
Government sources
had this to say regarding
1975-1976: Canadian
emission':ntrol standards. •
Ohik. ss'tot
they will bet mcre si'
present 1973 sta:rid
stringent as 1h pre
"The.proposed tit
Cana. will
i•:•4atalt10:60.--0:ii$, • •• • •• .• ••••:.., • •• . :!..!'11:be..f.eclerakOttngEMqernentesteroay•::.
i.,04i.d11i4t:Itiolotq!;',0'..00.! n e
sta .................................(....... by the
use of:such devices as . . e i,•:OatidnefebkOntbignitiOns L and....: •
'ilf..••eatatyt10.bOrNeftem. are not reotred
`an..Canadiar:cars .there will be:less .....
•.(1.ernartd::tor.11:n)e.aC.:ted,•ga..cltriq;10 :. • Canada! ""... . . --FrOt71 a news '00 -drt,published in, The ;Globe & Mall, •
quly 20,1973.
—Excerpt,from a Department of Transport letter to the
Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association, dated
February 20, 1974.
4 All Ford of Canada
canines have been
engineered to run on
any gasoline and meet the
new 1975 Canadian emission
control standards without
requiring catalytic converters.
There's a significant difference between Canada
and the United States in exhaust emission standards
for 1975 cars.
The Canadian Government decided to adopt
more reasonable emission standards than those in
the United States, which meant that catalytic
converters were not necessary to meet the Canadian
So for 1975, Ford of Canada decided not to .
follow suit with. Ford in the United States—
although it would have been much easier (and less
costly) to do so.
Ford of-Canada's decision to minimize the
need for catalytic converters in Canada shows our
real concern for you, the motorist.
° .W6: decided to offer cars without catalytic
converters because a) a catalytic converter could
be an extra expense for you, b) the unleaded fuel
that's required for catalytic conVerters is in limited
supply in Canada:and. c) unleaded gasoline is
more expensive than the lower priced regular.
Now in order to meet the. 1975 Canadian
exhaust Omission standards; without the use of
catalytic converters. Ford of Canada invested over
$1 million in an extensive program involving
significant engineering changes, additional com-
plexity in our assembly plants and other special
The result is that all engines (with the
exception of one the optional 2.8 litre V6), for
all I 975 lines of Ford of Canada cars, meet the
standards. without requiting catalytic converters,
and do so while running on any gasoline — unleaded,
premium or the lower priced regular,
Ford of Canada feels that this will mead a lot
to motCrrists who are not able to find unleaded
gasoline in their normal driving and fuel-shopping
patterns. Particularly, those who live iii rural altas,
or are travelling to the cottage or ski slopes — where
unleaded gasoline availability is substantially less
than major urban centres.
These "Economy
Extenders" have been
engineered into every
1975 Ford and Mercury canine.
In addition to the convenience of being able to use
any gasoline. anywhere, a number of features,
which we call "Economy Extenders", have been
engineered into every 1975 Ford of Canada canine.
These include: • Solid state ignition that eliminates
the points and condenser and improves fuel
economy over long p&riods due to a More stable
spark plugyerformance • Improved engine tuning
on many engines which results in better fuel
economy and performance • Optimized rear axle
ratios that contribute to less engine wear and lower.
fuel consumption by proper matching to load and
use requirements • Steel-belted radial tires that
extend tread life and reduce rolling friction for
better gas mileage.
In addition, extended service intervals con-
tribute to reduced maintenance requirements, and
therefore, lower operating costs.
— '
6 Right now, Ford and
Mercury dealers can
give fast delivery on
cars in stock which run on any
gasoline —unleaded, premium
or the lower priced regular.
Ford and Mercury dealers can give you fast
delivery of a new 1975 car from the large stock.
they have on hand right now. We're sure there's
the mOdc.1 you want, in the colour you want,
equipped with the options you want to meet your
personal needs, And no matter where you are in
Canada or wherever you're going, you can use the
gasoline that's available:. unleaded, premium or
the lower priced regular..
When you choose from
a 1975 Ford or Mercury
car**, it's nice to know
you can settle for any
gasoline, anywhere.
its What
Don't Need!
t Ads
important fads.
Buying or leasing-Right now you can select a
1975 car from stock at your Ford or Mercur FOR D
dealer which will run on any gasoline.