The Brussels Post, 1974-10-16, Page 16Wednesday.
Mrs. Coultes closed the meeting
with prayer.
Roper Gray of Kitchener, Mr. and
mrs. Gerry Dennis andDarlene of
Waterloo were weekend visitors
with Mr. andmrs. Leo nard
Mr. and Mrs.Leonar d
James visited on Sunday evening
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Johnston of Paisley.
Mr. and Mr. Gary Leitch, Julie
and Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. George
M. Johnston of London spent
Thanksgiving weekend with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long of
Scottsdale, Arizona visited on
Friday evening with Mr. and. Mrs.
Bert Johnston and Mrs. Amelia
Mr. and Mrs. William Speiran
of Listowel visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston and
Mrs. Amelia Brown.
Douglas and Danny Thompson
of Goderich visited on the
weekend with their grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston and
Mrs. Amelia Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin
and family of Goderich visited on
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Herson Irwin.
Mr. Kenneth Wilson and Miss.
Phyllis De Sarno ofWatkins Glen,
NekV York spent the holiday
weekend with Mrs. Jesse
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs,Norman Stonehouse
of London.
Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Helm of
Lucknow visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Olive Campbell and Mrs. Ira
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Taylor of
weekend with his p
and Mrs. Harold Vii
Mr. and Mrs. Hat
visited with friends at
Mr. and Mrs. John
family of Ingersoll sp
with Mr. and Mrs. Ha
and Miss Margaret
Mr s. Len Coyne, M
Ronald Kirkham, M
Coyne, Eric Graka,
Giannandrea, all of
Michael 'Coyne o
attended the Thomj
wedding on Friday eve
Belgrave United Chur
Mr. and Mrs. Do
Guelph visited on thc
with their parents Mr,
James R. Coultes an,
Mrs. Murray Rae of '
• Mrs. Telford Cook s
days last week with Mt
Harold Slessar of Glar
Mr. and Mrs. Conrai
of Downsview wen
visitors with her s
brother-in-law Mr. t
Robert Procter,
Mrs. Carman Farrier
Winnifred Farrier'
Branch visited for a feat
week wtih the former'
Mrs. Nelson Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Normal
of San Jose, California
day last week with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rod
Mary and Bob of Etobiet
the holiday weekend
mother, Mrs. Nelson H
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W
visited on Sunday with
Mrs. William Montgom
family of Guelph also e
Mr. and Mrs. James II
of Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil .1
Mrs. Lulu McLaughlin
Hamilton visited on Friday with erport, New York, Mr. a
Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Coultes. John McCormack, Chrit
Mr. and Mrs. William Coultes Eimile of Orangeville, Mr
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rainer of Scarboro were
Coultes and family were Sunday visitors with mrs.
visitors with their parents Mr. Chaniney.
and mrs. Robert Coultes. Read the Advertise Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vincent
of London spent Thanksgiving. It's a Profitable Pal
McCutcheon Grocer]
Phone 887-9445
We Deliver
CARIBEAN TUNA • • • • • •
Schneider's BACON ENDS
Hamburg or Wiener Roll • • •
200 size 4
61/2-oz. 5,
• 2 Pkgs.71
Carlton Club Assorted
I POP, (non-returnable) • a • — •
Rogedaie 19-418* CREAM CORN r•
Del Monte — 49-oz.
Pineapple & Grapefruit Drink •• 2 f°1i 4
1 HERSHEY COCOA • — • • 164* 91
Free Delivery
Phone 887..9226
for 8
The officers for next year are:
President - • Gilbert Beecroft;
Secretary - Mrs. Gordon
McBurney; Treasurer - Robert
Canvassers will be canvassing
the Belgrave area within the next
few weeks.
Mark 35th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs,Lawrence Taylor
celebrated their 35th wedding
anniversary on Monday, ctober
At the wedding reception of
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson
JACKLIN —"In Memory" for a (Joyce Taylor) held at the
friend "the late Andrew Jacklin WinghamLegion Hall on Friday
who passed away eight years ago, night, Mrs. Robert Gordon called
oct. 19th, 1966." her parents to the front of the hall
Only a memory of by-gone at which time a portrait of
days, Margaret and Lawrence family
And a sigh for a face unseen; 'was presented to them by all
B ut a constant feeling that God members of the family.
alone Friends and neighbours
Knows just what should have gathered in Belgrave United
been. Church on Monday, Oct. 7, to
By a friend, Christene Phillipson. honour Joyce Hunter with a
community shower. After several
entertaining games Joyce opened
her beautiful and useful gifts.
She was assisted by her mother
Mrs. James Hunter and Mrs. Carl
Joyce thanked everyone and
lunch was served.
Evening. Unit Meets
The EveningUnit met in the
church basement with .14 present
and opened with the hymn 'Fight
the good fight with all thy might'.
Mrs.Robert Taylor conducted the
worship service with meditation,.
scripture reading and prayer .by
Mrs. Taylor after which hymn 'He
liveth long' was sung.
Mrs. Laura. Johnston conducted
business. A thank you card was
read from Mrs. Clifford Branton
for a gift. Mrs. Johnston read a
letter from Miss Laura. Callar
who said ,she was leaving her
Wingham home to travel to Haifa
for three months and then on to
Jerusalem to continue her work as
a missionary.
It was decided
Canadian church
the coming year.
Mrs. Cliff Logan had as her
theme for the program study
'Mission begins with' you'.
Several role plays were acted out.'
Mrs. Logan closed themeeting
with prayer. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Ross Higgins' group. The
November meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Lewis Stone-
hit°fIlt.:rne'oon unit meets
The afternoon meeting of the UC
W was held in the church
basement last Tuesday afternoon
with 13 ladies present.
Mrs. Cecil Coultes opened the
meeting with a- call to worship.
'Come Ye thankful people come' •
was sung,
Mrs. Robert Hibberd read a
thanksgiving poem 'Autumn in
my heart'. Psalm 65 was read in
unison and Mrs: Coultes gaVe the
A question period followed on the
parable taken frOm the Septprw,
ber, October Observer.
Mrs.. Wilfred Armstrong was
appointed as a delegate to the
Fall rally in Gerrie United 'Church
24. Cards of Thanks
Thank You. On behalf of the staff
and patients of Callander Nursing
Home we want to thank all the
kind people who supported our
auction sale and helped to make it
such a success. It was a fun
evening. — Mr. R.A.Forshaw,
Marg. Krauter, Grace
Jutzi. 24-46-1
25. In Memoriam
26. Personal
to order 24
calendars for'
WIDOW over sixty wishes to
meet a gentleman around same
age for companionship formally of
Brussels. Protestant Religion. No
alcohol. Write Box 1001, The
Brussels Post, Brussels. 26-46-1
wins milk
The Holstein-Friesian
Association of Canada has
awarded a Blue Seal lifetime
production award to. W.N.Dow,
Staffa, Ontario, for his purebred
holstein Marlefield
in , 7 lactations, has yielded
145,571 lbs. milk testing „an
average 3.46% fat or 5,040 lbs.
butterfat. Her latest record, as an
8 year old, saw her yield 28,076
lbs. milk testing 3.68% for 1,033
lbs. butterfat in 379 days. Her 305
day production gave her BCA
indices 209% for milk and 215%
fora butterfat.
Molly, who is classified Very
Good for type and has already
received one star in the star brood
program, is sired Double T N
Arab. She has always ,been a
consistant milk producer as
evidenced by her' 5 year old
RCA's of 186% for milk and
184% for fat or her 6 year old
BCA's of 195% for milk and
170% for fat. Her dam, Marlefield
Victor Dolly, was also a 1 star
brood cow with a 5 lactation
average of 159% BCA for milk
and 156% BCA for fat.
OCTOBER 16, 1974
CLASSIFIED News of Belgrave
20. Auction Sales Bible Society plans canv 20. Auction Sales
Every Friday 8 p.m.
Auction Sale
Special this week, appliances, color TV's, new chesterfield,
bedroom, kitchen suites, lamps, coffee end table sets, bedding,
stereos, component sets, bunk beds, recliners and giftware at
Ball Auctions, Brussels, Ont ario. 887-9363 . (Budget Plan
_ available)
Catherine Street, Brussels on
at 1 P.M.
Consisting of a house and lot,
furniture and appliances and
numerous other articles.
CLEARING sale of Household
Effects and antiques for Ellen
May Smith, Saturday, October
26, 1974, in Kurtzville Arena 1:00
p.m. Watch for listing next week.
C.A.Stevens, Auctioneer,' Ethel,
Ontario. 20-46-1
21. Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until 12 Noon,
NOVEMBER 4, 1974
For 1974-75 snowplowing season
in the Township of Grey. Tender
to be by the hour. State make and
size of equipment to be used.
Minimum to be 9 ft. plow with -12
ft. wing. Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Road Superintendent
24. Cards of Thanks
I would like to tender my thanks
to the physician, Dr. A. J. Bozyk
and the Nursing Staff, Second
Floor, Wingham District
Hospital; Physicians and Nursing
Staff, Seventh Floor, University
Hospital, London; and to all who
provided transportation, home
care, visits, and numerous kind
get well greetings during my
recent illness. — Melvin
McCutcheon, 24-46-1
The Wingham Cubs and scouts
would like to thank you for your
support with their' paper drive.
There will be another drive, that
will be announced in
Spring. 24-464
My sincere thanks to all who sent
messages of sympathy at the
sudden death of my sister. Your
kindess is much appreciated:—
Jean Bridge, Sr. 24-46-1
I would like to thank all those who
'remembered me with visits,
cards, flowers and gifts while a
patient in Wingham Hospital and
Since coming home. , Special
thanks to Drs. Hanlon and
McGregor and nurses and staff on
2nd floor, also Rev. F. Carson.
Your thoughtfulness was deeply
appreciated': Mary
Pennington: ' 2446-1
Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse
The annual meeting of
Belgrave Branch of the Canadian
Bible Society was held. Thursday
evening at the home of Mr. ,and
Mrs. Gordon McBurney.
Rev. C.A.McCarroll of Brussels
conducted the devotionals and
Rev. John Thompson of London,
District Secretary, spoke and
showed a film entitled "Two
Leaves on a Bud", showing the
life and work of people -of Ceylon
and the work carried on by the
Bible Society there.