The Brussels Post, 1974-03-06, Page 3• ,:.:;t; MOWEIC," ANOTHER ACCIDENT Huron County Road 12 on the outskirts of Brussels seems to be getting more than its share of car accidents this winter. No one was hurt late Monday afternoon in this accident,. Constable Richard Foulon' of the Wingham Detachment of the O.P.P. investigates as driver Abner Schultz of R.R.1, Milverton looks on. News of Ethel World Day of Prayer is observed DR. HANLON & DR. McGREGOR Wish to announce the moving of 'their office to The Medical Centre, Brussels beginning 1st of MARCH TEL: 887-6275 BY APPOINTMENT: Office Hours:— Tuesday Night at 7:00 p.m. Thursday Night at 7:00 p.m. ' Friday at 11:00 a.m. Winners at 100F Euchre The LO,O.F. Euchre Party, held in .theLodge Hall on. Thursday evening, drew a good crowd, with 12 tables in play, Winners were: Ladies High Mrs. Ruby Brewer; Ladies' Low - Mrs, Margaret- McCatcheon, Men's High - Bob Mitchell; Men's. Low - Dave McCutcheon. The draw for a ham was won by Mel Mccutcheon. The next 1.0.0.P. card party will be held on March 14th. NEW, SIMPLIFIED PIPELINE SYSTEMS! BY Universal NOW! MAJOR PORTION OF MILK RECEIVING ASSEMBLY IS FACTORY ASSEMBLED ON PANEL! „ c. 11 Correspondent Mrs. Chester Earl World's Day of Prayer was observed at the United Church ridav afternoon. Mrs. W.F.Hcwitt gave the message, Builders of Peace. Ladies of the Presbyterian Church also took part in the service. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crozier and son of Kitchener and Mrs. R.J.Annett of Brussels visited Mr. and Mrs. Les Crozier. Mrs. Carl McDonald and Rev. tanley McDonald of Londesboro isited in London on Wednesday ,ith Mr. and Mrs. John Vine. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ward and :tinily, Lindsay,' Mr. and Mrs. oger Smith arid family of Elmira 'sited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. !townies, aides to Ice Capades Dobson. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lynn were Mr. and Mrs. Don Lloyd, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs.Geo. Lynn Jr. and son of Tottenham, Miss Betty Lynn andMrs. Fred Foster 0 Toronto. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stephenson were Mr. and Mrs. Jake McDougal of Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Court of Hamilton. Mrs. B. Bray of Brussels visited Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanna and boys of Le Piere , Mich. visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. and Mrs,. Harry Smith and family, visited recently in Kent City, Mich. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J.C.Lamont were Mr. and Mrs: Elmer Parrish and girls, Trow- bridge, Mr, .Stanley Purvis, Atwood and Mr. and Mrs. John Purvis and family. Mrs. Alex Pearson visited her mother in Mt. Forest for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kuhl of Varna visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kleinstruber; Saturday. AO.: Shots. (Continued from Page 1) has been disappearing and the green grass appears in abundance. Now all we can do is h opeMarehdoes not go out like a lion and that spring is really -just around the corner". Wouldn't you know ; it is snowing again! ****** Perhaps in the near future transgressors of the law will not be so resentful when they ate (contributed). A total of 66 Brownies, Guides, ..attcrs and Chaperones boarded bus in Brussels on Sunday for itchener Memorial Auditorium see the Ice Capades. The •ownies and Guides serenaded e leaders and bus driver all the V there and back home again., e Ice Show was superb and 11 long be remembered by all use who attended. Several of ' girls have expressed a desire attend again next year. All the Brownies and Guides nt to say a special "thank you" their Leaders: Brownies to s. Shoidire and mrs, Exel: stopped and handed a traffic ides ny Mrs. G, kellitigton -. ticket, or arrested, when a pretty p mi talh, Mrs. J, Stephenson 1)°11e6"itiah apprehends them: ss S. Watts . LietitenantS The 0.P.P. are about to recruit arranging the trip also to Mrs. policewomen who will perform Ravel-nail - President of L.A. the same functions and have the obtaining' tickets and 8ai" authority,. ' as policemen: drvisitig the trip and to 66 Th eir salary and benefitS, will also .tiers Who went as CliapetOties, conform to those of' the tnale 'Bout these people the trin members 1.z.66 force. *" * * * ild hot have ,.., ____.,,,,,, = , The Optimist dab of Brussels he bus arruicvcerld P back?ss I e in' is 'ti°11tig a hlij4. curling ssets about 10!30 pitti, with 16.86ith:15s::1 Arena onMItinctdAsiiiii Mat le very. tired and Sleepy little S but Che t had . ... ,h . , cll lith.. 'teams, from Curling h talki ng surrounding about fot a .long Clubs "1-Pb in the d.. mng tOniittifiitieS are invited to attend.. Anyone interested in' k: letidi15:t '61A7g,11:ied wilt pay YOU- outetifig is asked to. contact Bar ' Have you tried WW1 Pearson Or 'Ettie tewitigtoth iltliSSelS` t87..66'4ii, iii****iii • I" Mr. and Mrs. Carl -McDonald visited Mrs. Eliza Lucas at Milverton Nursing Home. New pipeline milking systems give easier, faster performa,nce with the new Universal panel-mounted milk receiving assembly.. The new, streamlined advancement is adapt- able to large or stall milking parlor Sys- tems or stanchion barns. Most important -- the new UniVersal system is a milking and Washing system in a single unit and quickly converts from one operation to another. Combined with Universal Kleeri-O-Matto the washing Operation is completely automatic. Universal Offers two panel-Mounted assent:- blies. Both systems are designed for Grade A Milk production; both are greatly siMpli- fled . easier to install; easier to Wei Let out fadoty /mined .spodallit .discuss this with you Plan to attend Out Milker Clink THURSDAY; MARCH 21st 9 aim. U NITED CO-OPERT IVES OF ONTARIO ijkiidkAlrg BRANCA M7463 3S74/t1 i. tE BRUSSELS O AHaRti4 6,-- 104.4,