The Brussels Post, 1973-10-10, Page 3News of Walton , Attendance aw ards. distributed - at -Church. Sunday School. ley) ig Le it e r e r s' e FRESH PORK CHOPS MINCED HAM, MAC. & EN LOAF Correspondent 'qrs. Allan McCall Sunday School promotion and awards were given to the child- ren at a special service at Duff's . United Church, Walton. Mrs. Ron Bennett, secretary of the Sunday School was in charge when the seals and pins were given out to the following, each child coming to the front tb receive their awards from their teachers. They are: Kindergar- ten, Gary Godkin, second-year seal, missed one Sunday; Jeff- rey McGavin, diploma for first- year seal, missed five Sundays; Sandra Sholdice, second-year seal, missed two Sundays; Joan Bennett, teacher, ten-year seal, missed two Sundays. Primary ,l, Elaine Dennis, second-year seal, missed five Sundays; Cathy McGaving, second year seal, missed three Sundays; Jeanne McDonald, perfect attend- ance, pin and second-year seal; Murray Sholdice, fourth-year seal, missed three Sundays; Pe- ter Bennett, second-year seal, missed five Sundays. Primary 11, Ronnie Godkin, five-year seal, missed one Sun- day; Neil Mitchell,five-year seal, missed one Sunday, Juniors, Nanci Bennett, third- year seal, missed five Sundays; Laura Dennis, seventh-year seal, missed-four Sundays;Dianne God- kin, eighth-year seal, perfect at- tendance; Jimmie McDonald, se- cond-year seal, pin and perfect attendance; Bruce Godkin, sixth- year seal, perfect attendance. Intermediates, Doug Mitchell eighth-year seal, perfect attend- ance. Kindergarten-Teachers, Joan Bprinett and Cathy McDonald. Names that are staying in Kin- dergarteriare: Cathy Humphries, Chris Achilles, Jeffrey McGavin, Joyanne Van Vliet, Sandra Shol- dice, Jimmie Humphries, Benny Hoegy, Jennie Brennan, Kim Fritz, Dwayne Achilles, Cheryl Smith, Susie Hickson, Donna God- kin. Names moving on to Primary 1 with.Marilyn McDonald as tea- cher, assistant DorothySholdice, are Daryl Smith, Lori Smith and Blaine Hackwell. Names moving on to Primary 11 with Carol Wilbee as teacher are: Elaine Dennis, Cathy Mc- Gavin, Jeanne McDonald, Danny Achilles, Greg Humphries, Mur- ray Sholdice, Peter Bennett and Carl McCallum. Narries moving from Primary 11 to Junior with teachers Joyce. Van Vliet and Janice Houston are Ronnie Godkin, PatriciaHackwell Cheryl Fraser, Neil Mitchell, John Huether, Kevin Smith, Paul Kirkby, and Janet. Rock. Names staying in Juniors are Peggy Humphries, Nand. Bennett Pam Hackwell, JeffreyHackwell, Steven !Nether, Jimmie McDon- ald, Brian McGavin, Bruce God- kin, Heather Brennan, Jimmie Brennan and Janet Flood. Names moving on to Interme- dia.tes with assistant teachers Howard Hackwell, Keith Clark and Murray Dennis, are; Laura Dennis, Dianne Godkin, Dean Hackwell, Ruthie Thamer, Bob Leeming, Janis Van Vliet and Terry Smith. Thoge staying in Intermediates are Doug Mitchell and Ronald Smith. Teachers last year Helen Craig missed five Sundays and Mrs. Baan missed one Sunday. UCW meets The Executive of the U.C.W held their October meeting on Wednesday evening in the base- ment of Duff's United. Church. Mrs. Don Achilles presided for the business. Mrs. W.C. Hackwell, recording secretary, read the minutes. plans were made for the. An- nual Fowl Supper on the first Wednesday inNovember. 'Pickets were given out for each unit, the congregation money to be in to Mrs. Ken McDonald no later than Sunday November 4th. Pos- ters were made by the Lost and Found group and these are to be distributed to different stores. Resignations are to be in to the nominating committee by Octo- ber 31st, Mrs.' Reid and Mrs. Hackwell are to polish the brass articles in the church. Invitations were read from Brussels United Church to attend their fall Thanksgiving service on October, 24th at 8 p.m. and to Burns Annual Bazaar on Wed- nesday, October 24th at 2 p.m. in the Londesboro Community Hall, also to the. Seaforth Pres- byteria.n Church on Wednesday, October 17, at 2:30 p.m. The Lost' and Found group will have a bake table at the Cameo display at the Walton Community Hall on Saturday, No- _vember 3rd, 2-5 in the afternoon arid 7-9' in the evening, spon- sored by Mrs. F. Mitchell, Rev. Docken reported he had sent for the Film Strip to Wood- stock. 4 -H Club The fourth meeting of the "Giggling Gourmets" of ,the pro- Ject, "A World of Food „ in Ca- nada" met at the home of Mrs. Mcbonald on Saturday, Septem•- ber 29th at 1: 30 p.m. The President, June William- , son, opened the meeting with re- peating the 4-H pledge, followed by all members answering the Roll Call "A Food commonly purchased today which, formerly was, made at home." Patty Mc- Donald read the minutes of the last 'Meeting and they were signed by the President, The, record books were dis- cussed arid a suitable cover cho- sen. Francis Blake was elected. to be the commentator for our exhibit at Achievement Day. In the group work Janis Van Vliet and Yvonne Blake made the Dutch Chocolate drink. The 4-H pledge "Learn To Do by Doing" brought the meeting to a close.' Hold surprise birthday party Mrs. Ethel Hackwell of Hu- ronview was entertained at a sur- prise birthday party on Friday evening, October 5, 19'73 at the farm home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. DOug Fraser; Morris Township. Mem- bers of her immediate family from Walton, Grey and Morris Townships gathered for an even- ing of fun and games. Also present were friends and relatives from Alberta and Manitoba, also grandchildren from Grand Bend, Windsor, Lon- don and Guelph. Assisting in the evening's en- tertainment were-Mr. and Mrs. Rae Houston, daughter and son- , in-law of Mrs. Hackwell, Cheryl Fraser, granddaugh- ter and little Stephen and Jeffery Mathers, great-grandchildren from Grand Bend assisted Mrs. Hackwell in opening ,her surprise birthday gifts. The evening Concluded when all, gathered around for a bount- iful lunch served by'Mrs. Hous- ton and Mrs. Fraser. WALTON CHURCH NEWS Duff's United Church was dec- orated appropriately for Thanks- giving when the Sacrament otthe Lord's Supper was observed. Rev. Docken had as h is sermon, Remember the Lord. The first practise of the Junior Choir will be held this Thursday evening from 8-8:30 p.m. and the Wal- ton Youth Club holds its first Meeting next,Sunday night at 8:30 p.m. in the church basement, all high school youth 'of the commun- ity are invited. Adult .supervi- sors are still needed for the nursery. Phone 8874294 Sliced BREAKFAST BACON am YOUR Rhodes Frozen BREAD DOUGH 3 '11.. . I THOMPSON and STEPHENSON MEAT MARKET lb 1.29 CHEESE, CHICK- . lb. 1.09 lb. 1.29 pkg. of 2 490 ERE iswhere tofind 41 of; 911KIING1FEDS: • fall Specials jlei eLLS 12 ono) . . .. 25 for 2.37 Imperial 2 CARTRIDGES ............50 for 990 GUN CASES KING LUNCH BOX FLASHLIGHTS. 36-oz, THERMOS- LANTERN HEAD , AM/FM RADIO (portable) 3 . • • 4.77 • • 1.67 770 • 3.97 4.44.' 22.88 SALE ,ENDS OCTOBER 20t1t, 1973 READ and USE POST' C!LASSMED Action Ads There was lots bf activity at the Brussels 'Fair. 'Marie and Clarence MOCtitehebti carefully examine some of the arts and crafts. :Pletioh of the walk. *ME BRUSSELS PosT OCTOBER'. itia 103,4 W.I. Notes The walton women's Insti- tute meeting will be held in the Community Hall on wednesday, October 1'7, at 8:15 p.m. with con- venors on Resolution, Mrs, Alvin McDonald and Mrs. HarVey Craig in charge of the program. Mrs. McIntyre will demonstrate her homemade craftS, any of these articles may be purchased after the meeting. The roll call is to be *answered by "A New.Year's Resolution I've ,tried to keep dur- ing 1973." The hostesSes are Mrs. Don Nolan, Mrs. Keith Rock, Mrs. Emmerson. Mitchell and Mrs. Nelion Marks. Mr. 'and Mrs. Nelson Reid visited. iecently in Sar aia „with Mr. and' Mrs. Bob Machan and family. Miss Amy Love of Toronto spent a few days over the Thanks- giving weekend with her sister Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. Mr. Mervin Smith was admit- ted to Seaforth Community Hos- pital last Friday evening. we hope he is soon much improved in health. Mrs. Oliver Riley and daugh- ter of wroxeter spent Thanks- giving ' with her mother, Mrs. Charles McCutcheon. Rev, and Mrs. D. Docken and family spent a few days at their cottage "Der Dor'n Inn." Mrs. 'Margaret Hillstrand of Erickson, Manitoba hag beenhol- idaying with her brother, Camp- bell and Mrs. Wey and family. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dun k Jr., 'Wendy and Russel of Frankfort I spent the Thanksgiving holiday . weekend ,with the former par- .entS, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk. Miss Carolyn Fraser, who is attending WeStern Univertity, Lendon and Dianne Fraser, nurse in-training at St; Joseph's Hos- pital, London, spent the Thanks- giving Weekend at the home of their parents; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fraser. We are ; glad to report that John Leeming has teturnedhonie from St. joseph's HoSpital, Lon- don and Alexander Gulutzeti from Winghant Hospital. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson, H..*R. 2 ; Wit-, ten on the occasion of their 45th Wedding AnniVersary; they were entertained to a dinner a week agO Sunday at the home of their daughter and son-in4i.W; Mr. and Mrs: Dan Miler of ThattieS, lord; when other members of the faintly were present. WALK-A-TH0/4 The waik,A4liec will take place this' Saturday leaving the Walton denanthiity Hall at 0 Everyone haS been Working hard to get pledges to be made, SO if fgandrdliitt too litett give your •iipport to the Minor 8Oft-' ball and park lioproerrients. Hbt, dogs Will be SerV•ed at the dcim...