The Brussels Post, 1973-03-14, Page 12News of Ethel
4.i.E1 group meets
Mrs, Chester Earl
The second meeting of the Ethel
II Club was held. Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Don Bateman. The
roll call was to name a knitted
garment in your wardrobe. Min-
utes were read by Joan Pearson.
The discussion was on alterations
and how to make them and the
suitability of fabrics for the dif-
ferent patterns. For practical
work the girls made necessary
alterations to their garments.
Mr. and Mrs. Torn Currie
of Kitchener have taken up resi-
dence in Ethel, in the house
they bought from Del Guest.
Mrs. Chester Earl and Judy
spent a couple of days in. Owen •
Sound the past week helping Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis Earl move to
their new home they have pur-
chased at 777 10th St. E., Owen
Mr, and Mrs. Les Crozier
visited Mrs. R. J. Annett on
Mrs. R. J. Pearson returned
from the hospital after spending
a few days there.
Miss Cindy Evans was one of
the guests on the Big Al show
Congratulations to. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Van Nes on the birth
of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Clyne and
Mrs. J. Turner of Harriston
visited Sunday with 'Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Cunningham.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Seibert
attended the Ice Qapades in
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cunning-
ham spent Saturday at the. Spring
Garden Show at the O'Keefe
Centre in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coghlin
of Atwood visited Mr. and Mrs.
Carl McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bremner
and Doris visited Sunday evening
with Mrs. Bert. Beacom and fam-
ily at Londesboro.
The Ethel Hall Board held a
euchre in the Community Centre
with ten tables in play on Mon-
day, March 5th.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of
Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Rowland of Mount Brydges visited
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wardlaw on
Mrs. Kathleen Mamelka of
Detroit visited for a few days
with her sister and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Lothar Weber and
Majestic Women's Institute
meets in Brussels library
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junior Farmers mee
Huron County Junior Farmers
met at the OMAF office in
Clinton when business was con-
ducted by president, Faye Ribey.
Gwen Rosman read minutes
and reports were given on the
activities of the various com-
mittees. A band and location
for the formal were discussed
and it was suggested that the
formal committee meet to
arrange these matters.
Keith Williamson gave the
provincial director's report.
- An invitational broomball
tournament is being held at'
Forest by the Plyrnptom Junior
Farmers Club on April 14th,
The annual meeting and
provincial conference will be held
on march 23rd, 24th and 25th '
at the Inn on the Park in. Toro*,
Seven delegates from Huron
- Spring Competitions
be held at Ottawa on April
Gift Suggestion
Women's Institute
copies $2,00
Pkage.atid 25e tor Mailing Charges
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Editor's Quotek oo
'''Nbboi.1)/ can think strai,ght
who does .not work. Idleness
warps the rniud: Thinkiag
without constructive action
becomes a'disease,"
Henry Pord
The Guides met in the library
when the Patrol Seconders moved
up as Patrol Leaders. They are
Anette Dorsch and Elizabeth
Exel. New seconders chosen are
Susan White and Alida Dorsch.
Waterfront Precaution Signs and
Stalking were taught. In the Court
of Honour Patrol Emblems were
chosen and are in Elizabeth's
patrol, thistle, and Anette's Pat-
rol, scarlet tenger. The sec-
retary for Court of Honour chosen
is Joan McArter and the Press
Reporter is Elizabeth Exel. A
skit by Mary Ireland, Alida.
Dorsch, Cheryl Bauer and
Jacquie .Workman followed. On
March 6th the Guides had a
Scavenger Hunt and Chase.
T o build hot open face send-
wich snacks in minutes, begin
with English muffins and extra
meat. Almost any meat leftover
Can, be Used, such as slices or
pieces of ham, roast beef, roast
pork loin, corned beef or beef
potroast. .Siinply spread halved
English muffins With mustard,
catsup or mayonnaise; add Slices
of cooked meet; season with Salt,
pepper and spice) as desired, and
slip Under broiler for a feW minim
UteS to seat. Top each sandwich-
. with a Slice of cheese and con-
tihue broiling until cheese begins
tO hot: •
'Canned Meats Can answer
your SOgi A cool headed keine-
ma.ker deettin fret when faced
with a mend enietgency when her
cupboard IS Stocked With canned
tneatsi the hoineinakereautotint
on a can of luncheon Meat,
meat spread, Meat bads, Sloppy
Joe burger filling or dozens of
other canned Meat products :Or a
quick WholeSoirie Shack«
April 2nd.
The annual meeting will take
the form of a dinner at the
Brussels. Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Ena Wallace of Clifford,
the E. Huron District president,
will be there. Secretary-Trea-
surer conveners and nominat-
ing committee reports will be
Mrs. Harvey Noblitt, F.W.I.O.
President in her letter wished
success in our 1973-74 under-
takings; urged members not to
forget the membership drive and
to become familiar with the
metric system.
Mrs. Wallace Bell, one of the
leaders of the 4-H Club girls, re-
ported that there were 10 girls
taking the course 'Sportswear
from Knits'. Achievement Day
is in June.
The meeting was then turned
over to Mrs. de Vries who read
a poem "Itt is the little things
which count".
The mystery roll call proved
to be different and mysterious.
Each one present was given a slip
of paper on which they wrote down
some items about themselves.
These were collected and later
on you "drew" one and had to
guess who it was.
Community singing. of Irish
songs with Mrs. Wilma Heming-
way at the piano was enjoyed,
A panel chaired by Mrs.
Clarke Matheson assisted by
Mrs. Amy Speir, Mrs. Jennie
Stracnan and Mrs. Marie Mc-
Taggart discussed the topic, -
'Which has the most influence
on the life of a child, the church,
the school or the home?' It was
decided that the home should have
the most influence.
Susan Langlois and , Carol
Wheeler who recently stood 4th
in a class of 24 in step-dancing
at London, entertained with two
numbers - one of them being
an Irish step dance. The girls
were thanked and presented with
a gift by Mre. de Vries.
Miss Laura Lucas dealt With
current events dealing with the
metric SysteM; increase of leo-
roSy in the World and the
appointment of the first woman
3 idal! in the Church of England.
The Motto ''To be able to
speak several languages is valua,
We hit the ability to keep one's
Mouth shut Is priceless" was
ably given by Mrs, Leona Con.,
selly, Careful Control of one's
tOntongue IS something to ,be ad ,
Mired' and strived for in order
to preveht Much herd feeling
and disrespeet. Lunch was
served by Mrs. W lrtia Renting=
*ay; Mrs: Jessie Engel and MISS
Beth loiiveir
RAH 14, Ott
Mrs. Lewis. Stonehouse
Miss Wanda Mason, who has
been on the nursing staff at.
Huntsville Hospital, is spending
a few weeks with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason
before leaving for,Hazelton, B.C.
where she has accepted a pos-
ition on the nursing staff.
Mr. and. Mrs, Kenneth LeightY
and Wayne of R.R. 1, Milverton
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hibbert on Saturday,
Mrs. Robert. J. Campbell,
Sandra, Lisa and Pamela visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hibbert.
Robert Hibbert visited on
Thursday at the home of Frank
Collar of Wingham.
4-H club
Belgrave I held their third
meeting on March 5 at Belgrave
Arena rooms. The next meeting
is to be March 26 at the Arena
Rooms. Members went over notes
of two meetings. Mrs. Clarke
Johnston discussed "Fjtting of
tops of tunics or blouses, pants
and skirts. Mrs. Richard Moore
discussed "Getting Ready to Sew
with Knits. "
Short Shots
(Continued from Page 1)
The Senior Citizens of our
community have obviously ap-
preciated the efforts made on
their behalf by the members of
the Majestic Women's Institute
and enjoyed the parties and
gatherings arranged for them.
They have now expressed a
willingness and desire to take
over the operation of the project
on their own behalf. With that
intention an organizational meet-
ing is to be held at the Legion
Hall on Wednesday, March 21st
at 2 P.M. The president of the
Seaforth Senior Citizens Club
will be present at the meeting
to explain how her group func-
tions and to offer helpful ideas.
It is hoped all interested Senior
Citizens will attend. There will
also be a Euchre Party the
same afternoon.
* * * * * *
Is Brussels going to the
dogs? In spite of the large
canine population in Brussels
there are very few dogs wear-
ing 1973 tags, which, by the way
are required by law. Dog tags
are available from the Village ,
Clerk at the Municipal Office.
YOu would be wise to make sure
your pet is wearing one. There
are a number of dogs that run
at large and there is new a dog
trap in operation in the village.
If your dog is caught in the
trap as some have been, and is
not wearing a tag , it Will be
* * * * * *
Signs of spring keep popping
Up. Mrs. Karen Hastings reports
seeing a robin on Monday and
other birds have been seen and
heard. Spring flowets are pok-
ing their hen.ds above ground.
• * * * * *
The Maitland River here is
running high ) swollen with the
recent rains. It haS oVerflOWed
its banks in low areas. We
shotild be thankful that we do
not have the problems of many
southern Ontario communities,'
Roads have been washed out,
stiOtelineS threatened, and hurl.,
dred8 basements flOoded. Most
people here are happy it is raih
and not show we,been get-,
tiugo It is easier to clean -up
tracked in mud than it is to
shdVel snow.
* * * * *
The education and cultural
activities meeting of the
Majestic Women's Institute, con-
vened by Mrs. C. Matheson and
Mrs. Harmon de Vries Wd.S held
in the Brussels library on March
8th. The Library was artistically
decorated for St. Patrick's Day.
The president, Mrs. Leona
Armstrong, after welcoming
those present and thanking all
those who helped with the card
party and Senior Citizen's meet-
ing, called on Miss Laura Lucas,
secretary-treasurer, for the
It was decided to have a euchre
party in the Brussels library on
Guides meet