The Brussels Post, 1973-03-14, Page 10For a hundred years people have been subscribing to the Post WHY DON'T YOU? ESTABLISHED 1872 Brussels Post Post BRUSSELS TAo Subscription by mail Anywhere in Canada. .00 • per year Fill n and mail this coupon YES Please send me the'Brussels Post for the next year. l'ettelete 11 Please bill Me 0 Name WC . Street or P.O. Box .•;4.:•.; Province 554.,04441,1,4,0,A,.4441Vm ,11.1 11 4 . . .4.4 *41 tliwn of Walton Mission Band at Duff's holds Youth World Day of Prayer Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall. The Mission Band met in the basement of the church en Sunday morning with 28 present. The meeting was held in the form of the Youth World Day of Prayer Service with the leaders and sev-• eral children taking part. Every- one joined in singing the favorite songs including: Kum-Bah-Yah, The Whole World, and Everything is Beautiful, throughout the ser- vice. Doug Mitchell read the secretary's report followed by Dianne Godkin giving the treas- urer's report. The children went to their classes under the leadership of the teachers, Mrs. Ross Bennett, Mrs. Merton Hackwell and Mrs. Mac Sholdice. W.I. Notes The Walton Women's Institute met Wednesday evening in the Community Hall. Mrs. Gerald Watson presided for the business. Mrs. Bill Hum- phries was pianist. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. B. Humphries in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Joe Steffler, The Officers' Con- ference is to be held in Waterloo on May 1, 2, 3 with a delegate to be chosen later. Hostesses were picked for two card parties in March, with Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs. Torrence Dundas, Mrs. Bill Leeming and Mrs. Ray Huether to help with the card party on Friday evening March EM PRIM Family ITEM: Perk up mid-winter • meals by using a liquid other than water when you cook vege- tables. Substitute tomato juice, skim milk or bouillon. ITEM: The most popular of all foods served in America is the hamburger, according to a recent survey. Scoring, an 87 percent popularity rating, the burger .was reported top seller by food ser- vice operators. ITEM: Freezing is an ex- cellent way to preserve leftover beef in top condition. To avoid losing track of or forgetting about small packages of leftovers in the freezer, consolidate them by grouping individually wrapped items together in a large trans- parent bag. Be wire to label each. Money service custom built to your needs Not just mortgages — not just saVitigs —but a full range of the financial services most people need. High, high interest on Guaranteed Investment Certificates — low cost safety deposit boxes — registered retirement savings plans — estate administration , . y and •G has a wide range of itoney services custom built to your individual needs. Call us? 23rd. The. District Annual will be held .on. May 8th in Walton, at Duff's United Church. Mrs. Mervin Smith made the donation of ten decks of euchre cards to the institute, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson who have been holidaying in Flor- ida. The meeting was turned over to the conveners on Education and Cultural Affairs. Mrs. Jim Axtmann showed a group of slides on crafts that are taught by the Home Economics Branch of the Dept. of Agriculture at Clinton. There is an increasing interest in crafts such as hooking mats, wall hangings, embroidery stitches, quilt making, block printing, etc. There were 23 members present and a number showed their crafts for the Roll Call. Lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs. Jack Gordon, Mrs. Ralph Tra.viss and Mrs. Ron Bennett. The March meeting of Walton Women's. Institute with the con- veners, Mrs. Helen Williamson and Mrs. Mae Sholdice on ESC it- izenship and World Affairs". The roil call. is to natne siA, country I would like to visit and why". The guest $peaer, Mrs. pave Schenck, Seaforth will speak on a trip to Russia. A collection will be taken as a donation to the Asthma Fund. Each member is requested to bring a guest, this being an open meeting to anyone in the. community. The hoStes.ses are Mrs. T. DundaS, Mrs. N. Marks, Mrs. D. Achilles, and Mrs. N, Reid. Units meet The 8th and 16th Unit met on Wednesday evening, March 7th at the home of Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Mrs. Gerald Smith opened the meeting with "Take Time to be Holy". Mrs. Jim Fritz read a poem "Old Friends". A Worship Service relating to the Negro Spiritual to the Psalms was conducted by both Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Fritz. The, de- votional period was closed with singing "lie's got the . whole world in his hands". The business was conducted by Mrs. George McCall. min, ute$ were read by Mrs. Don McDonald. The roll was answered by 11 members and 6 guests were present. Mrs. Jim McDon- aid and Mrs. Gerald Smith col-' lected for the copper contest. Mrs. Jan Van Vliet welcomed the guests & conducted a number • of contests.. Lunch was served by Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Mrs. Rae Houston and the hostess closed the evening. Euchre Ten tables were in play at the progressive euchre on Friday evening in the Walton Community Hall. Prize winners were for High Lady, Mrs. Law- rence 'Ryan; Low Lady, Shirley Johnston; High Man, Rollie Ach- illes; Low Man, John Simpson, Brussels. At the end of the 10 games the oldest man at head 41•••••••#*•#.0#414.41 table was C,tiff Ritchie; the Young est woman, Mrs. John SiMpso Brussels. The hostesses we Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs. Ha vey Craig, Mrs. Helen William son and Mrs. Jim McDonal Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huethe Steven and John arrived horn Saturday evening following a tw week vacation at Lakeland, Flo ida. They also visited Mr. an Mrs. Gordon McGaviri, Mr. an Mrs. Allan Searle and .Mr. a Mrs. Kelly Dalton who are ho idaying there. Miss Brenda Bewley , nurs in-training at Chatham spent t weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice, Murray and sandra enjoyed a two week bus trip to Florida staying at Daytona, and taking inCypress and Busch Gardens, Disney Land Dr. Brian and Mrs. Traviss and Alison of Kitchener visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Herb Traviss and Gail, prior to thek week's vacation on a Carribean Island. Alison will remain with her grandparents, ti4u6t sii4dt 1664 C. I -suet, titlinfi Miti4teit BRUSSELS 01)S T; MARCH 14,, 1913 YES Please send me the Brussels Post for the next year. I ethane tj Please bill me 0 4anie Shift* or P.O. it.4 ..1 I . i,• i .6 •••C . • .. "roviri or Chi/ .. ... . .... .. trittidriti ...... ... C ..........