The Brussels Post, 1973-03-14, Page 2glow ecive .2141 THE OWLY oAie" /A/ me PAM/4Y w/rHour A er.e-bri- CoVel)."
OBrussels - Post
,•Serving Brussels and the surrounding community
published each Wednesday afternoon at Brussels, Ontario
by McLean Bros. Publishers, Limited.
Evelyn Kennedy » Editor Tom Haley.- Advertising
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association and
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association.
Subscriptions (in advance) Canada $4.00 a year, Others
$5.00 a year, Single Copies 10 cents each.
Second class mail Registration No, 0562.
Telephone 887-6641.
Suggest assessment office
be moved
There is considerable steam
rising off the waters of Lake Huron
these days as the dispute goes on up
there over the removal of the an-
cient, venerable and to these eyes,
horribly ugly, jail wall surround-
ing that institution of incarcerat-
ion in former years.
The wall dispute we will leave
up to residents of the area to
settle, but if the end result is a
decision to move the assessment
office for Perth-Huron from Goderich
to a more central point in the area,
everybody down in this end of the
slender communications thread would
be better served,
Just why, in the name of anything
sensible, the assessment office was
located on the shore of Lake Huron
in the' first place defies even the
wildest imagination. We will im-
mediately admit that.a location here
in St. Marys would be not a whit
more feasible, but we do suggest
that, while it might disturb the
even tenor of operations in that
little "assessment empire" up at the
lake, a move to either Mitchell or
Seaforth, if space is required and
building in order would be an excel-
lent solution to the present wall
A versus assessment office dispute.
To the west of Goderich, accord-
ing to our map, we see nothing except
thousands of acres of water.. We
doubt if the fish care whether they
ever get counted or not, but the
tax-paying "fish" in this section
of the area might not feel quite so
Much out of the assessment "waters"
if the office was more centrally
(Sto Marys Journal-Argus)
Sugar and Spice
by Bill Smiley
.. ••••••••••••,..••••-•11,..o,
Most of the major disasters of life
I can accept with a certain equanimity.
It's the little things in life, the almost
daily irritants, that keep me in such a
flaming rage that I can almost hear my
great-uncle, MOuntain Jack. Thomson, the
wildest-tempered man in the entire Ottawa
Valley about ninety years ago, whisper,.
“That's my boy, One of the old stock.
'Give 'em hell, William."
I haVe ridden, Or flown, into the
Valley of death, and come out with nothing
twitching except my sphincter muscles.
landed an aircraft with a fused
bomb dangling froni one wing, climbed
-Mit to face the fire truck and the ambulance,
and Managed a Milk, ':You're making a lot
of noise with those sirens, chaps. Hard
On the nerves, you know;" before fainting.
When I was Shot down and crashed in
a plowed field Holland, my first thought
.was, cibammit; I won't be able to. keep •
that date With 'Pita tonight." Tita was in
Antwerp, several hilridted miles awayi A
logical and calni,conchition.
When I was beaten up for an attempted
eteape o t 'didn't rail agatnst anyorie, iny
eluding the beater* I lay there quietly
iri:the bOitdar, handS end . feet wired tom
other, licked wou nds' and said titi•
myself, "Serves you right, you nit, for
trying to be a herd, YOU weren't cut out."
When our train rode through -the
German night and right, into a ,lilajer
bombing raid on _Leipzig,I 'looked doWn
on, my. Screaming, praying
fellOW priStinert i rind
thOtight biit for the grace
of God and the 'tact that 014 get Out'
of thie luggage ratic (Where twat te..stitiO
Would be lir" godate,, Weed, Varalyzed,
That was War.tinie, toureei and
a min had to keep a Atte upper, hot to.
mention nether 1 p,
But Life Sinte: hat brought the tame
sort of thing. Hell. hath no fury like a
woman scorned, somebody said. Oh, yes,
it hath. Try this.
Tell your wife yoU'll be home for
dinner at six. Arrive home at 3 a.m.
with a couple of cronies you've invitedfor
a late snack. I qTah, she won't Mind, Come
on, what're you, scared of yOur Wife?"
A woman scorned, compared to a
woman waiting, is like a Boy Scout troop
compared to a panzer division.
We'll all agree then; that I've faced
the worst without flinching; WithoUt be-
coining hysterical With fear or rage.
What I can't cope with is the daily
degradations. The insults to intelligence:
The Utter stupidity of bureaucrats and the
Malicious heckling of inanimate objects.
I'm afraid I loSe every vestige of doolth,
sang-froid ) poise, reason,
An: AS though' it knew exactly what
I w., writing about, my typewriter •just
bra, a "ribbOh, Arid I just broke my
typewriter, After tieing the harrie Of the
the typewriter .company, and. var.,
IOUS other deities in Vain, I beat the thing
with my bare hands, All I got was ink
Up to _My WriStS, and a laconic,,Snide
remark froth, my wife in the next roots
that she'd already had her hair Curled,
thank you,
Item, they're cutting dOWri the trees.
The Stupid bureaucrats May they roast
in eternal flariieS, And Why are they cutting
down the treeel O they Can widen the
-roads for more stinking, rotten
TheY (,Weaning the inindleee
bureautraty, are 1,e.ntinibering a.11 the
addresses in town. 'We Were '363 and now
were 01:3 or -tn or 'something. I tion't
even ithoW, where live oy tote.
Of an the flairiiiiti rldionititik,,UselesSi
eittieriShre Steady*
old Man„ .iteineinbek the blood preeeiire, •