The Brussels Post, 1973-03-07, Page 114. Help Wanted • s . '1,000.00 yearly for the right, pu.son. Full or part-time. Can ' you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Apply to Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Street, Wingham, Phone 357-1383. • 4-60-3 19. Notiies Brussels Pet Food DEAD STOCK REMOVAL We pay up to $15.00 for fresh, P. SPECIAL MOTOR COACH TOURS APRIL 19, 1973 - 4 days, Nash- ville, Grand Ole Opry, from $66.00 per person. ' APRIL 28, 1973 - 21 days to California - visiting Salt. Lake City, Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon - from $380.00 per person. * * * * * * Brochures on request. GENTLEMEN Club VS Legion, Tuesday Nite, March 13th.Lunch Admission .750. 1-61-2 1. Coming Events COME to Blyth Lion's Club Bingo every Saturday night 8:30 p,m, in the Memorial Hall. Ad- mission $1.00, 12 reg. games at $10.00 each, 2 share the wealth games, $25.00 special and $145.00 jackpot in 60 calls. Every time it doesn't go there is $10.00 added. 1-62-tf from 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. for: Box 789, SEAFORTH 1. Anaemia Screening Phone 527-0050. 1-62-tf 2. Immunization 3. Hearing Screening 4. Vision Testing 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities. 1-62-1 PLAN to attend concert presented by Belgrave Men's Choir i n East wawanosh Central School, Belgrave, on April 13th and 14th. 1-62-2 GOOD TIMES. TRAVE!... AGENCY The Huron County Health Unit invites, you to attend the CHILD HEALTH ,CLINIC Health Unit Office, Medical Building, BRUSSELS on TUESDAY, MARCH 13TH from 9;30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4, Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of child- ren's teeth to prevent cavi- ties for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing. 1-62-1 ST. Ambrose Altar Society is holding a card party on Tuesday, March 13th at 8:30 p.m. in Church Hall. Lunch served. Everyone welcome. 1-62-1 HOWICK Lions' Bingo will be held on Friday, March 9th., at 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1. 12 Regular Games for $10; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25 Special; Jack- pot of $95 on 58 calls; Door & Consolation Prizes. 1-62-1. 4. Help Wanted LOCAL PERSON REQUIRED I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to. 1. Coming Events. Physical Conditioning ASTHMATIC CHILDREN (5 yrs. - 14 yrs.) Weekly for eight weeks. - Clinton - 10:30 A.M. be- ginning Saturday April 7, '1973. Parent and. Childrens Sessions. Doctors consent "'required. Sponsored by Huron-Perth Tuberculosis & Respiratory Dis- ease Association. Phone 271. 7 500 or write 121 Wellington St., Stratford, Ontario. Cn- Ordinator - Mrs. Beryl Davi- dson. Conducted by Mrs. Carol Bouker. 1-62-1, The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the PRESCHOOL -CLINIC Medical Building, ' BRUSSELS on THURSDAY,MARCH 15TH 17. Wanted to Rent LAND for growing turnips. W111 pay good rent: Apply Percy Adarrit Blyth, 523-4452 after 6i66 17-62x1 195 Sap buckets and spiles; 1 large sap pan; 1 small sap pan, 887- 6327. 11-62x1 1:27Wanted , WANTED antiques of all types and used furniture. Fair prices paid. For appointment Phone 887- 9021 anytime. . 12 62 tf 11 Property for Sale 290 acres, 3 miles fronn Brus- sels on the Maitland River - 23.5 acres' workable and drained. 2 barns, drilled -wells. 14-62-3 19. Notices All small farm stock picked up 'free of charge as a service to you. i YOU MAY OBTAIN WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON RE- QUEST. Call collect - 482-9811 7 days a week 24 hours a day License No. 378C-72 Call us ,first, you won't haveto, call anyone else. 119-62-tf WEBERS SEWAGE . DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used we pump septic tanks, pigerys, lagoons, etc. Phone 887-6700 Brussels 19-62-tf 22. Legal Notices • NOTICE TO'CREDITORS til(VAIN 'IN THE ESTATE OFAMELIA - (Millie) ANN COX, deceased. ITEM: Shish Kebab was ALL PERSONS having claims , originally prepared by caravan a the estate of the above travelers in , the middle gast. deceased are hereby notified to The name literally means ',meat 'send particulart of the Same to of the sword." i lthe undersigned soliCitort on or ITEM: The automobile has 'before the 16th day of March, been credited with producing 1973, after, which date the estate will be distributed with regard annually 86,600,000 tons of air pollutants only to the ailing of which the - 'undertigned shall then haVe ITEM: It has been proven notice. that baton fibers weaken font to DATED at Brussels this 17th five Hines fastat in areas of February, 1973`. Of FebrUar.y, 1913. high pollution than in '"clean air;; CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES,acid areas and that the sulfuric Brussels, Ontario polluted air decreases the life golieltors for the ,EXeCutrik. expectancy of nylon stockings by 22,60,.3 86 perCerit. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy, changes, 2f per word, minimum .500 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.12 per colitmn inch SUBSEQUENT. INSERTIONS , .900 per coluitin Inch Minintum site 1 inch. Accepted in multiples behalf ism` LEGAL ADVERTISING - Rates on request. , SOH NUMBERS to this office - 250 per insert** BIRTHS - No' charge when in minimum form. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death .Notices, Cards •o[• Thanks and Births (other• than in minimum form) - 25 words $1.00, each additional word 20. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus .050 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 25 words 21.00 , each additional word .04. Nisi cancellation bt multiple. insertion adsertisinaisti after noon Mondays. Charges. are based on the number of words., sets of numerals such, as serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. • FIRST INSERTION-25 Words $1.00, so per word thereafter CLASSIFIED RATES. Word Count 25 D MOUNT FOR CASH liAtitiEltiTr O ;ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE kr* EM., ''IVESDAY) &Hoist* llcatlon. , DEADLINE I.iEADLINE '1t"O INSERT' diditiriltitti kit 1S06 '0'14 i24. Card of Thanks I wish to thank everyone who 'remembered me with cards, let- ters, flowers and visits. Also those who sent baking to my home while I was a patient in Listowel Hospital. It was all very much appreciated. - Clara Perrie. 24-62x1 1 dead or disabled Cows and Horses The families of the late Amelia according to size. Ann Cox, R.N. wish to express animals friends and neighbors for their removed free their sincere thanks to relatives, Small of charge as a service to you. Dial: 881-9334 Collect acts of kindness sympathy and Prop's. JOHNSTON BROS. , i loss sorrow of shared e wi ei tt he r t, hseimsteirn-tiline- 1.19-62-t1 law, and Auntie, Rev. McCarroll . . and Mr. Watts, your kindness ". HURON • DEAD ted, also to the ladies of the and help was very much apprecia- . REMOVAL grtVg,!ervt;ilt= STOCK I wantd to thank everyone for the cards, gifts and flowers I received while I was in Clinton Hospital and since returning home. - Mrs. Ross Brighton. 24-62-1 26. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stephenson, Brussels, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan Elizabeth of Neil Randall Beuermann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beuermann, R.R.#4, Walton. The wedding will take place March 30, 1973 at 7:30 P.M., Brussels United Church. 26-62x1 27. Births JACKLIN - On Monday, February 19th in Wingham and District Hospital at 6:45 P.M.; weight 8 lbs, 8 oz., - Shawn Douglas ar- rived to greet his proud parents, Wayne and Bonnie Jacklin (nee Pennington) of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jacklin are thankful for the safe arrival of their 3rd grandson and 4th grand- child for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pennington. 27-62-1 HELP WANTED Licensed Furnace Service Person required. . Must have adequate insurance. • UNITED CO-OPERATIVES We are now paying $5.00 - BELGRAVE $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 887-6453 4-62-1 ' 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast,, efficient' service. AMBASSADOR,' 46,000 miles, li- censed, air conditioning, new tires. Excellent condition $1,750. Rev. W, Clarke, Atwood,Phone 356-2465. 10-61-2 1967 Chev. 3/4 ton, 4 speed truck 26000 miles, in excellent con- 'dition. 10-62-1 11. Articles for Sale 500 Cages for laying hens. Can be sold in small lots so. you can have your own eggs. Phone 887- 6081. - 11-61x2 WOOD 'for Sale, Hardwood slabs delivered to your yard, 6 cords $24.00. Craig's Sawmill, 526- 7220. 11-61-4 a. APPROXIMATELY 8000 bales of hay. Apply Box 50, Brussels, Ontario. • 11-62-1 • 10. Used Cars for Sale 1967 Ford Econovan, 2 apron cattle oilers, 3 water bowls, weigh scales (3,000 # plus). Phone 887-6213. 10-61-2 in the Rutledge Auction Rooms directly behind the Queens' Hotel. Used furniture consists of 9-piece diningroorn suite, piano and bench, stoves, washing machines, TV's, chairs and other articles too numerous to mention. Financing can be arranged. Lunch booth on the premises. Seating provided. IRUTLEDGE AUCTIONS, BRUSSELS 201-62-1 AUCTION'SALE Of hew and used furniture FRIDAY, MARCH 9TH AT 8 P'. M'. Families. /TEM: The. Chinese probably 24-62x1 Clinton, Ontario fTHE BRUSSELS tibtt, MARCH' t, 1WT1,41: 20. Auction Sales 20. Auction Sales THRESHING machine - 32" cylinder, endless drive belts; Massey Harris riding plow (horse drawn); Massey Harris cultivator (horse drawn); 4 or 5 blade disc plow; 7 ft. binder - must be good. Allan G._ Leis, Box 526. Listowel, P.11141e_ Z.91=1.1.41.. _1.27.02% _ .4; . ONE single car garage 16' x 22' in real good shape to be moved as soon as posiible. Phone 887- 6606 or see Frank Thompson. 11-62-3 Made. the firtt, velvet fabric. In 24. Card of Thanks , . . Eurepe' during the Middle Agee, Velvet wasthe fabric for the I have 40 acres allpli3tighed and . we wish to thank otir relatives,- - • • ' Court and the Church. friends be interested to • contact : triendt arid neighbort tor their ' shares. I could supply the kind thoughtful deedS), dedication ITEM: Airy011utien costs the someone to grow buekWhedi on seed: kind Barbara While de waS a pat Average familSOO'pet Yeat*.tor Apply to jkjjt 50, 8-1'lisel i bli.t°, , lent in VidOria licitpital. An its damage to health, vegetation 19-64kL extra special thank's' to Dr,BotYk, and resources. The deteriorating' ''' '' 'a4e.- -'4'""' . I the, Martitia,, the riOdiot6 Slid effects of air pollution Oufahrics Pi .EE' to toad home, 4 month old Stitt of 'Victoria. p itai Fred has beS'ii estimated to be 41.5 ' H St = Fr- titiall C011iephp.Pherie 88/-695l. and Barbara thliell. 24,62.1 billion a year. 10,624