The Brussels Post, 1973-03-07, Page 6FROZEN CHICKEN CASSEROLES Chicken broilers make tasty casseroles which can be enjoyed the same day that they are prepared or frozen for later enjoyment. Home economists, recommend "Chicken Tetrazzini", "Sweet and Sour Chicken" and "Chicken in Tomato Sauce" for freezing. Freezing Chicken Casseroles World Day of Prayer " The. Women's World Day of Prayer Service was held in Mel- ville Chkirch on Friday after- noon, Arrangements for the meeting had been made in co- operation with the four churches of the village convened. by the key woman, Mrs. Gerold Ryan, Walton. About 65 women were present. Mrs. James Mair was the lea- der for the service assfsted by Mrs. John Pennington, Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. Don Nolan and Mrs. Mack Stephenson. Mrs. Nora Moffatt was organist and accompanied Mrs. W.C. Kerr and Mrs. Winnifred Edgar for a pleasing duet. Mrs. C.A. McCarrol spoke on the theme for the day - "Alert in our time" with a plea for a revitalized attitude toward prayer and our Christian work. Dessert Euchre 100F Lodge Hail. Mon., March 12 1:30 p.m. Admission 50c Dessert and Prizes. Sponsored by Morningstar Rebekah Lodge No. 315 Everyone Welcome 5' Through the Red Cross Home- maker Service trained homemak. ers are available in many parts of Canada to maintain the family's routine and to make sure chil- dren are cared for when a parent is ill or convalescing. Brussels Royal Canadian Legion Pipe Band DANCE SATUADAY, MARCH, lith LEGION 'TALL — Music by GRAI1IT'S ORCHESTRA. Admission OA per couple Also Draw 1st Portable TV; 20.d Tape ite, corder; 3rd Transistor. Radio PR.OottIDS for BAND UMP*011111g. tI' 7, 1973 The LOSS Chorus Monster Auction and Bake Sale Saturday , March 10th MSS Gymnasium Listowel, Ontario Auction from 1 p.m. to .5. (off display from 10t00 fon.) Bake Sale 10 a.m.- #o 5 parrii Proceeds for Chorng Tour to Toronto and Otta.wa, Atittitilleett Graharit, jaCkS011( QUEEN'S HOTEL BRUSSELS Friday and. Saturday The Tex Noble Show S J K C B B J I lip Rc Gc L Ar Cu Ro Re M M Do Da Casseroles which can be pre- pared ahead of time and frozen for later use are a tremendous boon to the busy housewife, This month home economists, offer recipes for three tasty chicken casseroles suitable for freezing and reheating as well as some hints for successful preparation of main dishes for freezing. It is best to use freshly cooked food, which is slightly under- cooked to allow for the longer heating time necessary after thawing. Sauces thickened with ordinary wheat flour tend to se- parate but canned cream soups or sauces thickened with corm' starch are satisfactory for freez- ing. Toppings such as bread crumbs or cheese should be omitted until it is time to re- heat the food to serve. To ensure optimum quality and safety, casseroles should be cooled rapidly in very cold water or a cold place before freezing. Special attention should be given to packaging. Freeze cas- seroles in quantities suitable for one meal. If you line the bak- ing dish with aluminum fOil be- fore adding the food, once the casserole is completely frozen it will be easy to unmold; then rewrap it in moisture-vapor proof paper and return to the freezer. When ready to serve, it is not necessary to thaw frozen casseroles. Simply unwrap, place in greased baking dish, cover and bake 11/2 to 2 hours at 350 degrees F for a six- serving quantity or 1 1/4 hours for a three-serving quantity. Un- cover and add the topping during the last ten minutes of cooking. Casseroles will retain their flavor and appearance for at least three months when kept at a temperature of 0 degreeS F. • After this time, the quality of the food may decline but it will be Still safe to eat if it has been kept frozen. Broiler chickena are in ainple Supply these days so take advan- tage of these and a free after- noon or evening to prepare One Or all of the freezer casseroles suggested by the home econo- mists. "Chicken in Tomato Sauce'', Chicken Tetraztini" or "SWeet and Sour Chicken" may be a meal-saver at a later date When your time is at a premium. 0111CktisT IN titoliikto, 3 cups sliced itettiS 1 cut-up chicken brdiler (abed 3 pbtilid4 1/4 -Cup fat 1 clove •garlic, crushed 1 l0 ounce can tomatoes BRUSSELS 1 '7 1/2-ounce can tomato sauce 1 medium onion, cut in rings 11/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1/4 teaspoon tarragon 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Saute mushrooms in 1 tablespoon fat. Remove mush-_ rooms from pan. Add remaining fat and garlic and brown chicken about 15 minutes. Drain excess fat. Add next six ingredients. Cook uncovered until chicken is tender (about 45 minutes). Add mushrooms and parsley. 4 serv- ings. Freezing: Cool, package and freeze cooked chicken. To serve reheat, covered, 2 hours at 350 degrees F. for a 4-serving quan- tity or 1 1/4 hours for a 2- serving quantity. CHICKEN TETRAZ ZINI 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 cup (4 ounces) sliced mush- rooms 2 tablespoons butter 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1/4 teaspoon celery salt 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon thyme 1 10-ounce can condensed cream of mushroom soup 1/2 cup light cream 2 cups diced cooked chicken 2 cups cooked spaghetti (4 ounces uncooked) 1/4 cup diced pimiento 1/2 cup grated medium cheddar cheese Saute onion, garlic and mush- rooms in butter until onion is transparent. Remove from heat. Combine seasonings and Mush- room soup and add to vegeta- bles. Stir in remaining ingre- dients, except cheese, 6 servings. Freezing: package and freeze unbakeci. To serve, reheat covered about 1 1/2 hours at 350 degrees F for a 6 serving quan- tity or 1 1/4 hours for a 3-serv- ing quantity. ' Uncover, top with cheese and heat 5 minutes more. Serving now: Place in-baking dish. Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees F, uncover, top with cheese and heat 5 minutes more. SWEET AND SOUR CHICKEN 1 , cut-up chicken broiler ' (about .3 Pounds) Dash salt, pepper and nutmeg 2 tablespoons fat 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 14-ounce can pineapple tidbits 3/4 cup syrup from pineapple 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup vinegar 1/4 cup soy sauce 2 cups chicken bouillon 1 cup long grain rice, uncooked 1 cup celery, sliced diagonally 1 cup green pepper cut in chunks green pepper rings Season chicken, brown in hot fat about 15 minutes. Remove chicken, drain all except 1 table- spoon fat from pan. Add onion and saute until 'transparent. Drain pineapple, save syrup. Combine syrup with next five in- gredients, add to onion. Stir and cook until thick and clear. Place chicken in greased baking dish. Combine bouillon and rice; add celery, green pepper and pineapple, and add to onion mis- ture. Pour over chicken, cover and bake at 350 degrees Funtil chicken is tender and rice is cooked (about 1 hour). tarnish with green pepper rings. Freeing: Omit green pepper rings. Cool package and freeze cooked casserole. To serve, reheat covered 2 hours at 350 degrees F for •a 4-serving quantity or 1 1/4 hours for a 2-serving quantity. ENTERTAINMENT: -AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEI,, BRUSSELS;, ONT. Friday and Saturday Nigh !THE ALLEY CATS of Wingham Coffee Shop and •Dining Room Now Opei WE FEATURE:— Turkey — Spareribs and Sauerkraut Fish and Chips