The Signal, 1924-11-6, Page 22 Thursday• N. vtu4bcr 6, 1924.
Keleher of Canadian Weekly News-
paper Association
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per year. To
United States and Foreign Countries.
42.50 per year, strictly in advance.
Telephone 35 „ Godcrkb. Ont.
W. H. Robertson. Editor and Manager
Thursday, November 0. 1924
Pure, Fresh and Satisfying.
Sold in elun•inum packets. - Try it.
at Ma day and ut all swueedlug days.
1'111.11 him dud the ether disciples
whose belie? hi Jean* as the Son of
the IIvIug Gol was Included In l'.•ter'•4
interlin.•. and ula.0 all who through
their I*I. ors were added. 111. 4'hr1-,
build Ills church. 24441 he .tu titer de
Oared that nothing, nut ev a priori
'ninth* and'lowers. alt Om .omhtt.el
tomer of evil would ever ,revail to
destroy It. In addition t this de-
claratiuu Christ prumts.d eter that
he' would give unto him the keys to
tit,• kingdom of heaven and "whit -n-
ever thou shalt Mini on earth shall be
1 !knout in heaven. and N hatal-
.•ver Zhou shalt 1.11.x• on earth "hall
',e 1'.14444 1u heaven...
To give the -kers Into a 1,•rsoua5
hates+ war it Jewbdl amanita of poi-
' tine hila hi charge of the baits•. Th.•
N'oi•.Is. "hind and 111...e:'were meantto stand for_ "" aild -permit."
To leind a thing was to turbid it t to
hi.ese It. permit -it t.. he dune. Witco
1••-1ts, gave this power to the epos -
11••s4 --he •uo•.unt that what.,s0'.•r they
• .rhrd 'In the church should have ill-
s !lie
l•.fu. trtltht.rtty: whatever tI*'v ler-
,titt•,I -.loath' me:•t the approbation '
..f .\.,,rrdiii ly In later }'ears
•ve find vermin rites and 4 •n•tuoni.••.
leo kit vii -tom. forbidden and others
Clow•YI. 1'llis authority eouf•rr I
.•u Peter at the time of his i',ufe-
• 4as later. oil given by Jesus to utln•t-.
-I-Mptt. 14.:l' . John 20:19.3[11. 1
Vera, 20 -Christ's Charge.
The Old Country elections have re- to a p.• of :.trait L1 ..• mouth
sit: el In a smashing victory: for the Great Britain takes .a 411*l2 t of
4'euaers•ltiv.s, wtu, w111 have over Government i11 three 44ew•e•k$.
1110 *eats out of 611 In the new House Prat people. theserails: JJ
..f Commons. Lal.rr ha. lust over •
forty seats mud "is now veduc,d t•. •t/�(r. .►atoll has_ lust his neat at
strength of 11114th 1:an. and the ft e I•atStey.'1 *fates that he n 111 again
orals eon looser only forty menllter.l •be a Haiku., tie 1. • of the
in the lieW House. This looks_, 111- beat tures In British pId•Ik• life,
newt like the annihilation of British an his admirers the world over will i•
• • •
I.ils•rallsm: but the figura of the ii'gralined 14. know that be has t1•,
popular vote tell a different story./ 'mention of retiring a: Keeton from
The ('ourercat1ves pol.d K,t1011,IMN1 the I4dltieal ars 0.'
votes. the Lol.,rit•.Y 5•:4241,111241, anti • • • 4
tits Liberals 3.1110,11119.. The -Conserv-, \\'rather stats -:le- .busy that Oc o•
atleap, 4Ii.'refor,•, sshit •• they lave h•r Ibis yr,ir wt'- .•nay .1Ightly mil.!'
au 'overwhelming preponderance in er than 44.•tol.•r .•f 1:r_ t. I11it s,hy
Ily Ii AB}:1.11.4\I11.I1lN.
Grslerich, ant.
11•r l'lurreh's one 4441114.4, ••i,
1. Jest'. Christ her Lord:
She i- 111, new creation
111 w:lter and flhe word:
From heaven 1Ie •'aisle and ...might
h• -r
T.. 1.• 111• holy bride;
With ills I.tood lie bought her.
to b.r P••r me nem •a.
nd•m1.•rs elected. actually panel las slake comparison. either 44 -4144414
••Thou charged 'be W. disciple- that
ttu•c -bold tell in. loan that be u 1-
Je.u- the Christ." -\ no,r,e Intro:
fellowship resulted from r11ls ,aa
tlotIng and answering betweeyl ,1'
�1*lilt,' Blankets with pick or blue over -
check. Splendid quality in' a beautiful
effect. Double bet-. rise, and whipped
singly. Regular v'ifue $12.00, at $9.75
per pair
(liey Titre all -wool blue -bordered, whipped
singly. largest double bed size: our $6.50
regular $8.95, at per pair ..
_t., yards lile•ached all pure Irish linen
Baths Damask Cloths, 4 patterns, $3j5
.:ur regular $4.50, at each
?ti -inch extra quality pure linen 'rowelling,
pink or blue cheek or with neat red or
blue border, worth 45e, at per 350
Stanfield, Penluau'a or Zenith, for men,
women and children. Two-piece or combin-
ations. New pricer.
7'2 -inch heavy bleached Sheeting, 55C
value 68c, at per yard
150 yards, 29 inches wide, fine quality cut -
ton and wool, washes beautifully. 35C
Regular value 60e, on sale
mend for sample)
"Cos); Nile" sleepers, hest qualitJ_1.G5
children. All Sizes 3 to 7 years, at 7(
New patterns, 4 yards wide, heavy gnuQCC
at per square yard special sale
W. Acheson & Son
and his disciple.. There was ase.: -
now binding t1u•nt together and 24114': "21.4 your grandfather Ilvw!
charge.' them to -keep e'Thi 11 a -+ '
11;. rime had not yet 'Thiry ea r and i want to marry tnF ,�eugh• e•ttrr'; fisrale,w• rverythlug 1 a.11lhl tit{tId hr eveilindl hundred.o lw over a die ofr Thorned?
T11oum*: -1 don't quite remember.
Saw's yours,"-IIOW tnll Maas : 1.111 (Wit" nethluir Terra ser-
scya legal md, ice that nM44ey winl1.I ,•.•
when - 1'RAIhR 4 you �� -_.. -- - -- . that 1 vitt.
than a majoity n[ the yobs. t wt'.• R•.,1 .' h for nx. In fact. w•Mhel 1.. n'va1'1 ruusing clew•- j
r -4r81 of oro sorttoual repri•sentit• JIM.. Isn't aruuud we du1i t mild say• Before. 11tre. the t:r'•:4! ICiu1, mud ter'[ n'hrt Is your flnanelal stand- dalRe it --and 1 still find 8 1 1 !frail f tl • •lnn•h ,s •-ion's' 111 ar.i. 4.24 ill teelin2,. ,c 11411 might r44d:u4ze• , mo-t',!1•ills• tut%'lug an 1111,.me tax.'
tax. -lion i much u.,,l„I ha
Ing that 41,.tul.•,. i. getting to 1st .sur
Iw, o N .
ul acltlNtwie gmtent 111 the ••vac 111• life. :11111 a' 14111 .thpha.i• au .4 \1'rll. dr. I've firmed out otos} "T1111• her.
time 2,•412,. - exemption possible; 1'yc had the heat •'JlYens.rlpt.
. 1' •• hi all p•ner:ltl.n- Thos IIn•I
1114. 44444 difficult t to discover. The • • • lieeer
The causes -of this great ov.'r111rIl fu von 4.- 18..1011. `- Thou host Mint up :1101 ith
enrisel 1.' re'' for the
NORLD NiSc10\�
latlu.r'4:overstateut, with a whmrity Tar 1'ruvil.•hal tluttuces thio ,ear been the -light of 111r1s pathway and
party. tool held °Me• for nine mouths slum a defic24 of .ryer' n/lllio1s.l112.' *ours of :ill their strength a, Thr PI.ssIbllliy ..f pri1,1„1 lot.'
1 •tit:,: f„e's *'err rinl,lu.,1 211141 kingdoms 11115 •1,41111' nnt••r ..44r .'bser,atluu re.I
only- r.y grace of the Liberals. Tuk- and the l'ruvtlu•Inl Trra-nrrr is ,.,,tah1141w1. ,kraut 11u1t -great ¢races rrntly, slit,• the Ue•r. John P.'stettr
11111 811vamt:lge of 111114 Ivnle•slcy, 41"' '1°111'1 1"'"` "-kiss himself. where hl''.may stilt 11044441 nil- tit...,• wit.. von• 141. of the Haitian liiission. -\ .rrtaln _
14 i.haz 4i, 2,.t 2144• 111 ' 7 1.1 m:Ilse t.••. T`..•,• lest. ar Thio,• ,•,su "MU'''.
110141 nut 1111'•. 11,1,144ever. heard a ser-
Gucrnlmeut entered into negotiationsK [nun or atreud4,1 a n•ligiou-- "'rs•IeY.
1c ilia the Russian Soviet C•overu- ends' meet. 1•crlate. b • *!.hes 1, ,,. •116•• o• a+'k 14. w,•n
I I Through our evangelist' a copy of the
Went and 'nada- arramp-tiewhich he had the ha If An ill ton that war 1 ` LESSON FOR NOV. Mit. 19'!{. Itlb1,• tr!! r ova t. imitate. ')Thlp the
macre nut approved by the majority' .1„.„/ ut: r!o 4,1,4,i,,,.„,. was
1.e.•un Titir-l.'rtrr'. ('ori..'. n1. Swui o'.1•r and et•el; Add he became
• 1 1' ' 1 P Watt 16:13.10.' c.mviu „l ..f it• troth. T„lay Ike is -
in Parliament. Defeat
foltowwl. un. • • • i ...sots a4.attr-. 'altnh,tel wish Ila temi'hlags. ate
Irl 1 J the poi- 111 IIf' t' 1 rot' teaching mhon:.I Golden Test--SIatt. 16:16. .tes text after . h g.. Ile
the hot•.'ntlurnt ahpe e o It' 4',1 L. ,- a Qo 1••, e.text is
plc, The ••Iw t,tr• tle'i, hu.1 to 41.'•Ide out 1.. fratued with the 1-1••24 id' keel, - J•• -u+ 11411 iii` .li.••ipler !o their '1 •
:un.•riuC through Norther!,I:alib•,. 41111 1..4111 the •IHd and New Tei.ta-
Whiel1 one of the three parties should lug a 11'1131 10 uuuds•r out of tit.•. pre- t,. tar u,•ilthts.rh,s.l of tit•. m••nt. ;444 finds ellapt• e. dila verse
an on 'the zs•v'erle wished? the Ilse of a 1'.m,.rthinee.
Is- chosen 1.. fc•u,i•.n:'-I:.ndou .\ N:U!: ,.f i' n•Vlh•a l'hlllpld I) t:.z :It the
1:: , ol�nit he ha* t.Y•n fn-tnlm.nt441
• meat. 'T11ey-that is. the lndj•.11 7 ,.r they -111.1161 ' • fr21ww1 with 110! 4••• : of N• • it Lt. snit 1, :I e- 1t' ie. i ,•'11.111 rile ha of h�
Jen24 chose. !hi. quirt ,1:-,,,..• retreat tI4
of the e•le•torare•--di•i not 'favor the ntpl of-c't'riu2, f.,•tt•r t9.hrrp. Ow :ue llrisHmus. nn1
is onler t.. 1.. alnue• with i'-cl{,le•-. r•,ridel t11,•Ir non dirt.•,.tr torntrraw: No 1.111.W u:.. disk tart.. rely have nue tllousaud te10 f.r. the time wt'• not ger ,iat42: ;
carded. The t.iber.2444 had 11.. pr4r- rets. tc.,••lwrs at .pre etst. Mit It has, w 1 . n Gr ens to 111.1 lie the . t{,row• :• at tit`• nun he
I ' Int4'rs' 11124 direct go
l5Y't „f A'tlllli❑L' stlttt�'i••lu -eat• to dice fiat nail never tem hare No many :.s:., :;fl„• for -!u. II Na. h'.r,• that "' � 11,m for rl.•.ls•44
+ •n fi.•atN\' ,age' I lot's py
a+• .y.
i Ite•.•rd of t hr•stiatl' \\'.,r': i
s %Altager.t 10
they h ve
11,. lo't c\
(wily: i,.
,•1 q+.••
1 of tie
them u majority, mei they had had pelt-gnalifl,41 and eili,•lent teacher.- thr... things of great 1_ 1
eu••ng►1 of nnpuority govrrnuN•nj. So t,s.k pia 'e. The first was Peters 1 a ,
• • • 4 otaferwinh as given Ill today'. bks•.
they 'turned to 'tic I'.mt.rrsaNs"-• \ii Ottawa dee{.atch stat,•a that
the tu,,,nd w:,s I'brla's fir.? f•
oho w1 .
I were tl e•l recess party. in thetas?
the recent book Merger. are certain
110110• 24ud 3410 to win 01'.7 fifty or to N. tilt. .uhjw't ..1 da.
i4'uh.n ut 111
sixty a•ntw to 2,i,•• tlo•IlI 11 Blear Ina" next ae4.lon of l'arllament. and forte
jy,rity: The Con'.ervatives had re- slla.l.,w's a two..• for taw l.r.4'141144g 1.f
• piuled of their pr..t.,•t1ml folly ,,if a ,.n•dit /wino...', ._wailer
year ago and to put them in hewer Minks, if not for a state lank. This
would mean nothing more• than that la conflrultitlon of T1s Signal's out, -
the country. desired to give l.,lttl 01.144 n few weeks ago that "if that
a rest. pft•i 21 .wrl,' of three gaiteri process of aul.,Igamalion continae.
elections *11111n Iwo year-. if In It 1. ••ass to .furs•...' n publle .1, 11:1nd
shots ■nxtety to sesame n 'triols Got• 1. .r nave,. Go eri:n1••ut 04'm•rahip . r
erutlwlt the raters mouew'h,a; overdid control of look..'
tit,• thing. 'giving the Conservative. n - - - ' • • •
rather unwieldy majority. that is a peter McArthur, -the Sage of l;k-
mntter that_ 1:411 Is• remedied Is lye- frit." lens laid down fits Is•n. Two
1.14.11011. ,stare on from tits• to time. Necks ago he entered Vi torla lira.
Outside of the ,lertre to }nae' In pital, Lon4ln. for au operation, a::'1
• Ii11Yee n Gnv.'rntui•ut flint tan Rot•1ril. 3 ,te,.k 41t.•r 1,.' diel. Ity 114. oro.
:wd dl -like of some Pt tit.' 1..11'11'111'1e. lugs.
and particularly by his semi-
. r
end -of till Lal..r party. the .'is,•tiun w'e•k14 better. t.. The (Hobe. he war
prell.'tion of his own-nRerit,z•
4114...1 h. and the third wn+ the train
{'►•erre. - 13`16-•9tiesti•nae :cl•1
1'p 111 :s tis t i za • Je.n+: 1 .
Idtttit•+1 •d hl. lis. Il,il s wain'
wan hell) by the' Intb!i.• al.ou
I i1'• had left t ads% to •1'.-, v 'heir 4"''
• , :•ne(nsltms trent 1 -
north. }:cell N'h.•h
-ecus, mor} lu,lidrin.4 11 .
o.i,• Who, d td .oui,• or
for another. -he .out ns a reply. .•
null dhow John those 2binzs which ye
do 00 Wel bear."
De left HI. -fon-runner- t.. form
from. these 111+ .14.42 0111111011 Mel 111
hist the pante way he 111'1 treated Ib•
. {,nblh• and his disciple.: hit now lyi.1
1,11110 examination d,►7 and J,•511. pfi•
the question. "Whom do loon sac that I
1 the won of man ami•" Their :te
ower showed that his person and an •
thnrlty had 4.,•11 freely *ti+enss..l awl
that they 1111'1 !leant wane ,.f the stir
mist.. .2nd tam' they tell Jesus' tl:at
-otue say be I. John the 1:anti•? : eth-
er'. }alae, and others. Jer••n:in+ ..r
one of the prophets. They .111 admit-
ted he was certainly 4101114' great per-
.44441. very often 84,441 the term
"Son of matt." as In ,his question
when 1Ip•:1ki1141 of himself. it 411. a
tern: i,trrowed from the prophe"v of
Daniel. where his vision of the King-
dom of (:1.1 is drrlrltiel and 'in 4t
wine like the Nun of man" Is referrer
to (Ain. 7:13.1.
.[esus by his nest yy�uw�_l�ti on skow'.d
that it watt ma ell0I1 fTlr his disci•
plea to know the carious opinions of
other'. they must have an ',pinion of
their own and Iw ready to circlet* IL
and so he ask.: "But wlwra say ye
that 1 nm'•" impression. had then
inscribe,) on the heart's of the dinrl-
pll•a by the word"' and works of .e
pus. with whom 1114.7 had been armee
sated so many months, and now Peter
Impulsively exclaimed. "Thou art the
Chrtet. kw Son of the living 4:401"
He no doubt Mier expression thus to
the belief of all the disciples. yet he
alone had the power to exprt•s', the.r
i,vnvietion 1n suitable words{
Verses 17•20--(1irlat'a Declaration.
-Peters utterance war a mei'[ satis-
fying answer ilk indicated by (:hri,t's
reply: "Blessed art thou, Simon liar -
Jona : for flesh and blood hath not re-
vealed It unto th,•,e. lint m7 Father
which i"' in heaven."
Jean. using the term liar Jona,
meaning tion of Jona. referred to
Petrr's lowly origin to show that his
knowledge had not come thr men the
(lambs'. of human fa,•nitl •s -flesh
and Mood. 1t was not the outenme
of Human teaching but the recut, of
a "'pedal revelation from Owl. Jesm
further declared. in reference to rem
er, that "upon thin rock i will h'il'n
my church; and the gates of hell
shall not prevail against It. And f
will Rlv. 'into thew the key* of the
kingdom of craven, and whatenever
thou "'hell hind oft earth shall be
iNound In heaven; and whatsn"var
thou shalt loo1e on earth shall 1.'
loosed in heaven:' at was Peter's
conies -Inn that ('hrlat was Indeed the
Messiah that showed that his 1harae-
ter tj,.l developed a rocky element
which furnished an 5o11d it foneds:lon
for the church which wan to be built
upon it. Beswusr of Peter's sonfis-
Iion that Jeans 'ram the Mesol*h. Je-
sus called him "bleated." He was in-
deed blessed In that he was the first
living stone In the Christian chum
11,4914 nothing'. IL1yiu2, dis.arde,l known to 4lNn:u
tslds of residers --:a.
prdwtlodi, the 4'onserv.111 .+ hacr „u ,41111:11.Iy known as few, welters
program. .'ze! 1 11''' II4! nn 11114•111,11 -
To 1 and 111411 ' dw,•Iler. hi- I.•+ -
,rte.' plaza of - Imperial preference.
The great issue. or pond ye1an4 hsym
been 441 1141 in accordance with 1.11.4,;
eras prin.ip11"1, and the 4-o0•
will stand on the grnunl warn ,by Lib-
eral cnnipaign- of the past luutil
Liberalism or Ldp.r, or possibly n
combination of the Iwo. ler-1144114"'
the people 10 take another step in
Tht11,kagivin4 lorry next 1I,Mita y,l
('out. your lle*sin4s.
• • •
As Christman ap1>i'••+•elle
vertising columns become
• interesting.
• • •
(ors brought refr.-bin41 dr:lits of
QhIlytry mtrnusph.r•, and to his r•ad
JFy thcnseives' dwelling on farms
2146* must have been cheerful reflee-
tioi,.,'nf their own 11rr- and '1414.440.
MP 4141 111•11 It lightly with the prob-
lem's that touch the ,common people;
1.111 b.1,iud and beneath the Iightuesa
of hl. style there Wm. '..Iuu•tlnit" a
flash revealing a keen nliud that
might have been 111e equipment of a
radi.n1 reformer. Thousands who
never saw the man will mourn him
as they would a versional friend.
• • •
'4 the ad• 'r,' Farmers' 111111 uulke. the fe)-
more and lowing comment upon the eonvi.tlol
and +entem'iug of the former Provin-
cial Treasurer anti Mr. .►emillu"' Jar-
are prepared to forget .Vorember'sor private property. Men Icondemn to condign punishment thepotty thief were in t44) manyPIMPS Inclined to ha over-ienient when, breaeh of trust occurred in politicalI office. liereaftiq the member of Gov-
ernmeat who Is a party to colitraetaI tiered ill have more to fear ;limnby wItiV.1 the pultib• treasury is on -
the neceasity of defending his 'amusebefore a popular wisembly made upIn large part ha nwn partisans.I Ile %III have before him as oell the%metre of a Path al tribunal that isnis respecter of per-onr. Public opin-
ion will be eisritied and a somata -
public mentiment developed by 111.verdict returned and indgment ren-
dered on Friday- a verdict a nilJudgment which a weakening of theI old time clearly held definition ofright and P
118 w'hll(
A aoitiment has [wen growinethnt
the handling of lanai,. foods and pub -
i''' rrytitatlon if 3t will allow us.
from the handling of private funds
"Bobbed hair won't last long. •
say a critic of the present styie.
Of coursenot; before. 1t gets long the
dear things have U cut short *grid.
• • •
Peter Smith has a poor prospect of
ever paying that $600,000 fine. un -
leas, as •m
oebodl suggests, Pad)mIm her of the Smith family chips 10
a do11ar.
• • •
-Who lops with the devil needs a
long apron" The ilritish electors
thought Ramsay 51111P1 1011114 was get-
ting into danger in parleying with the
Suasion Foviets, and they snatched
1 awry.
• • •
The death of Frances H,slgaon
Burnett, the author of "Little Lord
Fnuntlrloy" and other novels, Is an.
rotund. She war seventy-five year*
of age and continue ler
1 1 li•ermry
l.The Square Goderich
•tong hall rendered lm'r-
litiv.•Ir tw•ete:,ry. For the fnm111,•r
and friends of those who suffer in
the present tn*tance there will be
nothing but oympsthy. For the suf-
ferers themselves, and more parte
Marty for the former i'rorincl::l
Treasurer. there will be sort w -
work to the end. morrow that a man releed from 4otr
,state to high pines by one of the
• • • restart moral n heavals ever irlt-
From the holding of rlatlwlal pmt- R upheavals
rnsN betrayed the Mot r In
sat the President in the United states him.
nrs.rd In dNtmrto. 1
t). conventions to the Inauguration g y rpolttd
A Photograph a
it u 141. :+sly de iraWeClar1*1
ratan n•menbrance and a dozen
will 'Abe twelve gift problems.
Your Friends Can Buy Anything
You Can Give Them Frenkel Year.
Phot .araph. •-
J. T. FELL .1
Thune 18; Goderieb
:1shipment of tnen'sand,boyt"
Macllnaw. Coats
made of heavy ell -wool
blanket cloths, with all-round
belts, in brown. green and
Il -ather checks. In sizes 36
to ars.. At $7.7S up. -
Boys', 2S to 32, $4.50 •p
Before haying sake our will Have yott money.
Ruh the scalp with Minard's
tour times a week- 1t removes
Dandruff. stimulates the scalp
and makes the hair soft and
You buy Fine Equipment plus
McLaughlin -Buick
Touring 25-45
AD. JUSTABLE sun visor; automatic
windshield wiper; cowl lights; scuff
plates; trunk rack; rigid tire carrier
on the hide; and bumpers, front and rear.
This McLaughlin-BuieI( Master Si: Tour-
ing car has all of these, of course.
It also has a walnut instrument board;
inlaid walnut panels and side sockets on
all four doors.
Moreover, it has Four -Wheel Brakes and
Low -Pressure Tires.
Yet, while all of these are important to
your comfort, convenience and safety,
they are only incidental. The real worth
of McLaughlin -Buick is embodied in its
powerful. long -life, valve -in -head motor•
the rugged chassis; in the body -beautiful
in line and finish -and the precision with
which the whole is built and assembled.
YOU --
Did you always get the best Suit or Overcoat for your money ?
At all times our firm determination has been to give men the
better value for their money than they could get elsewhere.
We have a style for every figure, and a fabric to suit every whim.
Crown Tailored Clothes -We have them. $30.00 to $45.00.
best value:
See the new Velour Hats. They have the quality in material. and the shape
and color to satisfy.
The best is none too good for a "Martin" customer, and, considering quality,
for kat'. Ma
Use our relining, remodelling and repair service.
The Phone Number is Four -Nine.
MtLean'a Block, East Side of Square, Goderich
Agpsnparwlmelfr -4111111111••••1111h