The Signal, 1924-10-2, Page 6GODERICII, ONT. • \--WALL PAPER Hight new, while the hOuee is upset with the fall hOuse- ais eleine, is the time to have your Kenna ihrOratexl. As whiter apprOaChes yOU will appreciate cheery, bright rsions- N..w Papers., front 14 roll Hare:tins in !get year's (dock front // logitgro. poi7,11-00.0, - BAYTIELD 7/J31 NEW FALL I Book Store 800U8 AL 8000E881 Exhibits. lesperially in Use Stock. Exteptionally Geed • The direetors of the Bayfield fair! .are einigratulatieg themselves upon i haring picked an Ideal 'lay for their exhibition this yeair. Wisinenday. Sep - Itemiser 24th. was a glorious autumn r , day, and the people turned out In 1 large numbers to the fair grounds in 1 the lakeside village. The displays. 1lith inside and outside. were excels tionally large and good. the exhibits 4 it live stock being especially creda- 1 able. 1 The list of priie winners follows: IIIIRSI:S General Purposs--btroisi mare at- companlisl by foul. J. A. Manson & Son, T. Brow -nett ; foal. .1. It. Sterling. J. .t. alsitss•sts & Sou; gelilin„; 04 itidy. Ibree years old. William De...ker, 11. 11 Neel); gobling or filly. two ! years old. William Decker. 1'. Me - it filly. one year old, Watson: team. W Decker. Pereberon --Three years irlil.• Colin valuta...II: two year, old. It. PierSon, one year 0141. J. It. Sterling. 11. Baker: foal. .1. Stews rt. e. Campbell. Azriesiltural--111-0;s1 mare III14)111• Sktil1t..1.4 'foal. 4!. l'amphell. J. ,Stew- art : foal. T Brow net t. Watson: The Prettiest and Most Reasonably Priced Coats and Dresses This is no idle boast. If you could just see, our large stock of pretty Coats and Dresses, at our usual low prices, you would agree with our statement. Come in and look around. You will save money, on your fall purchases. Coats, in Marvellas, Duvetyne, Velour and Teddy Bear cloths. Prices from $13.50 to $38.50. Dresses, in Canton crepe, poiret twill. tricotine and serge $4.50 to $22.50. Wool Crepe Skirts, in. grey, sand and coca brown. All sizes. Very special at , . $2.95. MILLINERY Lovely range of Dress and SportHats, $3.50 and up. "•• "reeteefer The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. East Side of Square Goderich, Ont .1.111gt WaDIV611.1121MUTII gelding nr fitly, two years old, L. Stotelimere; gelding or filly, our year old, 1. livotchniere; team J. 11. Sterling. Hens y Draught -Brood . tuure ac- companied by foal. S. Keys; foal. S. Keys: team, E. Foster. J. R. Sterling. Itoissisters -Brood nut re uvestinpfkle bel by foal. W. Decker. J. R. Sterling: foal, S. Hey. It. •NleClincliey ; single nanister. W. Deeker, i1. b:1114nt. Carringe--Brood mare assninpanied by foal. J. Gardiner. D. Nis -Kenzie*. tool.J Gadin rer. 10. MeKentle. tenni Ill hands 4ir Thiel: sin- gle carriage horse, 'sV. Milan It. 11 Webster; best geotlennsit's outfit. W. Decker. M. Elliott ; links driver. IV. Ilks•ker. Best three heavy F.. Foster. .1 It. Sterling: Inst matehist trans, W. Iterker. Judges - W..1. Diskson. Janie: Ma - 1 l'Iliskey. III lit l'Ojt ALL Tony Bars. .1. Hey 1 1 1 Joe Winters. C. Ityan2 2 2 Maggie McKinney. -M4Y* 10 Alclhoigall '1 1 '1 Queerde D.. Geis Paterson 4 4 4 l'ATTLE craw.. etittt,--Malit, ',HA-. 1'. Brown- ett. 11. Pothole: -heifer two years old. 11. Penhale; heifer insyear old. A. E. Erwin; heifer 4111f. T. Brownett: isteer calf. T. Itnovuot : steer. one year old. W. Stewart. 1.4 and 2n41. Iliirliatn--Ilileli I.. Scotch - mere; heifer two years old. Realty Bros : heifer mu- year old, It. M. Peck. Beatty Bros.; heifer volt, R. M. Perk. D. McKenzie; gull calf...R. M. Peck. Iferefords--•11.11ch cow. H. Penbule: heifer one year 0141, 11. Penhale: hull calf. 11. Pothole. Eaton's Special -T. Brownett. Polled Angus-Mileh cow. W. Stew-, art. 1st and '&141; heifer SW() St41111 Oltl, W. $11.War1. 1•4I and 2n41: heifer two years old. W. Stewart. lst and 2i41; heifer, one year 0141. W. Stewart. 1st itul Ltiol; heifer e441f. W. Stewart. 1st +and 2nd; bull calf. W. Stewart. bst and 2n41. Jersey-MLIch (sow. Copt J. Fergu- son. Mrs. Brannicas Judges -William Charters. II. Snell. SHEEP Leicester -Ram two shears or over, It. IleAllister: shearling ram. E. H. Wise & Son, It. McAllister: ram lam!), It. AleAllister & 'Son. 1st and :but :cry,. having raised lambs in 1924. 2 shears or over. e. M. Middleton. It. AleAllis- ter & Son,: shearling ewe. 1'. B. Mid- dleton. R. N14'Allister & Son; ewe lamb. It. N1cAllister & Son. 1st an.1 21111; wetber lanib. W. W. Wise. IV. & Son. 1,111,oln-Itain. tWo slienrs nr ore.. T. Snowden: shoaling ram. 'I' Snow: den; ram iamb. T. Snowden: ewe har- ing raised iambs in 1924. 2 shears or over, T. Snowden*. shearling ewe. T. TIRED OUT Y611747' t4 All THE TIME Nerves Gave little Rest Relieved by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Harrowsmith,Ontario.-"I took your medicine before my baby &as born and It wu a great help to me as I was very poorly until I started to take it. 1 just felt as though 1 was tired out all the time and would tithe weak, fainting spells. My nerves would bother me until 1 could get little rest. day or night 1 was told by a friend to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, and I only took a few bottles and it helped me wonderfully. 1 would recommend it to any woman. 1 am doing what I can to publish this. goodmedicine. I lend that little book you sent me to any one I can help. You ean with the greatest of 'pleasure use my name in regard to th. Vegetable Compound if it will serve to help others." -Mas. Halm= Mmutesits,R. R. No.2. Harrowsmith, Ontario. In a recent museum of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound over 100,000 replies were received and 98 out of every 100 said they had been held by Its use. This medicine is for sale by all druggists. -^"Nr•-•,-."-"-^•••••••••••••• 4titr,r. * SA ,t• vs, P %.."411 sitt.as ti„ •,1, L , kta, 44 (.• and II). A. 20hesell & Ron, T. Ter- F11/41, Mre. Roes ; crotebet cap *Ad , rots, R. Penhale; table carrot+. )Ul ' ,' reberry ; 44-4 and pl. Johnston.. list retire 11. A. Fuse, Mra. Howrie; pair 1'. (lest. J._ A. Murray ; table beta. ." • 1 and hid; Alis:0111,11{, Iv, It mud p), W. mews knitted aux, coarse., Sirs. lime, 1. Truemner, Mrs. 1'. l'ierk; pareelps,7 „.. F. Metcalf. let and Jud; template, .1. !Lehi; pulr men's knitted sox, flue, eine P. Clark, Y. Barker; field tures ic. II, cr itial pit IV, F. Sletoelf, 1st Mre. 'tims, Mre. .1. Stewart ; pair lee. 4'. Truk:miler. J. It. Stirling; sum 2 1,41; Meek mteurcas, h, melee woollen tulle*. Mrs. Howrie. beets. C. Truetuuer, J. 14. Stirliog; .i 1. V. l'errylly.rii; Ip), K. F. Iirs. Hsn ods it ladles' kndittenetts, t • radish I) Galbritilli /I Pete 11.r. V. 'Perryberr ; any other earl feel, Neilson Keys & Sou; Beetle Ilan., C. Badore; pair Pekin ducks. E. & It. Snowden. J. A. Munson & Son; pair Rouen ducks. T. Snowden, 1st and 2nd: jsulr Toulouse. geese, R. Illair: pair any other variety geese. 1. Si R. Snowden. V. Terryberry ; pair any other variety turkeys, \'. Teirylserry; pair pigeons. Dr. Sle- lel!,sion. F. Merner; Mteikova L. Robert Blair. . I s.t 1 lt Pit( SD I .4 Till pounds salt butter. Mrs. John Stow art. G. j*4'll i Itss.,--4)utter in 1-posind. bl•sks. Mrs. John )sitewart ; butter. Mrs. John Stew- art. & 14. St -den: 1 pound fancy triter butter. D. MeKenzie. Mrs. J. Sten•art: •otiveSe, 1:41111.••Wil.11., T. Tru.. - miler ; cottage cheese. Mrs. A. E. Fre in. Mr-. (lir.) Wisele; half ham. hone. curial, smoked. Mrs. (Deo Wools, & R. Snowden: lt polnuds Louie etas,' smoked, Mrs. 1 Dr. I W...1.. E. is H. Snowden; 2 lb.. home rendered lard. Mrs. J. Stewart, G. Jae -obi: pair 41rtstoseti chickens. Mrs. 'lies Woods; heaviest dozen hetee eggs. white shell. C. lledour. .1. IL Sterling; heaviest dozeu hen's eggs, brown WWII. J. R. Sterling, John Meld; beet display of bee products. J. L. Pollock; oats quart strained honey. J. E. Pollock quart maple sugar, G. Lindley. F. Keemtn: pound home made fudge. Mrs. Abe Bramhion. 14. Turner: War hemeenade white bread. G. Jaeobl. Mrs. (Dr.) Woods; loaf home-made' Graham bread, E & It esetwden. Mrs. ( lir.) Woods ; loaf Boston brown bread, E & R. Snowden. over W. Stewart : shearling ram. J. A. Manson & Son; raw lamb, J. A. Mrs. (1)1e) Womb': loaf nut bread .mauson k 1st aim ew., Made from baking powder. Ct. Jannis'. ing rai.a.41 lambs in Pr24. two shears 1 NI:61.nel Iitir.1m\Visosiet: buns. Mrs. (Dr.) Wood's, P. MeKenste; tea biocides. .1. or over. W. mew:m..1. A. Munson $: • hermits. I:, Jacobi, .Mrs. A. E. Irwin: .1• A. Main -ti & Sou; brood sow. T. cookie; 'F. Krst.4..caW. Nietellif ; &Inger sind 3 nutrInalnile In gliSpisep.' Mrs. W. e'..i• ; stwairling ewe. .1. A. Manson St, Son. 1st and 2i141; ewe Mink W. Stew - n. H. Penhole:plain -•Irt..I. A. Manson & Son; wettier lamb. siwtsp, Jonn st,,irt, •p, suowden. D Sit -Kenzie. Mrs. I Dr.1 Woods: meat W. Stewart. Ist al"1 '2'0: hest tot muffins. G. Jacebi, J. H. Reid; *cones. loaf. J. H. !tied. Mre. tlir.) W104.4114: 1'144'101111n. --1 Sr...N1 S..w. T. Snowden; aPele 1414', . PIGSJ. It. Sterling. .1 II Reid; boar littered' in lir.24. T. Snowden; sow len" lie. Mr'. .3.. Breeden-. J. H. littered in 1924. 'I'. Snowden. Torkshire-ltrood 1444w, It. -Blair. Red Pigs-rAged boar. T. Snowden. snowilen. J. A. Manson & Son , boar littered iti 1924, T. snowden, j, A, F. M. -(.151f ; entsup awl meat minces. Stinson & Sit; ,,on littered in 11r24. 1,. Keivin. sits. w. F. mews, r layer Reid; plain baked beans. J. Iteid. 4:„ Jacobi; most suitable and uppetis- ing cold lunch for one person. G. Jacebi. Mrs. A. E. Irwin e -pickles, F. Keegan. Mrs. W. F. Metcalf; 8 jelly J.• A. Manson & See. T. Snowden; yaks,. 4:. Jiietild. Mrs. (Dr., Woods: heist boar. any breed. T. Snowden; best fruit. F. Keegan; cannel veg- sow, any breed. T. Snowden: 1"t .-tables. e:, & It. Snowden. Mrs. W. canned pair haeou hoes. any breed, W. MC- 1,.. 3/0,10f. - Judge -Jame* t'onleilly. W. Itowey. n°(1311141. ge---43. C. Petty. .spraMilMass GRAIN AND SEEDS le it' eTRY White winter wheat. T. SMSW111.n. 411.1%%1 111 • i-ssf• lamb. T. Snowden: ewe Brahman (c). E. F. 31eener: f'111. 11, J. It. Stirling; red winter wheat. C. him's. T . 4n 4,' 1st and 2nd; wether F. Merner; ler and pi. E.. 1. Me,rnierrn. Truemner; mitring wheat. J., le Stir!. la. T. SriewOCI. tisfords--Ititni. two shears or over. (ill, t'. teimplwIl; sere W. W. Wisse. W. Melee)! ; Plymenth Merrell It It . Inc; Maley. 4'. Trueinner; white oats. C. small white peas. 4'. TrtleMner : W. W. Wise. 4'. Middleton; shenrling 11. Melienziss; Plymouth Reeks. white. Trnemner. 12 & R. enowden; white ram. H. Tee. a rem. T. Snowden; ram le and 110. T. Snowden. R. lila Ir :'(er 1. i nate, R. Turner. E & R. Snowden: having raised Inmes in 11)24. " _ Iamb. C. Middleton. Ist and 2n11: ewe E. Siemer. T. Snowden: to: T. Snow -1 timothy yellow cont. Mrs. (Dr.• seed. It Turner, A. Johnston or over, (1. Middleton. T. Snowden: 4.-. h. er and p1.4,,11%-ilirlse. 11" Y );.1"111(;Ititat PIS/ 1 ikw,tilk,;6 :Pawars" den. ir Blair; 1 6447cars dent corn. E & R. 'Mra. 'toes, .Mra. J. eftewart ; pair ladles' bedroom slippers, A.Ualbrailli. Keegan' ; baby's knitted Jacket aud (emote, wool. Mrs. leans, Mrs. -W. Hous(on; baby's crotchet Jaeket and bonnet, wool, Mrs. S. Houstou ; balives Sirs. litre.) lIelestek J. H. litirilpg; otc4 crhet bootees. woSins.ol. lete es. Mrs, warnielous. T. Snowden; citrons. J. 8. lIouston; baby's knitted lexitees, A. Murray, 4*. Trtteurner; bast pump- t wool, Kr*. Roos, Mrs. 14. .11ousitius; kin for table lose. I). Galbraith, A. . . elniirtddere4171111r anti cuff set, wiele liraridon; beet Himmel thr table We. ': 4 *1)54.. Mrs. S. Houston. 11. A. Fuse; D. (laibraith, Mre P. (lark; largest k'l 1 IL pair day ode+, ee. lialltraltb.• Dr. Me- pumpkin for feed, (' T Outlier R. t ' Klunun; Irish Crotchet Mee, Mrs lees. H. A. FUN'S; fillet crotchet lave. T. ettinerots. 11. A. Fetes efeney - spent, G. Jambi. Mrs. Mess ; plain kin -hen "p- eon. E. Talbot. G. Jacobi; eyelet em- broidery. Mrs. Howrle; *omen cu: work, ,Mrs. W. r. Metealf, 'Mrs. blow. tie ; int rile tiger embroidery. Mrs. I% ie. Metcalf. S. lbstieton; etelling'\er ..SIS- H. Held; largest head of sunflowers line stitel). Mrs. Itoss. Mrs. S.`flous- F. Barker. R. McMurray; collectioe ton ; modern (Toss stitch. Mre. Ross, of garden herlot. E. & R. temowden. . -,'• Mrs. te. Hotostim; heeding. Mrs. S. Mrs. W. le Metcalf; peppere J. E. ' •S Him -tem. Mrs. A. E. Erwin ; drawe Reel; cucumbers. T. Snowden. a werk. Mrs W. F. Metcalf, Mr,. Truemner; re -getable elarrow, 0. Ilowrie; lunch or len 'loth embro141- Trnentner, F. Barker; (hewn Hubs errs!. 11. A. Funs. 41. Jai -obi; lunch or hard squash. T. Snowden. J. It. Stir!. ke tie Oath, eraithet. Mre lees, 3. H. Ing; yellow Hubbard squeals, 1). Gal. 11,pil ltehl; 11Ittkil or tett sloth lace. Mrs_ braith. J. R. Stirling. Judge -W. -S. Johnston. ...te.1.,., " 1 t's rally wonderful" -that le 4 , r. Zoe t people are sayingabout the bar- eej: gains they are getting at "tliP MEI* ii4,1-1 sLearling ewe. W. W. Wise, C. Mid- dleton; ewe lamb. T. Snowden. C. Middleton: wether lamb, T. Snowden. (: Sliddleton. .Shropishires-Ram. two :thems or Tod ml 21141; Itrovrn I.eghdrns, (111. V. Terryberry; White Lesfliorn11. and Trewartha. 41. King: (er). 11. Trewartlia. W. When; El. 'Tre- wartha, G King; Rhode is!and Reds. ssasal tar so 4 ac 4 r Progress or Reaction Ontario Electors Must Choose 'THE issue of the Plebiscite of October 23rd is: Shall the sale of intoxicating liquor as a beverage continue to I be prohibited, or the traffic be re-established and conducted by the Government? IrSince September 16th, 1916, the legalized sale of liquor foe beverage purposes has been prohibited. During eight years The Ontario Temperance Act has wrought a moral, social and economic transformation, gradual but red. ¶ A new genera- tion koows nothing of the evils of the liquor treffic before the 0. T. A. came into force. --4 Okler generations may have forgonen. 11Think of it! There is not a man or woman 29 years of age who has legdly seen the inside of • bar -room or liquor shop in the Province of Ontario. 'Booze is banned! It is a di.crrdited and dishonored outlaw. Now, it wants to come bock- It seeks not only re -instatement, but that the Government itadf shall Inc an active partner. ,;•,; Do You Remember? Acr The old-time Bat -Room and Liquor Shop, with their disgusting sights and strunds and anelk; The etealferinia, maw diveken nom who jostled us on smelts and 011 the cies- isarticularly holidays or at public demon - who fiUed our jade poor, battered, . .bled hulks of moo snit «oases -God'. our broth- • ers w4 .sten, every one of thaw The destitution, misery, wretcedness, squalor. filth and disorder in many hovels test might, and should, have boss henna The vice, the immorality, doe crime, the debauchery, incited by liquor, that appalled good citizens. The O.T.A. Has Matte Gaul Contrast those conditions with the situation today. The Ontario Temperance Act has brought inuneasurable insprovenfent. Drunk- enness has decreased. Crime has been lessened. Homes are lumpier." Children have been given a better chance. Savings Bank de- • penes have *cruised. A/I down dm has, PROGRESS has been written into the history id Old Ontario! OFFICIAL RECORDS PROVE ALL TIES! The following table shows thin, in Ontario under the 0. T. A.., deem has beim a sub - amnia! decrease in dse offences that ere Munn, emaciated with drinks Amasses 1914 1922 1427 734 Cruelty to Animals 1.172 236 Vagrancy 4.701 1.307 Keepini, and Preqnsisting Raw Houses 002 332 Iowa, tile and Ellsonisely 6,411 1,736 Drunkennesio 17,703 10,063 NOTE THE OPINION OF OUR ty MANUFACTURERS: "Dose Ptehibon under the O. T. A.. result in more comfortable homes and bettor suppfies of food and clothing foe wives and children?" Ontario mentsfacturees by the Ontariellanl When this question was asked of el License Commissioners, 1,165, or 62 pee cent, anewered "Yes", while only 219, or 17. per nt., said "No". Scatessms of Ckovermuestt Have Failed ea a dsn' nal failure wherever tried. • Smcalled "Govermeent Control" has drunkenness and bootlegging have reached appalling proportion. Every Canadian Pro- vince that has tried any form of "Government Sale" has already learned a hard lemon Take BRITISH COLUMBIA: Hat. 14. H. Stevens, M.P., in a public addirees in Van- couver recendy, de/fared: "Never, in the Notary of the cenesery, was bootlegging comparabie ie asegnitude and murderous results to what k 1. today." Or, MANITOBA: Figures furnished by the Chief of Police of Winnipeg show in increase of 45 per centin dte number of fee the Ilespor s 014 Ontario/ stark Yr Banat tins s 1A..fs .4 Th. 04.,). Taw sq. is lesser el 11. Cit. perastes Act? An roe is fewer asr Or ids 430 Se ! lasssrsrs ral Wet sod Ls /payees lows fa masa pas& 11•1••••• Garssrmsst sastraslit drunk and disorderly cans in the fast five months under Governmeet Selo, es e with the corresponding five ntonthrr reiht previous year under Prohibition. And, &sally, QUEBEC: The following resolution arae umanimously .domed by the Presbytery of Montreal, Aped Ids, 1924: "That we regard it to be • patriotic duty to leeks it known that the drug traffic Sone ides here never before and is on the in - /burettes in sad front tSl. nee is on de increase and that the Province as never before, the derbe: system of Government Casten is sedatly Wade= and not a succer." Ontario Must MN the Line If a majority vote fer "ceseinuance", k mesas that we will have • WSW law mete itp= iziks.foritte with aterespesediZ mise Priam Minister, has definitely pledged itself to "senogdossis the Act and "gim k wive mid vigorous enforcenseet". If a mane* vete Ur "Sale% 14anew doe re-sstabileitanset of the old. &credited Liquor Troia, in the guise of respectability under a wean that makes the Goveremest the bee - tender clod every dense a perm.?, acting m sales agent for the brewers and diallers and mien profit for the out of the desemedea of Id. end happiesse The Owego Plebiscite Committee, minim tis. tomponmect Ewen of Ontario, cells upon el 'rho Ism their Previews and wish ite an domed and increasing prosperity and die of its people m VOTE MR 114B blarsilehat Ism accemplisheil imeseemndele Led, and est for a ream el dee fee& thst w nick Nem la die ma esil weeldittageia. The Ontario Pleblsclts Committee 2 Toronto Street, Toronto G. B. Nichoboon, Chiantis' • 0 1 hale; Minify, E. Is It. tinowileu, I. H •t".1. , Reid; 2 heads cabbage, J. A. Mur- - 111 ray, 1.'. likrker; 2 he cauliflower, le Barker. Mrs. P. Clark ; 3 beadle '''?" 15 white testers. 0 Jacobi • muskmelon% ' • _. 1 Snowden. J. I:. Stirling; 6 ears sweet corn. R. Mt derray. E. & R. Snow- den: 6 ears nny 'other variety. A. E Erwin. T. Brownett ; Wished field beanie It. Turner, J. R. Stirling: I,stbon of grains' in head. (3. Jacobi. S. Keys Judges --el'. I,, Williams. Thomas Snowden. - • PLANTS .SNI) FlasWERS Itommet. large, 6. Imithwalte. E. & R. Snowden; bimonet. small. E. & R. Snowden, Mrs. t1)r.0 W100414: colter' Hon of Dahlias. Mrs. W. F. Metcalf. Mrs. tits:v.,. )del.ssoil; collection of finschiss. ,Mrs. (Rev.) McLeod. F. Keegan; collection of panslee. Barker. Mrs. (Dr.1 Woods:. collection of tills -roux hegonlan. Mot (Dr.) Wood's. le Barker: eollection of fib- rous -rooted begonias. Mrs. (Rev.) McLeod; collection of ferns and foli- age. Mre. (Rev.) McLeod: collection of geranintns. Mrs. (iter.) McLeod. 1'. Keegan; contrition of asters. F. Maker, Mrs. A. E. Erwin; inflection of petunias. Barker'. Mrs. Morrie; te)Ileetion of house plants. 'Mrs. titer.) MeLeisl. F. Barker; collection of gloitania. le. Keegan. 111/1 (Rev.) Mc- eseel; four verietlem of annuals. S. Keys. Mrs. (1)r.) Woods: display of colonna. Maggie Campbell. Mess. (Bev.) .Melesrel: collection of Zinnias. F. Iterker. Mrs. (Dr.) W.selss; celleetien of verbenas. Mrs. A. E. Erwin, 1'. Barker. collection of gladlo:ins„ Mra. UPS'. / McLeod. Mrs. Howrie. olite-George Stewart. FINE ARTS pe. original. oil. Mn,.. W. F. f. Mrs. Hoerr*: fruit aria- . Rom. 11. A. Fuse; land- !. water color, Mra. W. s, Howe*: tune orig. Mrs. W. T. Metcalf. ere original, water Mre. Rue; pen and ink drawing, FIV... Mrs. Rome; drawing. crayon or lead point. 1! A. Etre, Mrs. J. 'Stewart; water color painting on slik or *nth). Mrs. W. Metealf, Mot Roos; hand painted chine. two pieces, Dr. McKinnno. Mrs. W. F. .Metealf; etenciling on fabric. 14. ,Keye. Mee. W. F. Metcalf. Judeee-A. Middleton, C. Naftel. MA N I'FACT1 'RPM Ref 'single karnesis. T. (Mmeron. 3. W. Tippet ; sett double harnem. T. Cameron, J. W. Tippet; Mein twisted yarn, Mrs. John 'Tippet; best weft jar "soft sou. R. & R. Snowden, T. fl('ownett ; beet 2 hare hard ihap. R. Turner. Mrs. (Dr.) Wombs; coin husk door mat. T. Brownett; home made Articles of furniture. Douglas Gamin- hardt. II. A. Tose. Judges -Jas. Cotmolly. W. Bovsey. SCHOOL OHILDRION Beat drawing, perspective - T. Brownett, lat sad end; best Merging. 1111 Me, T. Broweett, lat anti RDA; beet hand sewed garment, T. Brown - 014; beet bird bovine, Douglas Gesnin- hard!. LADIES' WORE 'Ladles' knitted sweeter, wool, H. A. Pa.5 Mrs. Rom; Latta' crotebet sweater, wool, IL A. rota, Mi'e Bowie, trained cep and ararf, H. A. hen F. Met inal. nil. escape. origi le Metcalf. Nal. Water col 11ns. Illowtir; colors. It. A. Fu Melluney; largest *quark Lir feed. II J A. Murray, 1'. 'ertioniner ; large 1 Englielt potato onionts. Mn. 1'. Clark. . • I.: . & RSnowden;den H. Snow; large white onion* ; A F. Barker, Mrs. W. F. Metellif : RIM red imitte. t'. Maker. 1). Galbraith: `•"' 1 large yellow °Mims. F. Itarker, IA. c."1 'Dirtier • red tomatore le Barker J • II)r. 4 Woods. II. A. Fuss; washable tea etnwy. Mre. J. Tome, Mrs. S. limos - tot' onitroltlertstl sofa eush14411, Ms.4. W. F. Metcalf. Mrs. llowrie; crotshet trimmest sofa. T trams -rot', Mrs. ;hum' WIN) around tbe corner." Getha,,,.•,/,- 114„ivrie: four modern Isand made itrist,v ke,trv.hthi.,lefss.. thiSt.inuG6.a1ja 1traleohb. m t.iMrcrs. Ytilro today. SHAIILMAN'S D • lie • Woods e pelt curtain* ego.' It le esstimateil that the latnieshak- s• 11"11:_vtIsIr.):71.1sivists: .ath,"1",e,filflni‘"Iited wiltatAmahles twmUkiells made. G. Jacobi. It. A. Tiling; tattle (r.ru,t.stiti.erb44. Ty.okCeamAeris4si:0HE:raTiustilbsTit.; 111.4 eron; pin 'Wilma. washable, Mfrs. • 110.1%. E. Talbot; ssubroidered center- In Jugo-Slavits, Cougrean Is called piets. white. E. Talbot. Mrs. Ilowrie; skittelition. whiels Is nothing to what centerpiece. colored. G. Jacobi. til- our 4'alligftwis 1. auntetimes lir.Gtls: 141 1.t hand Wilde lest 11. A. Finns. (1. Jacobi; SlirMe embroid- ered towels. Mrs. J. Toms. A. Gal' ,Oiralth ; three ch croteton' t trimmed towels. Mn,. S. Houston. E. -Talbot ; bath towel. A. Galbraith. Mrs. Ilowrie, ladies' underwear. strictly howl mails.. W Mrs. I 1ir.1 oods. E. Talbot ; cotttot shirt. strictly haus% made. Mrs. S. Hatil.114111. Mrs.. Wool; apptique bed stiraed, Mrs. lbowrie. farm. S. Ifotaiston: aj1' V a bedspread. crotehet inset. Mr... J. T.DMP1 ; V11111111 1111441* 111a111. trout 1.111 garment. Mrs. S. !tomato's. 4'. I4. -lour Woman's dresses made fr.en ..14 gar- ment. Mrs. (I)r. Mrs. Ross: 4..1s embroidered dresser scarf. E. Tal- bot. Mrs. A. Brandon ; en rimier showing nprsdnien of straight bias and three cornered darning. Mrs. Ross: legniplYr aliconislig patch bent - most. Mire. Rose: darning on worti IsatT, Mrs. J. Stewart, Mrs, Masa : patched 411111f. ent14011. Mrs. A. !Iran don. yaenhl; patched quilt. eloth. Mrs. . F. Atereier. Mre. Ilren111.11 ; srooneldown comforter. borne rand.. 41 intsibi; braided mat. Mr.. linty! Mn.. 5. 1101USIMS ; booked mat. Mrs. Houston, Mrs. J. Toms : fancy hand- made hand law. Mr.. S. Heusti.a. Maggie Campbell. Judge's -Mrs. W. F. King. Mr.. T. L Williams. Wichita Meseta's. sM•11.M11=1111111 • • FRIIIT Set bunches grapes. 1 satiety. D C . Galbraith. G. Laithwaite: colle-sion , h plate 12 peaches. J It Stirling: pleittis IL ll, 7' of .rapes. G. latitlisaite. F. Barker. , i s •,i, Rub the ocs.143 with Rtnard'e four times a w..ek. It rcrxtros Dandruff, stimulates the scalp and makes tho hair acft and glossy. or T. Brownett. J. It. Stirling; prunes. 42. Truerotwe 11. A. new; vel,ow (Tabs. T. Brownett. E. & R. Snow,:en: red crafts. J. It Stirling. T.' Snowden: eolleetkm of pears, t:. ll.nIthwilite. 4'. Treraner; fall pears. F. Barker. 13. 1,/lithWelitts: winter pear*. 4'. Trot:u- tter. W. MeDol; rolleetion it! applos. 4 fall and 41 %sinter. five of each rariety. 1.nithwitite. .1. It. Stirling: winter apples. 4 varieties. (1. Leith- walte; J. It. Stirling: fell apple.. four varieties. G. 1.sithwalle, J. R. Stir', Itnidwins. 41. Laithsvaite. I". 1114• 411-5ts11: Ilanis apples. .1. R. Stirling. • . • G. le I brat te. Sol tzenbure. J. R. .s4 F"s oi 0 04 Keep a Kodak Story 144 Stirling. le Kt -emus; NO11114.111 mitless. 41. J. lt. Stirling: King of Thump It. Turner. T. Brownett: Greening's. J. It. etirling. G. Leith- waite; Rth.ton Pippins. F. Keegan. It.. Turner: 20 -ounce Pippins. G. Leith - waits.. It. 'Turner: Iletenwre 6. Laith- waite. 1e. Keegau; Golden Weems... J. R. Stirling. 4'. Triteinner: Illeuheim PIPPIne. 1'. Snows.. G. 'element.. 1'. Trimmer: (intnriosi 6. ettithwalte. .1. It. Stirl- ing; Wolfe River. C. Truetaner, F. K pegs n. Juslgess-W. 14. Leek. John Porter. V RIG ETA 111.EB Early elobblers. R. McMurray, W. W. Wise; early potatoes. to 1* named. G. IAndsay, J. A.urbfreil--Tfieen Mountain, J: A. Murray, R. Me.Mur- ray ; late potatoes to he named. C. Truemner (1. lAndiely ; marerolds.lone red. C. Truemner, Thither; man - yellow globe. C. Truemner T. Snowden; intermediate maniples, C. Tntenmer, J. A. Murray ; 10.111 ear- --- of the Children The Kodak you want for the 1 is pictures you want ready for t1 you to see at our store. And ..4 we're ready to show you how ,I easily it works and to make worthwhile suggestions about , your picture -making plans. j.,''R; ' ( , ihoorraphk Kaiaks $6.75 alp . ,61, t, Kodak Fihn in your slag $ •••• 1,11fiVI7i, i Firsinting 'veil like t; *?,.4 .)4,110 1 41--1°4 •,,s, N. C. DUNLOP (1"4 Ail,11,„ 44 qv 44- DRUGGIST P1... No 1 Galeria' f•st.., "I Suffered Terribly With Sore, Aching Bade' Elsa. SAW Ilwessom. 194 Lein Pokrisoss, sorbs I "Par wig wis yelkss 1 wilsood Gonmisss 0ionsbsth. I aimed god with dos yak sad had rhissesed vidi it Is& 1 was de- osgseged. Thes w father, who is le, IL a bit holism in Dr. Cliese's Ms& I eines. advised ISSI se try Dr. Chases Kislasp4i.ar NIL 1 feloseed his 'i advice. and an g6d t.ow 1 we emplesely refined of the Near A log psi is ley beck. ki,aysr air ‘i a year SW* 1 end these pas. end I 6rse had of dis trosido. _ bet I the Dr. abases and get titer ot I. 'Korea's Otatichog SO Ms. a boa n ans. • R. A. Canis Grocery. Ea street, dolorieb, or 3. B. i stem Illayedi 1 , .. t„, , 4.‘,4 .,. ,,.',,,-E ' . ..,.. . ,, I. Ytia .-Aev ,,1: . 4, , 3