The Signal, 1924-10-2, Page 5e THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. • -/ 1 Masai. October 2/1I414.-$ 4,'i SPECIAL For Saturday Only Neilson's Rosebuds, 39 cents per lb. Regular price. 60 cents per lb. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. Phone 90 The Square, Goderich Eastmain Kodak* and Supplies MODERATOR OP GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT WINOBAM Addresses tae Meeting of Maitland Presbytery The srwl•auuual meeting of Malt• laud.l'red,ytrrinl W. M. M. was held in St. Andrew's church. 11'hlgham, on Monday. September 13thL[�.. The day was beautiful. the altt•f41111M•e goMl. and interest was well wuhltuitt d ! throughout the different stosions. .l full executive meeting was hell In the• morning. tfterm".n session opened at 1 p.m.. •the president. Mrs. Ilaan.sss, lu Ihr chair. 1k•votlonal ,•x.,:rei.ses w•e•rt• conducted by Mrs. 11Ir.1 Gordon. IalekiM.w. and Mrs. Rev.) Me•Kruzle. ylob.sworth. Min- utes of lalst nieetVag read by the re- eor.1ing secretory. Mrs. Carr. Wind- ham. and adapted. .t stute11u'ut frnal the finance committee 1.'a,, given by January 1st to .tugust :est - Allocation. $11,730.00. Mrs. ('Nwwlug.. convenor of nominating eaumitte•, c lotted flit rleetiuu of .Mies•rr to till vueaiwir,, tau the (..mrd. ltegre•t was expressed at the rrmural of Mrs. .1. 11'. (lleuule and Mus. titre.) (iomw: letter....( appr.M111tion of their Nrrvtes to Is• forw'ardel 141 them. Sot. - nos la felt at the passing 4.d it Idyel member. Mrs. Hardie, silo was called 1 • In July. ' 1 hying 4,'1 the full agenda, reports; from the, deleglites to General(' •i1, Social S'r.lee Council Intl Summer School sere 1141.1 oyer. 11.e• follow - ting resolutions %ve•re discusseI and jslsswl uaaoiwousl)• : ! ltew,h'wl. that we as -members of Ma ftTiru.l 1'resbyterigI nos nssrmble.l give all jn+wible assistance a" Mew- s hers of the 11'. M. 14.. as ....'slows ct 1 the church. as Canadian a citizens, 'It the forthcoming plebnscit.• campaign to strengthen prohibition measures (leldie, the• first Canadian ..missionary w -ho labored lu the. South Sea Is- lands, was born. The 4 ,tIe•rh•h Mummer S'luol exw•11- t1ye wet in el,Mlerich on M laky of 1111,, week, making plans for next aura - niers session. Auua.g Moor present from out of town were Rey. e;. 11'. Putt. of Monktol,. It..v. S. It. Johns- ton. of 1te•rcie•. and Ret'. 1Y. It. Alp ed-ltev. 1'. M.,Itaues of Auburn. HEALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL 'tine healthy child sleeps' well unit during Its waking h„nrs is never cross but always lullipy and laughing. It only the sickly child thou Is erns.. and IN•t•t•IMIi. Mother.. If your children do !n d sleep null: if they. ark en,ss Ilia • •e• e r 1 •Ice •1 ne•m . R14bv's Mrs. \Ludic. I.n• loom. Ite•vipi from 1 ,wit corona tin• ol. '1'. A. on our slut- cry .1 a •t 414•1I , 1 J Iut.•s, a elan Tablet. and the•y't+'IiI stem Is• It.•solye.l. That ". ahs W. \l. S. mew- well and happy ottani. The• 'tablet, het•+ of ytuithuet Preslnneriat 1144s us sere a mild but thorough hlcatnve sewbl1.l will „„t hold unrselv.,1 re- which regulate the bowels. sweeten s104,lstble• for any Motive -hare of laid- the stomach. banish eonstilatiuu. get allocation. 1,11t Wee ailljug to oho, colic and indigestion and promot" til• matter elewrly before all rho ttonl- hrallt)ttul sleep. 'Choy are als.dwtcly en wrinIM•rs of the church. to gi%.• .111 k'unarnuleYl free• frown u1,ial.w and neeessary assista 11N•,•- t.,4, ,rd rilbang may 1"• give.. to the nets -born twit• the required l.idg••t of the rh.ir.I, 104 with perfect safety You can obtain, members thereof. the 7y161ct' though any medicine Mrs. Harkness led i,, prayer. (haler at 23 .ruts a 144.x. or by mail. .1t :t p.m. Pre,q.ctery joined .:onfe•r- I i not paid. from The I1r. 11'illiaul i .•nee'. Mr. Cumming. ol.ulen11or, 1" \b•dichu• ('o.. lit,. kv11!'. (int. e101111 tile chair: After the siigl..,• ..f' Ifcuw . ',-4 Hud prayer offered by Rev. Messrs. McKenzie- and Smith. the 1 Rev. I)r. C. \1tKiuuou of ilalifax. no,derator It the li.n.•ral .lwemb:} 4,4,111.1 11104411 to address the a.l- diets•.•. The large attentive audience maintained a keen Interest through - our -lir: MI-kinttoti s Imt res ive• ad- dress. the snbj.ct of whid. was tune porhmities, The speak. r 41411114141114.0-; t•-.1 1he mean ami wow.•.. of Huron .4.tn try and of \laltl:u.d 1'r,•sbyferia. ; - o11 the nr.•tll.• ..f her sons. .104 he was clrlphtha of ,the le:lst Huron !t,.1184 toll- he spoke of ti.• i1lsptl'aat•,!I 1111.1 ,,ancone 1)".se br:I'Y• defender. ,.f tie• j For the Honor of Old Ontario Hold the Line Against the Enemy ! MARK YOUR BALLOT: 1 Are youhin favor ofTthe continuance o( _ te Ontaiio emperance Act ? X 2 Are you in favor of the sale as a beverage of beer and spirituous liquors in sealed packages under Government control? POLL EVERY VOTE! Some More Ammunition The Huron County Council, at a recent session, seriously considered the dosing of Goderich Jail permanently for lack of prisoners. In Toronto in 1914 with open shops and bars there were 14,247 arrests for drunkenness. In 1919, with the O. T. A. and Dominion Prohibition there ,Here 3,925. in 1922, with the O. T. A. alone- there were 4,059 arrests, and this with a higher standard of law e.lforcement. . PROHIBITION LESSENS CRIME In Toronto 55 per cent. of the population own their own homes. In Montreal only 5 per cent. Toronto has the O. T. A. Montreal has Government Control. The bank clearings of Toronto in 1923 exceeded the bank clearings of Mon- treal for the first time in history. In Montreal infant mortality is higher than in any other city in Canada or in the United States. Out of 3,247 business failures in Canada in 1923, 1171 or 36 per cent. were in ( 14, with liabilities of $30,969,500, or 45 per cent. of the entire amount for The clerk of the Juvenile Court in Montreal says: I have seen 15,000 boys pass through the Juvenile Court. Drink was the cause of nine -tenths of the crime. The Montreal Gazette says: A veritable avalanche of outlawry, hold-ups, robberies and burglaries has descended upon this metropolitan city, armed gangs of desperadoes ply their nefarious callings with impunity. in 1922 there were admitted into Ontario 882,926 tourist cars. In the same year into Quebec there were 62,951 cars. The O. T. A. has promoted the tourist trade. WHAT HENRY FORD SAYS If the United States of America ever repeals prohibition, then in the interests of public safety there should be enacted the next day a law prohibiting the use of gasoline vehicles upon the public highways. GASOLINE AND WHISKY WON'T MIX Notice in the Ford Shops: From this day on dismissal without opportunity for appeal will be the penalty irn 3sed on any man found to have the odor of beer, wine or liquor on his breath, or to have intoxicants on his person or in his house. w�„t MODERATION AND GOVERNMENT CONTROL How simple, nice and comfortable these words sound. There is something appealreally attractive about thern. They able about them. They do not jar on the sensiblhtie They rachet appeal and allures ----but Let us speak plan; there is more force in names Than most' men dream of; and a lie may keep Its throne a whole age longer, if it skulks Behind the shield of some fair -seeming name. Yes. let us speak plain. Behind these inoffensive names are concealed the entire liquor interests of Ontario, Canada and the world. These words are but the cloak eft ng that have fought emery temperance advance and opposed every to lli 'slation all through the years. OM Ontario Har the Line Against the Eating FOR SALE I14,lme•Myil1.. Cheese Factory, Good brick building; also nice residence will he sold together or separably. Apply to .TAMES l'1)NNO1.1.l • (loderirh. Ont. liberties of nor Empire gayer. .l solo hr \lie+ obey. entitled "11":, - that Somebody You:'" nos much 'ale pr,s•intet- Dr. Rols•rtson_ Toronto. led l4. prayer. Ib..lotion. dealing w'ith the too - 111.14 of titeioting the budget allooti.•1 were .-arueslly disctmaed and IOIq•ted Mr, Hardie cto.."1 the meeting .till n4'aayer. 1'h:tig,•s in I'reMhyterial : Tre•:Isurer. )Ira. .lhlydie. i.uckno4 : cortrsl04ald. nt secretary. \lis- Year.• i4)pley: )tencral interests Men•re•nlry. ]ire. 1D. e'a11q•IN•I1. .lnnoty: ..,n'..... : of Ie"niltntllll.' oumnlitt••c. Mfrs. 1'11111 mina 4 441. II••'e'ns 1. It. It. 2. I.u.•kto.". 1'r, ss :secretary. It. It. 1. isungac4' 'dr-. It. 'l-q'hlnneyh PRESBYTERIAL WORKERS MEET AT CLINTON t'enfe .nee I►isruset. I'rohlrns: in Connection with the Budget ,1- vont..•r.•.''' of the l'reil'yterc e. 1111r411 :11o1 1.1.••••1 4314.11:11 s."'1, ties 1.3• hell ha 11'{Ills chulr•h. Clinton. nn Tintrs.l:ay. Sept. 1slh. trr•dts,'nas wpy+ tool means of raising the s of <'-;. fast, allotted to Huron Pre'byt.'ry i•. canoetion with the irodget There• was a stood reprew•..tati... from the various congregations. Her. .1..\1.rey. m.••lerator of the I'resbynery. presided. The opening address at til • 1i 4414.4,41,11 session. which coma Incur '.I at $.30 o'clock. was given by Ile:. 1)r 1.1.KUtuot. moderator of the Gc11- era n -Assembly. 1)r. McKiwto, is :1 neat. convincing and eleslut•ntspeaker. ' 'Mrs. James ih,milton of Goderich. who rcpresewel the Presbyterial 11' 1M S.. referred to the different ,N' ensigns when :4t n time of fl'nuncial trialn the chnr•h hoards had requested the women of the-e•httrch M eo-operate In order to save the sitrultion. "The women." said Jtr.. 41a1m11ton. "had nI- %enys shown their willingness to a-1- si..t. and their own work. Instead of racing hindered as a result, had pros- p•rwl." Ors. Hamilton assured the board that the women were always ready to d('*'I, rge their primary duty as church nwurbers and help to wipe out the burden which It tampering the. work. Tooth at hone and nhro:vl. Rev. A. E. Armstrong of Toronto, assoeiat.• secretary of foreign min - !dons, explained that the present fin- ancial diffk•ulty was not tine to de- creased revenue, at during the past five years the I'reebyterian church had advanced $300.000 is its glvings. r tint that the real reason for the crisis was clue to tivleg conditions that woreLMODEL Tiluvror beyond control, such am the increased (est of living, higher cost of work, and the cost of maintaining e(•hools. h(stpitals. native helpers, eke., also to the increased coat of transportation. Seven year! ado It took MO to send a missionary to (lhina; today It takes $800. "Phe cost of maintaining all work." said Mr. Armstrong, "ham incres*ed seventy-five pey cent. daring the past adz years. As a result there ham been no expansion. The estimates this year have been cut down from $644,000 to $i00,000." In the dimcussion which followed several suggestions were made. One was that the men of the congregation should manna* for the purpose of studying the subject of missions and thereby stimulate mtsnionary seal and Activity. Later, however, • 11110 - lotion. prepared by a committee com- posed of Mr. Jas. Mitchell of Ooderkch, .Rev. W. R. Alp of Auburn, Rev. J. Z. Hogg of Clinton, Mr. J. Fisgland of Lnndeehoro' and Mrs. Taylor of Ood- erlch, was adopted. preparatory to being seat down to the congregations. The evening meeting, starting at 14.00 p.m., found a math larger aunt - her to attendance. Rev. Dr. McKin- non 'poke on . the past, present and future or the rhumb and gave some wonderful word pictures of the Oon- eer days and workers, which were listened to with deep attention sad mppteelatlon. Rev. Mr. Armstrong re. a(rn,pel his talk on the finances and also stroke of the inspiration he re- ceived when on a visit to Albertan, Prince Edward !Maack where Dr. New Millinery Fashionable Models Of a quality you.. .will appreciate.. ' 1, 'full Crowns in Hato ofall types. plumage Flowers rival in smartness. new+. \',IJet, Velour and Felt are butting fabrics. There is Style and Dignity in ev.•ry line in cornet \lillmery for the Fall and Winter Season. Your Inspection is invited Miss MacVicar Kiagstoa Si.. Goderich ANNIVERSARY SERVICES t LEEBURN CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19th at 11a.n1.and ;.30p.mn.,.'ouductel by Itev. a.\1acFathine. 4.1.4..,Bit , •of Bayfield. Fowl Suffer and Entertainment Tuesday Evening, October 21st. l'rvglatn furnished by Amid. players. Watch for particulars later. Pictures Brighten the Home There (all days awake you want fresh and colorful things in the reantool your house. • A new Picture on your Malls has the tame cheery effect as a bright, (reals Is -unmet of dowers. Coote in and make a Nereetl..0 from our charming reprtstuctiont. Smith's Art and Gift Store Phone 198 East Street if the Prince of Wales Was Coming to Goderich would you give a dollar and a half to hear him speak? Well; you can get a Victor Record tnadc by hint -the only one in existence, tat --and wit h a selection by the Coldstream Guards' Band, one of the tint -t in the world, recorded on the back. Would you like to hear it? H. E. JENNER WEEK OF OCT. 6 TO OCT. 11 Monday and Tuesday HUNTLEY GORDON AND MARIE PREPOST in a timely John M. Stahl production "THE WINTERS" Jack R'btte Special Comedy "DIZZY DAiSSY" Wednesday and Thursday LEAISWE JO% AND ROD LA ROCQI'E head a typical all -.tar cast la Cecil B. DeM/llle's great spectacular "TRIUMPH" Fox Comedy "170 COWBOYS" ANNOUNCEMENT The Goderich Home Bakery West Street, Goderich l For'."nly 1.i.ik'r hake ry ' (laving taken ovtr the bakery hu -i4., tat. ly earned by Will. V. Richard -on. 1.e are at presetat putting the ►1:1111 its :1 modern :11141-anitary ctiab1, u- to put nut a mid Pur,' Food Product in all our lines that will have' the• ;tp- proval'of our most erit nen l Pit rot'-. Purity and Wholesomeness in Our Products is Our First and Last Consideration Our surge••s lits in the -atiufae{ion of mu Patrons. 1.ct us serve you with our Port. Food PrMlutt.:. Tell u' if anything is wrong. and we• will en.lcavor to reetily our mistakes. \Wil.• repair- are going on we will .111 Our utmost to keep up all line -. Goods Delivered Phone Orders No. 114 The Goderich Home Bakery Wm. Ahl, Proprietor James Blain, Chef Friday sad Saturday HAROLD LLOYD is hIl greatest, thrilling, milea-minute Iugh prodl WILL ROGE1$ iN "A • COWBOY MUER" Amop's Fable "THE CAT THAT FAILED" FURS FURS Special Showing of Fall and Winter Furs this week. If you are interested in buying now or later - see us first. - A small deposit will hold any piece. Also orders taken for repair work on furs. MISS S. NOBLE ..nth side 1yuan• - (iexlcrir h The Management of The James McManus Pasteurizing Plant wish to announce to their cuAoiners and the general public that they art' now carrying fresh [)airy and Creamery Butter and aka Butt.,rmilii on their regular milk delivery rigs at all times. 4. Butter, Milk and Buttermilk ran be had at the plant on East Street at any time between 9 a. ul..and 6 p. In. New Fall Shoes Are Arriving Daily You will like their appearance; you will appreciate their fitting qualities and you will be agreeably sur- prised when you learn the reasonable prices we are able to sell such goods for. Your Inspection Is' Invited. t SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE MatJaeelt Monday, Wednesday at 4.1:, , Saturday st 3.00 Tl s above is an "a11 special" program Phcne 158 W. BKG. SHARMAN GODKRICH