The Signal, 1924-10-2, Page 1a Fall Trade will ce good. The merchant who wants to get his share of it must advertise his goods in The Signal - "The People's Paper" -i Clubbing Rates ' The Signal can save you a little money on almost any newspaei or periodical. Take advantage of our clubbing rates. Telephone 35 forn .information. SEVENTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. N GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1924 THE SIGNAL PILINTLNG CO" LLMIITED, Publishers. "GIVES HIS LIFE TRAVELLING THE TO SAVE ANOTHER BLUE WATER HIGHWAY ben of t. B t T Sarnia Chamber of Commerce Party Killed In Heroic Effort 1 Entertained Here The News of the Town Burkholder o own - Though- it eau, raining heavily at Whilegoings.to the rescue of all' K elderly man whom he t'tought lu dao- Sarula 1'11 Tuesday morning, nine ger, Claud.. Burkholder of Toronto, n motor ears starte.I out on the Chamber w .• of Continent, "hike" oil the Blue Water highway. A portion of the warty reached Godertelt shortly after 1 o'clock, anti the visitor", among wl were four hadlrs. were tact --lay be Mayor and a ninnher of citizens Who had gathered for hutch at the Belford Hotel. Iteeve H. J. A. JlurEwan preside) ' extended at Ili.• dining table and x a welcome on behalf of the town. Brief whin...se+ were given by Mayor Galicia, E. It. Wigle., M.l'.P., Chas. C. ire, W. H. Itolwrtwm and W. F. wttel, all joining in the hope that the Wilt of the Sarnia people would strengthen the feeling in favor of the line Water Highway project. For the visitors Mr. Johnston MacAda mat, president of the Blue Rater Highway Association, Mr. Chas. Lever, manager of the imperial 011 Co., and Mr. C. H. Belton. of the I Rid1Aw Lumber Co.. Sarnia. ex- pressed appre•Iatlon of their euter- tatnmetlt by the Goderich people and re•ipreented the sentiments of good- will that had Acro expressed. Mr. MacAdams put forth the Sag- ge•etlon that the Ontario Government should purchase the 1'lnerfea and convert It into A Provincial park, In the same way an the park at Itondean. The property. he wild, could be pur- chased at a moderate cost and would ba a great attraction to tourists In Western Ontario. rhe party left about 3 o'clock to em.inne their journey northward. with Southampton their objective for the day. brakeman on the 4,eurget0wn a. freight, was fatally injured on Wed- I Destiny afternoon of last week In "tIie i Cauadfan National RaI1w*Y 7■" Brampton. where his trait w'a* tak- fug on cars. The young man whose 1 heroic effort coat hitt lila life was the only son of Lir. 4'. It. itnrkholder of (lolerh•It. The Toronto papers describing the accident state that Burkholder wast,d 0o the lathier at the side of etc MIR the leen cat a" It wax being Attacked into the freight "heft when he raw Edwin I'earlon eromslnZ the track a few fret ahead. As he jumper) off the ear to warn Peardon of his dan- ger he somehow lost his balance and fell aa•rots the track with terrific force, and four heavily loaded cars of coal and stone passel over his !e.g.., severing 'one at the hip and the other at the knee. He wax removed 'n the Brampton hOspltil, where he died two hour. later. Edwin Peardon. for whom Burk- holder sacrificed his lite, was greatly upset by the fatality and asserted that he *as quite aware of the near- ness of the approaching cars. but his abstracted manner caused the young man to think him in danger. Borkholdor had been In the employ of the C. N. R- for 'wren' year" and was vee popular with his fellow- tralulnen. Me was only thirty years of age and leaven a wife and child. 'Yr. C. R. 'Burkholder went to Tor- onto'on learning of the fatality and we'■ present at the funeral, which took place on Friday. The funeral aervk'w were conducted byBev. Dr. Graham .of Central Baptiat Toronto. Burial was made In the sol- dhrs' cemetery, the young roan Iry- Ing had three years' service overawes with the 3rd Battalion. enliatln5 In 1915. EARN AND ooNTENTS DESTROYED BY FIRE ■W Welbler's House Abe 1n Serious Danger About 10 o'clock on Saturday morn- ing. September 30th. fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the splen- did large barn of Mr. Eiloba Walker in East Wawanoxh. Fire apparently started 1n the granary. but had gained 'loch beadway when noticed that :t w*. Impoewlble to Rave the bultding. The onto was pushed out to safety and about aixteen pigs made their way nut wben the door was knocked In. As .Mr. Walker had threshed about • week before the gt'Rnary wait tilled, e nd the entire aeration's crop, along with several ealvea. Implements, etc.. went up In smoke. A strong wind was blowing toward the house and it wax only by strenu- ous work on the part of the hundreds tof neighbors who had gathered that the dwelling war meed. Fire evident- ly smouldered in the roof all day Sunday. for on Monday morning smoke was wen issuing from the attic. Thin was thought to be put out Mut biased up at three different times on Monday. Mr. Walker is a brother of Mr. Weslley Walker of Goderich. BREWS The Moderation Teague hats opened quarter. in Galerleh, in the xtau'l formerly occupied by the Bank of Hamilton. Allard 325 names hare been added to the voters' )let of Goderich as the remelt of the anthem held last week to preparation for the plebiscite. C. A. Reid and Reg. Sharman won the home tournament held at the bowling club grounds last Friday. F. H. Martin and Malcolm 'McKay tool, me+ond prise. Mayor (tallow lint week remitted 5200 to Sarnia as the contribution of Goderich citizens to the fund. of the Blue Water Highway Association. Thanksgiving Day. November 1b Monday, Norrntber 10, has been pro -1 clamed Thanksgkiitg- Day it, Canada. It will also 1w tebaerred aa the an- alverseey of Armlettke.Diy. . made. Maitland Golf Club Miss All. Sounders is the wiener , Children's .Aid Mrrling of the Carrow„ cup, In., the trophy The ;;.ember meeting of the ehli'I- -competition of the Maitland Golf reu•s Ald S."•ie4y will Is• held I.ect flub. The fttwl game, played on flat- Tuesday. (k•toher ith. at 4.I:1 p.m. Meneaetung (Lear ('inti The Meu41w'tu11g 0111111. ('bi► will re- sume its monthly ' busirtr.w meeting* next TuePday. when nominations of officers for the coining year will be tardily Inst. was between Mime Soun- '.b•rr and her brother, Mr. W. F. Rams "rm, A number sof tuewls•rs of the Malt - Lind ('pub will go to Kincardine next Saturday for a game there. Veteran Ie'. peanee Man Ussld Duncan Stewart. who died -at LU hone at Stratford. September 21st. Wa" well known to Goderich. having for many years visited this town fre- quently in the pursuant.• of his life insurance business. Although in Jain ninety-first year he had enjoyed fair health until June of thin year. It i" said he was the first white male child to be t,ortn In what Is now the , township of North Easthop e. :\rrauKrwe•uts will h• ta.t die then r for the annual parting in November. Death of John 0. McKay The death occurred this morning of John 14. McKay, a well-known resi- dent, for some years on the Aire{ staff of the Goalerkh F.levetor Co. He land ben 111 for two or three week* and pnetnunuln ,h-velophng brought about bis death, The funeral' will take place from the family residence, East street. on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Donnelly Returning The lecture on '•Serape" to Iw even next Monday. lk•tober 'nth, in North street Methodist church, will be de- livered hy Rev, W. E. Duiuellyy, of Exeter, .he clever young rialtos who made so favorable an Impression by ida address to the local Oddfellowt in the tbnrt House Square last August. Many will he glad to hear him again. The evening's program will Include mutleai number. he drs. W. F. Saun- ders and Mr. Fred Holmes. Visitors from OBITUARY Goderich had a vialt--Ov![ nudity from one of Its "old boys,' Mr. George PATRICK .7 REYNOLDS R. Buchanan. of Ensenada de Wore, Might Have Been Worse Yesterday afterno.n. while she wit' alone in the house. Mrs. J. .1. Murphy. East street, wax taken with n stroke, which rendered her lietpless. When she was dl'c•o-eret by n nes; 1- hor at 6 u'el.wk. it wean found that the electric iron ich14•11 PhP lur.1 Item using had fallen to the floor and burned n 'hole right through the flooring. for- , tunalely without letting fire to I1. Mr. Murphy, who Is n C. N R. eon- . doctor, was away tat the time. Mr+. Murphy is atilt In a serious condi(' Inquest Concluded i The inquest into 'he death of Alfred Moyes wits cuneluled last Tht rsdny Inight No further evidenee wits sub- mitted. The jhry was out twenty min- tttes before bringing In the following verdict: "We. the jury, find that Al- fred E. Mayen came to hi" depth on the 1st of September, opposite lot 96. on the Provincial highway in Goderich township, and wan in an ac- cident to a motor ear, driven hy George Filsinger, death being due to a fracture of the skull." Patrick J. Reynolds passed away at Cuba, a brother of Mr Jame*-Aaek-, anon of the Goderich Planing Mills. his home In hlutlett township on Tues- George i" manager of the Cape Cruz ty, 0ep(embcr '23rd, after in illn*an Sonar Company at Ennennda and has n' several months. •He we'" seventy • large and ren valuable property In Mri H. G. Martin, B. A.. of the Stratford Normal School, will be the vainest speaker at the convention of West Hume teachers to he held in Vlctorta aehool, Goderich, on Thurw- day and Friday of sett week. Two we 'k. more w1Il see the im- provements at the Collegiate Institute completed. The room* ate in Rend shape, the fallo and the bailment be- ing tbe only party not neighed. The beat wall torsed ow for the first time on Monday and the paella and teach- er. found the room. very comfortable. The work hail been had up creakier - ably by the failure of the arrival of the earpentene supplies. Atteetlon 1a diverted to the protea - Moral card of Mr, Trask P. (;lite, chartered accountant, of Atrwttnrd, which appear. to oar advertbeing eoi- ttmne. Mr. Gibbs Ix a member and gold mentalist of Ma year of the I* shot. of C tear and loan ha . IaN4 rg- years of age and was born on the his charg • Hr ens accompanied on his farm on which be dial. He it ser- visit to Galerleh by Mrs. Bitehanan.1 tired by bin wife, a sister. Miss Ann • his niece, Mins Blanche Reid, of Reynolds, of Goderich, and two I Asheville, North Carolina, and by hmtherw, John Reynolds, of Clinton, Mins Emilie Buchanan' Mr. Walter A. and Dominick Reynolda, of New Lis- Buchanan and Norman Buchanan of keatrd. This la Ira.' fourth member of Toronto, the Reynolds family that hala panned away within the last year. The fun- eral Wan 011 Thursday morning. Rev. Father Gaffney conducting aervi.e in St. .1osepk't church. Clinton. MiNS MAItJORIE SHARIMAN The death occurred at the Wood- stock general hospital on Wednesday P morning. September 24th. of Marjorie Eleanor. only (Laughter of Mr. John a E. Sharman, of Goderleh, and grand- 1 daughter of Mrs. N. Mi•i.ran, of Woo1- stork. Mia. Sharman had been i11 for the past month with peritonitis, and t while ROMP hopes had been entertain- ed for her recovery, her condition be- came more serious and 'he pawed , away. am "fated. on Wetnewday morn- ing. Miss Sharman was formerly a member of the staff of The Woodptoek Sentinel-Re•vi••w•, and was held in high ewte•m by Iter f,'llow-workers on the newspaper and by a wide circle of friends. The funeral. which was pri- vate. took pli.e on Friday afternoon from her pate r•.idetee, (:Ivens street, Woodstock. The service at the house WAA A very 'simple and Impressive one., conducted by RPT. V. T. Mooney, pee - tor of Chalmers Preahyterian ehureh,' of 'which the deceased WAR 11 member. The pallbearer, were her four unelea:1 R. A. ,Mc'Klggan, Walter Sharman, J.I A. McLean and W. Manner. The re- mains were laid to rent In the Presby.; Nolan cemetery. Many floral tributes te.tlfIM to the esteem In which the deceased wan held. Among the out-of- town people who were present were Mrs. J. E. Sherman, Walter Shar- man. Mrn. Jack Ilnlclane, of Detroit, tMisx Emma Campbell, of Toronto. and William Sharman, of Goderich. The decra.esl s father, Mr. John E. Sharman, of town. was with her thronghont her Illness, and her aunt. :Mies T. F :Sharman, was there dur- ing the lint week of her ))Ines.. sad 0. T. A. Endorsed The following resolution was passed by it standing vote at the temperance meeting In Knox church on Wednes- day evening: "Itemolved. that this meeting. repre- enting the churches of Goderich, hesartily endorsee the Ontario Temper - nee Act and will t.prk and vote for to continuance at the coming plehli- cite on October 23rd, and We look with eonfi.::•nce to the Premier of hi, Province for the fulfillment of hi. pledge that If the Act Is sustained he wilt see that it in vigorously and •ffe•tirely enforced." H. L. Bamford Goes to Owen Sotmd The following from The LI,towel Banner of Iota week refers to a broth- er of Mrs. R. R. Sallow, of town: (Mr. H. L. Bamford has handed in hl" resignation AA orgnni.t and choir header of the .Jfrthodist church. Mr. itamford has accepted A Manlier posi- tion at Division street Presbyterian church, Owen Sound. He will as - mime hie new duties about the middle of Oet&her. Mr. Bamford ban been organist here for the pant year, al -1 though ,.ome fire or nix yearn ago he had acted in the same cnpnetty for two or three years. The choir mem- b'rm and the congregation regret his departnre from id,.towel, hnt wish him every .t)rreep In Owen Sound. .mother Batik .tnalganatian Ante moa+'mend le made o1 a pro- posed amalgamation ',,f the Standard Bank of, Canada nod the Merlins (lank of canals. which bas he'n •r- ranRwl by the officers of the two hanks and swains only ratification by the shareholders anti the consent -of the Minister of Finance. Moth honks are in a Wrong paltIon. but it be .rurisbkr.d that the amilganiatioll will bring Rlsnit to Is•tt.•rrueut of ser - vire to the public nod at the same time a redn.tiou of overhead ex• pease, The Sterling (hank has sev- eral eereel branch.* h t wla he 4 .erich district. will.• the ururewt branches of the Standard (tank are at Brussels and Dublin. The combined • irotitutioa Is -to beknows- as -Ihse_Atandazd$terl-. Ing •Itittik of Canada. • Albert Jardine in the Toils Again Albert Jardine, of town, who 's charged with an attempted assault on a ten -year-old girl in Harbor Park on Sunday, September 21st. was arrest- ed by Chief of Police Postelethwaite and Constable Gundry at Dunlop. Jardine, when captured. was hiding in a haymow. He was brought to the county jail, where he Is now lodg- ed until hts case comes up before Magistrate Reid on Friday. Jardine was only recently released from jail and has served two terms' In the Kingston Penitentiary for similar offences. Lukes Trial October 28 Louis and Fred W. Lukes. of Tor- onto, charged with conspiracy to de- fraud, came before Judge Barron here on Tuesday for election. They had been committed for trial Iry Meals.; he tried by a judge of the ('orbett•MeKee A very pretty and quiet welding was nolemnii.' ,,R. -v. S. S. (lardy at the home 65/[d, .and Mrs. W. S. McKee, Victoria street, at high noon We4111Pslay. Sept. 24. when their eld- est daughter. Nellie Ii4,ytb, heroine the held;' of .Major Erie A. Corliett of Fnrdw•ieh. the only mail of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Corbett of Fordwk•h. The bride was very attractive in a silk canton crepe gown of powder (blue and cnrrtwl a corsage of 4)phella ms•s. The bride and groom were unattend- ed After the welding c•r• the happy eneple.ieft for it trip in Lou- don, )tnffaln, Niagara and points in- tervening. the bride wearing a tntlorel 'nit, a gray hitt and squirrel -sur for travelling. On return they w -Ill take up their at Fordwlc•h. SLRCHH/POR TRACES BRIDGEBURG TAKES 0 STEAMER CLIFTON': FIRST OF THE SERIES Wreckage F 1 HrRetel to Re- ' Wedneada)'s Baseball game a Gruel lung to \lissing itoat ling Content Owners of tin• Clifton. a whalehaek In the 0. ii ( A play-off between freighter Willett hna not hero heard; Bifantford Cordage ata) Hridgehnrj, of since passing the 'Straits of 'Mack• 1 the (atter tenni eliminultd the llrant- 11uac on $inlay. September 21.; ford ulue, and the next +eria t. b' - now fully believe that the 'steamer and tweet, Bridge -burg and G«krieh Pur - her crew tat twenty -right are 1..4, ow- 1 ity Flours, wan comments -.1 yesterday Ing to the finding of plw•w of wreck- 1 with a game on the Goderich diamond. nee 'seventy-five miles north -went of While Brides -burg wen. the 'wore Golerlrh .by the steamer (Ilens'alrn. t•ltig 4-:l, the play allowed no atp•r- Thr Glencairt: which was en rote briny- for the visiting tram, a few un - from Detour to Materiel' with a lame fortunate breaks j'uttiug runs on the of grain last Sunday night, eau itridgrlutrg tally • tool en the ot'ler Into the wreckage and Captain hall hand preveutiug the locale' front sett - ton Hopson. thinking that be might lug when condition.' were favorable. 1 w ier was stir abouton Tie- eat) t and t time:laud persons waw tbe' game. While there were no gnat spectacular features. the play was no even ani the wore no clone thzlt_Intere+e( wig maintained at fever heat -until the hast map was out. Bridgebarg phot one in 'the fiat. on a hit and an error. In the third they tallied two more, a dropped hall at first bele, after two men were out, Rivlug them a chatter h1 rally. Bisset nelee oil Himself in the same inning, when the batten were full, by .sopping • a foul fly and fielding neatly t0 s e boat's iden- tity or that the beadles of some of the erew mteht 1w towed clinging to the floating lumber, ordered a search. On arrtring.ln-..por2.he rrportwl to Porter,-rel-elyer of wrei:age. that his men bad pk•kel up the following : Top and front of n pilot house. n 'a•er•h- Ileht which sera fastened to the top of the pilot hnnse, the ship's clock. which was stopped at 4 .;dock, and a euphoard that apparently came from the galled There were also many places of broken lumber and a life- helt• but limn nark ens 1'11111141 on any of the wres•kage' tint would lodktit.' Haynes, who cut out the runner at the to what boat It belonged• home- platy. fie vlxltornt Rut their On the finding of the w-re•kage the Inst run in the fifth, when the IocaN owner's were of the opinion that, "tnrtwI not with a sue.-, Ion oM rola• Piller' westerly and northwesterly. Islay" but tightened up, atter tint winds had leen blowing limyily torics weer Mull, and allowed only • the past week. other ports' of the "high' tally, not wnnld 1"• (n11n.1 near 0Inenr• The hash did not figure on the .line mad on t)te Bence Pensinnla. "eon• sheet until the fuur-h, when R. .\. ITnrrlson. trncelling commission- liwely hltti1R gave them two tallies. 4 navy er for the Lake Carriers' Assrn•ht- Twfore 141551)1s was taken•Aut of the Rear tinet len- leen here dirs'ting a search, ism and sits relieved by WM4111tso11. their home Women's Hospital Auxiliary At a will ntten.lel meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary held in the Board of Trade rooms on Mon- day. the tr.cisurer's report Showed a balance on hank) of $1:.4.80, the sum of $113.49 having been realized front the Pale of tag" on September 4th. Oederk•h township wan the only rur- al 'society represented. but they re- ported having raked 't;(k;.Gi and hav- ing sent thirty-six jars of fruit to the hospital. .Mr'. Walter Naftt l and Mina Etta Snulta were appointed del- egates to attend the eleventh, nn- nun1 meeting of the Ontario t'nitel liospttal Aids at Strathroy on Thurs- day. (*toper 2nd. Anyone contemplating furnishing a ward in the new hospital or desiring any tnfornrnticm coMvrning Name may communicate with any member of the house -furnishing c'ommitto•. n-htrh Is enmposed of lairs. Horton. Mr.. Jie- T.aughtin, Mrs. Felker, Ttr. Hinter, Misty McAr•thnr, Mrs. (('anon 1 11111. IMlss R. Hays, Mrs. H. J. A. Mac- Fw•au. Mrs. B. J. Sault., Mrs. Thos. Gundry and Mrs. W. •Mnrney. The five -dollar hospital tickets were diitribnted and will be mild during October. - trate heti sitting at Senforth They Where the Students Go elected to ('ounty Court and the case will come before Judge Barron in Godeeieb on • O.jober 2Rth. The case is in connec- tion with the operations of the Baron Flax (onlpny. . 14..Middlebro, 0. C., of Owen Senn\\'d, iq acting w-Ith . ('rown Attorney Seager in the prose- cution, and A. G. Slaght, K. ('., of Toronto, aplwar*d fur the ac'us•d, Real Estate Transfers JOHN CAIMIPBEi.L After it long illne.s, John ("Jock") Campbell paned away on Monday last at the home of his mothej, Mrs. Chriitna Campbell, Montreal street, The deceased woe s native of Gode- rich, a non of the late Robert Camp- bell, for many year" Jn Charge of the Government Iighthoue here, "Jock" was a member of the champion hock- ey team which hronght fame to God- erleh some year. ago. Afterwards he lived for a member of years at Port Colborne. where lie was with the Maple Leaf kilning Co. He geturn,d to GAderk•h In poor health about two yearn am and had leen here *ince. He 1s survived by hit wife. his moth- er, tltr.e Meter*: Mee. W. T. Fellow, Mrn. .1 W. ('ralgle and Mica Mary Campbell. all of town, and two broth- ers: Mr. Wm. Campbell, of town, and (Millen Neale' flampbell, of PIMA - watMa, N. T. The funeral took place to Mitten(' eeaetery on Wednesday aftornens. Rev, a. C. McDonald eon- Aneted the sSSTICI., sod the Isellhear- tel were 011*, ItaII (i.nndon 1. Jobe WIggtsa Trod Orallgor sad Norman Wefmr. Assanp the Rotel offerings was a marathon* wreath omit by the emplayems of the Mot Lest MIIReg CO. at Poet 4ellontrw New Plater at Baptist Church Itev. F. C. Elliott, of lloronto. who in resp nae to a uoantnonu call from the local Baptl.t church has accepted the pastorate, enters upon Id" dutica Sunday next, October 3th. Mr. Elliott Is a gentleman In the prime of Ilfe and of evangelical faith and even- getietk gift., and has hese greatly hleinet in his work. Ile has had a large and honorable record, and was fourteen yearn pastor of the Baptist .'hatch at Waterford, Ontario. Hie lust pastorate* have been at Dover- emart road and the Tabernacle, Char - lee street. both of Toronto. Hie wife le a lady of culture, ability and mach personal eharm and has been a worthy helper to her husband. The last week or two tins been marked by the annual dlPp•rual of the atndenta, after the holidays, to the vnr- for further wreckage. but no far noth- ing lin' leen found to drt.'rmtn.' def- initely the fate of the misting 'teom- the c1'Itors' are, who retired the side. In the fifth hal" by Nairn and Lind - nay brought in another run. which Pr. proved to bw the last of the• game on The Clifton wns bound from stnrr- either side. There were in , tight goon (Say to Detroit with n had of Pinches it, the remaining inninge. but stone. with Capt. Emmett Gallagher IsNh pitchers nem' doling Rl work of Chicago -AA master. and the .wore remained 4-3. Lindsay went the w,a.1e way fur Goderich and pitched a fine. straitly game, showing good headwork Also in fielding his position. The umpire- weer.• Taker and Kerr, PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gray. of ileea- I ford, are in town for a few days R. hath of Clinton S tae<ts of Mrs. J. J. Tiffin. A stranger VI lin pu111011 •d to be nn official of the 4,. 14. A. A. trfed to in - Miss ilelen Strang. of New York. Ierfrre In the game, his 'ympwrhicx Is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. T• 'wing with the sloshing team. bet he n,trang• for few- weeks' wens not allowed to g"! away with R. 'Mr. and Mrs. ('inno. ltlackstone 111.1 Ili" 4nh•rfere1c• wn'. quit.• emailed son Charles. of Owen Sound. '{sent for. anti if the O. It, A. .i. exe-utice the week -end with their relatives wishes to retain the re.pe•t of 411e here. elutes In the .\"wt•intion it will pot Miss Grace Robertson has return,! home from Strntford-after a tart months' visit with her brotla'r. Mr. i Harry Robertson. MINS )dice itols'rtsm has returned ' t.. Throw., after n own weeks' visit at the IN uw of her parents. Mr. and Mel. J. .t. Robertson, East Rtre•t. 11r. Gordon Lamb, of 1'nlisorne township. returned hist week from a trip to Eastern 4hitnrlo And the Mon- treal district, where he lied before moving to Colborne, Mr. Willinm Weir 11/14 been trans- ferral to the Ingersoll branch of the 4'anulhun Bank of 4.ottner•e.whet•• he will ...copy the 'smiths' of teller. Mrs. Hnrrc Robertson nod two children. ,lean x114 Ib•Iru, of Strat- a stopper on ofnelousne"s of this kind. The sent. by inning's 7tridgeburg 1 0 2 I:.slerieh 0 0 0 The summary: BRinmortt-RG ' AB.R.II.PO.A.E. Brown, 2h 4 1 2 1 2 0 Koanaugh, rf 3 1 1 1 0 0 11n11. 3b 4 2 0 0 1 d YnunR, P" 1 0 2 0 2 0 Moen, 1f 4 0 0 1 0 0 Frnser. lb 4 0 0 9 0 3 Graham, of 4 0 0 1 0 0 Howe, c 4 0 1 133 0 i Iegine, p .1 0 0 0 0 0 Williamson, p. 2 0 0 1 1 •) 01 0000-1 2 1 0000-3 -b us cetltrea of study. As muni each ford, spent a few days at the home year. a number of graduates of God- of Mr. and Mrs.). .\. Iteberasa.n. (:(/I►F-1L1CH evict' Collegiate Institut.' are taking Mr. and Mr. Henry 1'ampnigne and Weir. cf training courses to qualify themselves a" teachers. Thomas D. Anderson, Eugene F. liable. Amelia A. Hethering- ton and A. Maude Howell are !Rend- ing London Normal School." taking the enures. for a flr.t-etas .'erttfieale. Hearn H. C. Bell. Evelyn 'N, Dondh- •rty and Ethel M. Whitely ore it, training for fir ts•Iass c+•rtlficnt.s at Toronto Normal School. Louise M. Many chromes of ownership of real - aerate lire tithing place In (koderleh. Mr. Harry Tiehl"orae lues bought from the estate of Mrs. Wm. Acheson it brick house on Trafalgar street. Mr. Thos.. Gundry has purchased from Mrs, John Maxwell her house nn Bray' .trent. Mr. Robert Mrr•Itnnd has sold hit place on Mary 'street to a Lncknoc man and 1. going heck to England to vlmit him sums there. Mr. Robt. J. Bell has become the owner of John Mr. Oelirge Campaign'. have returned to their home at Niagara Falls. N. Y.. after a pl.msnnt visit with the Misses Driver and other frie-nd's in tont). airs. Stafford Atkin'.m. of Ben rm'- vill., with her daughter Doris and sign Reggie, Is spending a f.'w weeks w•Itit iw'r parents. Mr. and Mrs, 4'. Blnc'knkmr. Ret. Father Meltne, of, London, is Fane. Kathleen Stratton and Marie In town for it felt- days, meeting some Jlelnhwh are et Stratford Normal of his old parishioner.' and no doubt School traiohte for So•nnd lass e• 1- .njo-ing the ft.htng ar the• elver. tIft'ntes. Myrtle Melt. Pollock is htk- ET" rbody 1s Rind in see him ngaln. Ing the training for kindergarten Mr nod Mrs. George Stewart left primary at Toronto. on Lfondny for New York. Mr. Time following are attending the Stewart will attend the annual bust- ' various tunl,'r•itles:- nes. meeting of the Florists' Tele- graph Delivery .\s.nriatlon. \Vingham Advance -Times: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith. son Donald and daughter. Herter, motored up from Guelph and "pent the week -end at the home of their ;.ant. 11rs. .\ndrew- 11c• Dougall, Lower Wingloto. They weer neenniprniel by 'Jnr.. A. G. abcTb,neld of nederielt. who will spud n couple of weeks with her mister, Jars. Mc- Dougall. Mclonnld'is dwelling on ('nmhrta road. Mrs. M. McIver Ilan anti her , house on Brace street to Mr. Albert ',Mere and hen moved with her daugh- ter, Helen, to London, where they will reside. Mrs. Miner's Splendid (lift IMt)eh pleasure wean ex+pressal by (ktlerich Citizen, nn (earning of the eplendld contribution made by Mrs. W. H. Miner, of Chasy. N. Y., to the building fund for the new hi.pitil. Mrs. Mtner i, a former Goderich Rlri -then MIRA Aller Trainer -who ham never forgotten the old home town and who on several n eaxlnn. hag made Alexandra fleapit/11 the ohjeet of her genercrlty. 41er enntribtttloo of $4.000 to the tend for the new ham- pital, which wall noted In these ant- mmns last week, w111 greatly lighten the harden of theme who are In eharge of the flnaitc'lal end of the prejeet. Goderich la .ineetely grateful to her Md boys and girls wbsi are tallying an effectively to the hap at the 'loose folks" In pr.wjdt ag ty4*-date )utapl- tal s eemmnhNon Sir the town end dintrlet. • ,. Forster Auroniana The Conservative pntronnge com- mittee of Tnrontn hex recommended that Mr. A. J. Owen.. M. P. 1'.. be appointed Rentor mngiatretc of Tor- onto. to fill the vacsney emoted by the retirement of ('nl. Denison. Thi. virtually mean. the appointment of Mr. Owens, who 1. well gnalifiel to fill the pn.ition, and will make it gond pre.iding nfMeer. it carrlee a salary of $10,000 a year. in ha younger year. Mr. Owen. praetixed law in Clinton, for a short time. Rine• his removal to Toronto he has been a gond friend to the Huron Old .Boy.' A,soelatlon., gerlemnsly contrib- nfin5 to iia Snppnrt, Rev. Jame. Wilco. D. D.. patens of Torereonrt Pre*hyterien church, Tnr- nnto, hat been eieeted moderator of the body which "anti-nnlotdltm" Calm fa the legally eonstltnted Synod of Toronto and Klnewton of the PrP.hy- tertan ehureh of Canada. Mt. Wilson is a strong ant-nnlnnlmt snit a pnpn- hnrch W. Doris Woollcombe and Ruth 1:. 1 Martin are entering the freshmen i yenr at University College. Toronto. Oral (',.oxer returns' to Victoria Col- lege, entering .ocond year: John Wad- i/leeIn Tomato t'ollege of ale ;cine second for year, and Ronald Willson to the College of Practical Sclerae. Toronto. for .mond year. Marion .1 L ee encore niton her third poor at Trinity College. Toronto. Jean Mac - Ewan anti Emma Wolin.... or.. enter- •' ', fourth and final year for their B..1. degree with honor mod- erns it University Collette. •Mnnt,inie H. Raker returns to the College of Practical Science, Toronto. to take up hi. fonrth And final ye nrnl nom bin fourth and firm year ht eImtrMn1 engineering. Meredith Graham end TAnnel Macklin enter upon their fonts!' year at the Toronto ('allege of Mcli- cine. Hector H. MseKat. LI. A., re - torn+ to Vnlyeraity (bllege to con- tinue him work me demontstenter in biology, Otker tridental had taken mid - Mona as follows: MIM Mary 1. Dalton ham create) a relation as bookkeeper In Detroit. \flea Merle Horton and Minn Marton \\'Ilion here1 taken pe*ltbs na in Toronto. Min Orem Maley .1s enraged In the niece At the Goderich Organ Co.. of :awn. ist poem -of a prominent r Wille a r.slelent of Toronto for e Homier of yearn. he is a native of 111•6 111 count/, bin birthplace hang In Meat Wewaneah. mar Anlwra. The Arthur ('ircle of Knox .'hnreh will hold +tee anneal bazaar (wt Nov- ember 1. Reserve the date, CHURCH NOTES 3:14 A B.it 2 0 4 1 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 0 4 0 ., 4 0 4 1 \alb hell, 2), T.Indiny. p. iin. nes. e Rabin 14011, 311 Spafford As Bisset. lb Pridhnm. 14 Nairn, rf In Knox chureh the service* next Sabbath wit' he eondt)'etel by the minttter. Subjects of Sermons : 11 a.m.. "To Them That Love God:" 7 p.m.. "Loyalty." Sabbath eebtnl and Bible clauses at 3 o'clock. The services' at North Street Metho- dist church next Rnnday will be con- ducted hy the 'motor, Rev. J. E. Holmes. At i0 o'clock th.' Men's ('lith will discuss the topic "1s Government Control a St,ct.?" ft will be Intro- dim.', by Mr. It. J. M4ygaw. At the \'Irtoria 'street Metholt.t ehureh the f.ervk•.'. next Sunday will AP 'conducted by the motor, lt.'.' .1 W. )ledley, it. A. Special prepars- tlnne are lacing mode for the evangel - Iodic nervieer.% to begin October 1:1 Prof. end Mrs. Wells of Indianapolis ind., have an IntrrnAtlonal repntatlna ea sone evaneellata. The Gnderteh people w111 be dellghteh with them. R 270 3 II.PO.A.0. 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 9 2 0 1 1 2 1) 1 0 1 1 013 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 34 3 6 27 17 4 Snnntnry-Two-hose hits: Toting, Kncnnnngli. Robinson. Struck out: by iBiggins 3. by Williamson 10. by Lind - any 6. demes on hulls: off !lignin's 1. off Williamson 2. Ott Lindsay 3. Hit by pitcher: by \Wiiitulwnn. Weir: by Lindsay, Frazer, Time of game. 2 hrs., 30 min. Notes The Pnritc Flour. piny the return • gnme at Bridgehurg on Saturday next. T11.' ridsehnrg bestial) team travel n the Ie' of a former G,ul- erieln .oy. Mr. George Preatton-and yon wouldn't consLh'r that tnitre17 a fl ire of npeyou co ..eh If cst o see George. Ha• lin.4 it splendid pnmIt .14 ilridgetitrg AR Canadian !nonagee the Mentholntnm 4'ontimany and 1\in expanded not only In a hnolte-t way hut In waist measurement as well. He 1s n good sport end look,. after him \ienthnlatnm baseball aggregation am a plen'nnt hobby. He WAR here with his tenni yesterday. of course, and him old frletdt were Riad to see him again. ,Miss Gertrude Lauder 1. .pending two week.' holiday. with her .later at Rt. Catharine*. Mr., C. 4.. Moore. fleet street. had n. her pleats the prat week her two brothers. George And Harry Craig. her nephew, Stuart Craig, and his win Harald, of Mount Pleasant, Iowa. They made the trip hy motor and were very mush Impr•ascd with tkolerleh, stating It watt the pretttett town thee had ever ween. it ix twenty-two years .In.r Mrs. Moore had /Well her brother.. and they had a very plea.ant reunion. i cr only ,liter. Ogre. Me- (Julre, and her daughter. berm. Story, of Oklahoma. were here alai.