The Signal, 1924-9-25, Page 8IMRS. W. D SiL\N•N41' The news of the (hath of Mrs. 1V. D. Nh:11u14411. which ins:orris! 411 1"•t , home on Chmr•h street ..irly Sa'nr- Illly evening hist( w'n. heard with mlll- eer' regret, the deceased having !men !held in high .sten) 4 not only in her immediate cin•I, of friends but by- all ; w•h'i know her. She wean a native of 4:emleric1 and hod lived here rill her , 11(.. Two years ago she f-11 /1101 broke 1her hip, 411141 mile. hail never folly re- 4•ut'.•r444I from the ef(,rt4 of this 111.- 11414.141. and when m week 4,1:" 11).54 ', Friday she had another fall in which , her writ wad broken the .11.54, prove) • trio graft for her enf4,lh''I .ysl en : ller IIIIshAld died 'forty-four year. ago and she is s'r4ice.1 by one dnur1lt'r. Mrs. 11. E. Davis of 4►th,wa. nn.I four mons: 1V.,It.r It'd Frank. of town.', Chari•. V., of the Depirtta'nt 111. the , Interior. Mt:ma. nod Fred .4. of 414' , 4lisf'nl. thaw ruwent. Ottnt,. .\11 erre here for the funeral, )fro. Ihn'I. h1vi"g corm. a weir, before to ie with h'r mother. After .s,rvie•, in 14t. i'et- l'r'. church 'm Tuesday morning 0'•1 4141,1491 by 1tev. 1'..1. Grimm. the inter 111'1'1 took place i11 St Peter'. 4•44)44,. tory. Cnll,,rn4 township. '17'• four -mons were the pallbearers. Welsh, Clayton COX. Billie Gardner Henry Andrews, David Welsh, Jean Miller. Drawing Map of Ontario - Walter Lindsay, Carl Cox, Mary Grigg, Bertha ('ox, Bernier Bond Bernice Elliott- Drawing Map of Europe -Eva Gilbert, Pearl Eassom Norma Welsh, Doris Miller, Norman Fuller, Eunice Sowerby. Writing "Morning Hymn" -Evelyn Wise, Ed- na Huller, Norma Potter, Harold Yeo Jack Gilbert, Evelyn Cox. Writing "Indian Summer" -Margaret Biggin Worthy Young, Marion Lamphrey mgwI mother. Mr.. Robert hell. her Meredith Young, Kenneth Gilbert brothers anti sister. Thr interment Joe Dalton. Writing, "Today"- 4,,,'1( place in M1111htal ceruetv•ry Bernice Bond, Margaret Evans, Bern- ice Elliott, Muriel Mudie, Walter Lindsay, Olive Fuller. Writing, "Tr the Dandelion" -Laurie Biggin, Oliva Lamphrey, Eva Gilbert, Pearl Eas- som, Mildred Hicks, Margaret Wil- liams. Writing, "Memory Gems" - Doris Hanley, Eldred Emerson, Glen Pickard, Robt. Welsh, Irene Woods ,lack Snyder. Crayon Drawing -EI. sicM ea O. bald . tun Lorne Potter, Mar- jorie Young, Arnold Porter, Hugh Middleton, Edgar Rothwell. Water Color Drawing --Eva Gilbert, Doris Huller, Freddie Miller, Pearl Eassom Mildred Hicks, Norma Welsh. Pub- lic Speaking --Pearl F.assom, Laurie Biggin. Norman Trewartha, Clayton Edwards, Chas, Williams, Dorothy One. OBITUARY FVIIMIBES !111.1.};1t The death oeerlrred at Alex:m.1m hospital on Saturday night. Septem- ber :nM(, 'f Forbes Miller. at the ,Ige of eighty years. 11r. Miller had been ill for ..•will weeks. 1144for, ' ince to Gioleri •h five yenrs ngu with his son. 1[r. Forl,s It. hiller. t11e 41444'w4041 hail been for blit-a-ce,4. fury :4 r••'id,,t of Owen Sound. He is s.tr'ived by his wife and him son. who Inc ponied the r•mni)1m to Owen S•mnnd nu Tuesday r for Inter mem there. flue funeral service was conducted In• It.•v. 1'. T. Talkers, ,n(n- hfr r of Knox cluurch. owe!, Sound. on Sunday afternoon. The ser - t10.14 111 the home and 444 the grave were .v.ndne•ted by It.•v. Jame. ilamil- ton and %1r. Whitfield. student pastor. 770• pall earer% were M.'s.r•, II. iam- prev.''1Joa.. %.liltety, 11. L. :1(alkol.l and .k. F'. Sturdy. Many Ieantifnl flowers were seal. Including token, from 1' . (Mirth congregatio)). the 11-. M. 14. auxiliary, the Sunday school. and from many friends. SHEPPARDTON !ter. harry Royle will couduct an- niversary service,, in the Sheppard - ton alethodist church 1111 Sltnl4y, Oc- tober 5th. at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. .The Nile eholr will furnish special musk'. Oil Tilsday evening a fowl slip- per will be .,•rved from G to M o'clock. followed by it splendid program to h• Fiver by the fine River \lal' dour Mite; the Knox church orchestra. (.olerkh : Miss Florence Mooney, render; Itev. 11. Royle, Reeve J. It. Feelers. And others. Admission only :,0 cents. Children 2.1 ,rots. L. 4'. wIr1TF:, Pastor. BORN. \I41.!,I 11 - Mu 4:ole-rich. on Sunday, September 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Forbes s It. Miller, ti d.nrghh•r. OKF:. -4)n Monday, September 15. at Highland Park ti,•n,•ral Hpwp.4t.l. to Mr. and Mrs. IArr W. Oka, the gift of a son Kenneth 1e0. MARRIED. (MIVNF:1.Iclti:1.i.---.tt 444' manse, 4:.mlerich, (111 1VIdn,viday. Sit1dem- AUCTION SALE ACTION ..11 .E OF Tl11cF:F: PAu CEI,$ OF It 1%1 I. ESTATE, G(x1IN, CHATTELS, l'I''. 1 am instructed lv alIt. .1aSE1'11 FRIT%L}a' t.' .,•II Iry 1'ubll'• Auction at Ilia home ill Sanford. ou (o'1V11tElt 4. 1924 at 1.311 o'clock p.m. sharp: .\ comfortable dwelling (sent/tilling 0 r,om., electric lights• and ge11441 cellar, orchard with leaches, apples, psis, punas. Iwrrie.. etc ; good water, tarn and steel. '\lure" i. one and thret- quarters 'f :n, acre with the house. Aly. four sores in what Is known n. the gully. This is al/ well fenced and ha. a number of fruit trees. Also o splendid pier•e of garden ground on top of the hill containing six acres, 41114• acre of which fa or- chard, all in good condition. The three lands wilt 1M• offered en - bloc. 1f tot ,e.Id that way will be divided. T};I1:13,1S:--10 log tent, of purchase price to to paid at time of sale, bal- ance in 411irty day,. At the /wine time there will -4,e• sad: 1 black driving horse; 1 I)))dea ci.w. rising 4 years old; :: pigs; a number of hens; 2 hugg(1.5; :' sets .angle harries.; 1 single horse plow - 1 *littler, nearly new : mingle wagon: 1 set harrows; 1 light cutter: 1 w't teary- single harness; 1 wheelbar- row; forkm, /Morels, and :Arden teals; 2 incubators. 1 :4'0 ,egg capacity, other 00 egg capacity; a gm,mtity of hay: :4 pile of wand and numerotw other 0 rt ic11w. There will Ie no reserve, as - the proprietor ix going to 'Ibrontn. / TERMS :--11".A1111 � T. GUM/RV. .AtV'ti(IIIe•r. AUCTION S.\1.}; Oh F'. MI. FAiRM MTIM'K, iMPLEMJ'.�NTS AND HOUSEHOLD 1"I:RN,I'pURF:. Mit. (SH.tIlX.F:S )lel'HF:F: will sell by pt ie auction at Int :d, (51Iceaal'n 9. -Colborne township (1') mile. east Of Carlow 4, or, 11'FSI)NF).vl►AY. /►,'PORI:!/ 'TIF commencing at 1 n'e1.ick Horses: 1 bay mare. ('attle:2 gime! cows, Holstein and Inirhnm, awe 111 May; 2 steers, 2 year.. old; 2 helf'rs, 1 year old; 2 Spring valve.; 1 MIEN' .'w, dile Ik•t mth; 1 cow, 6 years old, due in December. Poultry: aloud 4(4,4 mens. Implements: 1 41 pito! cream separator, 1 I.me•x Centre walk - ler 34, by Rey. It. C. )fl d),•rmid, ung plow, 1 Fleury riding plow. 1 fain Estella May, only Mt/is:liter of Mr. I will/sing p'ow, 1 Ihvrl1144 mow,•r, G and Mrs. Rolert J. Itel, of God'. ff. cut; 1 1hs•Hug finder, G (1. 40111; rich, to Clarence 1St' Connell, only with shelf carrier; 1 roller. 1 Mas..•v- .nn of Mr .Anil Mrs. Wm. ('onnell, 1lnrris w•wi drill, 1 seed drill for of 4'Ilnton. sowing ntangolds, '2 tiny ra14.•'. 1 riot puller, 1 fauiring mill with lulgger. 1 heavy wagon with Isny rack. a logging' chains, 1 s.•uffler, 1 heavy wagon with mprllgs And flat rack. 2 set. of 40"11 harrows, 1 grindstone. 1 grain crn,i!,•. whiflletns' and n,rkyok,•., 2 ladders. 1 stepladder, 1 corn planter, 1 corn shelter, 4 Pig/114.n ,a, larr•I., • small bnrr•Is, 1 barrel with spryer. bin'k..witl''. anvil snit vise, 1 slelge hammer. 1 brill-hen'brl Hver- hng ha miner, 1 earp•uter. !smell. 1 rlem'crat wagon, 1 light wngo11 with ea cover, good for one-half tn'o, with pole, ..hafts', whitfl'trc•s 0101 Asky44ke; 1 angle top boggy: 1 phae- ton. 1 cart, eatterm, i ''*4m•tss•nv• '•r,••1 wagon. for storing Atr8wlm•rris•s ill pith+; miant(ty of .metes and car- rier*. 1 cro ecid 110 w, 1 Mick sow, 1 rip sow, 3 hind Pia WA, I key=hole saw, a crow-I.nrs, sties for putting threads on bolts. quantity of bolts. ween, -.111.s. hits, 4440.11, 2 drawknives, planes, forks, .shovels rind sonde., 2 wedges And .10811 gn410fjfy for llnnber. 1111- neas: 1 set of plow harness, 1 set CARD OF heavy double harness, i ,g of THANKS ligld double. 114rness, 2 '..•s of wjngle• harness, R bridles, quantity 'of odd piwol 0f herness and other articles too numerous to mention. Fair:inur•. 1 set of Ati,•lves, 1 pion', 1 bedroom snit.., mattress and springs. 1 bed. mattress, springs and x14141(. parlor table, 1 kitchen tittle, 3 .mall table.. 2 clothes horses, 2 wash hoards, 3 ten kettle., 1 Raymond mewing machine. f kitchen '4njr11, t parlor strive and tiniest, dishes, 1 set of s.•alea, 249 Ihs 1 Armchair, 3 rocking chairs. 1 hurea,i 1 kilehp,t sink. 1 llnppv Tho tight 1 ht R rsn44r, tr h n,•c extractor. 1 sex PxtM(ttnr gn:118lity of leemwnx. misintlty of i -re•11s for 'IryIng ape's. 1 press for picking ripple., 1 gni11• jug frame, 1 mat frnnu•, 1 ',utter bowl, ladle rind print. several milk pails, 1 10,44 for picking tipples, 1 fire Pxttnlp(imher, 1 -inch nng'r, 1 1([J• inch auger, 1 2-1084) urger, 1 hag e'rrler. 441)4 F:vereN'rythl';4ng will Ix• .'L1 wlfh- ELFi(TO11AL DISTRICT OFNORTTI ., as Ma• propri,•tnr iA 44(0. In up forming. TMItMR -111 some of fan and tin- der each, over that oihotmt 12 months' ertslit will b' given on furnhhing np- prnvel joint nota ,\ rib/count of I TAKE ler (tent. allowed for cash on )'rent the ItrvlminglOfflr'.•r'. ftor (lo' pR"pinf am tn. The farm. whtth I" one of the het wnl,l4r H)1gil c)mpinlnte or efapp'11" and must prod/tense in the tow'nshlp, lined atgthe voting un dere the Ontn f wIN he offered for mite on terns/ T"mperanee Aet, 1924, pending for which will 1►e announced et time of the electoral di.trkt of North Huron "ale. it ie all needed gime') w'Ith n1 will be held 0t the following tames font" clover. There is s good cedar rind plats*, nnmety: •w,mp on the farm. arched and AT FFNT.AY'fl li(T110pT, iN11'7tM:. grap•ry; grM xmaterial for maklnt ANl(I I111.D. nn the 294)1 any of Sup drnlne UIP• good farm for growing strawber traveller, 1924. to hear complaints laints as to ge: Immediate putars"lnn; tole- rasa; b411ding" in good repair. the net. of voters forthe polling phone 11)1.1 dully mall. MRII. UWI'R• J (iIAMIAN lice ItINIITON, R. It. 4, GodPN,rh, ( sr. T. Gene eer.RY. Aalvflnob-dlit. 4111 for the G. Kelp of .e Auctioneer. A,M,P1A. .M that R. O. Reynolds, DIED. S11E1/I3 /N. - 1n (:oderh•h. on Satur- day, September 20, Richard Samuel Shelton. In his 41st year. SI(ANNON.-h, Goderl.'h, on Satur- day, pteml*r 20, Ellen Duffy. of the to 11'. I). Sllnnnou. }'I ARD.rIn Gndrrioh h,wuahip, on Friday, Septeacter 1!I, Sarah J. hell, / beloved wife of Oliver F. Edward. in her 441111 yen r. ' e t 1'41 Intl 111"48- saws 1•W7• •.i' 10,1 1 'Iia .tet j 1 11 September'i..S" 1921. I will 1e plla.el to take Sit - tinge of all citizens of ploue-t' age, eighty year/. and 'ver. for (loci erich historical mI1e-11nn. anti each Sitter will be presented with a Photo of himself. Siltiugsi to be made WI Satlilxiny unly. R. R. SALWWS New' Millin r ey Fashionable Models Of a quality you will apprx•ial e. Tall Crown. in Hats Of all types. Flowers rival plumage in smartness. \'chat, Velour and Felt are leading (*Brit.. Then. is Style and Dignity in every line in correct !Millinery for the Fall and Winter Season. Your Inspection is invited Miss MacVicarr Upton St. faded& PORTER'S HILL FAIR 1«"nt4nuel from page bl Walden, Phil Bisset, Myrtle Young Model of Gate -Jack Gardner, Robt Groves, Earl Walden, Robt. Cole Pearl Eassoni, Chas. Williams. NATURE STUDY Collection 12 Ontario Weeds -Mary Grigg, Freddie Miller, M. 'Groves Jack Salkeld, Frances Pearson, No name. Collection 12 Native Woods -- Lena Colwell, Marion Colwell, Gordon /Picot Varna Picot, Lloyd Cheater Grigg. Collection 12 Forest Leaves -Eva Gilbert, Marion, Lena Colwell, M. Groves, laugh Middle- ton, Norman Fuller. Collection 6 In- jurious Insect --Dorothy Sterling Lena ('alwell, Chas. Williams, C. Grigg, Eve Gilbert, M. Groves. Iter chrlrcl, life she gine of Iu•r lest. DRAWING, ART and WRITING .\s organist at 4'Ilion church.shc a 14119 Drawing Map of Huron -Mary her I,I.tor'for year. Jli u' small way. A. a Similay school teacher she point- ed her pupil. to the Home .h.• ha. eon entered. and as a tu,mis•r ..f the 11'om,•u's 11j-si,uary Society she filled with mach 4,,e 14141 r the ,,/Beres of secretary. president and trea.ur,r tit different Hine. In the acriviti. s of the community •he w11 always lenity to du her 5h:1re 111 pr, iiii good fellowship. Her long Ohm.- was en. duns' with ptiets•.• and faith in 41:4411. • , Ino 414eth those whom Ne tali." log Our sinter.. .yur4athy goes out to her dearly beloved hu.tuuul. her THE SIGNAL, °4•MINIEll TOWNSHIP The 1.►►ae Mrs. 0. F. t4,h► ,: '\'herr {a.se.l from our wastslrlulty Last Friday uo,r'4ug one 41 hue. whole life cal he rend as an open bask, \s *ilio. Sara lien she stye./ In/ in "1111' n1id.t. afte•rwurd: attending is -el. ric'1 4'oll.g1a1,•, au.1 returning to gi/e of bore ,now t.lge 1' others. .t.• a i.•ar-lu r .he was 1wiu.takiug and fa/thful atol 11 .••.• '(11111111,• %%ere ul.p•rnIoa Ill 1111 her after lift. She taught for a 1.•4911 ill I:oderich Central school, also tit PUBLIC NOTICE GODERICH, ONT. Y01'FRt14' I,1:Y1'$. l924. 311•NN'1P- .11.1T1' OF' (X)LISOUNE, C'OU'NTY O}' 1111'1tl)X. - Notice is hereby given 114111 1 have Pmuplletl w l4+ S,et'41 141 of the \'''tees' Llata .tet, and holt 1 hm'e I'•rel up at w .40., ju 1'olloirne low'nwhip 'aa the 19th !lay of Seydttn- I er. Hell. !'arts 1 and it of the list of voters of the said murdcilalilty. And 1 hereby call u4a41 all voter. Fordyce. and ton .ix y .ars1 to rake I11ruel1t1e• ►r(cc,rlilg. 4" have• ally errors or 4411110411014, (-orris"- toe. Corners. Fifteen years ago she went a. the.ride of Ur. shiver Ed "d se5t•tii41g 1" hnv. ward to her late home ;11111 .h,• made I/Weil at Cnllarne t'w'ushilt I4/414" it a model Moine. The door stood ajar 4.44,4..r 23, 1!124, fur their friend. and 1111)10 happyMIta. 1. IIl l'lIEItINt:1`ON, Clerk-. ..sial evening. were .Ie't there. In NOTICE Store will be closed Monday and Tuesday, September 29 and 30, on account of Jewish holidays. Please do your shopping this week. M. ROBINS The Square Goderich COMING NG Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra of twenty - five, three grand pianos, sixty-four different instruments, 36000 curtain Stratford Casino October 3rd., 1924 8.30 p.m. Prices, 31.50, 32.00, and 32.50 and amusement Tax. Tickets on sale at Heintzman's, 131 Ontario Street, Stratford. Phone 769. Phone or mail orders accepted. i,. Don't get your hair "}lobbed" to make you look young! Get "June Night" and "Doodle -Doo -Doo of They will make a ninety- year-old patriarch feel like "sweet sixteen." Don't crowd now! --One at a time1 H. E. JENNER • It. S. Si(F:I.'mN Ill•har,l 14na11n•I Shelton, n resident of t:od,ric(1 for the las' nine years, pissed ,none at his 1nnie. .\rthpr street, 011 Saturday last in his forty- first 1"1.111.. „iter an /,lows extendjng over two weeks. 1►r. Shelton was bore in Kineardiee In IR.9:4 and r' - ,..l 141. early '.hientinn there roe tmr,,,,l the trnd' of mmmldn1,0 at \'neon/", nod worked In different ►"stns throughout W'.t,rn ()Mario. Thirteen years fig. 111• took as 1,111 bride 1lnrgaref fitush4•I of Klnloas, and a few y.41r44 later 'nn'' to live in 4.'d'rieh, obtaining n position AM ul41(.hlo1,1 at the 4' I'. 1t rn11n4hoos,. 'lads h,• 11'1,4 until the time of 111. d.vlih, 11' hail leen on his holidays unl was contemplating refund:lir to work when be was laken 111itesi1's his wife he Is sin''ive41 by four •t•hll,l- re41. 1:mon, 11Hi41rd. It45. 44n n)1( Cltnr!,.. all livhwgnr home; him f044,.,, 1I1. S. J. Shelton 'f OAlli* : two Mlm• tern, Mrs. T. ('0lw,•11 and Mrs. 4. Creath. 11101 Iwo 1,r01110N. Victor An( GI(ster, living 4111 the old hometem! „t Kincardine. 1.10• fnn,r,,1 took plate from JO. late r'id'nee 011 'Thies day. the Interim/tit being made 04 KInca Mine ....met toy HAVE YOUR WAGON TIRES Cold Set for a permanent job. Dominion Road Machinery term GUNDRY :S SALE REGISTER Tuesday, September :50.-,\dminis- tr:ton,' au.lion wale or farm 1tek and (mplanentm at the pretios.5 of the Irate Charlet 11c1A•'mau. ,lshfit10. Thursday, Oct. 10.-imlartnnt nave of live stock, inhhrdin44 Clydeuda144 horses, high-grade Shorthorn cattle, and por.4,rrr1 Yorkshire hogs, at R NL funs};',, host of Carlow. I R -1S1( TO 1`1f.%7NK MY Fk1F:NiS 1 And n,•ighh"rs f.'4 their kind/Was during the lung Illness of Mrs. Ed- o 'nr,l, Moo for the beautiful floral tokens elf 101•, anti syruplfhy at the tlm''f leroveno'nt. O F'. ED1.4..114.11. F\Ilrview Farm. God,ricfi towuah(p. 1111) O)' TFL\NKN.-ti111tM. itOY lo Black wirhe.s to thank the many friends. -the 11'ar Veterans and the staff of the Queen .VoyAnlr4 Mans/ t.rlunl for the kinrineos and sympathy .how 11 dl r' 1 Ing her neer[ wnl brn5lvr- inent ; 111,40 those who kln.11y loaned their cars and for the ninny l'i'a it(fil flora! offering. 111t14. It. 1f BLACK. FOR SALE R1CY4'1,F1 F'IHt MALE F114: !ITEM dollnr11_ Write. IMc 472. or ,'all al M. A. it.\ MEM '1< M. PItIV.vrx 14.11,E OF' If411.MP)114)1,1) furniture. MIt14. %%M. GRINDItf11), Month utreSt. R. C. SHINGLE/I.-Carload of R. C • XXXXX shingles and cedar aiding at Methear Station RORFRTSON THEME R It No. 5, e.o1'rl.•h. TAP phones ilIngnnn0n and Carlow, FARM 10014 SAIsfe. -FAVI' 16 4M)N- crlxinn 12, Colborne tnwn.tdp. One the I"Mt 44rnjn farms In ('olhorne: !co.(' Nall dlRIM ; gno.l water and gond PUBLIC NOTICE Sheriff, (iok•rk•h, will t 1- -_ log (Meer, and iia Clerk w11h nkoi' 11me riding plow'; one drag harrow; Mclouogh, whose addgww Is H. R,a tl yurulfty of hay; about Luekuvw•. �• I .0 chickens; *taut tail • 4,Pns; eight .\T THE TOWNSHIP HALL. ISLI'F:VAI,E, on the .lot day of lk•to- ier, 1924, to hear complaints ns to the THE ON'1'.\Itio VOTERS' LIST voters' Iloilo for all the 4441111:44 14Ub- .1l'T, 1922, AND .\NIENDMENTS, divlaluns for the 'Township of Turn - ANI) TI1F: ONTARIO TEMPER- berry, and (hat it. G. Iteyodds, Sher- ANCE 11T, 1924. Iff, will be the Revising Officer ALA EL}JCTolt.\I, DI$1'111(`T OF CEN- his Clerk will be W. It. ('rlekmfiauk, TRF, 111'1(4)N. ' , whose address Is R. R. 1, 11'hog11111M AT THF: '1V)11'N I1.11,I,, '.VIN(:- '1'.\KE NOTICE that .11ting:r of the 11.\1i. on the 1st day of (k•tolm•r. 1924. revising officers fur the purpas• O. to hear complaint/4 as to the hats of hearing complaints or appeals with voters for all the polling wilialR•(111ona retard to the Voters Lista to be for the Town of \1'ingbaul. and 4lint used at the voting under. th4' Ontario 1\'um 1''41egisnr Gerlch, Temperance Act, 1924, l.,onllllg fur willallii4' the It(11.eclmithng Olhlicer oursld 14111 the EIsioral District of Pentre !fur- used ('leek will I4,. W. A. G11WreIth, she.:. ori will is• held at the following limen Ilddrrrs la Wing11at41. and places, namely': AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL.. 31,,11- .11' THE COCl/'I' 114)1'SE, (144DE- HIS. on the :41,) day of October, 1424. 111441, on the 25t11, :'44(14. and 27U1 to hoar comp's/lints a5 to the lista of Jaya of September, 1924. to hear (vent• voters for all the polling nub-diets.plaint; as 10 the 11.1s of voters for Ions for the Township '( 4..rr!s, .end all the ladling _'ul-dA•Isiulls for the that D. 4Iclh,nnhl, L.s•n4 Registrar, Town of 4:.•lerhth. and that C. Seager, M' c. 4) , (1,M{.rich. will 4.. the 44,vii1-, Godrrieli. will )e tier Revising Deicer Ing Otfker rind him (9erk w111 Ir• 1.; and him ('irk w-iIt 4'• L. 7.. Knox, 4.l,'Ew, 11, wh'ee nddw 1. 1.•l' alio.... addrla to l:olerich. -\'� THF: TI)11'N$)I4re1' IL\I.1i11" (:(va►R- ' AT '19I}: TOWN HALL. RRI's- 111E:. 'n the :!9th tiny of Septenl» r. S}:1.8, on the 24th day of September, 1924. at 2 p.m., to hear cuml.lsinit 1924, to Meir complaints es to the 4111 to the hots 0f vie45 f.r 111 the lista of voters for all the polling sub- lalling sub -divisions fur the Towns:ll,) div(slsns for the Village ,, Itrussela, of Ilowick. 1111,1 that His Honour and that HIS Honour .lodge I,Pw'4 Judge Lewis will ►e the Revising Me - w111 be the Revising 1/Meer 0/141 lila ''er '4)114 his Clerk will be Mr/4. C. E. Clerk will le A. II. McDonald, whose Walker. whose address is Gurnee address is Itrussels. AT THE 1P4)WN H.11,L. 11'RI)X- AT THE '1`I)WNMIHP IL\LL, ETH- }'TEIt. on the aril .lily of 4k•tolwr, EL. on the 1st (lily of ()slither. 1924, 1924. to hear conspdahlt. a.. 40 1110 to herr complaints as to the Ilatm of 11,0,4 of voters for the village of voters for all the pilling attfi111v1e• Wrox,•n•r, and that ills 11u14"nr Judge Sone for the Township 0f Grey. au.t Lewis will he the Revi'lug "Meer 14n.1 that His Honour Judge 1,444.144, Gale- lila Clerk will be F'. Davey. whom.. ad- DENTALrich. will be the Revising Officer and ail - drew, Is Wroxeter. lila Clerk will be J. II. Fear, 44hwt •\T al FIND 11t 1.1 T. IL\T{.. 11i.1 -11I, nddrlss In Ethel. 'n the :50th .hay of September. 1924, \T THE TOWN IT.11,T,, 4F..\• h' hear complaints Its to the lists of FORTH. on the 244?, Inv of M(g'm• voter: for • all the palling atlh•divis- bee. 1924, to hear Ilunplahlts an to the, ions for Ute village of i9','t11. curd tint listen of inters for all the lalling nun- .,,_ Wm. ('oats, Registrar, G.mh•rieh. will dirlaoni for the Terser of Staforth,1"' the Revising Inflcer 41(1.1 Ills (clerk 111141 tlult R. H. Reynolds. Gnderleh, '‘,1° 17. he 11. I4. 1i.i:owau, whose ad. will be the ''mOfficer Oer and itis °r1414Is Itly-th. ('le•rk will J. A. R'il11nn, whose AT F'I►ItENI'E1RS'HALL.14)1! address in, forth. Glt.\VF:. on the :7411 (lay of October. AT TTI3 TOWNSHIP HALL, ('.\1t- 1924• to Maur complaints us to the lists i.O1\', on the 24th day of September. 192/47tehenr complaints as tothetilts of voter., for all the lalling autmlivire how for the Township of Colborne, 1,11(1 that C. Seeger, Gokrki,. will tw the Revlsing.Of cer and his Clerk will be Mrs.. (l.J. Hetherington, whose *.lire's,, is' R. It 4, I:o!„rk-11. AT C.\RNI.Y;IF: 1,11(IL%ItY HALL. SF:.'.FOitTH. on the 25t1, day of Sen. tember. 1924, to herr e•ewllrininta alt to the lints of voters for all the palling glib -divisions for the Town'Mip of Me- Klllnp. 111141 unit R. G. Reynolds. Role - rich, will be the Revising Officer and that him Clerk will be John M -X,ty, whose addr•sm la It. It. 2, S,mfortb. .\T THE TOWN ilAId.. CLINTON, .n the 211th Inv of September. 1924. In herr complaints Am t" the Il.f11 ..f oolers for all the palling sidedivi.s- 1410s for the Town of Clinton. and that I'. Seager. (:iml•rl•M. will be the it.•- /k.ing (Miter told that his Clerk will Is. 1). I.. Mcl'hrrso'u• whose 4141.1ress 1. ('liutnu. AT ('4)41MI'XiTY 11.\Li. IAINI)ES- Iullt0, on the 29th flay of September. 1924. to hear compliants as to the lists of voters for all polling suhi)ivisi119s t thr1 ti. may. two el••nr :lays residence, Church street. Phone 884. for the 'P.ovnship of ii11Hett. and that le•fore the 441)5 fixed for 141111411 Win. Cats, (:.Mierich. will lw the Re- the above .sittings, apply. eon/pinhn or ALFRED 1V. .\f\DEIt1'1►'N, OIt4:AN- t'iXi)1g 4)ttl,'er and his Clerk will b• "IMo•nl to have his uaue or the• Home A tat St..Inrlm s chnn h. L4anlun J. F'hngland. whose address of any other hee- ls L,nde., r person 1.111..1.0.1 on or r•- sons In Voice. Piano, Theory Pupils tam. /novel fr./111 114' lists. I pr.q.4r51 for all 44rades. T'.r'o'" ('on- F;.\I'll S11'1'ING will commence at .\ND FU'ItTlll:n T.\KF: NOrrt('E s•'rvarory Examinations. studio at the 10 o',•l.a•k In the forenoon nod 44'IIl tin( "44''1, apl11yl1, )n„st he by notice naldetsr of Mrs. J. A. Harrison, op - ,.,,,,fir,,,.. 11"1;1 12 (',•lark neon, or until In wiling hl 1110 pr.•seribed forth 4.'slte Virt"rin w -1,,1,4I. rhe unrolls Pave leen dlspasd of. signed by the r(nlplaOalnf n, dnpli- .\NI► 1'1'RTIIEIt TAKE NOTICE .ate and given to the Clerk of the. M:1CJ11►N\hU (.11(1414, that tiny voter 'who d.yira•s to conn- Revising Oek•er 0r left with him at Organist tool Choirmaster of Knox plain that 11111 114111110 or the name of his nddrl. as above stated. eh,rn. any person e'tti411.1 to be entered on Tlo• In.,t days (or deli,ernwt ouch 1 1.11.441r1141 1011 f" Plano. Organ. 111144 sing - 4 be said lists has been omitted from nplm•nls are no follows: Ing. Pupils prepared for examina- the same .r that the names of any AJ1f1,114 35N, Sept,. loos, ileum If desired. person who, are 1101 entitled t" Is. Tnnih.•rry 27(1: 14.1,1.. 17)21 Fur Irons np{dy nt Knox .hnrrb 14Mrm haveIme4, ,•unreel ther.,,n. rimy 1V nghalu 2^11;,./2,41 fn;m 4 to G , th 144 -•pt,. 1'.12{ 1.n4. 'n '1'hursbur .....1.111)..11;11-1 r Frl- nnt 4,-. than tw.,flea rdays bef'rr the Nr . 'not!, S'".. 11424 den-. or .4,),) s 1'. It Ito% 04. Tele - days fixed fur 11.1,1i11g the above nit- 0 -k 25th Sept_ 1!r lohone 24914x. 0 t, homer ducks: mut puy,er; act -.I drill; one ('1,atluuu tanning cur, r two July (1111(11 w'llh rep• 4141(1 hers sea e4' with .lhtgs; Owe plat - of Itritls)1 :4sa lbs. ; 1S ,44 bunches honey ltI4,'4'11" Uu,bi.4 shn►gk's; one flftw•n wipers; t1IKteeu hires of bees; saes excluders; one honey knife: one nue drone trap; three hundred 0 bb or over old wits: four I.us. reel clover aaad, more or less; chains. spades. N►ovehl, grain fucks 1111,1 .other articles t11, iwun,. eruus to mention. TERd1S UF' 1.\I.E:--• h farm -10 per cent. nn dry of gale and balance within thirty days. ('+111h•Is_-4.881. For further particulars and condi- tions of wale apply to the tmder- slguel a(lmn11.1rtors 'r to Jawed L. K(II'nu,. Guderiel,, Ontario. solicitor for a.h)ttnistrators. - TIP M.\S (11'NI )RY. Auction.•.sr. JOHN CAMERON, l'HAi11,ES b)TE1\'.\irr, .\ilmiuisr4,tors. AUCTIONEERING THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERICIS. LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere and every (effort made to glve satlafactnab. - Farmers' male notes discounted. 1 M. STALKER, AUCTIONEER for housebold effects tars *tettir etc., for the County of Huron. Address all communications to J. IL STALKER. Auburn P. 0. 44.d of voters for all the vision, lalling ati'-dl- viiona fur the 1lrenslllp of }:I1.,t 1\'41- WM F. MEfICALF, wamo.h. sod that Wm. Copts. Regis- Bayfleld,•Out. rrlr. 4odt•rich, will 1e the Revising 1 officer and his Clerk will ie A. j''r.. Office hours -2 to 4 and 7 to S. t.rflel.t, w'home address Is R. it. 1, Orher hours by appointment. It'Igrriye. - .\1' THF: TO%%'Nf$H11' 14.\1.1.. 111R. F. J. R. FORSTER "4:441' W A 4.vA Nn u, .14,1111.1:111w,' n ate -+1(1(14 .1,, c of September. 1!1_'4. t' hear e •EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT plaints as to Ila• list. of voters for till I Late House Surgeon New York 0ph. the 1a111ug . 1b,livislons for the Town- thalm(c and Aural Hospital assistant ship of 11'.•.t 11'aw,ll,,w?l. and 1101 at Moorefield Eye Hospital an/ it. 1:. Iteynoll,, Sheriff. G,elerich, will Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon - Is. the Itevislug Officer nod hi. ('l,'rk don. Eng. will h' Dliruln 1'.hlllils, who.w 1,1- 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford Tal. elres44 111 it. 1t. 2. iAtrknow 67. F:ACII SITTING will. except a., Pphon4 tel "ther%i.,• ulster st4h•,I. comm.•nce at At Hotel Bedford, G 1 (8,� o4, 1II ''cl'11•(4 Ill the forenoon 4(4144 will 4 e r .beer 41 h. nt a' p11(-rn- Milt lnn" 11)1114 12 o'clock mon or until .111.1 21w. 0t 1 p.m. the appn144 tin 14' IMell ,I jabs..\ of. I AND ,FI'ItTiIER 1'AKF: Ni4TIe1: MUSIi' flint (Illy vier who 'I'- r,r t' cola- V,.ljn that his mum or the rano' of PROF. R'. H. J.4.('KSON, Organist ally p•rs,n .nt1fled 1" IM• e.t''r..4 on a and Director of `lank, North the wild lists fins Imc•n 'Mittel there- street Methodist church. Jnetructlon from. or that the timers of,, I'.'rson given In VoiceCulture, Organ, Piano, who rare not .ntitlel 1...1.. ''torr,, are Violin, Guitar, Theory, etc. Studio ant elt•r,r DR. LORNE WILKF:Y Over Il'rn'• Sh,M• Store. Tele ►hone 4:144. Evening's I y aplainttrN•iet. MEDIOAL nit. ALEXANDER FISHER, Plane 1017 Stratford, Out. Special attention given to tare of Ir.fanls and 1+1141ren. Ings n.,.11. 4''n"1luin or nasal, W 1 t 1 11 h roia`p4•r 30th Sept..M,qt1!)21 4.,,,• hit name or the 1wm.m of nny itlyth 261), 14410 1924 ,.11.r person intens! on or returned E. \\'ow11 24'(I, Septi.. 11124 1 — from the lista. IV. •11'nw•nr(� h "7th Sept., 4924 414)1'IPO4)'r k KILIA )1L\N .\ND F'1-►4IliEu TARE N4Yi•I('F: F,. N. I, '.'144. 12inirm"tl of that math appeal must be ly notice F;lection Board for the Comity the Itorr'st•rm. Notay Iwille. etc. lu writing In 171e prler11,51 faro FTnr,n, honey to Lend. Phone 417. signed by the complainant 1n Qup)i- Ihlfwl 1111. 1241, day 0f September, ! OtFIce-The Square, Goderlch c1M rind given to 111e Clerk of the A. D. 1924. R, A. ('LUPE, It. .1.. I4.11tItISTER ■�•,tld Notary 1'nhlle. North St., Gnd'ri)l. i'hm•e 411. To RENT. 1.110 It4)oMY. F'I'R- 1111/141:1" E. 110I,11IE1 rlblm•11 or /unfurnished; hentel: itnrrist,•r. Eta. muitnble for light housekeeping. .4.pp'ly OfR"--16nm114(0 stere*(. Goderloh at THF: SiGNAL OF'F'ICII:. i'hone 27. LEGAL !hoisting Otlkrr or loft for Jinn at Ills address ns 51111141 41'vr. The hist d:n'5 for delivering such appeals are as follow.: (111o1P•11.11 —4.1014. 23. 14/24. li ren awls-S,1,t. 22. 1924. (: r,y-S1,b. 29. 19'24. Selforth-sStein. 22, 1924. t •"Horne -wept. 22. 1924, McKillop- -Sept. 2:1. 1924. Clinton -Sept. 27. 1924. - 1 In rel t -Sly,. 27. 19'24. }:. N. LF:W1114. chairman 0f the Election heard for 11o• Comity of I►uron. •. flitted this 110h day of S.•pte•niler, 14424. THE ONTARIO \'(Yr1RM' Liwr ACT. 1922. AND .\MENDMEN'CM, AND THE ON"1'ARf(4 TEMPERANCE A('T. 1924. 114'R()N NOTi('F. OF S1"ITfN401; (►r R117VIH IXO OFFICERS TO RENT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE A DM iNI14'I'ItA'rS,l4' A t-r:Till N gl SALE OF FARM, FARM ST(K'K .\NI) I1fl'LE4IENTM. ' The administrator.. of the restate of ('harts M,Ti•n,an, Int" of the town- ship of .1441111,4d, filmier, d4rrAuwl.SF,AGF.R, K. C., BARRISTER, t. 111 offer for sale by 4n1111 n 1444101, • u 80i,TOITGR, Notary Public an& the premises ^ Conveyancer. Otlk'e -Court Holm.TI'F:MD.4.Y, SEPT. 31)Ti(. 1924, a' 444),i:•l.mk porn., the following: CMIr1ch. loam*:-Tl,e south half of lot 33, -- - 1:ek•• itn''1', In the wild township of INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC, .\m 4'11:(1, 4.011111 lnlng M7 !Ivrea more or LPs*.. On thin property there la n glIcK11.l.oP MUTi'AL FiRE TNISUR- Imrn 411 by RO feet end a "trnw born , ANCE 00. -Farm and , isolated 40 by 40 fent, loth Or, „•met fou('- town property Inane d. *bit lot And mt11blirrg underneath.) Omcere_.ana. Connolly, Prea., Code• w•Irfer bowls In rtnlle. There la also rich P. 0.; Jas. Evans, VIM -Pres.. a good cement dwelling -1 "e; erten- Ree'ehweod P. O.; D. F. McGregor, Ian well nano windmill. Th farm has Seeettwas B. O.;th P. O. 4404-x) *•Iris loam and is situate on the I DIrectorlF-A. Rradfoot, R. R. Lake Shore gravel tom! (11ln' Water No. R. 8euforthr John 0. Grime, Na ITlghwny) sod In nn excellent farm- 4, Walton; 1►illlam Rlnn, R. R. No. Int dUt11: Hunts: -1)1/1 mor', 15 error* old; 2. 2, Se.fortb; John Tlennetw1Ps, Brod. one gelding. 11 yearn old: one inn re, ta44tn: 4,;m. oeCartoey, R. R Pim. ; R yearn old; tow more, :, y4444rs old; RsaifOrfh; RoM'rt FI!fr1a, Rarloct; one filly, rising 2 years 01.1. Knrny Gibson, Rrneefleid; Jamie Cawa4- One cow, 7 yearn old, glue . I(fvarst• RPMbwaxf ; Ian"! Connolly, to calve Feb.; one cow, 4 ymrM old. 00derlch. due 10 entre F'/th. 13: one eta. it' Agents -J. W. Yeo Ooderich; month. old: one cn1f. 0 month' old 'Ales, Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Oltntm; implesents, Ete.-one mower In John Mnrray, S4aforth; 11. Rlnchlieh good condition; one sulky rake; nn', Aeatorth. Polley --holders an pay se set of Iter)1le Townson ; one .ort mingle payments sn, get that, Oaths r'e 4pt• turner.: one hinder; 011e wagon and ed at It. J. Korrlsb's Chitlins Atom hos and hay rock ; one bogy. o4,. Clinton ; R. 11. Cott'* Orseery, Voir 4'ream 'separator; one 4eevnoerat : One sten street, Gn4evlch, or J. H. Ba4ft1 1 cutter; one plow; MMP Ater hermit,; flowers! Store. Bayfldt )tfpe Iq Nape 1IARatsTPRs, Ere. R.C.IFAYS-RC.HAYS,JR.. B.A Hamilton St.. Godericn i•