The Signal, 1924-6-5, Page 9County and District
Cudmote le shipping Large
Mies of hae from Ripest station
Butte,' of Mopes. had
broken in biaband while crank -
a ear.
re have been -several burglaries
ly at Kineardibe. One night a
bt car at tbe C. N. R. yards was
late Mel five hag e of sugar
reference to the proposed paving of
Gorlerht street. tbe main residential
avenue of tbe town. The deputation
resolved some asicearegmnent to bops
for Government assipdanee.
81. 43. Cooper has had plans prepared
fur the remodelling of the old Moisons
Bank building on Rattenbuity street
The Kincardine council turned down and trio imago two residemees out of
• Proteveal that the ratepayers be al- I it.
ed to vote an bylaw guaranteeing i Two elide of young trout. eack con-
e! Mir 3. B. Watson Co.. fund-, Mining 10,000. were slapped to Clinton
re maalifactarera. to tbe extent of , from Mt. Pleasant hatchery. Brant -
,000 for an enlargement of their ford. and the young fish were dePordilld
nt plant. 11n the river at Trick.
An old and respected resident of W Jenkins & Son, tuning taken over
nilorry passed away May Wed. in the Cottle geeellhollow•- are Solna eX-
p‘,„.0„f minis wiestwe The tensively Into tbe business.
eed was eighty-five years or age I Mr. And Mrs. Edward June«, who
had lived In Torebefey since 11401. I tied been in British Columbia for
5 ta survived by Me wife and a fam• foUrteen years, hare returne.I and are
of eight 1 now occupying their farm on the Hur•
At the home of awl B.:on road. east of town.
ilkinson. 4th line of Morris. nn Wed. MI" Ft°1'hin Cole- the laid dovviving
y. May 21an their daughter
*eel 'Wen beeanie the tends of James
anew Proctor, shin of the 41n line
Morrie. The ceremony was per-
rmed by Rey. T. C. Wilitinoon. of
Merille. The young couple will reside
the grottoes farm in Morris.
Mrs Robert flicotchmer. of the Brom
litse. Stanley township, passed
y on May 23f11 at the am- of W-
eser. Tier death was unexpected.
she hi1 lwro gond health until the home of her son in-law. Norman L.
few holies before her death. when Carter. of Tuckersuitth. or nos or the
sustained a stroke. Sbe is our- phower reoldentit of dills county, In the
toy her friar elanebten warn of mot. "tau 1III. of
daughter of the late Dr. Col& one of
Huron's early pioneers. died at Brant-
ford on May 2011. Though Clinton
was her Mime, she had spent the lest
hie winters. with relatives at Brant-
ford. One brother. Henry Cole. of
Dram font. ourvives. The remains; were
brought to Clinton for burial
Mr. and Mrs.. John Howson hit.- me-
rited from Loa Angetes, Calif.. harlot
motored all tbe Way
Tile death occurred on May 22ni at
two in The (mowed tock place CHnton. Mr.. Hilts had been In
Ilayfield cemetery. failing health for POMP years. For
ZUZICR aldaY orors she and her now heresy...I The Ora' efohl storage Plaut iustalle41
. • hve&and had lived nu Their farm
north of lanstlemboro'. Three years
1911"1 eslot 02 hike travel h` twine alp. th. y left the farm and come to
1014 Main street to keep the duet •I on. Iller ?Mahan.' a 041 nag tlan-olt-
losteld of oil ii Used 1'14 ter. Mr*. carter. eurvive. Janes'
• -nr,. Irrayet- with "cull""1"1"). -Itarkwell. of 1.neknew. la tolfOther.
ftio meter, I• esoected to Ammer Clinton Lodge. No. .1t3. 1 ti„ 0. F..
flames, gutting her Deeds bad', bum. LUCIKNOW
In We process The little g111 _
recovering from her burns.
George Haney died at the rest -
donee of his son, Councillor William
H. Haney, on Monday. May 26th, la
his sixty-sixth year. The deceased
was for many yeara a realtient of
Morris township. He eas a contractor
and builder by trade.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Patterson left
last week for Detroit. Mr. l'atterson
had been in the jewellery business in
Matthew fur .over thirty years.
Wingham linen bowlers have re•
organized for the 1924 seaeon with din
following off ice re. : Honoprealdeld•
Amos TIpiiing; bon. eice-preiddINIII;
T. H. Gibson ; president, .1. W, Hams;
vice-president, lbw. 11. W. 8.rll; sea
retary-treasurer. C. R. Wilidnisoli;
grounds committee, A. E. Lloyd. J.
Hirst, R. A. Spot ton ; tournament cook
slitter. W. R. Hamilton, A. K. Craw.
ford, R. A, ('urrie, 1). Somers, L. C.
The street paving program for Blyth
is 1101 to be gone on witb-for the
present, at least. The_ A Wage coun-
cil at last mectio:: had a num-
ber of tenders for the work.
but after tsinsiderable discussion
decided to drop the project. TAW
tenders ratimbd in amount from 644,-
te 6:41,81148 30.
iter. J. L. Small, B. of lies
pries, who was minister of et. An-
drew's chum's. Itlyt.h. for a number
of years. has received a call from
Komi church. Harriston, The salary
92.(100• with free manse and a
viten t km.
Bold Taylor has retnrned horne•from
Ripley. having had to give um his
work as .0111111 r ..0 aeetintit of
Mow- bets elated onoors ns follows: N.
rfi Frits of tide piri. e ba• PM'j,. Illeord: v. 1. :. T. Morgan: it. 9..
the hardware of w could: 3. wilettutn;.
ver A Kleinatirer.
village timetreohare mirchaosel
bunelerel feet of ueo• fire hose.
added to th.• air. -adv on
abonid sive the rill ige good fire
lam. Tlie fire engine ha. been'
hauled and io uow In g,..).1 irnek•
teen- in honor
r. and Mrs. Ernes Iteatainerer.
Cavalier. N. Po who are rialting
Isere. Tbe oecasion wis the
sixth wedding anniter•ary of the
Ong couple.
Tbs Col/effete Destitute cadets made
Rood showing at their reeent in-
pertion hy Col. Gillespie. An'attempt
111 be made in the fall to obtain
ifornis for the whole corps and these
in Ilk- ly 14 kilts.
Harvey Burnie -a. R. W. Bristow and
rust Clespman hare passed their
1 exasitnationo for the degree of
or of dental ourgery. J. W. A.
In tbe sonnet year and W. Aber -
and H. E. Edwards in the third
have been IIIIN1414111 In their re-
tinae at Toronto Medical School.
Eft. James Wallace, of Meson&
11e. died smIdenly in hose
tal on May 28th. after an opera -
on The deceased was forteseven
ears of age. he is survived by bee
red lend one daughter. . Mrs. ••
Darrlasn, .if Wallacehurg.
The MII•Peg Taman, who were in-
jured in an automobile accident at
Toronto on Sundae, May 23th. the ear
In shich they were driving being
Snick by a street ear. were formerly
residents Of Seeforth. the flintily m-
inoring fmin here to Toronto a few
years ago. Woe Doreen Taman has
lame died as a result of her Works.
A deputation from *storm west to
Toronto litot went to interview the
PrOgiDelat Illiniater of Highway'. with
Iressurt r, 11. It Chant.
A ra.... me. t• Will be held In Exeter
tin June •
On Mar 24th Miss Dime May Rand -
ford. daughter of • the late Thontaa
ihnolford and Mrs. Ilatelferti. of Inger-
soll. formerly or Fixeter.
was married at (rand Rend to
James George T.Itt'. of !neon -ion. the
ceremony being performe4 by a form-
er oistor at Ingersoll. Rev. 7_ W.
11111 of Parkhill. emsisted by Rev Mr.
Mario's, Mr. and Mrs. Little will re-
side at Ingersoll.
, W. A. MeTaggert. of Toronto. wim
has beret made general '''
•the Reenrity 1.11. Insnranee Comonny
of e`anads end 'who -for years has berm
prominent In connection with the Tor-
onto lkoird of FAneation. Is a natiee
of Exeter.
S. M Residers attended the epeeist
eonrention of the International As-
sociation of Garment Mannfaeturers at
Harry Trick• wive has had charge 01
he telephone once Isere far MOW time.
resigned and ia leaving for
by Robert Thompson. of the East Ilur-
00 Priebe -4. Emporium. is now giving
los el r v I .e. Mr. Thong's' in pur-
poses enlarging his premises to afford
necessary atssimmtslation for his erow-
itig towline's,
On May 2401 Miss Loki Willis, eldest
daughter of Mrs. Ida Willis. firtesselm.
was married to Van* Sanderson. of
Whigh.a111. the eeremony being per-
formed at the Metleslist pnreenage,
Mitchell, ity Rev. H. D. Moyer.
Mortou, win of the late Jos. H.
Toting. a former well -Inman lint:4441i 1e.
has beets renewing ..1.1 acquaintanci•s
here. 11.• Ihes at Mise.oniin. win r.•
he is, engneed In tho hardware bus -
MIs. Frances Spence is bome trent
Toronto Unlyersity.
MIs. Er* Johnston has gone on a
trip to Opokane. Weak., and will be
away for emend isentbb
Frank F. Freemam. a resident of
Lucknow for many years. died at hie
home here on Friday afternoon. His
wife and daughter, Mrs. J. W. Joynt,1
of Luekuow. and two sons. Dr. W. P.
Freeman of 8/minefield and Harold F.
et Buffalo. survive. Mr. Freeman was
a miller. being associated with Tre-
jog ven Bros.' mill here. He wap form-
erly with the Ogilvie .Milling Company.
The funeral took place on Sunday un- I
der 1. 0. 0, F. auspices.
BAY Ton Ill
Magistrate Reid Disposes of a Num -
bet of Caen
I .
. BINGHAM. Stine 2.-Whigham had
- -
Mrs. Jas. Porter dled In Wing-
bam boopital on May Thiel after a very
abort She leaves her hus-
band. Ihree sons and one daughter.
Refer.. her marriage Mre Porter was
1.1s Florence Honanth.
While upending the 241h with her
Parents at the home of relatives at
Slr,tfur0. the little daughter. of 'Mr. end
Mrs. Donald Rae was severely burned.
Rise got hold of a match and lighted
it and ft caught on her clothing.
Hearing her mensal, the mother came
to her asaistanee and smattered the
one of the busiest Police Court sessions
It months here to-tisy and not for a
long time has there been 511-1*an array
of police offleer- In the emirtroom
graft(' It to -day. Magistrate Reid. of
Goderich, preelded. tlrown Attorlit•y
Seeger apt*. 'red for the Crown.tail
GeOrge M. Elliott, officer of th.• Chtl-
's hl Society. wit.
* present In con-
nection with several ease,. in %bleb
Jureniles were involved.
Two tufty! Were charged by Provincial
Officer phippeu with robbing Mitchell's
drug store here. The two lads. thir-
teen years of age, pleaded guilty and
were given a 4.1•11r5 lecture by the
magletratt• and Cr...en Attorney Meager
wer.• (inbred to nt .rt is11.1
trolly to 1...)Or
Tip charge against tan r
of robbing Georg.. 11..binsoC•
w it lidraa
I'. .1
I. Provincial ''*6....rM'Ilite-hr
Ii-ing a Too., pleaded Ludt v
an. as.-ess.s1 a tot -II $21.IS5 Or 15days
it Jail.. 11- took the jail term rahl maw
611 to the jail at Goderteit by Pro-
.iteial Ittlieer
ono,- of Goderieh. eharged
T. Ifelieitzle. of Willett:int. ..vith being
Ilrunk. In it th• 011dMcKenzie
failed to sop ar auswe- 111" ..harg••
nal a warrant a ill Is.,,.,! for ids
The best
for the
W. R. Woodstock Iteveale to Collets.
tors,Intricacies of Portal Service.
"Revenue froth the sale of stamps
for the part tiscal year amounted to
wore than 630,000.000." W. R.
Woodstock of the Totonto .post office
glad stated in an interesting address
on "Poeta' Service" to the members
of the Toronto Stamp Collectors'
Club, convened fur their annual Wil-
ber meeting recently.
• Toronto's postal system, Mr. Wood-
stock said, had among Its 1,600 em-
ployes as many as 517 letter earriers.
There was also a fleet of 28 trucks
that covered 27 routes and collected
Dion 1.221 small letter boxes; 10a
sub -post offices and 11 larger postal
Th.- process of preparation tor let-
ter delivery was thoroughly outlined
xi detail. The o-tters were feel into
tamp - cancelling machines t hat
handled in awn, eases as many
4,1,009 per hour. 'Die cotten•nc)
inen in the.. sorting .1.1artment
wa.s proven by the tact that. th
hey oub
tfirst ascertain the
of postage and be ready to us. •
knowledge et 2.57o post Wile...h...
tart.), they handled 65 to 11••
Ictto is a minute. These letters wsi.
then co
nveyed to the despatch'
%% here bag!. were tr.•.
irun rail. with .1. stlnations mark.
on then..
tom ..f the peculiar
of deliva
ery v..- In:dnced in tb,
the Islands,. whit!. ..
•1.••• mi.:n(bs of th. year were ....
mind ad newsiess, es...•pt ter o
ti oh hi) 11.1 op. at. d mit •
o w• • k. la the suroincr th,
reached these islands in a .ai • )
iiroo• of a hied tuck .1 al. a s a-
tm:wry sail bad Mas:dalin In•
at r. heti uu it, this ha t I was de-
thitior I ) a wind and
cart-. iit which at ci•rtain timer
tliShuSed to
proceed to its shores.
Throughout the country three -learnt -A
coachea, tractors and dot (ram.sere-
as methods of delivery In various
Chief .%llett. Willuzliam. bit r,
with being' droni: 111••• fine
71I1.1 OW!, 41111011111, .1 o. $19
V Dula wn- eharged 1,,..• hi
r with 41ev'n:
Ines& in a great. r rah.. of sp....1
At the aminoi me. nog of Brussels
Women's institute th.• following of-
fieers aere 41.1vet..1: President, Mrs.
4. 11 Weller: 1st Mrs.
4:eii 11. Multbsin: 2nd vice-prettident,
Mrs. R. J. M. -Laughlin: secretary -
t reasurer. Mrs, J. W. Armetrong:
district representative. Mrs. 1' Scott :
direetors. Mrs. R. F. Downing. Mrs.
W. W. Harris. Mrs. .1. S. ,%ruistrong.
Mrs. W. S. Won, Mrs P. Ritchie
and Nits.. A. 11. Mavilonald.
A Splendid Laxative
• For the Baby
Mothers ptotji,l coustantly be on
guard to keep hoby's bowels working
freely and his stomach tweet, for
nine -tenths of the ailments from
which little 011e. Slater are emitted ray
derangements of the stomach and
!bowels Babyo. OW111 Tablets are a
spiendid laxative for the baby. They
gre mild hut thorough; (mohair' neith-
er opiates nor narcotiee. and are ab-
solutely guaranteed to be safe and
efficient for either the newborn babe
or the growing child. By their action
on the bowels and stomach they drive
out constipation and indigestiom;
hresk up colds and simple fever* and
make the dreaded teething period
easy. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 23 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Ladies' Suits
A number of ladies' Suits4Ipli' o -
tine, tailored and boyish stile,. Reg lar
pica $27.50; reduced to $22.50 Arlie
they lot.
Ladies' Neckwear
A new shipment of ladies' Neckwear
has just been received.
Men's Suits
For men and young men, in the latest
styles and shades for summer wear.
Now is the time to get a new Suit while
we -have a large stock to choose from.
Reasonable prices.
Men's Straw Hats
A new shipment of men's Straw Hats
just received, in the latest shapes.
.Moderate prices.
SIT^P wmicnr. YOU AltIr. INVITED 10 SHOP
an hour 11. pabl -111 21 ii-othe mart
exbeton r.
Thi've ce • re -ix of fleers'1 .........nt-
"birli,g the T! io
tleorge 31. Elliott Children'. .111
ProvItt •ia I r tV4illosides. Pro.
xjn,•tal 4 MI, r Provin.•ini
eer Phippen, Chief All. it and Con-
stable TA Wiw.
The Clasper Cats at Beet
The pot roast which is frequently
used by the thrifty housewife in the
effort to keep down her butcher bill
and still provide good meets, may 14
from many et the cheaper cuts, such
as the chock, of the beef carcass. Af-
ter beteg wiped with a damp cloth it
is placed in a covered bake pan or
casserole, with two cups or more of
hot twater. ft should be covered
tightly and baked in a moderate oven
or on top of the stove, keeping the
heat just below the • boiling point
Pamphlet No. 43 of the Department of
Agriculture at Ottawa. obtainable from
the Publication. Branch, shows how the
meat bill may be reduced by utilizing
the cheaper cuts of beef. One-half
hour's time for each pound of meat in
the roast is reeommonded, About an
hour and a quarter before serving,
pared potatoes and sliced carrot' and
onions may he added When ready
to serve, the roast should he removed
to a hot platter and the gravy thick-
ened and sessoned. If the meat is
very fat, it Is advisable to rcmo,s
the tat from the top of the gravy be-
fore thickening. The pamphlet contains
many other recipes' for utilizing the
'cheaper 4•uts of beet.
Rome 'are disagretable be -
canoe they (110'1 attract ,,tIon
any other Way.
Another amusing feature of the ad-
dri.t.s was the depiction of 8 number
letter addresses on a screen. Sotne
of these were penmanship enigmas,
F.A 1VAWANDS11 the must of which, by the divinatiou
of the postal clerks, were finally got
Fa.t Waosnoancounoil met on May to their desitiatIoe.
2711, as a..,,itirt of revision on the as- In regard to stamps, the speaker
„i An said that essence of wintergreen' was
-M•.• The only appeni to be eonshiertsi not put in the niuellage on the back
• „r j„. 04 10
on a lot of them for the-dpurpose of inducing
at It 1.1... whish he •tated ws9 people to lick them well. The most
assessed toe high. Assessnient eon- . rudimentary art in connection with
firmed. .tlian t'raig added an letter -writing was to moisten the up -
owner of tie. it, W. Pt. lot 2S. mnee..- per corner of the matter mailed and
Rion 7. and Alden Purden and nerve place the stamp thereon to ensure its
in-acen as farmers' pions. Four rate- ' P.errnahent adhesion.
payers ske
ad to have 'legs struck off Some of the collectors present
erhieli they had solo or destroyed re- were in poesession of stamps that ran from 100 to 30.000 varieties,
centiy. bat the request In eneti ease rangin3 in value from 50 cents to
was r.-(e..I Moped by Mr. Stalker, 63.500. There arethree junior
seconded by 'Mr. Scott. that the flallett• stamp clubs in Toronto and one of
ment roll. as 11•115 revitted. be adeptt4 the most serviceable attributes of this
and the court of revision Onset!. Car- nobby is considered its tendency to
tied. . irs..otegrreaspthtybe mind In history and
Council re -ii and ordinary Imo- '
reviler and 41,4141 meetings were
limbs proretiled with. Minutes of tart
rend and approved. Report of M.isors.!
its -rd and K,-rr. sheep valustore stat -
Ing that ,they had inupeeted a number
of slit desdroytx1 and worried try
lately at 11. Black's.
en:No-ion 7. raining the mine at
Almon. reeelved and ordered paid. 3.
C. Melturtiey was appointed with-
in:tater In pine.. of Jos. MeBurney;
Deo. R. Irwho In p`aee of 0. G. An -
A 'mber of ratepayer" from con-
cessions 11 alai 9 were present stating
that they were of the opinion that
the (sinen should not hare hod the
road from Detersive weat to division
line remorts1 from liet of de -Senate -4i
roads under the gond roads system and
planet again as an ordinary township
road :-apparently wanting to 111111e the
road designated again as a county road.
The council, however. thought other- ,
and tamest to change its at-
titude on this matter. Repreaentativei
from the Sawyer-klasaey Co. waited mn
.11.e connell In reference to the aisle •of
road machinery. The entinell Imre an
order for !mother small road grader.
Bylaw No. 4. 11124. ratifying the ate
paintment of collector. and lodes No.
A. 1924, authorizing the colleetion of
3 iier cent. extra on all butes resmin-
nig tenpilid after December 13th. were
Mad and passed. The following ne-
mesis were paid: The Asinine.. Of -
flee, printing and adrertioing. $4 73;
C. 0. F.. hall rent. $25.06; C. Geddes,
bolts for grader. Me; Ranee Meek,
oh.ep destroyed by does, $100; J. J.
Kerr and W. 0. Reid. sheep !sheeting.
*2.00; Was. Robinson. salary. as
asensmor, $1011; equalising anion
imitoo'a. WI: Shoebottom repairing
enlvert, concepolon 0. 62. W. M441111.
Reading. $20: Wut Neerbitt, moving
grader, $2.30; 1. Wirhtmen, drageing.
$7.410i •
Next meeting of council will lw. held
on Tuesday. June 24th. A. PORTER
FIELD. Clerk
Probation System • Surreys.
Out of a total of 436 men and wo-
men who were given a "second
chace" Instead of a primn sentence
on being conAlcted of certain crimes
in Toronto and York County between
November, 1922, and October, 1923,
only 21, or less thad nye par cent.,
tailed to make good. This Is the out- 1
standing fact In the Ontario Probe- 1
tion DePartment's first animal report
which has tint been sent by Judge
H. S. Mott, chief probation officer, to
AttorneyoGeneral Sickle.
The experiments in authorising
county judges and police magistrates
to release offenders on probation of
good conduct when circumstances
warninted, was monied in November.
Judge Mott'a report states that the
average coat of looking after an adult
by his department for a whole year
was only $28:36. This is but 1 very
small fraction of the average annual
expense to the province of maintain- '
ing an adult in prison.
One of the important advantages
of the probation sysoon is that it per-
mits the offender to continue to sup-
port his dependents. Lest year tbere
were dependant upon probationers no
les* than 425 persons who, if their
bread winner had been impelsoned,
might have become a charge upon the
Of the 411 probationer' tbe num-
ber of men was 346. and01women
81. The number married was 16e,
and single 180. The report shows
that only 36 per cont. were over 26
years of age, 29 per cent. being be-
tween 20 and 25 years, and 26 per
cent. under 40 ream
Butler, at fence (lees, ball. Who
has been told to snnonsice people by
the charactgre they represent -"What
rticular (terse -
Just Arrived ! Shipment of Samples !
Made up in the higher grade canton, in black, brown.
navy, grey, poudre, blue, etc.
A few in the favorite of all combinations -
black and white. .
Laces, beads. ribbons, flowers or pleated panels
are used in the most' 'original matter, which adds
beauty and style to the dress. Sizes range from t6 to
46. Specially priced at
. $17.50
•i*frimmed Hats
Hats in every desired style, material -and color. Prices
ranging from $2.50 to $4.75.
The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
No Cbaraner
I ()mos- 4, pa
e top of hie 141551
character Ip par-
. Rain ....lid to he holding hock the/ lintl'r 1,1
..eiling. lint 11 at i• nothing to neer ft Poo Indic. I
1. doing to the golfing -Tomato 1We Te 0 how. or
gram. It hiller.
East Side of Square GODERICH, ONT.
one man
one hand shingle.
Bird's Canadian Twin Shingles, with natural
red, green or blue -black slate surfacing -
1. Are p:-.cked in easy -to -handle
2. Are double shingles and cover
twice the area of ordinary shin-
gles - save labor and nails.
3. Weight 200 lbs to the square
-size 20" x 10"- are durable,
handsome and economical.
4. Will not catch fire from flying
sparks and embers.
Bird'. Camedian Twin Shingles are med. by Bird & Son Limited'
(Fat. 1196) snaftalacturers of Bird's Art Craft Roll Roofing.
ParReefing Noponbet Meek Building Pa per owl Combination
Wall board. Thiseses • Bird...product for every sort of Building.
Wit are Ireadicittariers for Bird', reitAvs,
bedding papers and well board.