The Signal, 1924-5-29, Page 66 -Thursday, May 29, 19.
"Fast Flight," perfectly neu-
tered and ihalauctd, ,tandard
weight and size. Oil' 20e each
"Wear -Ever," another wond-
erful value a, 35c each.
''Spalding Rai Dot," "Hitn-
ple " :u1J "Black Iwnlin°.'
55c each: ti for t:3.00 .
'Nee. Scotty," 80li
•taulund Blue jibs ,t' lndirid-
onlletternlg. `1.O0 each.
' V ictor. 51k'.
„`Inx+uBw'r• (iFe.
$s i$l, 84.110, $6.50, $7.50 up.
Porter's Book Store
INSIgssis Make., Capacities and
just arrived at the
sad Battery service.
Cis. sesame St. sad Square,
Dcetorstri•^Ir-e, I1.
ly ..
j u ets
•prsite hmitsti. C
to L•
( it of 1
Ls' :: r . • :oo:::-
hr. Aug, girp!s, of St. 1:l -
dere q' e.. `rrItes:—
"1 hays frequently used Minard'e
Liniment and also proscribe it for
my p*tients always with the most
gratifying results. and I eonrids
it the best all-round Liniment".
C. A. King. M.D. aim recommends
Mfnard's in the following words:—
"I have mad Mlnard's Liniment
maysslf as well as prescribed it in
my practice when a liniment was
required. and have sever failed
to get the desired 'Meet". n
CHAPTER i.—Is • bass hospital at
Neutny. Franca. hie face disaaured be -
road recognition. an American soldier
serving In the French army attracts at -
Mellon by hie deep despondency. Asked
by the surgeons for • photograph to stride
them In making over ble faces he Otero
1e.• derision a picture of the. Savior, bid-
ding them take that as a taod.L They do
so. making a ramarkab:e Mumma.
CHAPTLH I1.—Invalided home. ea the
Mot be meets Martin Harass, New Teri
broker. wbe 1• attracted by Via remark-
ably features. The ez-Ooldie glom his
Gams u "Hears Hillard," and his home
as Syracuse, New York. He len then
Oder • cloud, aad to embittered against
his former fellow townsmen. Hermes
suttee Mr • proposition to sell minks
Marko In Syracuse, concealing his Iden-
tity. He aocepu 11, seeing In It a chance
to make good and prove he has been un-
CHAPTER 1I1.—In Syracuse "Hllitard"
(1s reality Renard Morgan) 1e acespted
as • stranger. He visite James Cullen. a
former employer, relating a Merl of tel
Beeth of Richard Morgan. and 1e the sur•
pried at tregret shown by Cullen and
hlo youthful daughter Angela- Wbllo at
the Cullen home Carol Dorset. Mergaa'e
termer Sans•. makes • tan.
CHARTER IV.—Hilliard repeats to Carol
his story of Morgan's death and Le deeply
moved by the evidence of her deep feel-
ing for the supposed dud man. He re-
aolva, howeVsr, le continua tM decep-
CHAPTER V.—Next day Hlulard gath-
ers from Angela that Carel bad always
loved Dick Morgan. and while delivering
to her a letter supposedly from bee for-
mer fiancee realism that his enaction Is
uncbangoa. Him welcome by Doctor Du-
rant, Card's father, also shakes Ms res-
olution to cautious the deception, but he
•,,nquen it
no tanosu co get no og merfie
asked. amused.
t'Oh, no r Horror was Is her tans
and mortification. "Only ... I wasted
to alk to you Ireton you law Garel.
Because Carol doesn't . . , I don't
think she'll exactly feel as I do about
this . .. I know she won't Maybe
tea because Dick and I were chums.
and she and Dick were . .. oh, you
know. It's different. Too ought to
take that Into consideration -when
you talk to her. I mean. I don't mesa
Bus meet' all trains. Calls made for
passengers and baggage to any part of
the town. Prompt service guaranteed.
Telephone 51, Day or Night
Residence, Oambrle Boad, opposite the
Organ Factory Office
"I'm surprised that Joe didn't get
On; he always seemed to helve plenty
Of backbone."
"Oh, he bad backbone. ail right;
the trouble was the knob at the. np;s•r
I don't can, because I do -terribly -
but I ... I can see what 1t meant to
Dirk ... and I know how he'd have
loved 1t, and picked this out of every
possible way, to ... end things, but
Carol ... she's different"
"Howl• HIDlard's vole was even,
but very low.
"Older," she said. looking away.
"And . . . and they were gong te
marry each other some time."
"But wasn't that broken aQT'
"Yes. but she was waiting."
"We Ring r
"Why, of course."
Hilliard's breath quickened.
"1 should have guessed that this Mr.
A rnistrong-"
"Oh, but that wasn't nnUi she
thought Dick wasn't ever coming back.
And besides, she Isn't really crags
about him -just lonesome."
"Indeed." Hilliard compelled htm-
aelf to relax. "So you think shell be
. hurt?
"Hurt?" Angela's volce was thin
with emphasis. "Rather r
"If there's anything you think rd
better say, or not say-" He rose, out
of steer Inability to endure this lo -
end of 1t wan of the some mat..:inl."
An excellent opportunity to•all
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did nee. t'•,t- VVV
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June 30 to
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ironware nu,etate "l t ■[Ut • lanai Lau u.
"Perbaps you'll tell ins --because It's
time for me to be going over."
Angela had risen, too. and stood be-
dde him. Her features were com-
posed. but still suggestive of inward
emotions a little too tender to convey.
"It there's anybody in the world."
she said, "who could glee Carol any
consolation just now, Ws you. I don't
suppose you ever were • minister, but
you look as though everybody could
come to you and te11 'incest everything•
and you'd help . . . anyway, you'd
try to. So I wish you'd . you'd
sit and listen . . . Carol's got to
alk to somebody, and when you're
hart the way she Is, you can't talk to
your family . . . and you were a
Mend of Dick's. And . . ." She
swallowed, and went on more slowly.
"Ton can aN your own Judgment, of
course. but If I were la your place -
I'd Ise."
"Lle1" he repeated, aghast.
"Yes. I would! He . . . be
must have sent her some word, Mr.
Hilliard! He most haver She was
desperately serious now, and thor-
houonghly aroused. "It metes the whole
world to her 1 It's everything! Why,
even Pee got more than she has, sad
she was waiting for him to come back
to her 1 Td Ue myself black In the
face, but rd tell her something -tell
her anything I could think of to make
her believe he hadn't stopped caring!
It can't do any harm now. It can't
hurt you. And I won't even ask sora
whether you do or not. Only you're
her, and she'll trust you-"
"Will cher •
"How could she help It? Aid
aad that's all. Please don't let her
think he didn't can!"
Hilliard stood irresolute; chase la
kis brain. "Ill . . . see," he sad
with dlfilealty. "TR sea"
"Won't you promise me? r wait
ask you afterward. if you ---
"Does 1t mean so meets to your
"Ever and ever so much. . . •
end a normal man might easily oe pan
dolled for a little •entttnent on the
side. no matter how often he bad
el•angod his religion during the mesa.
The maid, having deposited blur is
the Urine room, disappeared in a quick
flurry of skirts; Hilliard. standing at
the end of the long, high -roofed apart-
ment, found himself surrounded by •
thousand goads to remembrance. Not
au item teas out of place; not an Item
"a* otherwise than as he had oboe
recalled It; bis memory had bees
At the opposite end of the room.
flanking the black -marbled fireplace,
was a graceful, swan necked sofa.
beautifully carved and splendidly up-
holstered. Doctor Durant had era
remarked that Carol represented tis
fifth successive generation of her farm
Uy to be courted on 1t. And evening
atter evening, in the ages that had
gone before. Hilliard had sat there
and dreamed and loved; and sometimes
when Carol had slipped away from
him he had sat there and dreamed and
loved and smoked. while she played
Chopin and Rubinstein and hiescowsld
to him. Apd the piano -somewhat;
battle -scarred but withal a master !n.
trament-was still over in its armee
towed place, with the "Military Poles
afire" perched open on the rack.
Then his pupils narrowed to gray
necks of ice; for memory, by one et
those tricks against which then L no
defense, told him that be stood V
this same podtlon, in exactly tbie
same spot. when two years ago .the
dosage held pronounced his ssoteaesi
,sad t]arsl, in terrible silence, had then
and then confirmed 1t His Imagine -
Won't you please promisor 'thou conjured up that scene again;
He gazed at her a moment, yielded 1►Is blood chilled; he could Vey that
with • show of reluctance, --fdrel and the doctor were -actually bs-
"Very well -I promise. Because I fore him, and that he was staring at
them in the flesh, and feeling the lash .
of the doctor's quiet peroration. . . .
At the threshold there was a faint
rustle of fabric, and Hilliard turned.
.Card! His hands went out mechan-
ically, and hers to him; end Hilliard.
toe}ting the add of his somber mood
ardiled benignly.
"I mustn't keep you waiting," he
said, dropping her hands. "i've brought
you the letter I spoke about." He
gave It to her, and coughed hie em-
barrassment. "I'm positive it's for
you. And I'm sure you don't "eat
anything to prevent you from reed-
ing It at once, so if you'd rather pre-
fer to have me come back later for
the talk you wanted-"
u niverse. He was already moving townrd the
Proud of Ito Hilliard was fuisomee doorway; she restrained him gently,
ly abashed. Abashed -yes, and stoma although her eyes couldn't he dragged
duteously glorified. He had come its rfrom the folded paper he had given
make the city proud Ignorantly proud; bee.
of the man whose deeds had merited "No," she said, "please don't go. I
n o renown. Here, at the very Incite particularly want you to meet my fa -
don of his plans, a seventeen -year-old they, Air. Ililliard, ile s anzloua to
g iri was proud of him as he with eee'you, too. Won't you wait while 1`
call him?"
He Inclined his head; followed her
with his eyes to tlrr hallway. strained
his hearing. and knew that she hod
Opened the lager ns ?coon ns she wan
he was unalterably committed to gain, opt of itis night. Iii* lips twitched
whereby the pest should he as notit- cynicnily-nurl,,then, as It, r••un•m-
tn[. end the future should be • map sere. Angela's injnneti•ae. stroight-
nificent citadel of reconquered dreams erred. After nil, this much was pare
She was proud r7[ him. and she had charity. ihtwn tit,• hailaay, thi•re wan
approved the Ile in behalf of Dicky the rrv,•rberation of a rinsing door. I
.ilforgan'a memory. Unwittingly, *he and ellen,•e. y
bit sanctioned the very purpose of it w.,,"perh,,ps five n ie,nt s before
his coteing, and tlQ-method of his •p- -tint door nos 1-ein•ned. nil during
prbarh. '$he had confirmed his own 'the hderral, Mp!i:1r.l I;a ! nu ops.•n-
Intention*, hod given him the will tea tunity in uundei if iia d.,rtor hock re- ,
advance. He Wes to act as the stanch ‘[..„,1hi' ostler hours: otherwise, by
defender of het playmate perished, „;,,,111,1 now he I•tO0 In flit'
and to make of himeelf a new and s I hatlIing, r -'ts'ln pitienr.. It oe-
better man, worthy .of the eulogies ',.,il.r•d „p.m,:meow.) y to 11i:hard that
which, es trnotee. he now "accepted for both (';tens and her father ware eon -
the unworthy Morgan. Ice conttcrated',•eitably hnrnswed int
you've asked It And because It's the
dearest, moat generous, most thought-
ful thing I ever heard of In all my
Ufa. . And after that, can't we
he truly frieodsr
Plashed, perplexed, honored, she
gave him bar hand with a hesitancy
which betrayed the deep sense of cone-
plmeut she felt.
9 don't think I could be prouder of
anything that could possibly happen
be me," she said.
Wu it worth the blatant mummery
he had conceived and executed? Wu
It not worth that. and infinitely more?
She was proud of his friendship
. and she shared that distine'.
don with no one else in the entire
Courage. I n api re. t ion. Resolve.
He Aad won her respect by the prom-
ise of a Ile; and In this Instant he
vowed to deserve, by other and In-
creasing Iles if need be, the preellge
mself to this end. Told hhpself ne he r.iitm,t,•,I !lie extent to which
fiercely that he would succeed. 1 their sorrow might go , , , Judging
she was proud of him I It was s
p• Carol's d:ntre•as of Inst nlglr�, mitt
other omen a
t potential truancy of the doctor to -
aIt w s eleven o'clock to the minute' day- a was possessed of gripping
When rifIlllard, not quite so blithe GO emotion. Had they eared in deeply
a wedding for hien, then Angela and Carol had
g guest, and yet not dim meld urn; tairke bed doubted what he
[ether as doleful ea a mourner, waved ' „„rest wanted to elleve. Wan this ne1-
his hard to a sender girl who stood rlitbmnl proof? the doctor cured
on the veranda of ■ house dfagdnally urn ,terplt that in n to host red
aerate the street, and went slowly up nn lie w•ifh 1Hck Murder ante nin-
ths Donets' brick walk. He had an- err, he, w-nnld Interrnpf Nle carred
ddpets t the effect of thin pilgrimage routine of his practice? Tot Mita! Too
upon his nerves. he had discounted late to carr, tort Iafr to my mprltl,tre
1t; ant' Angela's advice had given him only the winter garment of rep•rht•
an artificial stimulus for the moment; erre was left for (hem! tlllltatvt
n evertheless, as the front door opened conldn'f rnmpr,3eapQ why. wAen he
to him. lad he saw, over the head of hntl risen this mnrnlfig "rrrfreshred In
• smirking maid -servant a hatless mind end body. he email now M se
sack • vsgUAole aneb*n[ed, ifs brvatl ,,nntterably wearied In troth.
came • tittle hurter than navel, tad
his cheeks went a little darker. it carol „turned. fnlloweoal Ay a refl.
fie .e sneak • rattan to aetirdna I fletnan of shay; and as the doctor en -
tot sin. use wont was +"..
.y yc•
metered by nil •ttm.apllrreref ealm. end
kindly prate. Ile was • large man,
large or feature, add lame of Instinct:
hl• forehead was that of an Intel-
leetuatlst ; his eyes tyre those of a
dreamer; Isla chin denoted rugged
eapabIlitlea. and the stubbornness of
unswerving ethics.
"Mr. Millardr Ills voice was
pitched low. but Its resonance was
Mtrlklnp. Thirty rears ego the doc'or
had been • fnntnus baritone; and there
was still one church In town which
Intel Its aisleel supremacy from the
choir he had organized and dlleted.
"Doctor e)unint!" The two mea
clasped hand* firmly. Milliard, ex-
periencing the dreaded sinking sense -
tion which come upon him es often as
he emerged htmaelf to yet another old
acquaintance, hardened as he per-
erreived an recognition In the doctor's
eyes. The inevitable reaction left him
tnonienterily weak.
"9t was good of you to take this
trnnbte, Mr. Hilliard. 1 appreciate It"
AIIIIard'■ denial was highly cour-
teous; It was hander to hate the doc-
orfor than he had plitnned.
"No, doctor -it would only have
been blamable 1f I hadn't."
"i Insist that It's good of you.
Ton knew Dick intimately, I under-
Hilliard nodded.
"Try Intimately. sir, considering
the length M time." 11e perceived that
Carol was holding the letter lightly
folded in her hands; she Intercepted
his glance, end colored proudly.
"it . . . It did belong to me."
she said. *ubdned. "And r ran
never thank you enough . . never
"My daughter," said the doctor,
presently. "has told me the one great
tact." He paused. then west on
gravely. "i accept It, and It need*
very little comment. What most con-
cerns me now 1s to know the leaser
fads. I have some hope, Mr. Milliard,
that you can make the lesser seem the
greater; and the greater, the less. 1
want you to deer up the one cloud
that etlti,dims our knowledge. I hope
you me telt us something about Dick's
reasons for doing this thing -for go -
Ing abroad at all, and for enlisting,
and for-" •
lillliard a laced ; the doctor's autop
ay on hi* eharecter was eonsiderahly
more disconcerting that Mr. Cullen's
had been. ,\
"Doctor Ilutr'ant I can't think ft's
fair to put Dieil's motives under the
micIoecope like that! Why not for-
get everything bet the attending •air-
cameleeres to the one greet fact.
"i'm not unfair," \malt the doctor
'lowly. "i've never ilre•n unfair if 1
could help it. and certainty not to two
man, shove al! other*. 11ere I* ti enae
Lr which a man who left \ie most nn
kstMatty eons@ Bek b to spirit
at least. as a hers. The rticular
dilatt he did 1e a feet. I'm of
kda far It -end es tater, to
for tbt only. But it tent frit♦ that
by Itself alone 1t' made him a
And when r said that risk interest_
the lesser Acts. I mean that DI
masons for going Into the war at I
may be the proof that he was a hero-,
and that any physical bravery he may\
have shown has nothing whatsoever
to do with It. Please don't misJndge
DS. We're not trying to belittle any-
thing Dick did; it'e neither fitting nor
pooMble. But what we want to know
Is where the credit lies -with Dick, a
reasoning, inspired, determined man,
or with Dick. Iatoxlcated by danger.
in the latter ogee. hie heroin would
appeal to ns as a detached Incident,
having no relation-, to hie earlier iife
or to our own: It would be something
to bring as pride for that, but for noth-
Ing et*e. in the other case. the knowl-
M1_e of the why, In addition to the
whet, wnald bring tor . . . Rut
about Dick?"
"You can be happy. then," *aid
11•M uneasily, 'Termer he went over,
I believe, In the firm' conviction that
every man has two cnuntriee-his own
and France." -
."Sas?" The doctor *at down nhropt-
"Am tong as you're Interested in what
he did before he was w'otin•'1•01-"
"And afterward, Air. 111111, rd."
"-Rather than ha" he was hurt, let
me nssur• you tint ns for as 1 know,
from the first day he landed, 1" don't
believe 1,r thought once nhnut his own
misfortunes. ile lend them, i know.
lift it yO.t've got nay manhood In you.
yen e:rn't think of your own troubles,
Mil. :here. it's too fearfdl. The ('ar-
rel-flnkin solution .teals n11 sorts of
wounds. i'nrtor Durant, n11 hitt the
worst wound of nil -rend thnt'n what
every- turn who lens atry humanity need
any sympathy about him germ when he
first set's France. ilia heart la torn
clear out of him, i1e can't sleep, he
ran hardly live with his own thought'.
And that quiet resolution you speak
about -it's enough If It comes to a man
there! 1 don't rare whet he hail in his
mind when he left you: 1 don't care
what it was, that led him to go over-
seas; i don't core what hit purpose
was when he sailed ; 1 know that whet)
he stood on French moth there wasn't
an atom of selfishness or melt -pity In
h4m. It wasn't a question of adven-
ture; 1t warm/ a question of drowning
kis aorrowt;Jt was a question of his
doing anything end everything he
Maid to help out. Let me tell you
smnething•" HIiII•rd sat on the edge
of his chair. 9t's pngslhle that you
never thought of Diek Morgan either
u a martyr or a tetanal' Nor do r
think he was. Ret when he was
brought te Neullly there was gnteng
Ms papers a Attie sort of field diary-
r'm sorry It was lost, so 1_ haves/ tt
to show to you, but i saw It titan- saki
under the data of hie ass,. talar K debt
For all washing purposes it need„„fteniug with Snow-
flake Anlnouia.
Try a package and note the diftereu,,. In the water.
&?1f- A6 nee eoAMe
{L6 ate.
Washing the dishes! Who likes
the task -three times a day for
lite for many a housewife.
Ibtl, Oh! what • dilereaee whoa yea
w a IIU, 9rwsake Powdered Am.
amide sad ,Indy .< real M water.
Saawlake arts like ramie. It eaten.
the water—dlawlve• the grease —
• leas.
lase se sea.—last a little of this
geadae, eriglW Pwwd,red A 111111.004g.
Ray a Package. try It furs week ...a
we it ga•waak• dee set truly ter*
a disagreeable .NY•te into ea erre
• pttliun as it ever eaa M.
111® Tiff�fU(Ike
en Ilse 'rum toe trenene• was acne -
hied thin. quoted from Rousseau: Rte
dead carry to the grave, in their
etutehel fingers. only that which they
have alien nwny.' Doctor Thereat,
Dick went into this war In the ballet
Hutt the only way to reclaim bla Illi
nes to anerilke It. Does that answer
your quesilon'"
There nos an utter stillness. It had
1 pen a superb fieilon, but Hnwlard,
thinking obliquely of Angela. was only
partly $,indent of his bnwnees.
"Thank you." ...aid the doctor, and
glnucwl at hi. d*ugl mer. "Yee. He
had the making of n splendid man. I
kiwi% his t'nrrnts an I hit grandpar-
ents. His career in Syracuse hadn't
anything t" do alit• his heredity. lir.
Hilliard; It we.* the re.tilt of. Nolly
•-hos,•* envlrcnmo•nt. Ile chose 1t
himself, and he hail all a young non's
Interest In t,•ng•tailon. But when those
temptations were retnnt•,.I, when he
us.* free to revert to his flintily tradi-
tion*, why then hr erlill—"
"It would Ilene•• late a _rent deal
more. d•ttl ir, K y04100ke1 o I:int Ind.&
pendently nod neaylie n little Ire nt-e•
demleslly—If con didn't gra ao.fur tM-
joeel tht•Rttttnlfnet.r.
(To be Continued)
The apple crop of Canada last year,
according to Bulletlu No. 3.1 of the
Department of Agriculture H (k•
taws. entitled "Cattail's -grown A • . es"
amounted to 4.063,719 barrels. Tats
war about one mlllioa barrels Its
than the Crop of 1932. These
compiled by fire Fruit Branc
given in an introduction to ■ 1
of fruit recipes ethic% it i.
will encourage the greater use og
adlan apples. This bulletin, wh
'reliable at the publications bra
the Department, shows that Ca
apples have been particularly s
tnl in international competitions
are recognized as unsnrpaesed a
where in the world. Apples a
classified according An the Reatami
in whici, they should he need and
a„ to their suitability for cookie&
dessert, and other purpose'. The ad-
vice 1s offered that apples should be
cooked In earthen or granite uten-
sils and only silver, granite ort
woollen spoon* tined for stirring.
The recipes cover all planner of
dishes that can be made from the
"King of Fruits."
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Cevseenrws fes Cedar Pahl. jetIen. Triads • t a - muee ,asst. Aalt
ower tush swat fir twin a•sat tlebat its C Nee Twuw.t Ant.-
ereil4 acre—i100•.
aew't /trce ertdylaak iaart aced The Ofeet Chip
Gtaae Site aerar•ee sad Ma•Is• �',�!s�+r -l.enah
Th■ Cleveland and awRale Tit eprt Co. t' gym"" finches. eirh. Oft
Caewhad. OY•