The Signal, 1924-5-29, Page 1wea SEVEN.ITSITTQVTH 1Is.1R N0. 13 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924 -I Your Advertisement Vhe Signal is read by the best pen- in The .1gn4-Coderich and district the pie of Gexletleopk who buy. people DUNcAN $AUHALL ADDRESSES LIBERALS Amami gala nt. of Nartll Heron Aa militia M *Isom The anaptl meeting of the North gluon Libeled Association was held In the WIagtim town hall on Thesday of this week. aid was attended by Lib- erals froze alined every part of the rid - lag TM meeting was called jointly for tbe Feints! and Provincial At - 80(111 lugs, hit owing to other duties on taw t of meeting the secretary of the piss lo. it 1 Aaaoelattou was suable • to he prewar and the badness was cote ffned'to Federal aftaiM .. .` Motet of last year's officers were rs tiered; but It was decided to have for each mnnINpaltty 4wo (*airmen. one. of tiles to bra woman. In order that proper attention might be given toter orgaalaatlea of. the women vot- ella The list of .ffloers for the ma - to year 1a as follow.: President. W. H. Robertson, Oode- Rkb ; . 1st vice-president. John Gil - tapir.' W dtel'hnurr'h ; 2nd viae-peeai- de...t. Joseph P. Dalton, Aysaifl.ld: and vire-pttwddent. Nelson ROL Au- burn; pcntary. Jas. Maltrehle, Blyth; treasurer. A. R. Carr, Blyth auditor. Ws. labbner, Wingham. Chairmen for the various ilclpal- ttlee : AMBed-Chan. Stewart. Mra, Mops Daltcq Colborne -Gordon Young. Mrs. 1. Hetherington. Grey-Joh■ McNabb, Mrs. Andrew Lamont. Howitt 'Iles. McCiesent. Mrs. Alex. McKercher. Morrie -Wm. Elston. Mrs. R. Rich- mond. Turnberry-Peter S. McEwen, etre Joseph Love. Est Wawano•b-('has. Campbell, Mrs. Alex. Porterfield. Went Wawauaah-Wee Waters, Mia Retq McAllister. Brussels -Wm, GUlepte, Mrs. Peter Scott Blyth -C. McClelland. Ides. Ae 4. Poplestone. Ooderfch--'. A. Nairn. Mrs. Wesley Walker. Wingham-Abner Coons. Miss Powell. Wroxeter -Jobe Douglas, Miss Vida Haeelwood. Hon. Dumas ManisaU. Federal Liberal-orgastpst. addressed the meet- ing and Mee as tnteresttai sketch of the politest atteatiod a it exists Is the Dominlss. He pointed oat that the King Government bad taken office ender the hasdlcap of a huge tsdebted•eas left trebled by the former Coaservativogoverassent and a change to prosperous conditions would take time. Before the change of Gotern- meat in j1121 the maitre' nes 1a sow* the ease stagnant condition as 1s the 710'.. The advent of a Liberal Ooeeraseet Is MN had brought pros- perity is a Paw years. and similarly good teach would before long follow the change made in 101, Mr. Mar- shall recalled some of the things the Larks Government had done to produce prosperity, suggesting that the present Government wan shaping to policy with fly ease idea, sanely, that tbe way to make Canada prase germs was to make the farmers of agedlt peessmee.s. That was what the Laurier Government did. and that was what the Xing Government was eadeavorag te do. The aving from the tariff champs made be the pret- est coven seat would ataeuat to from' $Te to 1100 for every farmer In the constry. and with Increase, par- chastsR power the Harmer. would buy more manufactured goods and the ansfaetute a would share In the en- suing pr aperity. Mr. Marshall said the manufacturers were not as much Interested In the aria as the imlltkaba were, The Canadian Manuf etuters' Amnesties was pretty mob an adjune't of the Tory party. but the manufacturers did not all bel(lag to it. Some of the anufaetunrs had already announced r.duetloas a tbe pekes of their pro - dwelt as the result of the tariff Cha Mr.. Marshall charged that tbe Con- servative °overawed hart added to the public .hent the entire east of the war, the cost of demobilization. and 11T1.- 000.000 In addition. The British Gov ernment had taxed war profiteers heavily while they had the money and an watt alas to pay off a large part of Its war debt. The Conservative Government of Canada had not fol- lowed this emelt- and It was Im- possible at the date to tax the war- time profits'. for many of those who made money daring the war .1141 not Po It now, having spent It or lost It In nnwlae apecnlations. And the worst of it was that the boys who won the war and had come hack to Canada found that they had to hone their heck, to help pay the axes that should pave been eollacted In wartime from those who stayed at lame, The speaker, wbo for some years was Minister of Agrk'ulhrre for the Pawnee of Alberts and is Intimately a�saal.ted with agricultural eaodltona t6hrengboot tiles Destinies. •pekes at Mme le'agtb on the 'obesrtt of farm- (luela' saeteta, which be eoeald.rnd the 11ienpetaat bolo is the meows s of il1'eatss to aaada. Greet Rrltaln and the Vetted States were the only bee greet esttie nmtbta is the world. Tie Relish Oo►etnImeat had been In- . CHAS. 0. LS L OET OF LIONS Survey if dile Past Vaer's ,Work eft TW. Organlastim Mr. Charles K. Saunders was ten- dered many e'ompllmruts by his fel• law Lions at their hist meeting on the splendid work he has done during the past year ae president and chief of the (slab. The feeling was unanimous that the success tie Club had achieved during the twelve months Just clos- ing had hen in a very large measure due to Isla untiring efforts a,' ehlel. Lion Saunders was firm in his stand. however. In declining the offk•.. for a second tI rm. Lion 11. J. A. MacEwan. last year first vice-president of the Club. pleated pressure of other duties, and as the, mahtie of leadership fell on Lion Charles C. Tree. Other oft flees which 'herr filled by acclama- tion were: Tell -twister. Lion Dr. J. A. Graham: Lion -tamer, Lion Fred Sturdy. and clupldtn, Lion Rev. R. C. McDonald. Naas Voted In nomina- tfoa for the otber pffIees swill be voted on at this week's luncheon. Some Idea of the actlyitin of the Club ander the direetlo of Chief Pounders nay iso gleaned from a list of noose of the speakers who addressed tbe (lab. Deluded in the list from out of town were: Bishop Ile'rdney of Keewatin, on "The great licorth- laod of Ontario'; Engineer S. M. Johnston, Stratford, on "A Trip to Northern Ontario"; E. H. Dorling, M. E.. Hasllton, nn •'The Town Water Supply": Ernest Lew. Toronto, on Mite Deep Waterways": .1. A. McFad- den and Dr. Smlth, Stratford. on "CrIppled Children's Work in Perth County"; J. J. Griffin, Stratford. ad- dress and lantern views on the Bell Telephone Company; Frank A. Copes, Stratford, on "Insurance"; Captain T. Milton State, chief lectur- er of the C. N. L. on The Canadian National Railways as • National In- stitutlon. Other speakers entertained by the Club we're: Prof. A. H. Tomlinson, 0. A. C., Guelph: Rev. C. A. Seager. provost of Trinity College. Toronto; James Malcolm. M P., Kincardine; H. S. Kemp Toronto: Prof. H. F. Kingston, Western University, Lon- don; Captain C. H. Buckland, Toron- to. Proviacial'pWector of Children's Aid work. Joint luncheons of the Club and the Board of Trade were addressed by a number of speakers. Inchiding Rus- se41 T. Kelly. Hamilton, president of the Canadian Good Roads Associa- tion: Dean Sherwood IMI, Western University, London; 8. R. Stother's, Clinton. district agricultural repres- entative ;W. J. McCormack. lauit Ate Marie. superintendent of the Al- goma Central Steamship Liles; F. M. Rutter. W. Fulton. H. J. Humphrey, M. H. Brown. C. P. R. Oldies; Ernie Caldwell, Toronto, entertainer; and Qty Manager G. D. Hastings, Mayor Wm. Atephena and Alderman H. Ma- koney. of Guelph. TM Club entertained the members of Huron county council at a get-to- gether luncheon during the January aealon. This lnnekeon In Itself was very 'penally commented upon as "a good stroke" by tube Lions Club. Loral speakers included: Dr. J. 11. Field on "Consolidated Schools"; Rev. J. Z. Ford on "The Hospital Bylaw and Principal J. P. Hume on "The Collegiate institute Bylaw." Addresses by members of the Club itself included: Athol McQnerrte on "Rural Newspapers"; Dr. J. A. Greta. on "Pyorrhoea": T. Roy Pat- terson on "Highways"; Dr. W. F. (Tallow on "Town Health"; Keith R. Hubbard on "A Trip to Western Canada"; and R. Cockburn Hays on "Specialisation." The Club put on a "show" of Rs own with boothJ* on Dominion Day and later in the summer had the Palmer shows here for a week's stay at Victoria Perk. both being In •1d Of the Club's fond established to pur- chase equipment for' j civic children's playground Suprise Seep Free Deal leery home in Goderich will receive a '7>tsrprlee Asap" free coupon this week which, when taken to your grocer, will mettle you to two extra Dors free when you buy three bars at the regular price. 4111evd to remove Its embargo on Can- adian cattle, and In time, Mr. Mash - all predicted, the King posernment woul:t secure entry for Canadian cattle to the Coked States seatket. Mr. Marshall who was In Brian at the time of the last Tmperial Cosfer- en.e. &puke with pride of the eminent position which the Canadian Prima Minister took upon all occasions in connection with that gathering, Tb. Hon. MarKenzle King was better egnlpped than any other roan Caere, and nn every oerask n 1t wise admit - ref that the test spew h was M. by the Canadian Pr^olnr Bore many years had gone by Mr. Marshall said. the Littera' party wn11111 1e as p'nm►d of Mr. King as ;hey were of that peerl.u, statesman ter Wilfrid Laurier. Several of the Meal erala in -de brief remarks Idteafter Mr. Marshall's ad - dream and a hearty vete thanks. unwed by Mr. John J. Robertson of Colbert* and weeded by Mr. A. Cares of Wtyh.at4 was tendered to the vlslttng meeker The News of the Town Paellas' Saturday and Wednesday Commencing next week, the Pavillon (neer Stifled hotel will be open for dancing two nights a week -Wednes- day and Saturday. I Wet. Cold Weedier on the Lith The wetatber on Victoria, Lay inter- fered sadly with the sports planned for the day. The two beisebalr games with Lean were called off. and a wet blanket was throws over other sports County Conned Neat Wei. i event' to which their devotee., had been looking forward. All In all, It The summer session of the county was the most disappointing _'lth of council will open at the court house May for many years. The Victoria on .Tuesday afternoon nest Among Day celebration at Clinton. was ean- the more Important business to be Belled. and the Mitchell races were dealt with by the council will be the postpone to Wednesday of this epuallaatln, of the rates levied for week, county road rxpeudltnre. Malcolm Macdonald far Jadgoh* A despatch from Vancouver, which refers to an Ashfield old boy and 0, C. I. ex -student, says: M. A. Mac- donald, K. C.. Is to t* appointed to the vacant Judgeship In the Appeal Court bench In British Columbia. ac- cording to private advkes received In Vancouver today. • Bell Inquest Again Adjourned The inquest Into the .lath of Georgy W. bell. which was to be held at the ditions. town hall on Monday evening Oat. was again adjourned at the request' of the Crown until Tneaday. June 3, at 7A() pm. The Jury. however. will meet on Friday at 2.10 p.m. for the pnrpnae of tk-wing the car and the place of strident. Te Held a Seeder, at (liaise Mr. E. R. Wigle, M. P. P., has re- ceived word from Hon. Dr, Jamie- son. chairman of the agrleuitnral en- quiry committer appointed •t the last sreslon of the Leglalature• that this committee will hold a meeting In the Clinton town hall ou Thursday. June 12th. at 2 o'cbrk pm. ,Thin will give the farmers of this diatrlct an op• portunity to place before the eommlttee any grlevanxea they may have yr any suggestions they may wish to make with regard to agricultural con- Seteesafal Medical Madmen The eftamivatiou results in the Fat- ally of Medicine at the l-nlveraity of Tomato Rive published this week. In the list of sueceaaful eandldatees we nee the names of several stndente from Goderkh : James McClinton In the 1 final year: Lionel A. limekiln and J. M. Graham In the third year. and John Wallace in the flrat year. O.Nd--Smote. At the home of Mr. Robert An- drews. Rayfield road, oft Thursday evening last, his sister. Mix. Bertha Heaton, was units in ma ge to Mr. George P. Gould, of told. Rev. J. E. Holmes officiating. The ding was • very quiet one, and er- wards Mr. and Mrs. Gond ed to their home on Market et where they are accompanied by th good wishes of many friend,. C. 0. F. (lamb Parade Canadian Order of Forester.., (lonrt Goderkh No. 32. will hold thrlr an- nual church service and parade on Sunday morning. June nth, at 11 •.m.. to Knox Presbyterian church er. Brothers are requested to meet t e lodge rooms, over Renee oboe Wore. at 10.110 o'clock. Visiting brethren are cordially limited to at- tend. C. JOHNSTON, ALBERT E. BARKER C. R. Ree flee. Rev. R. C. McDermid will be the speak - Go and Have Tour Say In order that public opinion concere- lag the proposed erection of a new town hall with a public auditorium may be expressed, a meeting is to be held at the town hall on Friday (v - Milne. at R o'eleiek, for a full and free dlaeutslnn of the gne.tion. it is hoped there will be a large attendance of citizens •nd that opinlona and .ug- geations will he frankly advaa-ed The matter has become argent he- , canes of the generous offer of Mr. Robert MacKay to contribute 112.000 towards the erection of a new hall provided aetiee Is taken by July let next. Do the citizens wish a take advantage of this offer? That In the quteston on which the Mayor and town council desire information. by Gearetd% fa C. N. R. reusable( Miss Mildred Low. of the Commotion National Railways advertising MINIM.was in town last week gathering in- forntatbn for a pamphlet to be issued advertising summer rwsnrts on the C. N. It. system, Mess Low xeenre.l in- formatlm on the summer attractions and .other features of (lo.lerleh and datrlet. including the Blue Water Highway resorts, anti Goderich will no doubt Ire well presented In the pamphlet, which is to he distributed over the continent with the idea of at- tracting tourists. Maythne Revue Again Enjoyed The thlrel perfnrmanee of the May- tlme Revue. which was given at the G. C. I. gymnasium on Monday erm- ine. drew a good audienee and the Program wax ■gain much eujoye(, Mr Fred G. Holmes, who wax to Ow a group of songs.. unfortunately had a severe cold and was abbe only to be talar bIa endo par( Is the "('harming Weather' chorus. A comic skit by Harry Sturdy and W. J, Buchanan was an addition to the original pro- m and wax a laugh -provoking num- • result of the three perform. a. the Maple Leaf Chapter, 1. 0. D. ... las the substantial sum of 12"2.1 to l dded to the hospital building fund , la able to congratulate Itself on a o . -while effort. News tress tie Harbor The boats not dee at the poderlch Elerahor Company elevator dpring the past week 'wind . the Mapledawn on Friday. with 1l 000 bushels of wheat and oats; on Saturday. the Glenrairn with moos bushels et oats; on Monday, the Mapleennrt with MAO bushels of wheat, nate and screenings. The Olenesirn due nn Sunday with another cargo. TM Federal Construction Co. pane are preparing their dredge "Al - which arrived last week, for work the water end of the intake job an intend starting at this within the next day or two. They are making slow batt steady progress on the land work. Superintendent W. J. Piggott and Freight Agent V. 0. Rnel1 of the Can- adian ao-adian National Railways were In town last week on matters concerning rrefpfht traffic. Dietrlet Engineer H B. M. Craig and Pressldent Hunt of the Ooderieh Elevator Company were in town on Tharsdby last on bsslnpas In connection with the harbor works. TEX s 00. LIMITS Publishers. G. C. I. CADETS MAKE GOOD n' 'Y SHOWING AT INSPECTIONBEA ANaTS VER‘ Lt. -CL Gillespie, of London, (onKrat- ulatea Thtm un 'Their .lppeuraurr Poateftlee %ant. Inforallitlon Mrs. G. Thompson. IS (]leave street, Everton road. Liverpool. England, 1s enquiring through the l'oatofflee De- partment as to the whereabouts of ber bwother, Mr. Oweu Kelly. Ills last address was Galerlcl,. Ontario. Any person knowing anything of Mr. Kelly Is requested to commuulcate with Mr. Galt. postmaster of Gode- rlch. - Gees . to Leaden 'Advertiser Mr. J. Ales. Hume. Who for the last two years was The Signal's en- ergetic and efficient local reyorter left yesterday for London, where he Joins the staff of The Advertiser. Alex. will tbe, generally missed around tnwn.'and has many friend* here w'lil wateti Pals career with interest, In 'the confidence that his undoubted ability will carry him a considerable distance.' Vktsr'la Hesse and Sestet Club The Home and School ('1nb of Vic- toria aehool held Its regular meeting on Tuesday evening In the klndergnrtnn ram of the School. There was a gosl represntation of parents present. Mrs. Iteldltt, the president, presided and a very interesting program was car- rel out, Including a solo by Miss. Bell. chorus by pupils of Miss Vesta Watson's room, oreheestn, Selections by Knox church Sunday school or- chestra and an address on -Loyalty" by Mr. Chun. NI. Robertson. .tt the close of the program a vote of thanks to those taking part was moved by Mrs. J. it Wheeler and Miss Wiggins. ami the program 1•1os ed with the sing- ling of the National .tntltem. ' Water and Light Caesaisatoe At the regular meeting of the water and light ern n, lssion on Thursday last applicttltns by Geo. P. Gould and W. C. Pridham for electric range ser- xke .were passed, as were ►leo • number of applications for electric light service. There was a diacusafm with the water and light committee of the town council with reference to the installation of a public lavatory at tlu' municipal plant at the har- bor, and it was decided to. go over the grounds wlih the committee. Miss Macara made application for a refund on water rates for her rest- TRIPS AS ADVERTISED dente on Rt. Vincent street, the ser- vice having been twice discontinued A rumor which gained anme currency daring the winter. The commission at the beginning of this week was to declined to make any rebate, but in- the eff,et that thea Greyhound ex• Mrncted that the applicant be notified euraion to Detroit in June would doe that no •IMwanee Is made for ser- cancelled nn aceonnt of the prevnlene lee discontinued within six months of smallpox at Detroit. i1 Is easy to from the date of turning on; and that start a Humor. much more difficult a fee of l0 cents ix payable for to arrest it; but this partienlar rumor turning on tate service (in order to shoild have a short life, for there 1s avoid unndcesnary turning on and off no Intention to alter the program of of services). the Greyhound. The presence of a A further commufleatipn was re- few canes of smallpox In a city of cetved from the district engineer of nearly a million people 11 not nn ale the Federal ikpartment, of Ilnblic normal condition. A lady from 1)e- Workn, submitting pians aid apecifl- trait who is at present vislting In cation,' for the Installation of lights Goleric'h, when asked about' the epi• 'at the north side of the demi( at Detroit. laughed, and said harbor and taking the commis on she had heard more about it in (lode - for • price on the work. The engi rich than she had at home. flowerer, wan Instructed to prepare the requlted'.ps the result of enquiry on accormt estimate. 01111. tumor above mentioned The Rig - The resident engineer of the Pro- nal ‘Ie able to glue flap following in- vinclal Highways Department asked formation for an estlm*te of, the cost of in- 1$1e ublellpox situation at Detroit stalling and maintaining two lights Is absolutely under control of the on stem at the railway crossing on city's hoard of health. The few new the Huron road. Thin was referred eases which have teen reported re -- to the engineer. cy�atly cry evmfinnp to n e'rMin •ret, A report of the Ooderkh Hydro At to time has the situation been s tem for 1923, as It will appear in considered e(erionn ennngh for the therose reenrds of the Hydro'Electrie placing of w quarantine on the ferry suhmit P. C. a attions onrptua" f fit Paymeent o stkoo0 to the the englneer's firmed, The annual Inspection of the (:. C. 1. cadets was hide at N•k-tori• Park uu Friday afteruoon.lefore a fair rep- resentation of the citizens of the town. The corps was In charity of Cowpony l'omsnder T, D. Auderwtu, Platoon Leaders D. B. Orr- and D. Nairn. and Section Commanders It. J. M'V4'o0. (ling. Humber Eugene Dobie and J. G. Meflermid. The cadets. smartly attired In khaki uni- form. went through the various drills in splendid style. Lt.-('ol. Geo. 11. Gillespie, of London, cadet ()fuer for military district No. 1, who inspected the (;olerich eorps loot year. n'ns the IMpector again this year. After the drill he ad- dressed the cadets and eongratilatel them on their fine showing. 11e said he had inspected a number of corp' during the previous two weeks and in comparison the work of the cadets ere was very creditable. In par- t' alar he praised them for the neat al,srnnee of their uniforms. He would have liked to ate a signal corp. here, he said. as the militia was giving particular attention to de- veloping this part of the training. Another desirable feature would be a inane. as musk' was a great help in drilling. An Invltnttnn wan extended to' the cworpa to attend the cadet cimp M be hell at London about July S. Last year, Col. Gillespie said,' the Nolerlch corps exeelled In shooting and he would bike to .et mother party organized to attend the rifle shoot to be held at London In October for the George V. trophy. He thought every boy should be 91.1e M shoot, amt in another year this hranen of the training would' be developed to the full•at extent. Mr. A. M. Itolertson, under.whose all lMtrr 1, n,, the collets hare b1 -eh trained. was ss.ngratnlated upon' his exeellent choirs. of leaders. At the ..inclusion of Col. pillesple'n address three cheer' and a "tiger" were given him by the boys. Brief 'addresses were given also by Rev. J. E. Holmes and Lt. -ftp. H. C. Dunlop who lath spoke highly of the good showing made by the corp,. GREYHOUND WILL MAKE Commission of Ontario, was Nervier between Detroit and Wind - with n letter from the H. El mar. one the people nre moving across dito.'. This shows a 'filet the river both way' withont resettle - e3,324.73 on the opera- tion of any kind which would not Leal ptlont for 192:1. he the enxe If the authorities were the u.eond amount of not fully antiefled that there was no ntake contractors on danger of e•ontngion. On account 1,f rtifieate was con- the cnmpnrntively small *nailer of came' of smallpox thnt have developed the health authorities ng Detroit hare, however, been active In carry- Iing out vaccination and the city cnm- misslnn of pihIle health states that !the epidemic, If at amy thee it could have been (sliest suet. will he eh- xolntely stamped out or confined t.► the presro,t cases within the text Week. The v lgoreee tsoaenreea that have ben fatal have, it 1n enpfi- deptly isellered,• removed any danger \w•hkh may have misted of the 'Treed Of the ,IecniN. 1s Information should be rens- tor g to these wbo have been alarms by t moot Which envied over the town t s week. THE G. 0. L CADETS This photngr,'ph was taken on Frlday afternoon at Victoria Park. 1,t -Cul. Gilleaple, of London The momer,' of the eorpaare: Rack raw (left to rlghtl-A. Fowlle. 11 Bree•kow, A Melwean, it Pentland !neon. F McCarthy, C. Amber. R. !Joey. R. Kne.eahaw, IT. Plonlgon• K Gardiner, 1�, Thompson. ft torr ( 1st stuck each west and are offered to the Platoon Commander). 11. Nairn (2n1 Platonp Commander), 1'. i) Anderson (Company ('ommander). J. M., imimeat misT'iin. iiii;r�1 e Denzil(' (Section (ommen.er), R. Rruset, E. Folder, G. J. Ryan. .1 Rams. A. Johnston, A. Sturdy, II H.•diey.'gam wL,L,,.sl J. Abel, N. Ryan. C. Worsen, T. Warnock, 1. Allen Front row (feet to right) --M. Baker, B. MlftManus. G. Grove., it Hetherington, C. (:roves, F Field. W F,,es� Raker, E. Elliott. G. Jame. T. M. Cott. R. Munroe, J n. Purve�a, F. (1 Thompson, A. M e'ntt in. !lumber Not -I TOO �� tion (browattder1, R. McLeod (Sectfon('ommaoder ). iR Dobbs (Sect Ion Commander R. Marriott 1C Slack. 11 (iatdTO CL.11481111 - thnrpe. F. Vrnnman, H. Went. 10. Porter. iI Qnald, H Crawford, W. Tobin. .1. f(lallsrn M Rat. P Rhesrinwn, L. PEil�flr 'yeomen (Al./OR Brans. V Ads ebesP Apply to FRE El~ T• w herr the a noun) intersect i,n, .yn s I STEEL BECOMES A MECCA SHOPPERS The vepplarity of the local Steep Store ill iuoale4c more evident moil day M tib1 eittse�e of Godericb and vicinity are limpid to larger am- bers. and they are now till. g their to, list of household heeessltlea from evondoeted the extensity* variety of sew sir. e"h0ielias that 1a on display. N(. McKee. M Sanderson. F, Hot- etc latest creations of tie Dement - M. market are being added to the Rev, A. 11. of Kraut f on PftssikroftR the Day The eighteenth aunl..r.., of Ile (;uderle•h Baptlet •kUrrh on, oboerve,1 last Sunday with apoupe ser‘ o... the morning and e?wing, eonduchsl by Rev. A. 11. Fronsew, of Calvary Baptist .'harsh. Brantford, '!b. ltaptlst 'hurt, offkial• were very fortunate in securing such an eloquset speaker as Mr. Fromow, emaciate in rice• of tilt. filet that he stated be very seldom left his pulpit in Brant- ford, which charge he has held for the past five yesra. In his opening remarka at the morn- ing service Mr. Fromow expressed his great pleasure in being present on this 1IC('(in11, e,'peCially sit because there wax a person in the congregation whom he baptised some years ago. For his morning text Mr. Fromow took 11dillppiaus 1.3D -"According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing 1 shall beashamed, but that with all bidnesa, as always. no now also Christ shall be magnified in my body. whether It be by life, or by death." This man Paul, said the speaker, wax the masterwork of Jesus Christ. Pail, as he Mt in his cell. wrote the autobiography of his life, and daily he endeavored to make Christ's Ilfe bigger. As a result of all 11ila many fires were won for Christ. TAI. was Paul's task. Every living soul has,el task to do for Jesus Christ and the duty of every soul 15 to find out what thnt task 1m. In tie, evening Mr. Fromow gave another powerful sermon, taking as his theme the love of God, 'terrifies being a very effective prewelc'r, Mr. Fromow is a splendid singer, possessing a rich bass voice, At the mornior service he song sa a' solo "Nenrer, NIy 040. ;n Thee," and In the evening "Caine" PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Jackson went to Clinton fur the h nblday. Seaforth News: Mrs. E McMurray 1s visiting friends lu Goierich. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Jenkins, of Clin- ton. were visitors in town on Wednes- day. ss Miss Marton Lee. of Trinity College. Toronto, has arrived home for the holidays. Miss Edith. Millar, of Detrpjt, la the guest of 11.'.. W, F. Callow for a few' days. Mrs. P. E. Itlstill)of Toronto. was the guest of Mrs. Hamid Yonne for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ellis hare re- turned to town after spending several months In England, Mr. W. J. Morgan, a unant at the Inion Rank. spent the ho day with friends in Hamilton. Miss Florence Dougherty a ended at the hospital marten' grad ton at Kitchener on Wednesday, Mlas Winnifred Hamden, of St,kt- ford, spent the week -end with M and Mrs. Harold N. Rivers. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Shephard and family, who event the winter 1n the South, have returned to town. Mr. H. B. P,grsona and Mr. Russell. Of Walkervfle, motored to town and spent the holiday with tripods. Mr. and Mrs. R. .H. Munro and Mrs. Gibbs were up fmm Mitchell for a couple of day. title week. Mrs. Graham RoMason and children. of Toronto, are Oohing at the home of Capt. and Mra. Wm Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McPhail hale removed to town from Porter's 11111 and are oeeupyfng their realdence' "1' South street. 1Lr. and hies. W. Hera an.I Hiss Leola Hern motored to St. M.in, ole Saturday and 'bolted with fricul- over the week -end. Mr. .R. W. Crater. returned to Brockville yesterday and was a panted by his mother and sir• 1111110 Minnie Craigle. Mr. and Mrs. W. M'rotelfoot. of Tor- onto, spent the 'reek -end at Menesetnng Park with .Ur. yd Yrs Ernest Jordan. Mr. ami ]ire. ('len neslinater, of Tiewwater, who p yenned Mrs, W. C'r*ig a reald.nee on ((.set street, ore removing to town at :ln early dote. Mr. and Mrs Pat id L. SNI, Mr. Norval Bell. Mrs B..waa,�, and Mr. Holts, of KIn..an in" . _� eat Sunday with Mr. noel Sirs Herold N. Rivera. Mt. it. T FAnardn has an far re- covered from gals Illne*a as to leave the hospltnl and will soon re nme hie duties in the aaasasmeat department at the town Irati, Rey. (' N. Dewey ami ierw. Dewey gm an *edit' for 111. diary. to at- tend tba annual conve•ypn of tis. (ielp,t, paptist Aeaeeyatiea held there nn 7braler. W dareeky and of tbls week. 'Ilwtdda Nlw Dort. . of (karts 110 ow Detroit, 1110. of weskit et the parental lone ter mpa118pd trireme . h her pra(vleiar. who also a a no - frontal! fralntal! at Grant hapI$.i, ahs Mr. Ulm E. Lavin ydn�+pa ear. as ► weabAnd rapier pie c"-- f"'"' a >r, Davis, et Waamis iris t* Aa tesa was Mr. Lays•' I+aa"ad Oaseda, he was h.ew ease felt174:07.; aisle ha wit! lore