The Signal, 1924-5-22, Page 104 My.° 'KRIM there Miything you know of?" grel!fl.11".•r. Seeger, rather annoyed. Siam righter, one of the four men te fall off the car. also gave evi- dence to the effeet : "1 wouldn't say it was crowded." -There seemed to be rosin enough fir all.'said. Pletzer stated it seemed to him that "the .tor had given a little Chnek as if it oa,1 bit II lit it. Ston." ton Latid, mho was *tending up io• :h. time of the nerident, *aid that b. thought he sus the first mau to 1 off the ter. 1111. lighted on his that bap- tism fail off?" THE SIGNAL, The box. mimed ?wry yytkis 1sb"t4, In the goatee 111* TEE MINISTRY allibie. upon !which some of , Ws easisetagere were sitting. was I tem feet am latch in width GODERICH, QNT. PERSONAL MENTION I WANT= , • CAMPRELL.-.-in Oederich, on Teets - Mt Pelee Intimated to the coroner that tbey were atilt sitting up alights' with Mr. Tunnel. 1)r. Ilunter said I 1that tte bad su Ttui..y hi if nd I Hutt though 1W W114 not dangerously 1.1111 he was in such contlitiou that he wouldn't be out for nearly two weeks. 1 Adjournment was *hum made. as sir. previously Indicated, until' the 29th tbietant. you erer 001 Gooderielo Baptist .churclo anniversarr 1118.7hod7 fell 011".. serviees ,1l1 he held next Sunday. Mag. ve eau heen on a car before Omit sial-keneil up and no one toilet, off?" "Yoo.." • "NM when it war .crowded like tills our?" -No." Ben Loekhart, another of the ten mon on the car. said that "he didu't think there were teo many on the car" Asked as to the iltuck Mr. Platser had spoken of witness said: "I didn't feel any jerk." 1 "Do you know anything why thaw men ahould fall off?" "No." -Wliat watt the speed of the eery' i -Four miles an 'hour." Nordian Price, C. I'. R. Inveirti- gator. took the witness stand to prove a plan he had drawn showielt the position of the ten men on the jigger.: He gave the size of the jigger as six feet two luches long and font feet Town of Goderich Public Meeting A public meeting 41 be held in the Town 1-i\- 11 on Friday,. May 3 h 1924 at 8 p. m., to discuss the advisability of building a new Town I fall and Public Auditorium Everybody Welcome! Come and Give Your Suggestions ! W. F. CALLOW, M.D., Mayor TOWN OF GODERICH 1924 Taxes Now Payable 1st Installment in June 2nd Installment in December. OBITUARY MRS. WM. TREBT.E • T.'le death occurred on Wednee- day. ,May litit. at the borne of her niece lers Thomas Tabb. Wolfe streei. of Charlotte' Stevens, widow of the late William' Treble. An hes eightieth year. The deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens who. upo arriring in thie country from Dero hire, Eng- land. eettled near the toe thin of the present MoGaw atntion. $rs. Treble was married to her lomat d. who passed away about a year a d a half ago, for more than ffily-eigl years.. Of a family of three boys a I four girls all survive exeept one da liter. Mrs. Samuel Sheardoon. They are. I Mrs. Jaime Oke, Boisaevain. n.: Mrs. JaI311111 Manning. Ernfold .; Mrs.` Joeeph Kilpatrick. of Provo . Pask.; Samuel and Charles Tref)t bith of Watrons. Sask.. and John Treble, on the homestead in Colborne. Mr.. Treble having been a lifelong Methodist. the funeral servh‘e, which was held on Friday afternoon to Col- borne cemetery, was eonducted by ReV. J. W. Iletiley. B. A.. of Vie.' toria street Methodist chllrell. 11111AIR- tisl by Rev. .I. E. Ford. Ref'. .1. E. Holmes and Rev. W. H. Most of Ben- ' miller. The 11:1111.4.nren. were Messrs. Bola rt Voting. .J. Geo. Bean. sr, awl Jas. Feagan. Town of Godeiich - Applications for the position of- collecting garbage. twice a week under the supervision of the local Board of Health, will be received by the under- elened up to June lat. For further particulars apply to A. D. MeLEAN, Chairman Board of limit& MOON and SCOTILSH LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Established 1862 Rev. J. IL Teed (lives Noose Intercede( itemisiseenees of Rh !denies ily way of celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of his eutrauce upou the Methodiet whilstry, Rev. James Ford occupied the pulpit of North eatree Methodist church tionday morning and "nriniiiiiiced" for upwards of au hour without in any way wearying his cou- gregatiou. Rev. Mr. Ford indicated that he him- self was the Ian of a family of line childree. six a whom had been boys His father'e Saxon feeaRy could be traced back. he maid, to the Puritano. They were nonconformists Hie inotheir Norman levelly could tbe traced hack to the time of William the Conqueror. In his mother woe found the beautitui devotional spirit of a devotional Anglican with a rererence for things eatablisbed and for law and order. lir. rewire parents came to Canada In 1832. just two or three years after their marriage. and set- tled near Poterboro. His father or- ganized the Met Methodist ciass there, which !geld 11* 11":410116 in the diulnie• room a the tavern, *ince It was the only room in the village at that time Mgt eofild 'kohl 11141re than twenty-five people. Ile was a class teacher for fifty or sixty years and as well Or- ganised the finot temperance amelety In the neighborhood. CharecterizIng himself as a living ex- ample of the religious tslursolon his day, Mr. Ford mentioned some of the Influencesthat had moulded lils life: Family prayer. tesuiwrance prInciplea, church services, good 000ks. 111111' Ile wonderful providence God.' As to Ilia eonvention as a rist la n Mr. Ford said: ''While I re ember a plensant epochal 4140111 at e age of six. whether that was the me of my conversion 1 do not knoiw ih.it Mr. For "r\ Mrs. A. J. MacKay lo slating at Toronto, Mr. Ibis Istniby. of KI:ellytter. is %kiting in town Mr. Athol MeQuarrie wits tip from Toronto over the week -end. Mr. Stewart Mills, of London, was r In town over the week -end. turned b ing shop, I years Wli tori tt. Iner reeeived so: lookin,: for hi- In life worlicd in a drugstore. re - school. went Mtn a print• n1 taught school for three emiaged 11.4 alt Bistro.- ree lt'sl WIII4 Mille :1 "III 1111.." he remarked. encouramment from , the minister's Mr. W. P. Spahr is home from Tor- onto for a fps viveka' holidays. Mr. T. F. Holland. of Butler. In- diana. was in town this week. iday. May 20th. 3124. to Me. anti Mrs. J. A. Campbell, a 4011. CitAIGIE.-At Brorkville general hospital. on Sunday. May 18. to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Crelgiea sou. JOHNSTON.-In Guderich, ow Mon- day. May 19th, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Rod M. Johuston. Lighthouse street, a soli (Roderick Ian). Mr. A. P. Le !Rena, of clluton. the uew junior at the Sterling Batik. Hr. John Wylie, of Tortoit Was the week-euti guest of 'ter. and Ntrio. Melicruild airs J. I. Maori- DWI friends of Stratford motored to towu ott day for a brief Omit. Miss Butluman, of Toronto. Is visiting la too:u. the gm.: of Mr. and Mrs Walter BlIelld ILI 11. Mrs. J. W. Fraser returned 1111 day front Toronto. WIIPTI. she Was vis- iting her daughter Mrs. Abrams . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jordan. is Toronto. are at Meneeetang Park in the Acres cottage. Mr. Jordan is coaraleecing after an operation. MIAs 110drie Tye is takine MIs Pork ll111 11 iattfriet: °post tlitlieoeconsent$treenostranent.i.obr.r .- Roy Patterson. Mr. P. J. Reynolds. of Clinton. has !Well xpending a week with his sis- ter in Goderieh. Him many friends are Kind to hear that his beak% is improving. Iter. C. A. Seeger. provost of Trinity College. Toronto, is visiting in town this week. the guest of t'r.ovii Attorney Charles Sesser, K. C.. and Mrs. Stager. Roae Hilliard, Marie Shantz. lithiali Devitt. Isourene Ellis and Ruth nootored up from Waterloo and spent the week -end in town as the isitests of Miss Esther llianw. Mr. and Itrs. G. Nt. Williams. of Buffalo. and Mr. Clifford V. Wil- liams. of Dayton. Intim apent the week end ni WWII, the guests of Mr. a tni Mrs. George Williams. $t. Vincent street. Miss Orel l'ooper. of Victoria Col- lege, Toronto. is at her boat, here wire. Mrs. John A. r Jewell. who 'Paint, up to me after one \ of my 'aennons' n il said: lot) ought t Ito preach the I:4.Si I.'" Mr. Ford was !then offered a par ersillp with his t brother in the runnin of a newspaper. . bis brother to supply the capital, he t the brains and experlen e. "But when I wrote him that I a'at thinking of 1 going into the ministry e replied: I 'Don't come! I'll get loon or the summer vacation. Miss Coop - .r. Who is the ehlest daughter of lir. au.. Mrs. A. J. Cooper. Is takIns he classics course at the University. Mr. Geo. Downey. resident engineer of Stretford district Provincial high- ways -Stratford to Kitehener, 11* and to Goderieh-was tn town oa Wednesolny of this week. While her, te was the guest of Mr. Walter Saunders. Mr. G. F. Rogers. Provincial inspec- tor of High Schools and Collegiate liestitutes. is In town this week mak- ing his annual visit to the Collegiate Ingnitute. Inspector Rogers is form- er principal of Seatorth Collegiate Institute. we would only fail If yona)°(hal3t1 etilmiPa; on your mind all the titne.' 1 A short time after this a'Perim I this` Mr. 'came from Dr. John A. W liams. ' president of the Brtintford di :let: Will you take a circuit? To I Ford replied: No. I can't do it. ut i however, when a second message ea from Itr. Williams about a mont later Mr. Ford accepted i tharge a Hereford. This was in the year 1874. Mr. Ford stated that all the years of his ministry had been spent within the bounds a the old London Confer- ence. In which he had held all the various offices Lu the gift of his fel- lows, chairman of the district and preeident of the Conference, a member of all the important committees and a member of the stationing committee for over twenty-five years. In emphasising the fact that God has led in the past, that it is His church and His world and that He is guiding His own, Mr Ford adjured his hearers to learn lessons of re- assurance, or wisdom, of faithfulness. of power, and of lore. and above all the lesson of confident and cheerful work and warfare in the interest of the Master's Kingdoms. A party from Clinton. members of Mr. Ford's congregation when he was paator there. drove up to hear his ad- dress lira Ford wee presented by the ladies of North street church with a bouquet a room In honor of the oc- casion Discount 2% off 1st installment if paid on or before June 15. If you wish to pay for whole year, 3% off 2nd in- stallment if paid on or before June 15th. Penalty 5% will be added to 1st installment if not paid on Of btefOre July 1 at. Pay your Taxes now and take advantage of the new WM. CAMPBELL Tax Collector, Goderieh. system. Example of 20 -year Endowment Written for Either Sex at Age 21 Teas Premium ter 41,000.00 $ 63.10 Guaranteed Cash Payment on Maturity $1300.00 Or paid-up Policy (or$2810.00 Or paid-up Policy for $1000.00 and additional oath $ 800.00 Premiums can be paid annually, semi-annually, or quarterly. Write us for particulan, giving age theareet birthday. JOIINJOAnWHITEMEAD 1ES CO. 134 Carnes St.. Londe.. Oat. • PUBLIC NOTICE 31 PREPARED TO SHARPM lawn mowers by the oower emery to. Satisfaction guaranteed. THOMAS SANDY, MACHINE SHOP. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP CAOU OF' REVISION OF 1924 ment Roll. I her give notice that the Court of Reels for abort township shall meet in th Township Hall. Carlow, on May 26t 1924. at 10 a.m. KIM. I. HETIM °TON. Clerk. MEETING OF liURON couxtr Iwo COUNCIL. The Council of Corporation of the County of Hu will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich. at 3 o'clock la the afternoo of Tuesday, the 3rd day of June. 1 All ac- counts against the Conn must be in the hands a the Clerk later I than Monday preceding the m of Council. ORO. W. HOLMAN, County k. Goderich• May 15th, 1924. DIED Gialcrich, ou Saturday. 1Lay 17111, 1924, George W. Bell. in Ids 28th year. TA'I 1.i -II to Goole r ie I o. on Tuesday. May 24I111. 11124, 1.111Uut Mary Kt:ft, : sire of Dr. Alexauder Tay- lor , Cit.% RI 1 E -At Broekr ille. on Sun- ! day. May Pith. 11124. Ada Mabel MO11111011. wife of Robert W., Craigle. til*NDRY'S S.tLE REGISTER M.ty 30- I areserved eue- thin sale of farm prom-rty of the estate of the late James Patton at the premises, pt. block G. convession 2. W. D. Colborne. TO RENT wielrivhalCadpouWholldprry Lit $4 •'4T 111343 8 MANTED.-THRKE xresta SAL.) I u ladies for Saturdays. Apple` ILANAOIMil. L. R. ISTEHL 00. ICOR RENT - TWO Minns ON ground door, partly furnished. Ap- ply at The Signal Office. psterrick: FAItM I' '11 HEST -14o *ems. lot 3. 1.01we64111)n 4, borne towumhip. Good pasturage. well watered from sprinj plenty of shade I'. A. ROBERTSON. R. R. 4. Unde- rfelt. or Carlow *phone. It AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF H4)CSEH411.1) EFFECTS. _MRS. WM. CRAM. er. will sell toy Public Auction at her resi- dence. West street, on TUESDAY. MAY 27th at 1.30 o'clock sharp. the following: 1 3-piere parlor suite. mahogany fin- ish: 1 utahogauy table: I parlor lamp; 1 davenport: 1 hall rack: 1 sideboard: 1 extension table; 6 dining chairs; odd rockers. chairs and tables; 1 leather upholstered condi; 1 writing desk: 1 kitchen rsnge: 1 Quebec heater (large) ; 1 "Oak" heater; 1 walnut book case; 1 rug; 1 kitcb.en cabinet; 1 kitchen table; kitchen chairs: 1 three burner oil store; 9 iron beds, ?wrings an4T mattresses; 1 mantle clovk (niarloleo: 1 01a054e.-4 wringer; 1 tub; 1 boiler; a nqmber or 'teeters; blinds; window screens, verandah chairs; picturee; silverware; china, dishes, glaaaware; pots sad pins and other articles too numerous to mention. No reser-re, as Mrs. Craig has .old the house. Terms: Cash. MRS. WM. CRAIG. T. 017\1JRY, Proprietress. Auctioneer. IINRESERVED AUCTION SALE Farm Proprety. The Administrate!' of the estate of the late James Patton will sell by public auction at the premises. pt. block 0 coecession 2. W. D., Colborne. OD • FRIDAY, MAY 30th, 1924 commencing at 2 o'clock Eleren acres of land. 2% miles from Ooderieh, an which there le a comfortable frame house. 183.x 24. with kitchen 14 x 16; A good cedar barn, newly floored and shingled. 30 x 40, also 'stable, 14 x 40. There is good water, the land is well fenced and in good shape for any kied of crops. There are some fruit trees aid grape vines all In good thriv- ing conditioa. A genuine locatiou for a poultry farm. TERMS: Twenty per cent. of pur- chase money to be paid at time a male, balance in thirty days. or half the purchase price may remain on mortgage with interest at 6 per cent. per annum. M. G. CAMERON, THOS. GUNDRY, Solicitor for Administratrix. SELLING OUT SALE The outstanding feature of this Sale is the disposal of our entire stock of new Summer Goods. The merchandise was ordered before we had decided to make a selling out sale. Consequently it all must go at ridiculously low prices. The Dresses are made of voile. ratine, linen, French crepe and gingham, in some of the newest styles and shades. Auctioneer. ECUTORS' SALE or RESI- dence, together with Property and II Furniali The xeentors of the Estate of the late Me A. Acheson will *ell by pub- lic mot at the premises on the south side Newgate street on Satur- day. May st, commencins at 120 o'clock sharp. rho property coexists of two lots on which there a two-story briek residence, well bu , in good repair and has all mod conveniences. There is aloe a mail *table suitable for a garage. At the me time all the contests of the home ill be sold including: Mx-pleee parlor mite, 2 rockers, one c•entre table, one rug. curtains and blinds (all rooms), pictures 1 Jar- diniere. 1 extension table, 6 dining chairs, I sideboard, 1 side table. I couch. rocking chairs, 1 large Brussels rng. 6 cushions. 1 email sideboard, 1 kitnhen raisin 1 fall -leaf table. 9 chairs. 1 armchair, 1 3 -burner New - perfection. 1 kitchen table, elethes basket, lampe. bits wrtnmer, 2 clocks, 1 bell seat tied mirror. I hall rug. 'fair carpet. 3 bedroom suites complete. toilet set, draining tables, rues feather ticks, linoleum. 1 new William* NW lag rnachine. garden tools. Stepladder, Iron board, quantity of coal and intneroutt articlee. TERMS: Reel estate, 10 per centof the pur- chase price truth, and the habitats within thirty days. Chs Bele : rash. For further partimilars apply to Meters HAYS At HAY& Solleitors for Mr Executor', or to Kr. Thomem (.lundry slWtlflIWpl. h vilion,Goderich,Ont. EAR SUNSET HOTEL) PEN Y SATURDAY NIGHT MILLINERY Those who have, as yet. not seen our beautiful new range of Hats are most cordially invited to come in and inspect our range, regardless of whether they contemplate buying or not. High grade at low prices. Nothing over $4.50. .4 AI Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. East Sae of Square GODERICK 014T- It is gettlag so the fellow who CM,- APaaell a eriabe ham his sanity question. M. -Toledo CARD OT THANKS Mlle. BELL AND THE BRAYTEIERS sa of the late George W. Bell wish to express their grateful thanks for kludnew and eympaitav extended In their time of berestieuieut, and es- pecially to the Go•ierich Elevator Company aud employee*. FOR SALE ▪ c. SHINGLES.-Caiload of B. C. sPs XXXXX shinglee and cedar siding at licilaw Station. ROBE1tTS0N Is TREBLE. RR. No. 5, Goderich. Tele- phones- 1 hi n cannon and Csrlow. VOR SALE -HOUSE, Elorrr a room.; and bathroom electrie bight and fixtures; range coLnected; hot and cold water; ecreet,s and blinds to fit all windows; good gard- en; no reiteonable offer refu-si for quick ..he. Apply at THE sIGNAL OFFICE. COR SALO.- TWO REGISTERED shorthorn bulls. Some choice Mitsui -type Yorkshires. both sex ea. Eggs for hatobigg from bred-to4ay Barred Hoek' and 8. C. Wbtte Leg - horns, and baby la/ticks. Phase or write JM. FARRISH & SON& B. R. No. 7. Litr•know. Phone Duagaanon poit SALE --Five acres excellust pr - 1 den landorchard of whiter apples strawberry patch. Good barn. eiteent basement. chicken house; thrmeroma dwelling. Insurance UM. Good well; property well feetsidi ee17 free from weeds. Adjoinlag th. mineral store at Loyal, near the famens sum- mer resort ilistriet, Out. Cost $1.900-$1,200 for quick sale. 0E0 F McPHEE, 1357 Sheridan KW, I Plymouth Mich . executor of the Late' W. H. McPhee. MUSK rim. W. if JACKSON, Organist and Director a Music. North street Method's* church. Inetruetioa given in Voice Cutters Organ, Plans Violin, Guitar. Thee/ry. etc Studio and residence. Chnrch street. Phone 124. AUCTIONITIOUNG THOMAS OLLNDRY, GODERIOYL a LIVE trrooR Amo oprirs.AL AUCTIO,VEJLE Telephone No, 119. Sales attended to anywhere and every etfort made to glire satisfactiom Farmers' male notes discounted. • M STALKHR. AUCTIONED* for household 'Heels farm eindf, etc-, for the County of Huron, Address all commualeations 141 J. M. STALKER. Auburn P. 0. 44-tt MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER RYR, BAK NOSH TaRoAT Late Hoses Serous New Ye* Opih- thalmic and Aural Hospital. aminesait at Moorefield RI. HaillPllal Golden Square Threat Hospital. Lim dots Sag. In Waterloo IL, S., Strattord. SU- sPboale 157. At How Bedford, Goderich, May 31st. at 7.80 p m , to Mhy at 1 p.m. LIOGAL M G. CAMNRON. K. C.. BAR51.YA- 01 111R. Benetton solar, Ones Hamilton street. Golieriehr= door from Square. Trust finds eir loan at lowest rates pROUDFOOT. KILLORAN & I HOLMES. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, MO. TARIIIS PUBLIC, WPC. Office on the Belem% mend Iss• from Hamilton street, Gedmeth. Private funds to loan at lowest rates J. L. Kilioras Dudley 1 Haase Nava & Nape BAS.2111Thle, DIU R.O. LIAYS-R.O. HATS Jr. IL A. Hamilton St., Galeria' ✓ !MAGYAR. LO.,BARRI811131. 10 SOLICITOR, Notary public and eoaveyaneer. Office -Court Hem* Godertch INSURANCE, LOAZIL 11170. MexILLOP uuTuAL rum mu AMOR 00. -Farm and belated town property Immured - Officers -Jas. Connelly. Pres, Gods - rich P. 0.; Jas Beans Yks-Pre... Beschwood P. 0 • D. F. Mefinger. See.-Treer, Ilaanyith P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R. R. Ns 11, Ileatertb ; John 43. Orters, 1611/4 4, Waltoe; WIlnant Rhin. R. R. No. 2. Biafora ; "he Bennetwlea, Bred - been; Geo. McCartney, R. N. NS S. B eaterth; Robert Parris Itailedt Murray Gilman Breesileid; Same W ass Ihisebereed; AMOS Oenselfb. Oaderidt. Agents: 3. W. Teo, Geduld' AMR. Lake!. R. R. No. 1,011iMes I jalm Murray, leateetb ; 1. S matarth. Polley holders gaillitirlA paysente104get tballr reel. MI at IL T. Ilierebbre 13121111118 Clballam; E. IL Oakes Mee street. S041&err; Seneent Meer DefS