The Signal, 1924-2-28, Page 4THE SIGNAL,
Don't Think
that because our Ten Days' Removal Sale is over
we are not giving any more bargains- we will have
lots of them, as we are determined to clear out a whole
lot of goods before moving to our new store. Our sale
was a splendid success and people have gone away
knowing that they have saved a lot of money. Keep
coming and we promise you big savings on your pur-
chases of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats and
See our clearing line of Overcoats and Suits at
Phone 57
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Tie (.114. rhib Town*hap`Farmers,'
• flub it P1 meet al Mr�\ George
Sowerh-'it hole.. on Hayfield tread on
Tuesday evening. )Lurch 9th.go,'
attend:tore• of w.nsber. I. re•gt •sled.
Itla.l'.tsT. Feb. -1 ti. -MTs Ireni.
)irunt visited with Nies. litho Ems
merluu.. of Kiulouzh. last week.
Mr. and 11r.. Wilson Irwin spent
Wirt of Wawtnieh:
r.Janie. 1 otke Lia.; etarttrl jitut
_. a.s..-JI_ ' _ U.L.D1JF1L tItiF1E1J1� Feb. _^S Mrs IL- C.
f .\ lltfirW. • Ma"Keiizle intends leavin this week
1 Mrv. ?ht. T:a -I( of fur Tur.
Mr. nn• .otos
Lnekn w. spent M..tat*y at the home' We fire glad M r• -port 'hat Mn.
of her *rents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Kenneth Mat•Lennntf 3. dols!( as well
Hackett. :Its 4.011111'1w expected after 1., recent
Mr, Ell Illam 1 rN i a.' •�'t Iae•4uuw. ambient.
spent n f•• days da -t w•dek with Mr.l Mr. -ilex. Mt•? .untie Lohaiw,• 1s
Frank Irwi ' . 1 • letter and 'able'' to be nronnd in.
A •h-Ighla 4 from here nttt'ntlnd Mrs. R. McKenzie. who had her
the taletttine will) held at 31afi1ting. hip broken. I. getting along as
•••t J'rhlay slier l,t.1 1n4 an -report 1 well 'as her tuany friends emits,- wish.
n gedsl time.,
i Miss .rnriie Mpy 'McDonald in visit-
Mr, awl Mrs.'., Toni Hackett and •Ins friends nt Wtitgham.
•+htn.frtcr-bean, of Zi.'t ris4ft•d-in lite- Mtn[ Rtxsle MacKenzie, who has
- Litre nue dos, last week. I been very i11 in T(.ronto hospital. la.
Mr. and Mrs. Itoy .ritnn and fawlly. pe. Are glad to report. ever so much
lent one day last' wee•;. slit, friend.. Metter Her many friends in Ash -
:It Port Albert.
Is4•u oft .1.111• on aei41unt of sickness.
A large mandrel- from our burg at-
tended the funeral or tilt' lute How-
ard Edward of Sallford, which kook
place on )i lay aftermwo to 4'Mantle
S'!'. AI'(ll'tiTINE, r.'h. 20. -Meows.
Joe and Nam Jefferson. of the Gods
rich Collegiate Instinct.'. petit the •
week -cud at their home here.
A uumlw•r of farmer. u, thi. vivin-
i:y are hu.y lr.u'.e•lity ite this
Roy Adair. of tVinghaw, Nat thresh-
ing clover In this vicinity last week.
Miss Mary Jolutstou i.4 holidaying
with Toronto friend.. at Kest -tit.
Rev. Father Moran sisitesi Strat-
ford friend: hta week.
Mr. and Niro. J. Murrayy-and family
have returnel to the Rest after an
••zt.•ndtd visit with Mrs. Murray's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh.
I«sae ('ranatou is busy cutting wood
in this •vk•Inity this week.
John W. Nixon spent Sunday with
N'Ingham friends.
ST. A 1'G i'STJ N E, Feb. 2ft - The
RENMII.I.F:R. February 25. -Mi.
Ralph Million 1. here from the .Went.
visiting at tett• haeme of bis brother. -
Mr. John Million.
The nutty frieniis of Mr. itichard
Jewell. who\s noliving in Goderleh.
regret 11. hear of his extreme illness.
The !teruulll r Circuit Club are
working on u ay to be presented
it --few -
-+reeky -R--
f. entitled. '•i C'an't, ,afford It," written
by Itev. J. It. Pere , II. A.. of Don-
ation. •
1004 are delighted to get this news.
The 1'. F. W. O. held its monthly
i.ElE13l'BN I meting tet the home of 'Mrs. Duncan
,i_Mae enflau ou Wednesday. February
i.Ftatt'lux. }'Mi. 2411.-)f r. and \Ira. jnth. Owing to the t•ondition of the
I:u-sell Kin:. fr,em. Auburn. tit; •'t road. all the member. were not able
il• r parent.. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Stew- I to be present. The meeting wars open -
In fora .lay or two the beginning of 'sl lu the usual way with the presi-
dent In the chair. A very nits. pro-
f he w eek-,
\I r. and Mr rr'tudmill and child, from .wens given, after which - Innch
front the West, were the gn.4tts of hit wags .,erred.
noel.. and aunt. .Ir. and airs. Arch."
Horton. for n few- +lays last Week.
Mn, Wilber (Stewart is busy working
In town this week helping 'titre ks. 1.4lIA1.. February '15 -The mun!pv
for :'r. Flkl'. are prevalent among the children in
A painful aretdent Ia•fell.11ttlt• Mies our section.
hurtle Hunter. youngest daughter of On aeyrtmt of flu- severe wea:her
Mr. turd Mr-. Irving Hunter, on Sntur- the attendance at the itlos.( low been
day evening by falling off a chair and .ontewlutt reduced.
breaking her arm. Tier many little The atmnnl meeting of Smith's
girl friend, hope' It will soon mend and 11111 ehureh ens held on Monday. Feb -
that site asul ran us, it again. rnafy 1Sth. The ehureh Is in a
LEF:RI'ItN. Feb. 2.1. -Miss ,Iran Far- very flourishing eondltion Hader the
risli and Mr. ('larene' Bennett took t•npable ministry of Ren-. W. it. Alp.
in the valentine tuneert at Nile. The farmers are busy- getting in ('heir
Mr. Maxwell prt'ath.d a very iwpres- snnuuer supply of Ice.
site -sermon on Sunday morning from )(r. Jos. Connors and Mr. Alden Al -
the commandment "Thou 'holt not len shipped a carload of hog. on Mon -
.Ie•ar fake /dims. ngaiva thy neigh -
Mr. and 'Mrs. J. D. Farrlsh enter-
tained a few of their friends on Frl-
tiay evening.
Mrs. E. V. Law -on spent the week-
end at the home of her parent* at
t'a ricer.
!'lir--ladies ni ls4•Irnrn -hetet tiwlr
monthly m'" ting at the home of Mrs.
Thomas Shields There was a fair at-
tendants.. The mtwttn. tea. 641 by
Mrs. E. V. Lawson.
On aveohnt of the severe (Korn'
which !disked the train nervk.e, our
midi-ertlee was somewhat disorgan-
ized. Our mailearriert, however. gave
it. splendid service. massing only two
day.. which was vine to the non -arrival
of trains to G•dlerielt. We hope the
...•err. weather Is over and that our
mail eerviel' will again he nes god( not
Mr.. W. T. Sallow.. the capable
organist of Smith'. Hill slouch, has
monthly meeting of the St. ,Augustine I sok out for the Iran tear supe
• 0.-1 e.••••••••••••••t••ii
- •,/ e.•...
4.e.wM-4 f011.1104 w .
•••••..r 1 1.0.1 -ewer w•/0
......••, au.a.t..
w...rtr. iwnwl•(nar(n
..axon, irtrtWt,
Soothing and tillable
In all tmsrgenalea► of
Gat a baa from ,,ppppe t isalar or mood
Ns ts Zr-tiesk iia., Teetotal ter 11.24.
DI'NY;.AN'NY►\. Fel.. _:.- Rolltte
last aurrarang thrasher of a faille. of#:41anagegne t _ by thee p.hechulden.
Nrothrr' returned last !Monday even- ten children of tlu.'late Mr. nod ,Mrs. The .1; ors are: .Ales. Broadfoot.
Farb I6 cent paekaga of 'TMataend
iog frum Detroit where he had been \drluu Dasher, 'vit. born to Her►.nuc►' S aferth,, John G. lircice. Walton; It•
crr" contains d notions so sunyl.• ,uy
rmplovwt m few oxtoths. Lit' sacs a ,.,,wdy, New York State. bits was but Willis Rion. Reafurth: John armor•^)t d.•I can der ur tint anv old, Nurn,
uumtwwr .d the hey.. are 10 rt•turn I faded thi*g ass•, even it aha nes nrtrr
soon owing to lack of work. •.eight years of age whets his 'parents wuMti Lttdsliu: M. Illharm, Itrtxrflcid:Idyrd beton. Drug
stores sell all colors.
moved to ('attada and s•ttle'l on a I Jana. Evans. Jdiwes cow 1 ,
Mr. Mauston Reid has gone 11)11..m. -k• farm iu 1'elham township. Welkin('[ molly (Itateri.Jt ; R•.bert Ferris, Ilar-
uow, to undergo 1r.alwent for her ,rountc. hater. while %till in etrlt lack, Ilearg•• 14.M.4'artn.y, Seafurth.1
manhood, he operated a sawtuili oz.:, Int .wlhuelvttifter the annual meeting
number of pdk•yhnld••rs Ivy attetkd-
atas.. The prerldeut Mr. Janie. Con-
nu..t Gealerieh, dcuple.1 itbr 7 `r.
turdliy.briefly ouUined•the /rt
business. The numtwr of Putklw la
fort'. at the clone of the year wan
;p.r(rtewll; ufwor naomieu.u, u*t 2+0in•iu71, tu41
wtwmrnts for the year amounted to
$13.ti35.40. The I'ogotluuty suffered
same very heavy hoop. during the
year. the total being $t't.140.:i5; but
not withy.ut.1iog tb facet the l'ow• \talars
patsy. fitiaucitlly, in m very .enviable skirts
tation and is ,. of the uutsUnxlIiij'
munit•Ipal reel vire+ of 'rurita'•
The total repta fur thethe yeartweer•. Ccists
5'Jtt,711.5t', and; the expruditures $22:
er 07695, ivating a cath tttialu't• in the
I of. the eummuutty. Mr. who bank of $T.N.4i. All Owold direst
was, with the exception of one *biter. tors were y'*' ie'ted• wh3eh *p'skel
- Mrs. Morello Fortner, Ridgeway. the well for dui reposed reosed iu the
health She twill' he there for some
tVomeu'i Institut" will be held at te, ts• given un the basement of t
the home of Mrs, James. (`rain •on M• thelia ••hurt h oti Friday. tveul
Wednesday. March 5th. at 2:10 n'clot•k. of this N.,•k. .\ g.dsl prograal
Miss Betsy McAllister twill give a 1.r.•tan.l for the .s,•a'iun
taper on "My ftest Job..' and one on lteu�•:' na +•. f Toronto. writ
"Making the hest of What We (lave." horn,. T,•,�day evening to le prete
' Brampton ou the ('relit River. 1l' tb board 'of dire•ton met to se•Ie•t
114N Mr. Dasher built 14 yarding will 1 oar officers and transact other busi •
he' on the Nine Mile River on the 5t11 'OP. Tile ol.1 ottket* wrrr re•ele•t• d
ng concession of Aa11fIeId towtnnhip.:juin xs follow,: 1•se:sklent. Jas., ('ou. )
Is one mile wet of i►ungenl'ou, .whdtlt Holly. Gaferii h : visie-pre•sldent. Jamt•a 3
sl • he earri•d on ,(a'etssfully for mor Evans. itee ..■'retarytr•'n:nr-
than thirty-five years. The pureha. ••r, D.* F. rt••Gregor S.aforth.
tit of the Ituntinin1 property. in 1'
will be giver 1iy MI.. Annie Robin-
son. Everybody welcome.
ST. AUGi'STINE. Feb. 19. -Mr. 1..
Burkett. of Paynton. Smsk., visited
friends In this vicinity la.? week.
Mr. Joseph Thomptlon, of Seaforth,
wag l'
a. In this vi hiitc lino work taking
subacriptlonr for The London Free
-Presto. _.
Miss 1. Me linehey and bet brother
Sid, of Myth, visited their stater, Mrs.
Chas. Robinson. last week.
Mrs. Maxon McAllister slotted Ash-
field friends last week,
at the funeral of his grandfather, the marked the lett • g of "Dir is
iate�Mr. Iri.h.'r. I'M." which ID. lti.h.r ,,neral qs
"Cascarets" 10c
Best Laxative
for Bowels
The literary (*attest to he given last a combined saw,• tool grist mil for
Thursday was postponed owing to the _a number of years pfTtr to tur Ig It r.t9T N'.rr1',\Nf►S11 -They !fiti refile lots Sleep"
mistakestorm ttil was matselay de 1 `of thiinement, for week. No over to his son. who tier yrtfr* ago )flout.. }}oT uuueil, tur'4ing li%Ido 1 Lead a dull lorsick,
aeh g. or your stotiuut
I>eaxP' di.prodsei of the mill to .Atex Mnwhny. February halal. .,All he memlt. r tires- ,s .our or tarry, just tale one or tat
a Inrg'• nudien(r grrchd the The sat.ji4•t of this sketch N•a* n ant Minutes of n•tions meet, tar were : 1,
••r". who all dlnplayed great ablllty' member of the INtngaonon rl.riho.Ist h ta,rnt "( a.rar.11."ae. d. relieve e4neI,t, >.
There was an rxMttrnt program of res.( amt e,'rk ofei,• t'.-�ptttttUi in inner t en •n.t•bilt div, ss. No griping--sievsl
*neer. duets. quartettes. readings. muse
from the cheek Morris with an tie'- •..Merle-Istative qa earth for M.n
I4., est. The success tit this opening _ 44411114 of"aalte.N1, (wing tills township's 'I t'emn rand Children. loc boxes. *I•1
meeting tires promise of a useful cur- �►- - *hare on the Kelly df:iln. rwt'veil awl 1 - ' r
3 sad 50e aizei -say drub store.
ie•. - for the Literary Society. tw orvlery tl to hr fwld.ti
Mr. O. E. Augustine. of Brantford.
Mesar+. • 'Campbell. surd itilit tt cern
tis .visiting friends here at present. " ►' rtttrd cheer rrprtri : auditors of
township ae•nunts for thea, the ah.'.
weret s,tareao!•ft
of $35.270.011. again.t which there was
tut expenditure of 534.:11:t.1. It•avlpj
it halaner on hand Deeemher Beet
hist of $t012..11. Muted ley Mr. Scott
and seconded by Mr. Coolies that the , ,
report Iw adopted and that the anal 1 apes Uiapepsin, 'Corrects
tori be paid as usual *1_'A0 each f, : Sour, Upset Stomachs
their services I S
The.rollwgor was per. --,yet and .1411 1 1t Once .
ill that al. the tax.... had leen a•-
for slat the ext.'piho.-nt-the M-j'aPei- niip,•p.ip' la We quavkezt.
...if of Mt 90, toncetsion :. "''t• relief for indigestion, gawp, Batu
^ ]iovtd by Mr. Gill.•.l,k. .•.e ttdtd by.. Iw.artburn, s.wrnees, fermentative
Mr. Cojilteea that regarding appalnt • 'r stmn:ub distress caused by acidity. A
went of eolle'tor for the pre.e•nt year •w tuhl.•ts give lamest immediate atom -
this official'« •alarS placed laced at 1175•- •'-h relief. Correct your stomach and
digartidd.m ideamillfur af few scuta, Drug-
0fk and that 11pplhatton. for tilts ot- F aions opuityps.
tier be received wail next meeting of
Connell. March 25th. Carried.
The following atrounts-were paid: -
Toronto Stamp and *tassel! Works. dots
tags *10,8.5; W. IL Campbe•11 and '
Elliott, auditors, *32.00 oath: A. PoJr-
terfield, fees as divisional reglntrar,
*9.50. expires charge. .:tis•; Walter
Me(lownnt outlet for drain. 17.00;
Township of Morris. township's share
on the telly drain. *6k,10: R. Har-
rison. (defining out ditch. 11,
.launch and lifelong i.ibernl. He was *1.00: D. N. Nrott. baton.' ttalary as
a ceinataa reader o� a fiiobe sln(r 'Y1 for, tn".-kbb..'tt.:saw;
Is,. a!awrpa, t17.A2:
its inception and niwt of 'I'tik SlEnal 1"..Andrrse.n. weary a� treasurer. 113t1.-
ACBUBN. MI.. (ilea i'wttland, who 11114 spent
a eonpk'of month- ill Toronto, 1. horn'
The Late Mrs. Haaditon.- Onr orf
the oldest pioneers of this district
has been removed by the death of
Mrs. Thomas Hamilton, whlelt o e'urrel
on Thursday. February nth. at the,
great age of t'Ig ity-five years. Mrs.
Hamilton wits born In Ireland, her
maiden flank. being Mary Jane Mc-
Cann. At the air of nine years she
time to this eol ntry with iter .par-
tints, the lite Mr. and Mrs, Joseph
McCann. They settled ou the Lth con-
ce•asion of ('olborne, where the deceas-
ed alvei-nntIL at the age of eighteen
years. she w•it. worried to the late
Titnnias Hamilton. The young eouple
,node their home on the (4th ('otxrs-
'ton of Colborne. on the second farm
' art from where Yowt,•r's s-hooihouse
it located. At that time that part of
the township seas stall densely wood-
ed. A large family, five sons and
five daughters. remain to mourn the
loan of their mother: Thomas, of Col-
borne: Georg.. of Althorn: Jereph
(V. S I. of Dungannon: TA(vid, of
West Wawannsh; 1)r. R,i,ton, of
Sault Ste Marie, Out.: Mr.. Ri,hard
Sprung, of Saskatoon: Mrs. Albert
t:nidtlworp• and Mrs, J. J. Robertson,
of Colborne: Mrs. Samuel Johnston, of
Rest Waw:u,o-h. and Mrs. James
Johnston. of ,Auburn. Mrs- Hamilton
was a vert- Indu•tritxns woman. al-
ways ready to assist in time' of
tiikness or neeesttity. She was in
Anglietti. and one of the promot-
ers of the Anglican church
nt Auburn. The funeral took
pine. on the lath Inst. from the reai-
deme of her son, - D1avid Ilamilton,
West WAwnnosb, to Maitland s!emttery,
Goderich. fte•v. W. R. TTnwkina, nt
Blyth. offichttwl..nnd the pallbearer..
were .Toseph Mi4'ann. Aka Young.
Isaac ('urri.. George Carrie, Samuel
Johnston and Rk•hard Ryan. All the
members bit the family were present
exe•pt Dr. lle'tistn Ilamilton. Mrs.
Sprung has been here for some time,
Dies After Operation
EXETER, Feb. _".S, -Mrs. James Mur-
ray. who nudersent an operation to
Toronto hospital tome w.•rk'. ago. died
on Frlday. Resitha the husband, she
leaves two daughter* and a son.
]Mrs. J. R. McNah. who hod 'pent a
week visiting friends in Dungannon.
returned to Lutknow last Saturday
The Women', Institute met nu
.Thursdav at Mr. yauders.n'-.
Oddfellow-';' insts'btion.-Dungan
nun Lodge. I. O. O. F. has e114•ted of -
thee. as follows for the coming term:
L P, Grand. Ralpb_Di.l►er: N. Grand.
David McAllister; S; Grand. Herh.
Startlers; recording t'ere•tary, W. .\
Stewart i fbn*nk t sitretary- N. F.
Whyard: treaanre,A. P. Dither: war-
den, T. Taylor: (-ntiductnf. C. Rnitin-
rnn : nntslde guard. Norman Thomp-
son : inside guard. Herb Curran; R. S.
' N. G.. G. E. Smith; T.. S. N G., Wel-
; Iington Nixon: R. S. S.. Richard Fin -
Mom: L. R. 8.. Robert Chummy; R.
S. T OT..73eo. Adams; L. R. V. G., D
E. Sproule: chaplain. Roby. Armstrong.
The installation wan t'tnduct d sty
District 'P('puty G M. hr. Harlin -1.n of
S-aforth. who afterwards gave an ex-
cellent address on "Our Fellowship."
Dr. (lark, of Huron Lodge. Golerith.
also was present and gave an Interet-•
'ting address.
Agricultural Soeliety Ogeein.-At nue
' annual meeting of the Dungannon
Agricultural Society held recently the
following offlee•rs n ere elected : Hon-
, orary presidents, Wm Bailie and Jas.
Mallough ; president. Jacob Reid: vice-
president. Jas. Alton; 2nd tree -presi-
dent. W.A. Culbert; secretary -treas-
urer. N. F. Whyard ; directors, R. Glen.
W. J. Thompson, Wm. Wst.on.-J. Hay-
den, D. F. Anderson. D.-McAllistt•r.
C. Dustow, 'S. J. Kilpatrick. R. Me-
t i'hee; honorary director.. T. Stother..
C. Garvin. J. Dustow : tack directors,
Mrs. N. F. Wii' ard, Mrs. Jo.. Hayden.
Mrs. T. Stothera; auditor.. A. P.
Dither. W. A Stewart.
TiLE LATE Tilt',A t i11SHat
of Dungannon.
thureh nod during hi. membership (tad
seen two church hu11111ngs erect td
hy the Methodist e.ngregatlou- In
wittier. the late Mr. Dtslx•r was a
throughout the p•rbd of hi- residents. (p• Postage, etc., $13.00._
at I)ul't;,anoon. .1 •onaaW novice of Connell then adjourned on motion
the newspaper's. Mr Dishtr was .al- "f t'ntlites and Gillrnpie, to meet *Emil'
on Tuesday. Matt% 25th, at 1 o'clock.
ways well informed on the everyday A. i'ORTERF1F71.D.
affairs 4f the Empire and the Domtp
Ion. Mr. Dishes wasmarried ab ('leek.
Churchill In (hal to \lary Jane Gor-
don. who predeceased lint Itt 1012. Of
a family of three children two sur- a
vice; Mrs, f Dr. t T. E. Case and 41f
Adrian Dasher, both of Dungannon. A
,eetnd 'lntigliter. Miss Diann Di.her. ,A
died several year. *go. Th.• funeral from a
oltklt ens held en. Wednesday after- down blot
Thomas Risher Is Dread. -Dungan- noon to Dungannon _cemetery, was till he 'soar
non's gran.( old man. Thomas Dtahtr, condtteted,bv Rcv. J. R. Peters. The .After
deo : tilt ewe of ninety -«etc., pa"is-arer. were M.• -stn. 11. J. ('raw- she weld to hi
-year. and three months. Ne 'was ford, T. Stother.. Il. Jones. R. A. Me- walk and
:found 'lend in tn'd early :Monday morn- K.•iuie. .1. Elliott 1.11(1 S. E. Sander- 'tight?"
lug. having slept pentrfully away dnr- on. i He said: "1
iog the night. i The death of the de de room- Rehe'e•a,
ceased. which occurred itt the home Nehi htrinratwr ( I vended. I owe Isaacs
of his son. Adrian Usher. 1. mourn- -tT-r•annot pay him:'
ed by it particularly large circle of The annual 1111"ling of the McKillop1 - • Vena'• Bald hi. wit ,
friends in the vicinity of the village. Mutual Fire tusiirata-e Company was 1 .hnnld gn hark to 1
where for the peat sixty years he had held in the town hall. Seafnrth, on Isaacs calk up and down
ess'upled a prominent place in the life Friday. February 'stn. with a goodly his tarry ain't it
There's nothing a man cart he ^11.11
lar shout as telling his so't how
reat,Qoy. were in ht. time. a
who had l..rowal money
!pend n«d [walk lip and
room, night after night.
drove hit wife craze
1 heart at It about a week
Moses LY
do ymt Harry Mother! .,ren 4.°a,.:'ated,
• wn d.', room aU de i"hou., fevertth, or sick. colic 11111,11.4
and (children Ince to take genuine "1'ali-
Ik up and down forma Fig Syrup." No other laxative
user I am "13I regulates the tender little bowels set
niw•Iv. It sweetyns the stomach and
ea gourds, andstarts the liver and bowels without
griping. (contains no narcotics or 'tooth -
i yes yon, , tng drugs. Say "California" to your
and let ' druggist and avoid counterfeits. insist
.vers upon rennin• "California Fig Syrup"
tit 1 It contains directions.
-_- -1
Clean Child's Bowels with
"California Fig Syrup"
The Greatest
Silk Selling Event
of the Seaon
There Are r\iany Rare Bar-
gains. Take Our Advice
and Shop Early.
GRAY and
Silk Canton Crepe
Silk Flatt Crepe
Colored and Natural Pongee
Black Duchesse
Black Taffeta
Colored Brocaded Silk
- Silk Crepe-de-Chene
New Silk Krepe-de-Leen
Shurwear Habitua Silk
Sale SIaflsFridayMorn•
ing••Ends March llth
Raman THE.
Phone Orders Will Be De-
livered Charges Paid. No
Sill.- Will Be Exchanged.
GRAY and